90% of American people want $2000 stimulus checks while 90% of Republicons oppose it... doesn't this prove GOP is anti-American?
2020-12-29 01:20:17 UTC
90% of American people want $2000 stimulus checks while 90% of Republicons oppose it... doesn't this prove GOP is anti-American?
157 answers:
2021-01-01 13:21:20 UTC
I think the Democrat Party has proved themselves to be anti-American. Most Republicans in Congress simply proved themselves to be d*cks. If Congress as a whole wanted to be for American citizens, the bill would have been stripped of all of the pork that has nothing to do with covid relief and given that money to the people in need last summer. Both Parties are to blame for the misery of regular citizens. Trump is the first in a very long time to actually do what is good for the citizens and not just the elites. Without Trump, the politicians will return to normal where both Parties are for the elites and no one actually represents the people.
2020-12-30 23:48:52 UTC
Nope! It proves Yahoo is a bias radical and their news sucks!
2020-12-30 06:27:43 UTC
Actually 90% of Americans prefer the economy to open back up over the 2000 check that doesn't even cover an Obamacare deductible.
2020-12-30 00:36:13 UTC
I'm donating a portion of my stimulus check to the poor 90% of American people fund.
2020-12-29 18:23:12 UTC
Republicans don't oppose it! It's Trump who's insisting on it. We oppose the billions Democraps are sending to Pakistan for gender study. Y'know the country that hid Bin Laden for ten years. Or the billions Democraps are sending to Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and other Middle Eastern countries for border security while cutting funds to ICE. Or the billions you people are sending to Afghanistan to recruit women to their army. Or the billions for studying Democracy in Venezuela or the billions to Cambodia and Vietnam. It was supposed to be about Americans having a difficult time putting food on the table or paying rent after the Democrap governors continue lockdowns for no scientific reason but instead you people sent billions of THEIR money to foreign countries and gave them a measly $600. Democraps are anti-American!
Warren T
2020-12-29 13:55:25 UTC
2020-12-29 13:20:11 UTC
We DO need to help the Americans who've not worked and not been paid. Absolutely. But there are tens of millions of Americans who've worked and been paid straight through. Republican senators are leary about sending $200 billion to people who don't need it. Many of those people are work-from-home professionals earning well up into six figures. 
2020-12-29 09:37:04 UTC
Whereas I agree with you, that isn't evidence for it, because governments are elected to govern on behalf of the people and ideally make policies based on what they think is a good idea based on research, ideology and evidence rather than what's popular, and one of the problems with the US in the last four years is that you had a president who was doing what was popular with certain groups rather than what was good.  Sometimes a party has to make unpopular decisions and compromise.
Phil M
2020-12-29 04:59:36 UTC
Your math sucks.
The Oracle of Omigod
2020-12-29 01:23:03 UTC
That seems to only prove who is getting them and who is paying for them.
2021-01-01 06:30:00 UTC
A man bitter... and on his way out of office... found the most technical way to further divide things.

They had arrived at a deal and then he knew a way to cause his own party... suggesting a number that he knew they would oppose... to stall the deal and make HIM look like the good guy.

That is very intricate stuff... so bitter that making his own party look bad was not a matter of a twinge of conscience. 

He knew they would do what they're doing and has played everyone thus far. 
2020-12-31 09:40:23 UTC
That seems to only prove who is getting them and who is paying for them.
The First Dragon
2020-12-31 06:27:29 UTC
Your statistics don't compute.  If 90% of Americans want $2000, that will have to include most Republicans.  Say Republicans are 50% of the population, 90% of them would be 45% of the population.  So only 55% of the population would be wanting $2000.  

I bet you didn't realize your question was actually a math word problem.
2020-12-31 03:56:31 UTC
your math doesn't make any sense.

how can 90% favor it and then you say 90% of frepublicans oppose it?
2020-12-30 14:30:38 UTC
Yes the GOP  is defiant of American values.
2020-12-30 13:02:24 UTC
Get yours from all that cash pelosi is handing out to  Pakistan and the other greedy nations in line. I am sure you think they need more too...
2020-12-30 00:26:08 UTC
Show your sources.  I won't call you a liar, but you are not telling the truth.
2020-12-29 22:53:07 UTC
I'm a lib who thinks gov has been reckless about the stimulus distribution. How does the giveaway get paid for? I think expecting free money is anti-American. Trump started this a couple yrs. go w/ irresponsible tax breaks for the elite. We should be using that money now.
2020-12-29 19:20:07 UTC
I agree/disagree. They’re entirely

 “pro-American” when it comes to the wealthy and comfy corporate-American, golf-playing welfare community with their offshore tax-sheltered bank accounts, etc......and entirely “anti-American” when it comes to the desperate, struggling American majority who are constantly on the verge of being homeless or are actually homeless by now. And the ones that are lucky enough to still have a roof over their heads for some reason have to find a way to explain to their kids why they can’t keep the house warm in the winter, lights aren’t working, and there’s hardly anything in the fridge. 

There are 2 Americas.. GOP has clearly chosen the one that’s more economically advantageous for them to throw their weight behind. One hand washes the other. Birds of a feather flock together.
Mark J
2020-12-29 19:10:37 UTC
No more than Democrats by stalling on the previous proppsition since spring 2020. Although to be fair Pelosi has stated she blocked that legislative proposal to stop Trump getting any perceived political benefit.

The Democrats sought to provide government welfare on a whole ruck of things as a way of stalling the spring proposal. Demanding bailouts for USPS, Democrat run states that can't balance their finances.

 No its politicking, political grandstanding
2020-12-29 18:04:21 UTC
People who want $2,000 hate their own kids. We are pigging out on all the free money and leaving our kids with an absolutely horrible debt on their shoulders. You should be ashamed of yourself.
2020-12-29 16:33:53 UTC
If you read the bill, you would see why. It is a World give away of American Tax Payer money. Billions going to South East Asia, Millions to Egypt, Isreal, and PISS going to the American People.  The bill Sucks! As is!
2020-12-29 16:23:28 UTC
80% of people don't really need it.
2020-12-29 16:08:59 UTC
So giving away my money to undeserving mooches is being anti-American?  I did not see one red cent of the previous stimulus and will not see one red cent of this stimulus because I pay more in taxes than most of the losers receiving it make it several years. Why is it that people like me always get shafted by the dregs of humanity?

We taxpayers owe over $100,000 each in debt we never signed on for because of this kind of nonsense. When will you Democrats learn that it is a matter of time before the entire economy collapses with all this waste?
2020-12-29 12:25:20 UTC
Republicans and their supporters will be the tools which destroy our country.  This is  obvious by the number of right radicals who have answered and continue to support them.
2020-12-29 09:24:18 UTC
Of course! What else is new?
2020-12-29 08:18:55 UTC
Perhaps the Republicans oppose the other outrageous expenditures within the relief bill? The very name of the relief bill is misleading, it contains more foreign aid than it does domestic. But if anyone opposes this they are labeled as cruel due the misleading nature of the naming of the legislation.
2020-12-29 06:05:01 UTC
False but no, it still wouldn’t. 
2020-12-29 04:55:24 UTC
Their constituents (billionaires) are against empowering the little people 
2020-12-29 01:38:04 UTC
GOP wants to steal all the money from the poor and give it to the rich.
Alan H
2020-12-31 20:04:10 UTC
That is statistically impossible.

Take away 90% of Republicans and there is nowhere near 90% left. 
2020-12-31 03:20:58 UTC
“The Senate is not going to be bullied into rushing out more borrowed money into the hands of Democrats' rich friends” said Mitch.

 This was Mitch’s reason for blocking it. The GOP just isn’t interested in helping their fellow Americans in dire need of assistance. How folks hoping and depending on the stimulus, who are living one bill away from ending up on the streets, feel like they are “Democrats’ rich friends”?
2020-12-30 22:27:43 UTC
The GOP is against the 90% because it only serves and represents the affluent and corporations. This has been obvious for a very long time. The dispute of the $2000 is just the most recent—and most public—example.
2020-12-30 21:14:38 UTC
Why don't you tell everyone about how the demon-craps are trying to sneak their evil agenda into every stimulus package President Trump tries to approve, and how they are more concerned about donating billions of dollars for border security for foreign nations rather than helping the American people??  Hmm??

Also, I would like to add that the democrats LOVE to fund border security for foreign nations, but when President Trump wants to secure our OWN BORDERS, the democrats want to change their tune and accuse him of being racist!
2020-12-30 20:40:54 UTC
It's the democrats holding it up. You wanted kameltoe and biden...good luck getting anything from them.
2020-12-30 16:57:11 UTC
anti-american ?

these are the facts.    the people are the masses.  the masses dont know what they want.

the truth is:    america cant print infinite amount of money.  2000$ per family is impossible.    it will destroy the economy.
2020-12-29 16:37:55 UTC
never over cook the pasta 
Kicking and Screaming
2020-12-29 15:49:22 UTC
I think you'd better check your figures. The scenario you just posited isn't mathematically possible. 
No Chance Without Jesus
2020-12-29 15:06:44 UTC
Either you don't know math, or you don't consider Republicans as Americans

either of which is a really bad indicator for you
2020-12-29 15:05:57 UTC
Math was not one of my strong subjects either.

But I persevered and got through it.  

You might benefit from a tutor.  
2020-12-29 14:27:38 UTC

90% of Americans would want $3000 stimulus checks or $30,000 stimulus checks or $100,000 stimulus checks.   That doesn't mean these checks are necessary or that increasing the debt to pay them will have a beneficial result.
2020-12-29 11:49:37 UTC
90% of Republicans do NOT oppose the 2k checks. You are just making that up. 
2020-12-29 11:00:26 UTC
If it's free it's for me. Ha, Ha, Ha
Mr. Wizard
2020-12-29 09:32:57 UTC
Trump wants to authorize individual issue of  $2k stimulus checks as a kind gesture in his last days in office as POTUS; he's met with opposition by Democrats and a few GOP traitors ( folks who were prevented from corrupt cashing in on Trump's POTUS agenda programs ). 

If you voted for Biden--prepare to face brazen face slapping betrayal!!

And you thought 2020 sucked..........
2020-12-29 05:56:31 UTC
People need to get off their bums and work. NO HANDOUTS!!
Const. King
2020-12-29 04:02:17 UTC
Most of us wish the stimulus checks were $1,000,000 for individuals.
2020-12-29 03:47:53 UTC
Wow you Americans don't have common sense they fraught it cause the Democrats where aiding there otherbank country's they had... 
2020-12-29 01:38:16 UTC
NO it only proves that  the GOP cares for AMERICA more than the DEMs. It does not contain enough giveaways to big corp so t more trickling can happen
2020-12-29 01:30:03 UTC
Why do you support sending billions to other countries instead of giving that to the American People???

It's in the bill.
2020-12-29 01:23:55 UTC
oh no, we can’t have people out there taking care of themselves
2021-01-03 05:12:05 UTC
Interested to see where exactly your getting your information from, because as far as I know republican citizens did not take a vote on the stimulus packages.  In fact, they want it too.  Its getting annoying to see fellow citizens confuse us with politicians.  As you know the people(Rep,Dem,Lib etc)have little to do with the rule making, our voices just get ignored and they divide us against each other(using the media)so we are too distracted by fighting with each other instead of seeing the actual crimes being committed to the American people.  Wake up, if you seek division and think your side is perfect, your part of the problem. 
2020-12-31 06:32:23 UTC
That seems to only prove who is getting them and who is paying for them.
2020-12-31 01:32:31 UTC
The issue is the other bullshit billions of dollars being sent to other countries 
2020-12-30 23:15:26 UTC
Did you know that 90% of statistics on YA is made up by imbeciles just like you?
2020-12-30 18:03:42 UTC
What it proves is this bill is full of pork for  business because these republicans  are bought and paid for by them they only care about us the average every 2 to 4 years during election time it's been that way forever nothing new . 

I  like and vote for my republican Senator Portman but if he doesn't support that 2k i will not support him i wrote him and you should write your republican senators don't bother with the congressman they are all wackos . 
2020-12-30 01:00:17 UTC
your Math is off. 
2020-12-29 19:53:34 UTC
The republican party does not oppose the checks. The 1,500 page "stimulus package" couldn't have been read in just 3 hours, and there was a lot of things packed into it. It's the other things in the packages, not the money for Americans, that the Republicans oppose. The democrats are sending money to Pakistan for gender studies, trying to ban online sales of nicotine, sending money to the Egyptian military, among other things; which all have money. Meanwhile, they are only sending $600 to the American people. Also not everyone was unemployed because of COVID-19, many people were simply working from home. The democrats are trying to give people too little and instead, they are sending the majority of the money elsewhere. So you should read up about what is truly in the package because it is not the GOP that is anti-American it is in fact the democrats who are being anit-American.
2020-12-29 17:33:08 UTC
Everything the GOP have ever done has been un-American, and this includes pre-Dump GOP
2020-12-29 17:16:22 UTC
No, It only proves just how broke and pathetic you really are
2020-12-29 16:42:50 UTC
who see going to pay for this big giveaway?
2020-12-29 16:06:08 UTC
Republicans tend to be fiscally conservative and at times they worry about the national debt. However their lack of empathy for the middle and lower classes shows by their refusal to pass a relief bill this summer and only reluctantly the current skinny bill. The $600 will sustain a person maybe a week. It could be a year until everyone is back to work.

With the rise in sickness and death now and in the next six weeks, most who lost their job because of the pandemic will still be hurting. If republicans win in Georgia next week President Biden will have a slim chance of passing additional monies going forward. The $2000 makes more sense and every top economist agrees its the quickest way to recover from our deep recession. 

With only 3 more Senators, Republicans have secured 3 very conservative Supreme Court judges and have tried to hang a large portion of middle and lower class Americans out to dry. It’s clear they represent large corporations and the wealthy and not the middle and lower classes. When they say this is what the American people want, they really mean this is what big business and well off Americans want.
2020-12-29 15:51:46 UTC
It proves the GOP is a mess, Trump wants it too....
Ron Akia
2020-12-29 14:11:27 UTC
90% of Americans want it. However, how many of us have remained employed and do not physically need a handout. I'll take mine although I don't believe I deserve it. 
2020-12-29 13:37:13 UTC
What if 90% of Americans are stupid. The majority of Germans who elected nazis were stupid back then.
Little Ms Sunshine
2020-12-29 12:03:23 UTC
Well, those numbers don't add up, feller. I thought Trump still had 22% of his base? 

Just be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for.  --Will Rogers (about a hundred years ago!)
2020-12-29 09:19:51 UTC
There would not be a single republican opposed to this bill if there was in history an example where a stimulus bill actually stimulated the economy.  By the time we all get $2000, it will have cost us $4000 in debt for the interest and implementation.
2020-12-29 05:19:29 UTC
I agree with the 'your math sucks' comment 
2020-12-29 03:49:01 UTC
Spock (rhp)
2020-12-29 01:55:05 UTC
you are exaggerating wildly.  why don't we must make the 'relief' checks for 1 million each?  then no one would ever have to work for the next 20 years -- right?
Jeff D
2020-12-29 01:23:48 UTC
Most people want "free" money because they don't realize they're the ones who are going to end up paying for it.
2021-01-02 07:07:26 UTC
No, but it does prove that you know nothing about math or percentages.
2020-12-31 20:51:36 UTC
What this means is Republicans are your fiscally responsible parents that aren't willing to go into debt spending money they (the country) doesn't have to spend (roughly $700 Billion).
Rodney James
2020-12-31 20:48:09 UTC
The GOP isn't just anti-American, it's anti-person. So much for a party that claims to be "pro-life"...

The only thing that the Republicans care about are forced birth and being rich.
2020-12-31 19:15:00 UTC
Red and blue pill from Matrix movie refer to two Russian COVID vaccines; they're both chipped; they're both mark of the beast. Neo Anderson = the antichrist = new Son of Man; he flies like Superman; it's tough to kill him. Antichrist will be killed 45 days before Jesus comes back to do Final Judgement. 45 days for repentance.

Lucifer a(r)se COW ID = Luciferase COVID vaccine = mark of the beast

All vaccines are chipped (they named them differently just to trick you).

Luciferase does have an lightening effect like the mouse is glowing in the dark.

Lucifer means "the lightbringer"

There will be several reasons for it...mainly control reasons. You can be identified very fast - the 1984/mark of the beast thing. The vaccine can be given by a band aid. There are little spikes on it who work like snake bites. Look up transhumanism.

This vaccine is a new procedure which produce certain proteins because it is to alter your DNS....imagine - they alter your DNS. You are not totally human anymore. It can turn you into a chimera - half animal or insect.

COVID = COW ID; World Bank website says that Project COVID is from April 2nd, 2020 until 31st of March, 2025. According to the Last Prophet (aka incarnated ARCHANGEL URIEL aka saint healer VYACHESLAV KRASHENINNIKOV) if the last descendant rejects mark of the beast, then his/her direct ancestors go to permanent heaven. To reject mark of the beast, one needs to hide within a 10-15 people group without electronics/documents. Documents are from Satan; burn them. Electronics can be used to track you and to show the antichrist (even on old broken unplugged TV set from 1970's using Tesla's ether); forgive me.
2020-12-30 23:48:57 UTC
If the Republicans oppose it then You are not including them in the term Americans.. I applaud You sir.. Republicans that support Trump are no longer Americans they are traitors...
2020-12-30 19:01:12 UTC
well your math is DEEPLY flawed.....if 90% of people want this, and 90% of republicans oppose it.........47% of people are republicans, so therefore "90%" of people could not want the math
2020-12-30 16:22:57 UTC
No it doesn't.  

All your question proves is you don't look into the details.  

You don't spend the time and effort to get all the facts. 

 It proves you let others think for you. 
2020-12-30 05:35:41 UTC
No. It just proves that politicians get paid way too much money...they are out of touch with their constituents.
2020-12-30 05:23:30 UTC
It is anti-American to shut the country down and pay people free money to sit at home.
2020-12-30 01:15:12 UTC
Not at all because Republicans encourage people to head back out and start working. It has nothing to do with trying to bankrupt the country, that's what the left wants to do because they're upscale kids that have no problem ******* over the country.
2020-12-29 16:08:05 UTC
Actually, it only reinforces the fact that the GOP is anti-working class American. If you're a billionaire, they're only too happy to snuggle in your pockets.
2020-12-29 16:06:17 UTC
Certainly not. I know folks that are Democrat, Independent & non-political that are against the bill. You've got tro look at the whole package before you condemn a whole group of people.
Weasel McWeasel
2020-12-29 15:36:35 UTC
It absolutely does.  

They scream they support TRUMP............well TRUMP wants $2,000 checks........and now they are all scurrying to hide behind  Moscow Mitch McTurtles shell.     

Pathetic hypocrites. 
2020-12-29 14:38:59 UTC
They’re probably thinking we should be wiser with the money.  If you get $2000 now, but your grandchildren will live in poverty forever, is that a good deal?

It may be an oversimplification, but that’s the motive.
2020-12-29 12:50:39 UTC
Your numbers are kinda' screwy.  Must be educated in Pennsylvania?
2020-12-29 10:20:21 UTC
Yes, but Trump already signed for only $600.
2020-12-29 04:42:49 UTC
In 20 years, 99.9% of Americans will say the $2000 stimulus was a bad idea while they're actually paying for it. F your kids though right? 
2020-12-29 03:47:58 UTC
No. It proves they are anti-Pakistan, and anti-a bunch if other countries that the DemocRAT Communists want to suck up to by giving them our money.
W.T. Door
2020-12-29 01:27:57 UTC
Please don't feed the troll.                   
2020-12-29 01:23:16 UTC
Yup the GOP politicians in Congress always want their constituents to suffer, but this is nothing new. You'd think they'd catch on by now
A Hunch
2020-12-31 21:41:04 UTC
You need to check your math.

Those percentages can't work, based on the number of Republicans there are.

I'm against the $2000.

We should pay spend about $10M buying tons of KN95 masks and creating a training video on how to wear them.

= employers should be REQUIRED to have their employees wear them while at work, if not face a gigantic fine.

VIOLA covid gone in a few weeks.
2020-12-31 06:27:22 UTC
Democrats were free to not deprive desperate Americans of help but Democrats decided to ignore their hardship while they concentrated on "resisting" President Trump. It's funny that haters like you cannot post anything without hiding like a weak coward. Do enjoy watching Democrats fail to revive the U.S economy they were so happy to destroy with their unnecessary lockdowns and edicts.
2020-12-31 00:11:14 UTC
So Republicans only make up 10% of America? 

"90% of American people want $2k while 90% of Republicans oppose it"
2020-12-30 06:40:36 UTC
The Democratic Party is heavily infested with Marxists, who have hated the US for more than a century. And are you talking about Republican anti-Americanism? It seems like a joke.
2020-12-29 23:52:18 UTC
And you give no sources or evidence to support your claim....
2020-12-29 23:17:54 UTC
Your question is based on the false premise that "90%" of Americans want it. If they did, there wouldn't be enough Republicans in office to block it. 
Uncle Pennybags
2020-12-29 18:25:10 UTC
I think there might be a problem with your math there, since about 25% of Americans are Republicans.
The Equalist
2020-12-29 16:44:44 UTC
Republicans are anti-American. Another reason is how they’re trying to invalidate the democratic elections with no evidence, and overturn it and anoint Trump the winner.
2020-12-29 16:20:33 UTC
Remember, Republicans believe in a hand up and Democrats believe in a hand out. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme is the Democratic slogan. Stimulus checks should be for those who desperately need it. It should not be sent to those who are still working and living their normal lives. The economy is recovering except in liberal states where moron governors are killing their own people and economy
2020-12-29 15:22:33 UTC
No. Democrats are anti American. They love debt.
2020-12-29 15:13:41 UTC
  Huh?  The Repubelicons and Corporate Dimocrats have been working hard to over fill their donors coffers, while stealing American Citizens benefits by forcing worse than 2nd Class entitlements upon it's workers?

  Meanwhile Canadians during the pandemic have been afforded $2000/month + the National Health they have learned to grow old with.  Anyone who tries to deny this is simply a darned liar!  They have more resources than the United States?

  Nope, the rest of the world tolerates less religulous maliciously spread disinformation and euthanasia.  While we welcome the lies with open arms.  As usual they just give a darned about others, only something we claim that we do, then don't deliver. . .
2020-12-29 15:07:11 UTC
Republicans are fascists. They will give the rich tax cuts, but they won't give poor people a stimulus check or unemployment checks. Fascists want to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. If not for Democrats pushing for stimulus payments for poor people Republicans would be quite happy giving the poor nothing. 
2020-12-29 13:30:59 UTC
No.  It does prove that the GOP isn't in it to help those Americans who need help.  Some might consider that anti-American. Kind of depends on what you claim it means to be "American".
2020-12-29 11:28:52 UTC
Anybody read the fine print that comes with the bill?  No.  Just sign off and everything will be alright.    
2020-12-29 11:15:45 UTC
No really. Even though I am definitely not a republican, I can see their reason to not give the $2000 stimulus a nod. The reason being in the beginning of the year, congress agreed on giving the stimulus relief, they all set the limits on how much they could give and this last package of $600 would not go over that amount but stay within the budget allowed. Even though I, like most Americans would like more than just $600, I realize that we are putting our future generation in debt because our greed for more money today. It always depends on which side of the isle you want to set on as to how you view each situation unfolding and who you want to think of as being a hero or the bad guy. 
2020-12-29 11:10:21 UTC
Well one thing for sure is that at least One Political Party here in the USA Today actually Cares about people within the USA. Even when it's the Rich. Because the last relief package contained Billions of US Dollars for the Funding of Border Security of Countries that belong to the Arab World. Funny how you on the Left view that Border Security elsewhere in the World is expected, but it's 100% Racist if we have Border Security here on the US Border. So that means Foreign Billionaires like the Chinese and Soros will be in Control when Biden takes Office. And NONE of you on the Left have a problem with that.
2020-12-29 10:29:56 UTC
They aren't 'anti-American', just anti poor people. 
2020-12-29 08:53:06 UTC
low information liberal voting.  gotta love it.  so lets see. you got your percentage information, where?  also what else is in the bill.  the idiot left is WELL KNOWN for stuffing bills with useless pork.  peloisi. in your mind should be given a total pass regardless of the crap shoved into this legislation because shes a liberal, right?  you DESPARATELY  need prayer.
2020-12-29 04:37:21 UTC
It proves you are bad at math 
2020-12-29 01:36:56 UTC
money printer goes brrrrrr!
2021-01-02 01:32:30 UTC
The GOP opposes the additional pork within the stimulus bill for example millions of dollars to Pakistan to teach gender diversity in their schools. Good luck with that one LOL! 

And then there is the millions in aid to Egypt so they can buy new weapons for their military. They intend to buy weapons from Russia! Those are legitimate reasons for them to be against the bill. Why would Democrats want to support that type of wasteful spending that is going outside the US? President Trump supports the bigger $2000 checks to Americans but is against the other wasteful things in the bill as well which is why he vetoed it and sent it back. Nancy Pelosi previously rejected a spending bill from Republicans that had $2000 checks and described it as "Crumbs". This was before the election and we all know why she rejected it. She was playing games for her political agenda and doesn't care about Americans. Pelosi and Democrats didn't want Americans to get checks before the election because Trump might have gotten credit for it. It shows how she and Democrats are quite happy for Americans to suffer as long as they get into power. Meanwhile, the latest stimulus bill which was passed by "Democrats" only had $600 checks which I remind you that Pelosi called "Sufficient". So who are really the bad guys here?
Needful Sinner
2020-12-31 00:12:38 UTC
I'm Canadian, so no right to any opinion granted


We're been getting 2000.00 per month since March - basically to bribe us into social distancing.

Now with that $2000.00 i stilll buy things.  I order food in, pay rent, clothes online, pay for my online wargames... other peoples economies still benefit.

[and surely the government takes enough of my taxes to pay for it]

600,00 once in a blue moon?   ouch
2020-12-30 23:03:11 UTC
No just proves you're a ******* moron.
Zac Z
2020-12-30 20:36:13 UTC
Politics aside, I think your numbers are off.

If 90% of Americans want the checks, a maximum of 10% oppose it. (I say a maximum because there could be people who don't have an opinion.)

Even if only Republicans opposed it, the share of Republicans among Americans couldn't be higher than 11.11%. (Because 90% of 11.11% is 10%. If some non-Republicans also opposed the checks, it would be even less than 11.11%.)

Are you seriously suggesting that less than 12% of Americans are Republicans? You don't need to ascribe to any political view to see that this is highly questionable.
2020-12-30 18:28:06 UTC
You just finding that out?  GOP has ALWAYS hated democracy AND America. They LOVE racism and misogyny though.  Their sole agenda is to destroy this country.  Haven't you been awake over the past 4 years?
2020-12-30 15:28:26 UTC
When Trump wanted to put America and Americans first, he was called a racist white supremacist by liberals. Enjoy your $600
2020-12-30 00:40:16 UTC
Your math doesn’t work.
2020-12-29 22:01:17 UTC
It's the game that both parties play. Neither party wants to give Americans checks and they already negotiated this behind the scenes. So now they're doing theater and the Republicans agreed to be the "bad guys."

Democrats: "Oh shucks, darn! We really wanted to help you, but if it weren't for those pesky Republicans!"

Solution: throw out both parties.
2020-12-29 20:21:36 UTC
No, it proves that 90% of the American people are fiscally irresponsible. 
2020-12-29 17:23:49 UTC
I hope that the republican party has not become Anti American, but they do and have always represented the wealthy and business.  So of course they could care less about the people who are the real workers that have kept this country going through the last 4 years.
2020-12-29 15:40:31 UTC
Where did you get your figures presented here?  They both sound way off.
2020-12-29 15:34:13 UTC
It's our money. We should just take it and throw the politicians and their families the crumbs if there are any left. That's what they do to us. I say turn the tables. 

Screw the "leaders" of this country and their families 
2020-12-29 15:23:11 UTC
Just send us the f****** money $2,000 stop wasting time
2020-12-29 15:17:38 UTC
Republicans were anti American throughout the history!! They were destroying America!!  
2020-12-29 14:15:36 UTC
Jake No Chat
2020-12-29 13:37:40 UTC
That does not make them anti-American, just financially prudent, and a bit out of touch. 
2020-12-29 12:47:23 UTC
Since when is not wanting to put our nation further in debt "anti-American"?  Supporting an unconstitutional lockdown of our economy is "anti-American".
2020-12-29 10:44:33 UTC
No you give a bunch of people an idea and they go for it. Socialists always want as much free stuff as possible. 
2020-12-29 07:59:52 UTC
dems want it so they can line their pockets
2020-12-29 05:49:04 UTC
HOW HIGH do we need our national deficit to go?!?   
2021-01-01 21:45:17 UTC
Except that democraps are all in on sending our money to foreign countries. Doesn't that send a clear message about where they stand?
2021-01-01 14:56:28 UTC
its the way of the CONS
2020-12-31 21:21:46 UTC
NO.  But it does prove you can't do 5th grade math.  At least 45% of Americans are Republicans, so do they want it or oppose?  Hello.  Anyone home?
2020-12-31 04:50:32 UTC
Reps didn't oppose the $2k.  they just wanted to have the pork removed so more $ could be rebated back to the people!  It is an advance on next years tax rebate.
2020-12-31 00:00:43 UTC
NO !!!.  The Democraps are adding  things   to the bill  but the press doesn't tell you that . Why should plan parenthood get tax payers dollars when they force there agenda on woman or people that are not US citizens get the stimulus checks do think that's right ?😤 
2020-12-30 20:22:15 UTC
I think it proves GOP is pro-work and you've got to earn what you have. 
2020-12-30 14:23:24 UTC
Proof to the contrary exists.  Americans vote GOP senators and representatives into office all the time, and the presidency alternates regularly between Democrat and Republican about every 8 years on average.
2020-12-30 11:35:49 UTC
No it shows that the Republicans are realistic and know we only have so much money to give out.  I think we should have the stimulus bill though and then there should be an attachment that you must get vaccinated first.  
Eugene D
2020-12-30 11:14:44 UTC
Read what's in the bill.  if you knew what was in the bill, you'd be opposed to it as well.  You can listen to Tulsi Gabbard's reason for opposing the bill, and she's with the Democratic party.  (this response is about the $600 check, but still includes all the wasteful spending)
2020-12-30 00:38:20 UTC
Republicans are very pro Americans who are wealthy individuals and wealthy corporations.  Republican policies adhere to a trickle down theory.  Democrats represent the interests of the rest of the Americans. 
2020-12-29 20:48:39 UTC
Both sides are unAmerican. 

Congress and news media comingle confusion about operating budget and economic (covid related) stimulus money. 

Some of the things that the Democrats wanted in the House, are truly wasteful and unAmerican. 

The endless lobbyists are asking for these crazy things.  They are the ones who likely wrote the 5500 pages of the bill.  Sure, read it today and vote for it today!  What a warped strategy. 

Democrats and Republicans and independents should all be upset with this method. 

The Senate will NOT pass the $2000 covid relief bill.
2020-12-29 18:58:51 UTC
Given that my children, grand children and great-grandchildren will be paying for this for a lifetime, No.  I don't hate Americans enough to think this was a good idea. 
2020-12-29 17:46:11 UTC
This is not accurate because internet says Trump wants to increase it to 2,ooo but it has to pass in the Senate.   
2020-12-29 14:32:33 UTC
Republicans do not opposes it boo.  Republicans want it, but only if they also remove aid to other xountries so we can help ourselves.
2020-12-29 14:21:27 UTC
I have no sympathy for either party in this situation.  Republicans are whining about the cost of $463 billion dollars to give everybody $2000.  At the same time, the Democrats refused to give up hundreds of billions of dollars worth of useless pork in the original spending bill.  Elimination of that pork would more than pay for the checks with many billions left over to feed back to the economy.

What this proves, my moronic leftist amigo, it that neither side really gives a damn about the American people.  And neither do you if you use this impasse to bash one side while forgiving the other for the same offense.  So for once in your miserable life, STFU.
2020-12-29 14:02:50 UTC
It proves you are an idiot and have no clue how an economy works.
2020-12-29 07:42:34 UTC
You can find Korean case.
Holy Vengeance
2020-12-29 05:01:13 UTC
All it proves is that in this case, they either don't know about the struggles of the American people or they just don't care. The same way the democrats either don't know about the negative effects of illegal immigration or they just don't care. Both parties either don't know how to properly run America in some areas or they don't care how they run it. Either way, America would possibly and probably be a lot better off if centrists, moderates, libertarians, and independents were the only politicians running it.
2020-12-29 01:25:57 UTC
It only proves 90% of the GOP is anti-90% of Americans.
2020-12-29 01:21:19 UTC
How are those numbers even possible?
2020-12-31 23:32:30 UTC
Once again a liberal proves that if they cannot lie they would have nothing to say.
2020-12-31 16:53:32 UTC
Republicans in the Senate think they're entitled and turn their heads the other way when it comes to the 90% of Americans who aren't.
2020-12-31 00:26:53 UTC
Yeah 90% of people want to have sex outside of marriage and have drugs that they can use legally and have the government give them free money and bring them free food and give them a free house if they could.

A lot of people live in fantasy world friend.

While once or twice when you're sick will lift you out of depression.

If you keep doing the fantasy world thing over and over and over again pretty soon nobody in America will have a job they won't have a house they won't have anything and some foreign country can quickly come in and kill us off and take what little of the United States is left
Jimmy C
2020-12-30 17:31:06 UTC
You would think republican voters would begin to wake up and see which party really looks after americans. 
2020-12-29 23:58:18 UTC
The GOP not reg conservatives .The Left is worse.You choose
2020-12-29 13:25:36 UTC
Your question is irrelevant.  Why?  Because you did not provide any proof or data to verify your assertion.
2020-12-29 01:24:08 UTC
Or maybe they just worked hard for their money and resent you spending if for them.  Who knows?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.