Basically, it's one big cycle of "Things need to go back to the way they were back then!" Except the people saying this have no clue of the way things were, only what the Republican party is telling them.
These are the people whose favorite quote is "Things aren't like they were in your father's/grandfather's day." As if things are supposed to stay the same, and never change what so ever in twenty, fifty, or even a hundred years.
Basically, the Republican party is the backwards party.
You can see this from their sex education of blind leads the blind, to thier regular education that buters not only history but the Bible itself in an attempt to block progressive learning.
Look at their opposition to welfare, and then look at who is on welfare.
The very veterns they sent to war are treated like trash under their shoes.
Children whose lives were so important when they were a fetus are now to be tossed in ditches and left to die.