Did you know Obama was sworn into senate on the Koran? I thought our country was based on Christian beliefs?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Did you know Obama was sworn into senate on the Koran? I thought our country was based on Christian beliefs?
34 answers:
2008-06-24 06:02:21 UTC
No I didn't because that is not true. Obama was not sworn into the Senate on the Koran.
Bostonian In MO
2008-06-24 06:06:52 UTC
Not true. Check your facts. Don't swallow the neo-con tripe wrapped in bacon. It's NOT the filet-mignon that they claim it is.

And you're wrong on the country being Christian. Our government is SECULAR, regardless of the religious beliefs of the legislators. They are free to be sworn in in any manner they choose, including a J C Penny's catalogue should that be their book of choice. But for your edification, Senator Obama was sworn in on the Bible, NOT the Kuran.
2016-10-19 13:36:48 UTC
in view that i did no longer vote for the guy, i'm incredibly getting bored with protecting him from each and all of the absurd quotes by making use of conspiracy theorists and the blatantly uninformed. I easily have considered the insurance of the inaugural oath quite a few situations. that's obvious that it became into the conservative chief Justice who flubbed the oath, no longer President Obama. that's ridiculous to think of that it became into the Koran that became into used quite of the "Lincoln Bible" for the hassle-free actuality that chief Justice John Roberts, whose nomination Senator Obama antagonistic, may be no longer likely to allow it, or proceed to be quiet approximately it, do no longer you think of? added, this incredibly isn't the 1st time one in each and every of those element has took place. provide up quibbling over a Constitutional technicality that has been effectively remedied to the delight of a preferrred courtroom this is led by making use of a Bush nominee.
2008-06-24 06:03:33 UTC
First: Obama was sworn in using a Bible.

Second: The majority of our founding fathers, were NOT Christians.

Why does Fox Noise run your life?
2008-06-24 05:59:34 UTC
Its not true. That was Keith Ellison, a House member from Michigan who, unlike Obama, is a practicing Muslim.

And Congressmen aren't actually sworn in on anything; the photos with their hands on any book are photo ops.
The Golden Buffalo
2008-06-24 06:02:24 UTC
you were wrong on both accounts, 1. we are a secular country. 2. he was not sworn in on a Koran, just because jerry falwell says it doesn't make it true people, check your sources.
2008-06-24 06:01:27 UTC
He wasn't and it wasn't. Keith Ellison was sworn in on the Koran and this country was based on FREEDOM of RELIGION. Please stop believing those smear emails you get and do some research on your own.
2008-06-24 06:01:46 UTC
got any collaborating evidence like say a news photo ?? nope didn't think so just spreading bullsh*t to stir up sh*t. how mature, displaying how intelligent you are on what the second day of summer holidays? gonna be brain dead by the time school resumes in sept.
2008-06-24 06:05:51 UTC
You broke two P/C rules.


1st. (skin color). doesn't matter.

2nd. (religion). doesn't matter.


In today's world,,,(you are the problem). (believe it )


You may have to be put on the United Nations watch list, for your intolerance.

I won't report you, but I'm sure others will.
Your horns are showing Morris.
2008-06-24 06:07:20 UTC
Uh-oh... did you read the fwd: fwd: fwd: that great Aunt Betty got in her e-mail?

Please. Listen. It was a hoax. A viral smear campaign. If you got an e-mail claiming that the Easter Bunny was going to run for president, would you believe that too?
2008-06-24 06:01:06 UTC
You either have him confused with Rep. Ellison OR you are just posting bogus information. Sad either way.

Democrats 2008
2008-06-24 06:02:19 UTC
No, I didn't know this where can I find a link, this is very interesting. I'm glad we are opening up to reading more than one book.
2008-06-24 05:58:35 UTC
Please tell me you are an Obama supporter, posing as a Republican. I don't want people to think we Republicans are idiots.

He didn't, it was a different congress member: Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota.

We were founded upon, among other values, religious freedom.

**** based on your non-existent history. I think my suspicions are correct. You are constantly booted for asking assinine questions, posing as someone you are not. You know the facts, and are trying to create false impressions about Republicans
What You Talkin' About?
2008-06-24 06:03:49 UTC
Did you know that right wing idiots love to go around spreading lies they heard some drugged out fat guy (who also loves Viagra and third world hookers) say on the radio?
roy boy
2008-06-24 06:01:52 UTC
i think your confused evryone wants to slam him but if you check out snopes you will see it wasnt even him but like alot of other things out there people just trying to make him look bad but thats the same with all the canadates so....but anyway heres the link
2008-06-24 06:01:20 UTC
Please!!!! Keep your Zionist dirt in the closet!!!

THE LIBERAL MEDIA | posted March 6, 2008 (March 24, 2008 issue)

(Some) Jews Against Obama


During the past few months a small group of neoconservative Jews, many of whom hold key positions in the world of official Jewish institutions, have been working to undermine the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama with a series of carefully planted character assassinations and deliberately misleading innuendo. I noticed this trend when Debra Feuer, a counsel for the American Jewish Committee, sent a confidential memo to her counterparts at other organizations criticizing Obama's views on the Middle East, Iran and Syria and attacking him for having once appeared at a fundraiser headlined by the late Edward Said. The memo, reported by the Forward, was immediately disowned, but not denied, by AJC executive director David Harris.

Also throwing his hatchet into the ring was Morton Klein, who heads up the Likud-loving Zionist Organization of America, complaining that "Barack Obama doesn't understand the continuing Arab war against Israel" and terming the notion of an Obama presidency "frightening." He was joined by Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the umbrella group that professes to speak for all American Jews. Hoenlein told the Israeli daily Ha'aretz that Obama's talk of "change" could prove "an opening for all kinds of mischief" and gave voice to what he termed "a legitimate concern over the zeitgeist around the campaign." The Tennessee Republican Party issued a news release noting what it claimed was "a growing chorus of Americans concerned about the future of the nation of Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East, if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States."

March 18, 2008

Apparently Without Irony, Washington Post Says Jewish Advocates Demand that Obama Show 'Fealty to Israel'

The story continues: supporters of Israel are rising against Obama, there is a major push this week to destroy his candidacy. Today's Washington Post reports on a debate yesterday arranged by United Jewish Committees in D.C. among Jewish advocates for Hillary, Obama, and McCain. The debate became a rout, the Post columnist averred, in which the advocates for Hillary and McCain "used their time to raise doubts about Obama's fealty to Israel."

Fealty to Israel? They portrayed Obama as a dangerous leftwinger, and when the Illinois senator's surrogate defended Obama's statement that the U.S. does not have to cleave to Likud policies, Ann Lewis, Hillary's advocate, responded:

"The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel. It is not up to us to pick and choose from among the political parties."

Yup, sounds like fealty to me! What is there to say about such a statement? Horrifying. Likud has been against the peace process, against a Palestinian state, for the colonization of the West Bank. Do we have a foreign policy? Do we take sides on such matters? Do we take sides on minority rights in foreign countries? Are we the strongest country in the world, or do we get dragged around by racist biblical colonialists half a world away?
You're Kidding Right?
2008-06-24 06:09:56 UTC
That was a rumor which was passed around the internet via e-mail and can't be backed up with facts. Doesn't make him any less of a socialist, race-baiting, hate whitey divisionist who threw his poor grandmother under the bus after he stabbed her in the back.
2008-06-24 05:58:51 UTC
WRONG - he was sworn in with the Bible - you should check your facts before you post a question like this.....
2008-06-24 05:58:56 UTC
Our country is not based on Christian beliefs. Everyone up in the White House are a bunch of liars, and the government isn't any better.
2008-06-24 06:01:02 UTC
Sorry, honey. Not true. That fable was debunked months ago. Try to keep up.
2008-06-24 06:00:29 UTC
No, that was that other dirtbag CAIR plant, Keith Ellison.
Ghost Rider
2008-06-24 05:57:46 UTC
If so I'd like to see a photo of that for real or news article.
2008-06-24 06:00:07 UTC
That is a lie.

Also, our country was founded on freedom from religous persecution.
2008-06-24 05:59:59 UTC
thats so untrue, he isnt even a muslim. Why are so many people trying to slander obama?
2008-06-24 05:59:29 UTC
Where is you source..maybe a picture?

this myth was debunked a long time ago

but i am voting for McCain


no happy..
2008-06-24 06:05:19 UTC
I don't care about the violation notice I'm gonna're a f@#king idiot.
2008-06-24 05:59:49 UTC
This isn't true at all. Silliness abounds by people!
2008-06-24 05:58:53 UTC
Separation of church and state means the government neither endorses nor opposes any religion.
2008-06-24 05:58:37 UTC
thats false
2008-06-24 06:05:17 UTC
2008-06-24 05:58:31 UTC
Wrong Senator....Odumber used the bible.
2008-06-24 05:59:15 UTC
While I appreciate the spirit of the question I do not believe that this rumor is true..
2008-06-24 05:58:46 UTC
2008-06-24 06:05:45 UTC
you are so wrong

haha idiot...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.