That's what (D)s & partisan news media now wants as they paint this virus apocalyptic which is a reversal where they stood Prior to 03/15/20 when all partisan (D) news media anchors along with Doctor Fauci & many other (lib) experts stated that seasonal flu (Influenza) should be looked at more than Wuhan Flu with Dr. Fauci assuring the public not to be alarmed on NEWSMAX aired in 01/21/20 & again emphasized the danger was miniscule in 02/17/20. As the 15 days guidelines was near its end, Fauci contemplated in quarantine up to a year. In early April, Dr. Fauci had to reverse his no need for mask advice except for health care workers which was questioned by many knowing how it spreads from simply talking. The computer projection model was found over estimated. Even experts can be wrong.
Sweden revered as a socialist success did not take the socialist approach of shutting down their economy as they knew COVID-19 isn't apocalyptic & the spreads will happen no matter how (D)s & partisan news media makes it apocalyptic while the young & healthy rarely affected keeps the economy stable. Doctor Dan Erickson analyzed & exposed the natural & pre-existing conditions deaths that isn't respiratory being classified as COVID-19 death under pressure, perhaps to inflate COVID-19 Mortality Rate. It is very likely that Influenza deaths are being counted as COVID-19 fatality as well.
Worldwide Deaths from 01/01/20 - 04/04/20: COVID-19 59,226, Seasonal Flu 125,352, Water Related Diseases 217,099, Malaria 252,878, Suicides 276,480, Road Accidents 348,044, HIV/AIDS 433,382, Alcohol 644,785, Smoking 1,288,753, Cancer 2,117,316, Hunger 2,883,497
The Administration were working behind the scenes of the (D)s impeachment fiasco drawing up plans in early January if things got worst in Wuhan & spread out of Wuhan after CDC scientists were sent in Dec. 2019, but China refused help while (D)s defy & resist the Administration's mitigation guidelines. Travel restriction from & to China was declared before there was a confirmed case in the US. Cuomo didn't quarantine every international flight & sea vessels coming into New York when travel restrictions were announced in late January which allowed NY to turn into an epicenter. In the west coast all passengers & crews of princess cruises that dock were quarantined, even if they've already been quarantined abroad just as all passengers & crews of a Boeing 747 from China were quarantine. Cuomo pushed back on Statewide Federal Quarantine & ordered Nursing homes to accept COVID-19+ patients where more than 1/2 of the mortality statistic comes from. Having worked closely with the Administration to keep the spread at a minimal & flatten the curve, the west coast governors are getting carried away with the shutdowns threatening to make it permanent, until vaccination that could partially work 50/50, like flu vaccines, are readily available for obvious political reason expressing to let their megalomaniac tendencies loose. N. Dakota, Georgia, & Florida are much better in keeping things balanced as Red states prefers a targeted shutdown approach to minimize the spread.
De Blasio & (D) Health experts from Feb. to Mar. 15 were making speeches in small rallies against travel bans, social distancing & shutdowns. 02/02/20 NYC Health Commissioner Oxirus Barbot said, There is NO REASON NOT to take the subway, bus, or go to your favorite restaurant - And certainly NOT to miss the parade next Sunday. 02/16/20 she tweeted, " As a doctor I can say there's no reason to avoid ANY neighborhood because of coronavirus"'. 02/16/20 Mark D. Levine Chair of NYC Council Health Committee tweeted, In powerful show of defiance, huge crowds gather in NYC's ahead of annual Lunar New Year parade. 0302/20 Bill de Blasio tweeted, "Since I'm encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus". 02/03/20 New York Times article: "There is no reason why it is not safe to travel to China, The travel ban is unjust".
No One could've known about an "unknown" disease to infect humans that transmit from human to human simply by talking from people who weren't even showing signs of illness at the beginning stages & into a pandemic. A respiratory disease like COVID-19 can't really be contained absent of data on how fast & easily it spreads by 85% of infected people who never got ill or hospitalized (14.5%-14.95% are recovering) experiencing symptoms of a common cold for which the lightly infected & doctors overlooked it as just a cold, until an alarming number of hospitalized infected patients overwhelming the hospitals & 1/20 were dying weekly which prompted a Chinese doctor to look through a microscope ruling out the Africanized swine flu happening at the same time across China that started 3 months earlier. China took extraordinary measure when it was apparent how contagious the virus was, but it was too late as initially they focused on quarantining feverish people having acute symptoms which allowed the virus to spread out of Wuhan to the world through foreign tourist, diplomats & business travelers showing no signs of infection.
The Whole World Failed at Keeping COVID-19 out of their countries. CDC, NIH, HHS, & WHO all Failed, as governor Cuomo argued. Doctor Fauci & CDC Scientists have been operating as they have since Obama's Administration & this pandemic proved that the bureaucracy they had in place then could not handle SARS-COV-2 spreading at this magnitude. Thus, a Task Force requiring Defense Dept. & Private Sector involvement was crucial. WHO should've taken the role of an International Pandemic Response Agency mobilized as soon as there's a large outbreak of an unknown disease infecting humans in a city to quarantine & study. WHO was late to gather Data & sound the Alarm for every country in the world to brace it self from a pandemic the world connected by travel & transport where every day life requires social interactions in close proximity was not prepared for.
At some point the country & the world will need to cope & live with COVID-19 along other diseases that are far more lethal & incurable than COVID-19. With an incubation period of 2 weeks, 6 weeks quarantine/shutdown is more than enough & should've transitioned to targeted shutdown. The world is still dealing with HIV, EBOLA (99% mortality), Hepatitis C & Syphilis without a vaccine. Shutdowns for more than a couple of months will put 280 million US folks in poverty. A year shutdown will put 320 Million Americans in poverty where the government will have to nationalize the industries, private property, & public individualism inducing famine, unproductivity, desperations & deaths.
Despite how American socialists (Sanders & the squad) brand their socialism as Democratic Socialist to mask their true intentions to achieving the end goal of Socialist state control of the economy, industry, property & the public by draconian bureaucratic regulations. Everything they propose such as public education (free & mediocre) & universal single payer health care (rationed) is straight up the USSR, Cuba & Venezuela's play book which Sanders lauds & defends. (Venezuela was praised as Democratic Socialist that was actually Communist with its bureaucrats pillaging oil revenues). These socialist countries don't have state of the art Hospitals & Cadillac Gov. Assist. for all (only 0.0001%) because there isn't enough funds & man power regardless of how much of the private sector are taxed & nationalized. Ultimately all concept or branding of socialism leads to Government owned property of industries, housing, farms, people, long working hours, & NO: dissenting free speech, entrepreneurship, competition, varieties in brands or materials with very little individuality, motivation, & productivity.
In a Socialist country it is very hard to impossible to be a Millionaire when socialists like Bernie & AOC will take 90% of an entrepreneurs wealth, income, & property. Sanders always touts Sweden (homogenous country) as a socialist success where Millionaires & Billionaires thrives from the middle class & the working poor being the ones funding most gov. assistance in Sweden. Bernie & AOC will use every means of pressure & influence in advancing the Green New Deal's socialist agenda for the US economy & society to mirror that of Cuba & Venezuela permanently for century to come. Unlike Sweden, it'll be funded by the top 21% (millionaires & billionaires) & reverse that into the top 0.0001% in solidarity with Cuba, Venezuela & N. Korea eliminating the middle class to exist flattening the income for the rich, middle & the poor.
Lesson for America: Sweden is not Socialist
A nationwide 70%-80% economic shutdown to the essentials only is a communist model economy from a pandemic or warfare that plunges 1st world economies into a depression is when socialism takes a foot hold & eventually take over that will be permanent under the Green New Deal (New Communist Manifesto). Anyone who has lived in Venezuela or escaped Venezuela knows this feeling, once all Industries & Private properties are nationalized. Senate & House (D)s Green New Deal will shape America's economy in line with Venezuela & Cuba were bureaucrats control the economy & the profits (ripe for corruptions). Everyone will either be working for the government assigned jobs deemed necessary, or unemployed on rationed assistance hand outs & rent free dilapidated apartment in disrepair.