Political ideology and intellectualism are not mutually exclusive. If you're to ascribe the fundamentalists to moderate-rightist ways of thinking, then you're thought is nothing more than a success in the political marketing campaign of the left.
"Leftists" have found a home in our colleges (socialist movement?) and upon graduation, tend to migrate towards staying in academia or close to it where they can live amongst their own and investigate the workings of the "REAL WORLD". They see the world as something it's not -- merely something it should be. In that, the questions they pose are indeed thought provoking but lack a certain spice we like to call VIABLE SOLUTIONS.
Conservatives who make it through college know that's it's merely a stopping point before moving onto the next chapter in life -- free-market exploration, providing for community, raising a family and enhancing the well-being of others. The right has been marketed as "profit-seekers, fundies, absent of emotion, lacking an education, unreasonable, selfish and promoters against the poor." Set side by side, righties can make the same claims about lefties. They don't want to talk about the million dollar mansions, the "in" w/ Fan/Fred, the preferential treatment, the butlers, the special interest money, the inability to deliver any viable solutions for the poor in over 60 years, the talk and no action, the inability to put their money where their mouth is, etc. etc.. It seems the primary concern is staying in power and realistically, you'd expect nothing else from someone trying to protect their CAREER.
The constant bickering in politics has an emotional appeal -- one that people can't seem to get enough of these days. It's a sad state of events as it's the people who will ultimately get the shaft as the Government exploits that weakness to gain more and more power...leveraging their standard of living with each new tax and each new program until there's no more money left to mine.
These are indeed generalized explanations but they seem to fit well in my personal experience.
If you can't see past the marketing schemes, you can't see at all.