Obama can find the solution if he listens to this man:
OBAMA: For far too long, certainly during the course of the Bush administration with the support of Sen. McCain, the attitude has been that any trade agreement is a good trade agreement. And NAFTA did not have enforceable labor agreements and environmental agreements.
And what I said was we should include those and make them enforceable. In the same way that we should enforce rules against China manipulating its currency to make our exports more expensive and their exports to us cheaper.
And when it comes to South Korea, we’ve got a trade agreement up right now, they are sending hundreds of thousands of South Korean cars into the US. That’s all good. We can only get 4,000 to 5,000 into South Korea. That is not free trade. We’ve got to have a president who is going to advocate on behalf of American businesses and American workers and I make no apology for that
Source: 2008 third presidential debate against John McCain Oct 15, 2008
Global trade is unsustainable if it favors only the few
This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably. Trade has been a cornerstone of our growth and global development. But we will not be able to sustain this growth if it favors the few, and not the many. Together, we must forge trade that truly rewards the work that creates wealth, with meaningful protections for our people and our planet. This is the moment for trade that is free and fair for all.
Source: Speech in Berlin, in Change We Can Believe In, p.268 Jul 24, 2008
What can you do when Obama himself articulates the problem and the solution in detail, with reasons, then he refuses to listen to himself after he takes office?
Since he has taken office, he has done the exact opposite of what he himself declared during the campaign.