Do liberals think we should be locked down for 5 years?
2020-05-17 03:50:35 UTC
Would liberals accept staying shutdown for 5 years if thats what the government tells them because of covid19. It seems most liberals lack critical thinking skills and do not ever question government authority.
89 answers:
Bulldog redux
2020-05-18 18:18:55 UTC
I think you should continue your argument against liberals about three weeks after joining some large crowd of people who are standing shoulder-to-shoulder and not wearing masks.  And show your touching right-wing compassion by hugging and comforting any who appear to be sick.    
2020-05-18 15:35:31 UTC
Maybe they should stop eating bats in China.
2020-05-18 05:24:57 UTC
Don't demonize and become part of the propaganda machine, ask a Liberal.

I'm a liberal. I don't think we need a lockdown for 5 years. Realistically, we probably won't get back to normal for 2 years. It will take 6 month-1.5 years for a vaccine. Once we have a successful vaccine it'll take 1 year for distribution to be up to par with the demand. Assuming everything is managed well.

Not all of America needs to be locked down. The rural areas and less dense areas are for sure, safer. I think they can be more lax and operate their businesses with extra precaution to hand washing, 6ft distance and extra disinfecting. Wear masks if they know they're coming in contact with public areas but I don't think those areas need to be locked down. These areas that don't have a lot of cross over from other states are fine.

The other areas really depend on their curve. If their locations have enough hospital capacity to take on what's happening then they can open with caution. Even if the curves flatten in the large cities, as long as there's no vaccine; opening for large gatherings is an extremely stupid move. It's common sense, no vaccine should mean no large gatherings unless it's heavily controlled like Trump's environment is where everyone he's in contact with is frequently tested. The scary thing is, many states didn't have the hospital capacity from the projected models and some states began opening up while their curve was rising.

We do need our economy but we don't want to mindlessly open up the country without being safe. I have friends who've lost family members to this disease and I personally know people sick. With a highly contagious disease without a vaccine, I want our country and government to be safe. I don't want to have to deal with waves. I don't want to have to do repeating lockdowns. If we're gonna do a lockdown I want to do it effectively not open up prematurely.

Check out page 9 of the pandemic playbook Obama left for Trump. It's exactly what we're going through now.

The playbook has a color code system to help determine severity. if we were able to color code the different areas then it would be easier to assign what areas need to be in lockdown and which can be open. Then the severe places need to make sure those people don't migrate and spread the highly infectious disease.

Like President Bush did with the terror alert for Homeland Security, I wish our country had a color coding rating for severity also. The playbook has it. It would have been so much easier to understand and organize around. With a color system then it's easier for states to have a guideline if they need to shut down certain areas, but now they're on their own. That means governors, mayors, and senators fearful of public backlash may not make the best decisions for the public if they are under political pressure. Thus, a neutral organization needed to have been created to grade these areas and layout guidelines to avoid political pressure. 

*Actually, I believe the government needed to created a new type of non-violent-citizen-army where people suffering from co-vid19 unemployment where they volunteer to serve our country by self-quarantining at home, having training videos for using ppe, sanitizing, social distancing, complying to contact tracing database, instead of receiving stimulus checks or unemployment they can receive payment for serving our country.  Probably doing some tasks such as making home-made MRE or working on keeping our economy domestic. Like, businesses don't go bankrupt from a 2-week winter holiday. The government could have set a date and coordinated a 2 week economic freeze or flash shutdown (no grocery runs during 2 week order with MRE being delivered) and draft all citizens to serve the US as a stay-at-home order to really slow the spread. Then after the freeze, have organized what can function, who can come back to work, who needs to stay drafted and put everyone on pandemic alert. But I would have like to see strategy for a flash shut down to stamp the virus out of America or at least do a better job of scapeling out the infected from the public until they're better. Who goes on street protests to avoid jury duty? We have our civilian duties. A draft would have made the protesters look unpatriotic for not helping their fellow Americans from spreading the infection. If Americans understood it is their patriotic duty to protect their fellow Americans we all need to serve to protect our freedom. That would have been a unifying message we needed during this time instead of spoiled, selfish, privileged brats who have no concept of having social responsibilities saying being told to wear a mask is infringing on their rights. People who want to absolve themselves from social responsibility shouldn't have their freedoms protected by our veterans that would die for them.  Americans can tout rights all they want but it's not their right to harm or endanger anyone. It shouldn't be their right to get others sick.

If our government was coordinated and organized then we could be more efficient and saved more money in the long run. 

There will be people traveling, crossing states, being silent carriers so we need organized guidance from our leaders. I'm of Korean descent with Korean relatives in Korea. I see how they were able to get over it without shutting down their economy. Trump's handling of Co-Vid19 is a failure. We needed more Federal coordination, Federal help on so many ways. Leaving it up to the states, making the pandemic this political instead of a moment for Americans to support each other is a huge mess. We have become a weaker, poorer and sicker country.

I've seen actual interviews of Trump saying he didn't like the tests and the problem with doing more tests is the numbers go up and if the number go up America looks very bad. I don't want a President that hides the problem because of his fear. Hiding will make this pandemic more expensive and more deaths in the long run.

Think about it. If Trump says we're safe to come back. Trump's world is very controlled. Everyone in contact with him or Pence are frequently tested. They are as safe as can be. 2 White House staff members tested positive. The White House is not safe. Trump wants everyone to go back to work but he doesn't care if there's enough testing for you. He says everyone that wants a test can have one but that hasn't been true. Everything that Trump says to tell you that you are safe isn't true because we can see what is happening around him and the American people are expendable in Trump's eyes as long as Trump can pass his agendas. 
2020-05-18 01:11:52 UTC
Yup. Liberals are dumb, what else would you expect?
2020-05-18 01:01:10 UTC
Most Americans, both republicans and democrats think we should do whatever it takes to save lives and keep each other healthy until it is deemed save to gather in large groups. The problem is we don't have the leadership that knows how to do this or even cares if people die as long as big business gets what it wants and Trump is allowed to campaign where he wants. The majority say that the medical experts are the ones who should help and advise what should be done instead of an ignorant president who doesn't give a rats behind about yours or my health as long as he gets his way.

This has nothing to do with liberals and conservatives, it is about all  of Americas citizens lives.
2020-05-17 21:36:39 UTC
As a liberal who doesn’t believe in the whole lockdown thing, the only benefit I could see would be five years worth of stimulus checks maybe? That I could sink my teeth into... I hate working. I’m like a Republican ...I’d rather be out there playing golf or doing some other leisure activity and let the fools do all the work. Isn’t that their philosophy? Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor?
2020-05-17 21:06:49 UTC
no Liberals want a solid game plan that saves lives and puts the least people at risk
2020-05-17 15:28:14 UTC
No, 10 years!  That's how long it will take for the Demoncrats to destroy Our Great Country and Our Greatest President!  At least Trump will get re-elected in 2024!
2020-05-17 04:40:19 UTC
Do Trumpturds lack any capacity for reason or is this just deliberate nonsense?
2020-05-17 04:07:37 UTC
Yes . I think we should be locked down for 5 years.

I also like killing babies and I love communism.

best answer ?
2020-05-19 11:32:44 UTC
I think our primary concern should be health and safety. I don't think this means a five year lockdown. In fact, we are opening NOW. But let's just do what the health experts tell us. That's why we have health experts. And they are telling us to continue to be cautious as we reopen.
2020-05-19 00:02:22 UTC
Restarting America Means People Will Die. So When Do We Do It?

The politics of the coronavirus have made it seem indecent to talk about the future. As President Trump has flirted with reopening America quickly — saying in late March that he’d like to see “packed churches” on Easter and returning to the theme days ago with “we cannot let this continue” — public-health experts have felt compelled to call out the dangers. Many Americans have responded by rejecting as monstrous the whole idea of any trade-off between saving lives and saving the economy. And in the near term, it’s true that those two goals align: For the sake of both, it’s imperative to keep businesses shuttered and people in their homes as much as possible.

In the longer run, though, it’s important to acknowledge that a trade-off will emerge — and become more urgent in the coming months, as the economy slides deeper into recession. The staggering toll of unemployment has reached more than 16 million in just the last three weeks. There will be difficult compromises between doing everything possible to save lives from Covid-19 and preventing other life-threatening, or -altering, harms.

When can we ethically bring people back to work and school and begin to resume the usual rhythms of American life? We brought together by video conference five different kinds of experts to talk about the principles and values that will determine the choices we make at that future point.

One of them, the bioethicist Zeke Emanuel, led a group from the Center for American Progress that earlier this month presented a plan to end the coronavirus crisis.First, the group said, the country needs a national stay-at-home policy through mid-May. 

In the intervening weeks, testing would have to ramp up to test everyone who has a fever, or lives with someone who tests positive for Covid-19. Contact-tracing — identifying and notifying people who have been in proximity to someone infected — would become comprehensive. People who have the virus or a fever, or those in proximity to them, would be isolated. There would also be testing of a representative sample in every county, to determine the rate of infection in the population, as well as mapping and alerts to inform the public about the location of Covid-19 cases.

If these efforts are successfully put in place, Emanuel hopes the current restrictions could begin to ease in June. At that point — or later, if the necessary steps have not been taken — we will need to rethink how we manage risk, recognizing trade-offs among various harms and benefits. That’s what the panel discussed.

We really do need to think about the consequences other than in terms of deaths from Covid-19. I think the consequences are horrific, in terms of unemployment in particular, which has been shown to have a very serious effect on well-being, and particularly for poorer people. Are we really going to be able to continue an assistance package to all of those people for 18 months?

That’s a question each country will have to answer. Maybe some of the affluent countries can, but we have a lot of poor countries that just have no possibility of providing that kind of assistance for their poor people. That’s where we’ll get into saying, Yes, people will die if we open up, but the consequences of not opening up are so severe that maybe we’ve got to do it anyway. If we keep it locked down, then more younger people are going to die because they’re basically not going to get enough to eat or other basics. So, those trade-offs will come out differently in different countries.
2020-05-18 21:37:47 UTC
What a fairy tale again....not bothering to answer this question
2020-05-18 20:13:48 UTC
4.65 actually   
2020-05-18 17:31:56 UTC
What liberals think is no concern of mine, but what the Lord God thinks is my concern.
2020-05-18 16:41:57 UTC
Where have you read or heard such a thing? 
2020-05-18 16:38:28 UTC
Remember this, the lock down was forced on us by a state Governor (mostly Democrats).  It is an 'order' and an 'order' is NOT legal.....only LAWS are legal.

There is absolutely NO reason for healthy people to be locked down because of those confined to nursing homes, etc. get sick!!!!!!!  Just use some Common Sense!  When you catch a stay home until you're over it and then go out.....this COVID-19 is NO different.  
Alan H
2020-05-18 09:31:11 UTC
Critical thinking says that physical distancing, lockdown where necessary, masks where closer than ideal, etc, should continue as long as necessary.   Not 5 days, 5 years or any arbitrary time but until the Reproduction Rate is well below 1.   Liberals in the USA are certainly NOT going along with government guidelines, such as sun beds and drinking bleach!
2020-05-17 21:16:52 UTC
Might be. Trouble though if you have livestock, you know cows, sheep, goats, girls.

Those pens will need cleaning and those animals will need exercise especially your girls.

You know how livestock can get when it penned.

Are those big buyer dems thinking of that?
Const. King
2020-05-17 19:47:23 UTC
Who do you think is controlling this coronavirus?  Guaranteed the virus will end on Nov. 4th, the day after the elections.
2020-05-17 19:35:56 UTC

but republicans are all morons, so we can't trust them....what are we to do???
2020-05-17 18:36:48 UTC
No. This is not a liberal/ conservative or democratic/ republican issue. Corona has claimed the lives of all kinds of people. Things will reopen in a few weeks when it is safe enough.
2020-05-17 15:40:20 UTC
Not at all. Liberals just want to keep everybody indoors until the election and don't really care if the economy tanks in the process. It gives them hope. 
2020-05-17 15:30:04 UTC
I'm so sorry that your mother was a failure who raised a scumbag who puts money over human lives 
2020-05-17 15:11:18 UTC

It's like IF American Democrat liberal SOCIALISTS can't have a say in President Trump's Administration---then they're OK with wrecking America and damaging all the economic restoration work Trump's agenda was repairing.

And do know this: American Socialists in Washington D.C. are enjoying fellow Socialist help and support from other foreign Socialist countries.....
Green Puffin
2020-05-17 12:29:36 UTC
If your a Republican and religious you will be protected against Covoid-19, so you don't have to worry about it.
2020-05-17 04:28:04 UTC
I don't know why you are blaming covid19. The issue is the chinese, and China's government. They allowed the covid19 to spread all over the world, so if you want to blame someone then blame the chinese, and China.

I think what we should be doing is making sure a different pandemic does not start apart from keeping the lock down. I believe the borders to each country should stay closed. Not everyone is infected by this chinese virus, so instead of idiotically infecting more people the lock down should stay in place until we no longer hear of anyone else getting infected, and dying.

I hope someone is working on a good vaccine. I think this is something that is going to be needed!

Opening up certain things should be fine within a country. I strongly recommend that not everything gets shut down within a country.

For example: I believe that hospitals should remain open. Because there are other problems that people have that need to be looked at, and this is apart from the coronavirus pandemic that China created.
2020-05-17 04:23:32 UTC
Haha....your "critical thinking skills" are what Fox tells you.
2020-05-17 03:58:24 UTC
They don't seem to understand that when they decide to open there will be nothing left to open. Every day in the US 100s if not 1000s of businesses are closing forever.
2020-05-17 03:52:37 UTC
No...just enough so that the economy crumbles more and we can then blame Trump. 
2020-05-21 01:45:45 UTC
That's what (D)s & partisan news media now wants as they paint this virus apocalyptic which is a reversal where they stood Prior to 03/15/20 when all partisan (D) news media anchors along with Doctor Fauci & many other (lib) experts stated that seasonal flu (Influenza) should be looked at more than Wuhan Flu with Dr. Fauci assuring the public not to be alarmed on NEWSMAX aired in 01/21/20 & again emphasized the danger was miniscule in 02/17/20. As the 15 days guidelines was near its end, Fauci contemplated in quarantine up to a year. In early April, Dr. Fauci had to reverse his no need for mask advice except for health care workers which was questioned by many knowing how it spreads from simply talking. The computer projection model was found over estimated. Even experts can be wrong.

Sweden revered as a socialist success did not take the socialist approach of shutting down their economy as they knew COVID-19 isn't apocalyptic & the spreads will happen no matter how (D)s & partisan news media makes it apocalyptic while the young & healthy rarely affected keeps the economy stable. Doctor Dan Erickson analyzed & exposed the natural & pre-existing conditions deaths that isn't respiratory being classified as COVID-19 death under pressure, perhaps to inflate COVID-19 Mortality Rate. It is very likely that Influenza deaths are being counted as COVID-19 fatality as well.

Worldwide Deaths from 01/01/20 - 04/04/20: COVID-19 59,226, Seasonal Flu 125,352, Water Related Diseases 217,099, Malaria 252,878, Suicides 276,480, Road Accidents 348,044, HIV/AIDS 433,382, Alcohol 644,785, Smoking 1,288,753, Cancer 2,117,316, Hunger 2,883,497

The Administration were working behind the scenes of the (D)s impeachment fiasco drawing up plans in early January if things got worst in Wuhan & spread out of Wuhan after CDC scientists were sent in Dec. 2019, but China refused help while (D)s defy & resist the Administration's mitigation guidelines. Travel restriction from & to China was declared before there was a confirmed case in the US. Cuomo didn't quarantine every international flight & sea vessels coming into New York when travel restrictions were announced in late January which allowed NY to turn into an epicenter. In the west coast all passengers & crews of princess cruises that dock were quarantined, even if they've already been quarantined abroad just as all passengers & crews of a Boeing 747 from China were quarantine. Cuomo pushed back on Statewide Federal Quarantine & ordered Nursing homes to accept COVID-19+ patients where more than 1/2 of the mortality statistic comes from. Having worked closely with the Administration to keep the spread at a minimal & flatten the curve, the west coast governors are getting carried away with the shutdowns threatening to make it permanent, until vaccination that could partially work 50/50, like flu vaccines, are readily available for obvious political reason expressing to let their megalomaniac tendencies loose. N. Dakota, Georgia, & Florida are much better in keeping things balanced as Red states prefers a targeted shutdown approach to minimize the spread.

De Blasio & (D) Health experts from Feb. to Mar. 15 were making speeches in small rallies against travel bans, social distancing & shutdowns. 02/02/20 NYC Health Commissioner Oxirus Barbot said, There is NO REASON NOT to take the subway, bus, or go to your favorite restaurant - And certainly NOT to miss the parade next Sunday. 02/16/20 she tweeted, " As a doctor I can say there's no reason to avoid ANY neighborhood because of coronavirus"'. 02/16/20 Mark D. Levine Chair of NYC Council Health Committee tweeted, In powerful show of defiance, huge crowds gather in NYC's ahead of annual Lunar New Year parade. 0302/20 Bill de Blasio tweeted, "Since I'm encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus". 02/03/20 New York Times article: "There is no reason why it is not safe to travel to China, The travel ban is unjust".

No One could've known about an "unknown" disease to infect humans that transmit from human to human simply by talking from people who weren't even showing signs of illness at the beginning stages & into a pandemic. A respiratory disease like COVID-19 can't really be contained absent of data on how fast & easily it spreads by 85% of infected people who never got ill or hospitalized (14.5%-14.95% are recovering) experiencing symptoms of a common cold for which the lightly infected & doctors overlooked it as just a cold, until an alarming number of hospitalized infected patients overwhelming the hospitals & 1/20 were dying weekly which prompted a Chinese doctor to look through a microscope ruling out the Africanized swine flu happening at the same time across China that started 3 months earlier. China took extraordinary measure when it was apparent how contagious the virus was, but it was too late as initially they focused on quarantining feverish people having acute symptoms which allowed the virus to spread out of Wuhan to the world through foreign tourist, diplomats & business travelers showing no signs of infection.

The Whole World Failed at Keeping COVID-19 out of their countries. CDC, NIH, HHS, & WHO all Failed, as governor Cuomo argued. Doctor Fauci & CDC Scientists have been operating as they have since Obama's Administration & this pandemic proved that the bureaucracy they had in place then could not handle SARS-COV-2 spreading at this magnitude. Thus, a Task Force requiring Defense Dept. & Private Sector involvement was crucial. WHO should've taken the role of an International Pandemic Response Agency mobilized as soon as there's a large outbreak of an unknown disease infecting humans in a city to quarantine & study. WHO was late to gather Data & sound the Alarm for every country in the world to brace it self from a pandemic the world connected by travel & transport where every day life requires social interactions in close proximity was not prepared for.

At some point the country & the world will need to cope & live with COVID-19 along other diseases that are far more lethal & incurable than COVID-19. With an incubation period of 2 weeks, 6 weeks quarantine/shutdown is more than enough & should've transitioned to targeted shutdown. The world is still dealing with HIV, EBOLA (99% mortality), Hepatitis C & Syphilis without a vaccine. Shutdowns for more than a couple of months will put 280 million US folks in poverty. A year shutdown will put 320 Million Americans in poverty where the government will have to nationalize the industries, private property, & public individualism inducing famine, unproductivity, desperations & deaths.

Despite how American socialists (Sanders & the squad) brand their socialism as Democratic Socialist to mask their true intentions to achieving the end goal of Socialist state control of the economy, industry, property & the public by draconian bureaucratic regulations. Everything they propose such as public education (free & mediocre) & universal single payer health care (rationed) is straight up the USSR, Cuba & Venezuela's play book which Sanders lauds & defends. (Venezuela was praised as Democratic Socialist that was actually Communist with its bureaucrats pillaging oil revenues). These socialist countries don't have state of the art Hospitals & Cadillac Gov. Assist. for all (only 0.0001%) because there isn't enough funds & man power regardless of how much of the private sector are taxed & nationalized. Ultimately all concept or branding of socialism leads to Government owned property of industries, housing, farms, people, long working hours, & NO: dissenting free speech, entrepreneurship, competition, varieties in brands or materials with very little individuality, motivation, & productivity.

In a Socialist country it is very hard to impossible to be a Millionaire when socialists like Bernie & AOC will take 90% of an entrepreneurs wealth, income, & property. Sanders always touts Sweden (homogenous country) as a socialist success where Millionaires & Billionaires thrives from the middle class & the working poor being the ones funding most gov. assistance in Sweden. Bernie & AOC will use every means of pressure & influence in advancing the Green New Deal's socialist agenda for the US economy & society to mirror that of Cuba & Venezuela permanently for century to come. Unlike Sweden, it'll be funded by the top 21% (millionaires & billionaires) & reverse that into the top 0.0001% in solidarity with Cuba, Venezuela & N. Korea eliminating the middle class to exist flattening the income for the rich, middle & the poor.

Lesson for America: Sweden is not Socialist

A nationwide 70%-80% economic shutdown to the essentials only is a communist model economy from a pandemic or warfare that plunges 1st world economies into a depression is when socialism takes a foot hold & eventually take over that will be permanent under the Green New Deal (New Communist Manifesto). Anyone who has lived in Venezuela or escaped Venezuela knows this feeling, once all Industries & Private properties are nationalized. Senate & House (D)s Green New Deal will shape America's economy in line with Venezuela & Cuba were bureaucrats control the economy & the profits (ripe for corruptions). Everyone will either be working for the government assigned jobs deemed necessary, or unemployed on rationed assistance hand outs & rent free dilapidated apartment in disrepair.
a la Rimbaud
2020-05-19 15:34:49 UTC
Do conservatives think we should all start licking door handles?

Politically, I don't care.  People will die, sacrificed to political egos wanting to assert themselves at the expense of other people - it sucks, but it is what it is.  There are bigger cultural issues at play here.  Here's the thing: The protests were hilarious.  A bunch of people LITERALLY whining on TV that they couldn't walk into a store and buy mulch, or get paint sample cards, or hang out at the bar, or whatever, acting like things being kinda sorta closed for a couple months was some panic-level disaster.  Like, how soft do you have to be, how easy does your life have to have been up to this point, how sheltered do you have to be to think things being kinda-sorta closed-ish for a couple months is something serious enough to freak out and scream and protest?  How much of a p**sy do you have to be to become THAT person who's freaking out on TV because the store wouldn't let you come in to buy mulch during a pandemic, a grown adult acting like a toddler because your sense of entitlement is so great that something as minor as stuff being closed threatens it???  Y'all seriously need some legit hardship and/or tragedy in your life to gain a tiny bit of perspective and self-awareness.

What made it even funnier was seeing all of those hypocrite protestors wearing masks or even staying in their cars.  So, you acknowledge there's a problem and a notable threat to certain demographics (note the recommendation that elderly, and those who live with elderly people, NOT attend protests), but the mission they say worthwhile to fight for is the right to force themselves into stores and on others (shop workers, mostly) who may be elderly or live with elderly people?  Raging hypocrites and at least borderline sociopaths (y'all mawfaws literally enforced considerations for your OWN gatherings for the sake of stripping away those same safety considerations for others!!!  It's as simple as that).  Scum.

I'm not personally concerned about the virus, and if we open - it's dumb, but whatever.  But I at least have the sense to stay the **** away from places even if they're open, because that staff - that you idiots have now forced to interact with you face to face - have those SAME concerns you all had with your little protests and no option - other than being jobless without unemployment eligibility - but to suck it up and deal with it.  Apparently I'm actually a decent person (who knew?!) for having the really basic level of empathy to grasp that - something you conservative nutjobs seem to lack.
Shinnyuu R
2020-05-19 12:40:50 UTC
Somewhere between 3 months and five years is the sweet spot 
2020-05-19 08:20:18 UTC
Some say 3 months, 2 years and WHO says it is endemic and it is not about 5 or 10 years. It is forever.
2020-05-19 05:08:54 UTC
I think you should continue your argument against liberals about three weeks after joining some large crowd of people who are standing shoulder-to-shoulder and not wearing masks.  And show your touching right-wing compassion by hugging and comforting any who appear to be sick.   
2020-05-18 19:18:56 UTC
I am not a liberal & I have read no place that they expect us to stay locked down at all. The workplaces are shutdown because they do not want people sick or worse, dead. The thing they need to be worried about are living costs & funding. I was a front worker, meaning that I risked my life & being as I care for my two granddaughters & am a baby sitter for an excoworker’s child, I took a great leap of faith to give up working so as not to put them at risk of the COVID-19 virus. If we must stay at home, we have to have funding for living costs including free healthcare to all people.
2020-05-18 09:14:24 UTC
Liberals are the stupidest people in the existence of the planet. They make cavemen look like Rhodes Scholars. 

And you libtards can take your "vaccines" and shove them up your asses.
2020-05-18 03:50:57 UTC
Maybe I should be more like this Trump supporter?
2020-05-18 02:24:16 UTC
I am a liberal no I do not think five years but until January 2021.  Give the virus s chance to die off if it has no host it can't spread.  Also gives more time for vaccines.
2020-05-18 01:27:17 UTC
No they want a lockdown for 10 years. It will take that long to recover from what they are wanting. 
2020-05-17 23:45:56 UTC
We need to lock up Covidfe for more than 5 years and get him out of the White House ASAP to save us from the Covfefe-19 virus. Otherwise it can keep hurting us for more than 5 years.
2020-05-17 18:02:37 UTC
Yes we do.  So does Michelle Obama and his husband.
2020-05-17 18:00:00 UTC
You're funny. Tell us more about your keen insight on the minds of liberals. We only want to know.
2020-05-17 17:04:10 UTC
Fiveyears? That's a good republitard. Just make up the story to fit your brainwashed beliefs. No,we think we should open up the whole country so more of you,and your family can die. Morons.
2020-05-17 13:35:20 UTC
We have already been locked down for 3-1/2 years.
2020-05-17 13:18:17 UTC
Can conservatives please quit spouting subhuman opinions?
2020-05-17 13:08:11 UTC
its a trial run for the new green deal
2020-05-17 03:54:53 UTC
Really. science and monitoring should dictate what we do; not your misinterpreted Benjamin Franklin quote.

All we had to do was test more, and set up the lockdown way before we actually did; and we probably wouldn't be as set back as we were.

But no, it was a liberal conspiracy overblown by the liberal media to hurt Trump's beautiful economy.

If anything, it's the people who cry about the economy who will be the ones to cripple it, LOL.
2020-05-17 03:53:36 UTC
Relax. With 70 countries working on vaccine, I am sure one will come up with one soon. 

We should open up if trump can guarantee that nobody else will die from virus.
2020-05-17 03:51:04 UTC
No, of course not. That's just right-wing nonsense.

What we DO want is to reopen slowly and safely so there isn't a spike in illness and death.
2020-05-19 18:42:44 UTC
We could never be locked down that long , everything will go out of business
Freethinking Liberal
2020-05-19 16:19:37 UTC
Nothing to do with liberals and everything to do with medical science.
2020-05-19 05:20:43 UTC
I think you should continue your argument against liberals about three weeks after joining some large crowd of people who are standing shoulder-to-shoulder and not wearing masks.  And show your touching right-wing compassion by hugging and comforting any who appear to be sick.   
2020-05-18 22:34:35 UTC
You know what would have been really great, that this half wit imbecile of a president had taken this seriously from the get go and not tried to play it down to save his sorry lying a$$, and advised his dumb as dirt supporters to adhere to every safe measure possible Including wearing masks and social distancing!

And I bet we would have all been back at work a f*****g month ago!!!

But no, here we are approaching 90,000 deaths and what is the raving lunatic doing now, telling everyone he is taking Hydroxychloroquine when he does even have the disease!!!

Stop whining on about what you THINK Liberals are saying, and THINK about what kind of message the irresponsible jacka$$ in the White House has been giving!!!
2020-05-18 18:03:25 UTC
I hadn't heard anyone say five years, but I DO think they'd like to delay reopening the country as long as possible.  IMO they would be very happy if the economy fails, and they'd love to see more people dependent on the government for all their needs.  I see bad things in our future - if the Dem's win in November.  
2020-05-18 11:01:14 UTC
Cons actually want that the most, then the stock market could just keep going up like it has during the lockdowns.
2020-05-18 05:53:40 UTC
Some do. It's what they predict.
2020-05-18 04:24:48 UTC
So you’re saying that you’re ok with 1/3 of the population getting infected...

The Spanish flu infected 1/3 of the word’s population and about 10% of those infected died.
2020-05-18 02:50:12 UTC
Yes, they love government tyranny and need to find an excuse to implement it.
Judy and Charlie
2020-05-18 00:36:19 UTC



You're was a pleasure to point this out to you.
2020-05-18 00:06:21 UTC
Dear, do you have any idea at all how amazingly stupid this "question" makes you look?

Evidently not.

Are you posting from a special education facility, perhaps?  

Though probably not. I know Down Syndrome people who are considerably more intelligent than you are. You're just hanging out in Mom and Dad's basement with nothing better to do.
2020-05-17 17:26:53 UTC
2020-05-17 15:21:26 UTC
No we think 10 years would be better you fool.  Comments and thinking like that is why our country is eating crap. Rather than continue to flounder with partisan politics, our elected officials Republicans and Democrats must work together, there is a deadly pandemic facing us now and we better get at it and stop playning grab *** with political affiliations.
2020-05-17 13:11:16 UTC
Vote Republican 
2020-05-17 11:55:13 UTC
I always thought republicans never questioned authority and it was the liberals who usually took stands against the govt. Like with the Vietnam War. Idk, I’m neither rep or dem, just what I always assumed. 🤷
Blue Skies.
2020-05-17 11:21:31 UTC
There is not a todays Liberal alive that does not

want the government to take control of their lives

cradle to grave.
Andy F
2020-05-17 10:48:17 UTC

I'm not a liberal. At one point as a teenager I was a alibertarian supporter of Ayn Rand's books. 

As a former Ayn Rand fan, I can't forget John Galt's angry, exultant radio speech in "Atlas Shrugged," where Galt denounces all the millions of people who just don't have the courage & honesty to recognize reality when it startes them in the face.

What Galt says to these people is that they have condemned themselves to destruction for their refusal to see the truth. 

In "Atlas Shrugged," Galt is talking about the supposed truths about human nature that make competitive capitalism and individual self-seeking the only rational bases for civilization.  But today, it's clear to me that Galt's point -- Ayn Rand's point -- applies even more clearly to everyone who refuses to recognize medical and scientific truths that govern the material universe.

The scientific and medical truths about the COVID-19 virus -- that, and the clear scientific evidence for global climate change -- are the most urgently important truths facing us today, I think.  Right-wing conservatives and libertarians who want everyone to ignore those truths -- in supposed service to the fancy human goal of "liberty" or "freedom"  - are suicidal idiots.

A pandemic disease like COVID-19 doesn't care a straw for our freedom, our liberty, our sacred ideals, our highest political ideals.  A pandemic disease like COVID-19 will sweep away our miserable lives unless we take the steps that are physically and biologically needed to control it.

To survive the coronavirus pandemic, we need to heed what the best scientific and medical minds are telling us about the virus and how to contain it.

OBVIOUSLY, this doesn't mean shutting down the US economy for 5 years -- nobody is talking about that.

It DOES mean accepting temporary restrictions on our precious liberties and our oh-so-sacred FEELINGS until the public health officials have a good enough handle on the pandemic to know how to contain it.  :Let's do that.

Of course, to help most people survive the virus -- and to help our capitalist economy survive -- the US government & the state governments & private companies & individuals urgently need to do whatever they can to keep individuals from starving to death, and small businesses from dying, as restrictions on public gatherings remain in place.

This isn't a "political" or "moral" necessity -- well, maybe it is -- but it's a practical one.  Congress and the Federal Reserve Board are (mostly) right to have thrown trillions of federal dollars and loan guarantees at trying to stem the economic damage from the pandemic.  They need to do more..

Yes, there's a big risk we're taking in building up the US national debt; yes, there will be cheating and corruption associated with any government bailouts.  But John Galt's logic and common sense say that we need to save individuals, businesses and state governments from the worst ravages of the COVID-19 recession.  And we need to "shelter in place" and take other measures to contain the virus before it makes the recession worse.

-- democratic socialist for science and common sense
2020-05-17 03:55:19 UTC
Its economic terrorism. It's all the left is good for.
2020-05-17 03:53:03 UTC
Conservatives always say the dumbest sh*t ever
2020-05-17 03:51:59 UTC
i would hope not but maybe so
Little Ollie
2020-05-20 02:51:12 UTC
Are you the bright spark who was at a demonstration to open up the country who kept shouting at people to cough in your face?  
2020-05-19 23:02:36 UTC
Lockdown for 5 years is better than the death of 1 person caused by opening too early

By the way I was a lifelong Republican until the GOP nominated Trump the Hitler wannabe
2020-05-19 21:57:21 UTC
Take two hydroxychlorquine with a clorox chaser and call me in the morning......
2020-05-19 00:22:02 UTC
Questioning authority?! lmao says the side who act very authoritarian and love using police force and military force
2020-05-18 22:35:01 UTC
Liberal politicians are using the covid19 as a stepping stone for other things.  They are unAmerican opportunists!
2020-05-18 21:26:26 UTC
I think people should be locked up for being so ridiculously ignorant. 
2020-05-18 18:56:54 UTC
Liberals just want a locked down until  election day  Then the next day  it's  back to normal forget about the masks or the 6 foot distancing rule. There going to  act like nothing ever happened.  Liberals are just manipulators 👿
2020-05-18 17:51:17 UTC
I think we should lock down the libtards for 10 years and just follow president Rump and just shove lights inside our holy bodies and drink detergent , at least thats my opinion and i ll die defending it ! 
2020-05-18 17:19:29 UTC
No,just until Nov 4th..the day after the election.....then the virus will magically disappear.
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-05-18 15:31:19 UTC
How is it that you define the word "liberals," hiding behind anonymous?  If you use the scholarly definition of LIBERALISM from "Lecture At Yale University" you might be able to see the sheer folly of your propaganda-based query: "By liberalism I don't mean the creed of any party or century. I mean a generosity of spirit, a tolerance for others, an effort to comprehend otherness, a high ideal for the dignity and value of mankind, a commitment to the rule of law, a repugnance for authoritarianism, and a love of freedom."  These are the principles upon which our already-great representative democratic republic (of, by, and for the people government) was founded.  Ergo, the only possible answer to your hyperbolic query is "No, of course not."  

Short-man authoritarian Putin and his eager student, the lifts-wearing 5'10" Donald Trump, "hate" (a.k.a., fear) liberalism because the more aware people become, the more educated, the less likely those people will be repressed by tiny would-be tyrants.  Insecurity-driven self-loathing thin-skinned tyrants like the ever-evil Koch brother oil barons ("DARK MONEY" by Jane Mayer, 2017), criminally corrupt mobbed up Putin and Trump and their ilk are deathly afraid of a liberated liberal populace such as we have here in the Putin-envied United States.  

The deadly rapidly-spreading COVID-19 virus that an incompetent and perhaps complicit Trump-controlled inner circle has allowed to become a pandemic by deliberately ignoring repeated early warnings (shades of the lawless Cheney/Bush eight ignored warnings of the 9/11 attack!) requires a nationalized (lacking due to Trump failures) effort to minimize the numbers of cases and Americans' deaths.  The :"lock down" is not 100% so stop with the right-wing or Russian MAFIA hype and hyperbole!  When no competent federal efforts were forthcoming, our states' governors took the lead to protect their residents, and Andrew Cuomo even did what the White House should have done: COORDINATE with other states!  Trump is guilty of "criminally negligent genocide" according to a prominent D.C. attorney.
2020-05-18 15:01:00 UTC
Everyone tells us that the lock down will last for around one year.  It could be less if the Sars vaccination stockpile in Texas proves to be effective against Covid.  
2020-05-18 05:03:40 UTC
Truly left-wing rulers really would have initiated lockdowns and closed borders much earlier on, necessitating the situation only continue for a short time. But I suppose it’s important for the blinded majority of Conservative and Neo-Liberal supporters to fight to be free to die and cause the death of others, ironically, in societies that already manipulatively and subtly restrict far many more reasonable rights and freedoms than at the moment. For the sake of  power and, ultimately, profit.
2020-05-17 21:02:57 UTC
No, but Trump should.
2020-05-17 16:17:31 UTC
Y'all are taking this to the outer limits, aren't you?  Can't help being obnoxious and acting ignorantly.  Has the ability to refrain from statements of extreme absurdity slapped the crap out of you and made you cry?  Of course not.  5 years?  Who said we would remain locked down for.... damn you must have read one of the Duck's tweets.  They need to charge that man for every tweet over 10  in one day.  They could get rich.  For every tweet of absurity it's an extra dollar.  For every rant.. 5.00.

Twitter could make a fortune.  
2020-05-17 14:37:59 UTC
You should be locked away I am sure but Liberals want the virus to decrease so we can open up again fully. If dumb Cons keep spreading it, we will never get fully open.
2020-05-17 14:32:42 UTC
I tried to get a objective of the shutdown out of them I couldn’t get anything.  I have to assume they agree with Fauci that there has to be 0 Covid deaths so 5 years if not forever. 
2020-05-17 11:05:03 UTC
  "It seems most liberals lack critical thinking skills and do not ever question government authority."

 thats the OPPOSITE of being a liberal

THATS a hard line conservative
2020-05-17 04:05:13 UTC
No no no, Only Conservative should be.
2020-05-17 03:53:01 UTC
🥴 I dunno. Can we?

Because every time you come outside of your house without a mask on, I want to punch you in the face.

Inconsiderate basterds. None of us can bear to look at you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.