Are you sure he's ending torture?
"However, Obama's changes may not be absolute. His advisers are considering adding a classified loophole to the rules that could allow the CIA to use some interrogation methods not specifically authorized by the Pentagon, the officials said."
The ability of US military personnel to use methods that might be deemed torture without fear of legal recourse will always exist. But I think it's good that Obama will officially outlaw waterboarding and some other techniques.
I'm still on the fence if things like sleep deprivation, loud music and extreme temperatures would constitute illegal torture methods, but those techniques might still be used.
I think it's also possible that nothing will change, except for the perception that the US is not using torture methods, because it's entirely believable. It's better that we don't know if it's happening in some ways, so long as the people actually deserve it and it is effective (it's almost impossible to prove those things though).
I'll conclude by nothing that Bill Clinton once said while in office that he would authorize any and all forms of torture if he knew beyond a doubt that someone was withholding information that could prevent an imminent disaster.