2014-05-27 19:40:02 UTC
The Russian Empire was a very poor country where the tsars and monarchy lived in palaces with huge armies of servants while the ordinary people starved to death.
In the 1800s, 1700s, there is barely any mention of Russia in the world history books, mainly because it was an unimportant and insignificant country compared to the British or French Empires.
As a comparison, in the early 1900s when the French had toilets, the Russians still used latrines to fulfill their biological needs.
All this ceased to exist with the raise of the Bolsheviks, the return of the government to the hands of the people and the creation of the Soviet Union.
10 years of communism were enough to transform the peasant nation of Russia into an industrial superpower.
The homeless and starving people ceased to exist in the USSR as the government provided the people with the basic needs for their survival.
All this while the poor American homeless people continued to starve to death on the streets of American cities without anyone even giving a danm about them.
If such rapid and amazing progress that made of the USSR a world superpower capable of defyin the USA, is not enough proof that communism worked, then I don't know what is.
You must be very stupid to think communism failed after witnessing all the achievements the USSR made under or rather THANKS to communism.