Is it racist to be nervous if there are too many Arabs on the same air plane as you?
2016-05-28 10:18:51 UTC
Is it racist to be nervous if there are too many Arabs on the same air plane as you?
365 answers:
2016-05-30 23:21:16 UTC
Well I would definitely naturally be pretty nervous to be on that plane and I believe I have a right to feel that way. Obviously not all Arabs are bad and many probably aren't. But you don't know everyone on that plane personally.. there could definintely be a bad apple in the bunch and could be planning something bad. It's happened and while many people deny it - it still has happened. It's a fact that some are harmful people - just like some people from other random countries could be harmful too. You just never know. You're always taking a risk no matter what you're doing, it's a part of life. If you understand the situation you'd know that we aren't actually "conditioned" to be scared of arabs. We're just aware. However, we are conditioned to belive everything is racist - even if we aren't using the terminology the right way. It's crazy really. I think political correctness is scarier than people from Arab nations honestly.
2016-05-29 15:14:38 UTC
No your not racist can't be racist to ideology of islam but you can be racist if you said something about Arabs. But not racist it sounds like just nervous being on a airline jet or plane. Just think positive it would be rare to have that type of terrorist attack happen on planes. If traveling from Egypt or middle east or third world country then yes be nervous because they don't check people at the airport that well.

Plus why are we still taking about race. In my opinion it is racist to favor one race over the other. Like in the united states 1960 it was racist to favor the white race. But also just racist to favor African American race. What about Arabs , whites, Asians. That's problem when you favor one race over the other. Then your oppressing other groups. Personally I don't care about race mixing. 100 yr or less you will not have pure white or African American black races. We will all be mix human races. Best example think of mut Dog. All dogs share the same dna.
2016-05-30 07:56:27 UTC
Yes...and there is nothing wrong with that. We have been conditioned to feel that way over the last few decades--and it was their doing. We didn't force their hands into becoming terrorists...they chose that--and they also chose us as their targets because of the same types of feelings. Reciprocation is not such a terrible thing, especially when it's reactive instead of aggressive.

They created the circumstances under which these instincts of self-preservation occur. They will now have to live with if they care.

For all of you saying that Arabs "as a whole" shouldn't be assumed to be up to no good, that's fine, and you're right. IF there were a way to tell the difference between terrorists and the rest, I would agree. But there isn't, and most won't denounce publicly the actions of the few. Maybe that's their own self-preservation kicking in, or maybe most of them adhere to the same religious tenets and somewhat agree...we'll never know which of those is true either until they say. But they aren't talking, with very few exceptions. So for us to be "nervous," is natural.

Good grief!! Let me speak to some of the comments here.

Anon..the fact that "race" is a social construct and that there are no "pure" anything...well...there's nothing more to say on that.

ayita...Islam does have many peaceful followers--the majority of them are. But the ones that aren't ARE actually following their religious text to the letter. They are commanded to find us (non-Muslims who won't convert) and kill them where they are.

nick...all of them?? Yes.

Ian...I have, but I wouldn't have to to know that they choose their actions just like the rest of us. They do have a right to dislike us...that's for sure, but random slaughterings is maniacal and the reasons they give for these are NOT the reasons you claim they have.'re entitled to your opinion...but if that's yours, you also can't be calling anyone else kettle.

Aaron...and you're a brilliant example of why they are able to continue their terrorism. They don't like me because I'm a free, white non-Muslim. I and many others tend to worry about people who might kill me. How that translates to racist F-ing pig....I have not figured out.

Froglick....If I'm not mistaken, they don't tend to be big party guys. But if you think they didn't meet and organize for some of the things they have done, you're incredibly naive. I'm going out on a limb here and guessing English isn't your native tongue. Sorry, but the rest I don't understand well enough to answer.

The "Great" Soldier...WHO TOLD....and "we" didn't FORCE them to randomly bomb innocent people every few months, according to some of them, because we allow women to be thinking humans and don't worship

Allah....regardless of why YOU think they're mad at us...I'm sure you know better than they do. so? What is it that I believe that there haven't been multiple examples of? Just so you know, what I have based my thoughts on is not the blathering of reporters...from any news's the recordings of the people who are committing the atrocities themselves---rather, recruiting the young and dumb to do it for them.

Anyone else??
2016-05-30 04:38:42 UTC
Would an Arab be nervous if there are too many Arabs on the same plane as him? That would prove if it is racist or not for anyone else to be nervous. My guess is that he would be a little nervous, given the history of Jihadist attacks using planes. So no, it's not racist to be nervous if there are too many Arabs on the same plane as you.
2016-05-28 19:23:32 UTC
No. People really don't know what racism really is. Clearly in the comments, they have no idea. Being afraid of someone because of a traumatic event in which people of that same group has committed that crime isn't racist. You've been programmed through media to see them as terrorists automatically so it isn't your fault. Now how you react is a different story. If you verbally accuse them of being terrorists then that's being discriminatory against them which is basically judging. A racist is anyone who feel that they are superior over another people because of skin color. Also having the power to disenfranchise, criminalize, marginalize, and cause harm because of that belief with a system in place that will support it. The only people who has ever had that position of power are white supremacists. The white supremacists are the true terrorists. Just take a look at history. What group of people has caused the most harm to everyone they've come in contact with globally? White people.
2016-05-29 14:34:42 UTC
Just don't make any comments out loud. THAT would be racist. The only time you should be nervous is if you see someone holding a weapon, although that isn't likely to happen because every single person goes through a security check at the airport before getting on the plane. You're ok
2016-05-28 21:08:01 UTC
Not at all. While there is nothing wrong in any way with Arabs, and many are very good people, they have unfortunately gotten a bad reputation as there have been so many terrorists all over the world, and 99% have been Arab or Islam. Those horrible terrorists have sadly given a bad image to Arabs, and so if you feel nervous there is nothing racist about it, and in my opinion Arabs should not take offense to it, but rather ban together with the rest of the US to beat these terrorists that have given them the bad image, so that way the reputation will be clear, and there will be no more worrying in general.
2016-05-30 02:10:29 UTC
Zero. Men and women seriously don't determine what racism actually is. Evidently inside responses, that they have no clue. Staying reluctant involving a person caused by a disturbing celebration through which men and women of these very same class features devoted that will criminal offenses isn't really racist. You could have been recently developed by way of advertising to view these people while terrorists routinely in order that it isn't really your current mistake. Currently how we reply is often a distinct history. In case you verbally accuse these people to be terrorists and then that is certainly staying discriminatory versus these people and that is generally knowing. A new racist can be any individual whom experience actually outstanding around yet another men and women as a consequence of epidermis. In addition keeping the capacity to disenfranchise, criminalize, marginalize, along with bring about injury as a consequence of that will notion which has a technique available that could assist the idea. Really the only folks who features ever endured that will situation involving electrical power are generally bright supremacists. Your bright supremacists include the genuine terrorists. Only examine record. Precisely what population group features induced essentially the most trouble for anyone they've already come in contact with worldwide? Bright men and women.
2016-05-31 08:07:38 UTC
Aren't almost all terrorists Muslim? Hmm let's see. The Lockerbie plane bombing; Muslim. The 1993 WTC bombing; Muslim. 9/11; Muslim. The Beltway Snipers; Muslim. The London subway bombings; Muslim. The attacks in Mumbai; Muslim. The mall massacre in Kenya; Muslim. The Russian commercial plane bombing in Egypt; Muslim. The Charlie Hebo attack; the attack in Paris; Muslim....

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim

The "underpants" Bomber was a Muslim

The U.S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims

The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims

The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims

The Moscow Theater Attackers were Muslims

The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims

The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims

The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims

The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims

The rape factories in Europe are run by Muslims

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims

The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims

The weekly beheadings are committed by Muslims

The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims

The "Stoning" of women is committed by Muslims

The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims

The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims

The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims

The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims

The executions of G/\YS are committed by Muslims

The Bombay India Attackers were Muslims

The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

Oh and let's not forget about the tens of thousands of suicide bombers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Muslims are brave on air planes, at bus stops, hotels, and any place where there is a large congregation of people. They are cowards on the battlefield. There's a reason a muslim country hasn't won a war since the middle ages.

But hey, who needs facts, right?
2016-05-31 13:33:48 UTC
It's stereotypical, which in my opinion is not racist. Everybody is stereotypical in some form or another. The truth is, Muslim and Islamic extremists really do these things. Planes really do get hijacked, places really do get bombed, and that by people of Arab descent. That does not mean however that all Arab people are terrorists. The fear of an Arab man on board a plane is something that has been adopted by Americans due to terrorist attacks such as 911. I personally would find it unnerving as well. Racists however are people who discriminate others for their skin color and find themselves superior to other peoples ethnic backgrounds. Hope this helps.
2016-05-29 11:31:07 UTC
Hmmmm not particularly.... I mean it's understanable with all the happenings in the world right now, only natural that you'd feel a little intimidated.

But it's good to understand to not judge a whole nationality based on what a certain group of people did.

Everyone is an individual, with certain feelings and morals. And most likely the person your scared of is scared too. How would you feel if everywhere you went, people would instictively think of you as a killer or enemy. When in reality they are actually nurses/doctors, teacher, and wouldn't hurt a fly.

I've had a friend on my sports team get rejected by the other team and coach because she was a muslim. They refused right to her becuase they didn't feel comfortable with them and in some not so nice words. The friend is actually the nicest and most harmless person I know.she balled her eyes out. Not cool.

You have a right to how you feel, But most likely the people just want to go home themselves and take a nap lol
2016-05-29 20:08:33 UTC
Everyone is saying no, but let me put this in different scenarios...

If you are at a store with a lot of black people is it racist to be nervous that they will steal from you?

If you are at Home Depot is racist to ask a person who is Latino-American to mow your lawn?

I understand with the recent events that are happening, that you will feel nervous. But it is important not to stereotype, not to judge immediately on appearance and not to make inaccurate assumptions.

This is just like WW2. Remeber when everyone was suspicious around Japanese people and assumed that they were working with Japan? Everyone assumed they were traitor based off of their nationality.

Is that not the same thing that is happening now?

The only difference is they kept Japanese citizens in America, rather than Trump who is actually trying deport Muslims, and send them out of the country. I hope I didn't offend you, but sometimes I think America doesn't learn until it's too late.
2016-05-28 12:14:27 UTC
It would be the same thing what Jessie Jackson feels when there's a hoodlum looking black guy behind him or a group of hoodlum looking black guys around him. Same thing High Class people feel around low class poor people or homeless people they don't personally know. That kind of Feeling is Universal around the world 1st or 3rd world. Not everyone is a saint, just as not everyone is hard working, not everyone is honest, not everyone is a genius, in the U.S. all anyone can do is react past when something bad is about to happen. In Non Western Countries a group of guards will surround and monitor a group of foreign shoppers at a distance monitoring their every move. Different Tribes behave suspicious of other tribes is Universal around the world reinforce by negative behaviors that a majority of the tribes engage in or a number of threats, attack, and act of events happening in short, long or historical Chronology like Jihad Mass Murder and Slavery is not new and had been wage for 1300 years.
2016-05-29 15:52:38 UTC
no, its normal considering there have been many incidents involving an Arab and a plane. If you think of Arabs negatively or dislike their whole race in general, that is racist. Not everyone that is an Arab is bad, most of them are good. It is natural to be nervous around people who you have heard have done bad things, especially on a plane.
2016-05-31 03:39:27 UTC
Some of the passengers that shared a plane with the Farooks were nervous, but were made to feel they were bigots. Not long afterward, the Farooks went on their murderous rampage in San Bernadino. So, no, it's not racist to be nervous in those circumstances. In this day and age, it's natural.
2016-05-31 11:33:25 UTC
There is good and bad in everyone, and Arabs I'm sure are no different, but time again over the years there been news reports of militant Arab/Muslims who have shown they don't give a damn who they vent their hatred or anger on no matter how innocent their victims are, and the effect of that is causing Islamophobia, so I don't think its racist to be nervous to be near Arabs, in fact can't blame anyone for wanting to keep away from them if it makes them feel safer
I want MOAR
2016-05-29 16:32:47 UTC
I've been on planes with Arabs and stopped in Saudi Arabia in transit. They're very polite and many of them have a university education. Etiquette is really important to Muslims.

If you were actually in Syria, then being afraid would be a rational response. But not if you're on an airplane.
2016-05-29 13:26:06 UTC
No. If anything, it's justified in a way that you're nervous, considering, you know, the Twin Tower incident. But another major reason why is because the American main-stream media's basically brainwashed a ****-TON of the masses into thinking all Arabs are bad and will potentially hijack a plane, or something like that.

The media does all the time, to every race, even Caucasians.
2016-05-29 17:46:52 UTC
Racism is discrimination against a certain race. From what the news is feeding us about terrorism, it's ok to be nervous. If you get up in their faces and start offending them or you literally think 'they're arabs, they're all terrorists' then it's racist. It isn't racist if you are nervous as we've been fed this information from the news and current affairs.
2016-05-30 12:17:18 UTC
Yes that's being a racist douchebag. You're also ignorant. And being Christian, catholic, buddhist, or of any f*cking religion doesn't make u a f*cking saint. We're all humans and we're all capable of causing destruction. The media just brainwashes the weak minded to feel a certain way. You think America is so damn great, don't you? Do you even know what the hell we do to innocent people, innocent countries? And seems to me that the religious pricks are the most hypocritical of all people. Hope there is a hell. And no I'm not an atheist so don't f*cking label me.
2016-06-01 09:31:27 UTC
No, it's not racist!

Arabic people have a very bad influence on this world because of all the people that have died because of their beliefs. Being nervous around people you don't trust/people with a bad influence is just a part of the human instinct. It's better to be nervous when you're around a lot of Arabians than it is to be comfortable around many of them. Sometimes,... you just never know. Better to stay on the safe side, you know.
2016-05-30 06:04:52 UTC
In a way it is racist, not all Arabs are going to be suicide bombers who'll hijack your plane. But, nonetheless, you have a rational reason as to why you are nervous - there is a history with that particular ethnic group where a lot of people are in fact suicide bombers and terrorists. But there again, I am a Caucasian who is (somewhat) Christian from Australia - although I'm not, I have as much potential to be a terrorist as you do, and everyone else on your plane. It is racist - but there is adequate reasoning behind your 'racism' for it to possibly be overlooked.
2016-05-29 14:48:02 UTC
No, but watch out for the stewardess; she's a redhead and will probably have a short fuse. The baby in the seat behind you will be colicky. The Italian across from you will smell of garlic. The German lady beside you will be mean and loud. And if an Asian is flying the plane, well then God help you.
2016-05-30 20:39:14 UTC
Does that mean you're nervous when there are Christians on the same plane as you because, guess what, Christians can also be Arabs; it's not exclusively restricted to being a Muslim, dumbass
2016-05-29 11:56:24 UTC
No! that's Self-preservation!

Being scared and being honest about it, has NOTHING to do with being a racist, As long as they are NOT stopped from travelling and you don't make OTHER people uncomfortable, bully them or are stupid because of your fears!!!because they ARE YOUR fears! you are free to be afraid, feel scared, and if YOU are concerned, then YOU get out of the plane and not travel(you have the freedom and the right to choose for they have to HAVE the freedom and the right to chose for them!)

If you had to go inside a camera gas and you knew that Hitler's army would be outside the camera gas, on the OTHER side of the door...would you consider being Racist if you "WERE NERVOUS" of going in?
2016-06-02 05:49:34 UTC
Not if you know about the TSA profiling rules, which go like this: If three or more middle eastern looking people come into the airport, you are NOT to question them, pull them aside for extra search, nothing because it will be deemed profiling. However, a Swedish woman who is 80 yrs old in a wheelchair with blue hair can be strip searched, questioned even if she misses her plane....This is what we have going on at airports. The entire fiasco DOES NOT MAKE ANYONE SAFE AT ALL; IT IS ONLY WINDOW DRESSING TO MAKE YOU THINK YOU ARE BEING KEPT SAFE, NOTHING MORE. Not only would I be nervous, I would NOT GET ON THE PLANE, OR I WOULD GET THE HELL OFF OF IT A.S.A.P., because I sorta want to live, ya know?
The First Dragon
2016-05-30 19:27:57 UTC
Arab is not a race, so it can't be racist.

Nervousness about Arabs is tricky. There are attacks by Arabs against the West, and there are Arabs that are good people. It can be hard for the average person to know which is which.
2016-05-29 11:22:39 UTC
yes im nervous around too many arabs cause when they talk fast in arabic, it sounds like they are slicing their tongue, angry and swearing all the time. thats how some arabic sounds from the mouth of some people, but then i also get nervous around too many teenage white boys cause im afraid they may go on a shooting spree or start swearing cause they dont have access to beer. its not racist though, getting nervous is fine as long as u dont say anything or do anything
2016-05-31 11:01:07 UTC
It can certainly be considered but think about're nervous, why? Because you're afraid of terrorists? Maybe you do not know what they're saying because tou don't know the language? Or because you've never been on a airplane with Arabs before. I don't know your situation, I wish you stressed on it more but I'd try to plug my headphones in and listen to some JT, that'll cool it down I suppose.
2016-05-31 17:55:37 UTC
It's not necessarily racist but more stereotypical. The media always portrays Muslims as terrorists. Therefore, now a lot of people think all Muslims are terrorists. However, actually less than 2% of all Muslims are terrorists. So when you see those guys, its likely they aren't terrorists. However, I get your knowledge since the media taught us this. I would definitley also get nervous too if I was in your situation.
2016-05-29 13:40:39 UTC
Uhhh yes. You shouldn't be generalizing a group of people based on what you've heard or what 2+ people did. Have some human decency and leave them alone. Don't paint all of them with the same brush. Your 9/11 is their 24/7. Stop that bs and sit down
2016-05-29 12:34:43 UTC
Well, I am not Arab, well I once was in a plane full of 95% Arabs, I felt kind of uncomfortable as I am the only one who doesn't know Arabic and I am not dressed like them, but that is normal for all people. I know that they in their mentality are same like me, and that I have nothing to fear as they are all human like me in the end. Best part, one Hindu was sitting next to me, a Vegetarian, So almost the entire plane eats meat except him, so they gave rice with chicken in the menu, so I got to eat his food too.
2016-05-31 13:35:39 UTC
What do you consider "too many"? And yes, by definition it is, because you are making assumptions about people based only on their ethnicity. You know nothing else about them. Should I be nervous if there are a lot of young white guys on the plane? After all, they're usually the ones who shoot up a school or mall or movie theater.
2016-05-31 05:21:27 UTC
How can it be racist to be nervous?. How many is too many? How do you know they are Arabs?

I would be more worried about the inconspicuous passengers, dressed in western clothing. Many would-be Islamic terrorists are now educated in Europe. Many are University graduates and some are even qualified doctors. Unfortunately they have been contaminated by extremist beliefs.
2016-05-29 16:46:54 UTC
No, but having been on planes with mostly arab muslims and christians in the 90s and 00s, I can tell you that once a certain ratio is conservative arabs, the hostility experienced as a western man goes up exponentially.

You might as well be a fungus sitting there as far they are concerned.
Andy F
2016-05-30 07:36:18 UTC
asking this particular question in the way you have asked it is racist. Or at least, it's designed to spread fear about Arabs, and to justify doing so.

Therefore, to the extent being anti-Arab is racist, you've just stepped up to a new level in ...well ... hate mongering. You've chose to make a public statement about the supposed danger represented by Arabs, rather than just feeling an emotion in the privacy of your own mind.

To me, you also seem to be justifying the very idea of being "racist," just by the way you phrase the question. You're basically suggesting to everyone who might be nervous about Arabs, because of the legacy of 9/11, that he or she may be considered "racist" just because of feeling nervous about terrorism. You're therefore suggesting, "Hey, so being racist isn't all that bad, is it?"

That's evil, IMO. You sound to me like a white racist Klan member, somebody who probably hates Jews as well as Arabs, black people, gay people, etc. etc. -- who is now trying to popularize the idea of racism among people who've been the major victims of it.

May God forgive you for this, if there is a God.

To me, you sound like someone deserving of eternal punishment in hell -- not because you claim to be nervous on airplanes, but because you seem to be promoting hatred and fear among your fellow human beings. We've all suffered from too much hatred & fear already; we don't need more of it.
2016-05-31 13:52:03 UTC
Not at all, it is only sensible. If you are ever on a plane that is hijacked, especially over American air space, you must know that if you do NOT take the plane back, you will be shot out of the sky. They cannot let it become a weapon of attack, so better to shoot it out of the sky and only lose the passengers than to let it be used as a bomb to destroy a building and lose the passengers AND the people in the building.
2016-05-29 13:24:40 UTC
If you feel that uncomfortable around Arabs, why not just drive? But then, you would have to watch out for those crazy Muslims on the highway. Seriously, you probably couldn't pick out an Arab boarding an aircraft. Don't worry about it.
2016-05-30 22:59:27 UTC
As racist as it would be to worry about getting shot if there were too many Americans in the same room as you...

I'm not saying that every American is a mass shooter, that's racist for sure. I'm saying that every time there is a mass shooting the odds would be that it is an American. How is that racist?
2016-05-31 23:15:37 UTC
Here's my opinion:

Yes, it's racist to be nervous. But to be honest, it's kind of okay to be nervous. Everyone is tense what with all the attacks, etc. Just remember to keep an open mind about everyone you know, and not to judge and base your opinions off of only what you say.
2016-05-30 14:00:09 UTC
Yeah it's passive aggressive racism, which many people in the comments sections seem to be projecting. Earlier I had dinner with a man who was terrified that the Arabs will take over and enforce Sharia law. Stop being afraid of people of different skin colors or nationality.
2016-05-29 00:10:15 UTC
No, that's totally fine. I'm always scared one of my Caucasian male classmates are going to shoot my classroom up. It's natural.

By the way- Christians have done more harm in society than crashing a plane into the WTC. This is coming from a native NY'r.
2016-05-31 19:33:08 UTC
If there was a black man sitting next to you or near your seat would it be racist that you might get robbed? Or, a drive by shooting going to the restroom on the airplane with their cell phones? How about a Mexican sitting next to your seat who might stab you with his straw? With my opinion of an observation with this racist concern is what we might call is paranoia. Most people do experience paranoia for other people and that doesn't make you a racist. Some may have a fear of Bikers or homeless people. This is just an example and I suggest you relax or you might get yourself a heart attack for being so stressed out about Arabs.
2016-05-30 00:11:25 UTC
It's not rascist. It's just offensive and stereotypical; How the hell would you feel if your an Arab and you're just trying to travel, but biast people get scared by your presence because they think you're a terrorist. If people say all Muslims are terrorists it's just as offensive as saying all Christians are in the KKK, or all Italians are in the mafia. I understand your point of view due to current and past events, but if you're going to be the asshole who stops a plane and kicks out an Arab man for speaking to his mom in Arabic then you should really think how it would feel to be judged by you're race, and the bad people of that race
2016-05-30 11:49:50 UTC
No its not racist. You should be scared because they are the ones who blow **** up. I would be shitting myself if I saw an arab on the same plane as I am. No way is it racist. If you are on the same plane as an arab you might as well jump out the window. This country should deport all minorities as they are the problem with society. Trump for president. Clinton for prison.
2016-05-30 13:09:50 UTC
Anytime I see a religious nut, Christian or Muslim or Jew, I get somewhat nervous because all three religions have committed violence, and no Islam is not peaceful, neither is Christianity. No it's not racist. People use that term far too often in today's society without even knowing what qualifies to use it.
2016-05-28 10:43:48 UTC
Too bad if it is

I was once on a UAL jet stuck in the middle of ORD's legendary out -to -the take off runway conga line when the 6 young Arab guys in front me started excitedly talking in Arabic

In a matter of seconds every American guy on that B-757 made eye contact with each other , read each other's minds and tacitly understood that if any of those Arab guys so much as took one step towards the cockpit that we were going to be all over them

It was a nervous flight into LGA

As we were getting off the airplane I mentioned to one of the guys that it was really stupid of him to be talking Arabic on an American airplane and that he was thisclose to getting his azz kicked

He then asked me

"Well what if were terrorists ?

"Then we would have sent you to Hell before you reached the cockpit "

and then I walked away from him
2016-05-30 06:08:16 UTC
It is racist, there were other incidents that caused planes to crash but you are choosing to single out only cases where terrorrists looking like "Arabs" exploded a plane or made it crash. That is stupid and racist. I'd be more worried about if the engineers done there job properly.
2016-05-31 08:22:57 UTC
How many Arabs is "too many"? If there's just one, then the air marshall can handle it. If there's 20, then you have a movement, and when you have a movement, you need to all sing "Alice's Restaurant" until the plane lands safely.
Call Me Snake
2016-05-29 14:07:01 UTC
No, there's a large group of arabs that want to kill western people, so it makes sense to be more suspicious of them

It's like being nervous when you walk through the rough part of town, when you know there''s trouble from somewhere it makes you more anxious
Weasel McWeasel
2016-05-28 13:17:12 UTC
Yes, it is racist............because your facts and figures only look at the negative and don't take into account or consideration the MILLIONS of Arabs that fly daily, and weekly.........without incident.

Do you worry when Christians get on the plane???

Because ya know............abortion clinic bombings.............witch burning.......the Spanish Inquisition, and of course, the Crusades.

Those people are blood thirsty!!!!!! But see? you probably don't panic if a Christian sits down next to you.
2016-05-29 23:48:47 UTC
If there's anything I've learned from psychologists of today, it's racism is just a label. Labels can be helpful, but for serious if I saw a white guy in a theater I'd be nervous too so I get you.
2016-05-28 22:41:19 UTC
No. My family's Muslim and they get nervous as **** amongst Arabs in a plane or train. It's sad but one can't help it. When I hear dudes speaking Arabic on the plane, I get slightly worried.
2016-05-28 12:09:30 UTC
Yes it is. You are making an assumption of a group of billion just based on your narrow and incorrect point of view.

I'll do the same thing, but in reverse.

I get nervous when there are too many white people around because white people are violent criminals because most acts of terror in the USA were committed by white people, most mass murders are by white people, and in the world most genocide has been committed by white people. Thus, ALL white people deserve suspicion and should be watched.
2016-05-29 17:44:38 UTC
I would say that you thought it makes you just a little bit racist. Considering your trying to stereotype them based on 9/11 only.

My advice is simple. Go outside of your comfort bubble from time to time. You will be shocked how that racist thoughts will slowly fade out as you learn the world as you think it was isn't the word it really is.
2016-05-29 16:16:38 UTC
its very sad u should be more comfortable around them considering you are one. i don't see why u should feel nervous at all unless if you have experienced something horrible and its been haunting u ever since.

its utterly stupid and totally ignorant. not all christians are friendly, not all muslims are terrorist, and definitely not all jews hate muslims. There are many arabs that are harmful just like u. be smart about it.

and to answer your q, no, its not racist but it is offensive to arabs especially that it comes from an arab.
2016-05-30 09:46:58 UTC
Islam is a religion, not a race.

So not, it's not racist to be nervous. Instead, it's just plain old-fashioned bigoted. And cowardly.

Man up and grow a pair.
Mr. Wizard
2016-05-31 10:26:24 UTC
Go back in time, and ask THAT question to anyone of those passengers who rode on the planes that rammed the WTC, Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.....think a second what they'd tell you.

One's safety concerns are NOT racist.
2016-05-30 08:08:24 UTC
Of course it's racist! Would you feel the same if a white man was on the plane? He can easily start a mass shooting but would you assume he would? No.
2016-05-31 16:25:51 UTC
It's not racist to be paranoid, and Arab isn't a race, so that's also a way it can't be racist, but Arabs are Caucasian, so if you're also Caucasian then there's no WAY it can be racist!

In your first/third update, you kept saying "how is that racist", if you need to ask yourself that question, then the answer is obviously "No, it's not racist!"

But in your third update, you also said it's racist to say that every Muslim is a terrorist... But "Muslims" are believers of the Islam religion, and NOT a race..
2016-05-31 13:39:46 UTC
No it's your opinion you can think what you want and you are right to be a bit nervous every because there are terrorists in this cruel world of good on bad but one day there we be all good at the minute it's even good evens out the bad
2016-05-28 12:29:21 UTC
Yes it's racist. There are more than a billion of them and maybe a few million are "terrorists." Many of them are victims of terror also. Don't listen to the retards who said that you should be afraid of white people or whatever. You shouldn't be afraid of people because of their skin color. I wouldn't be afraid of black person. But if I came across a black kid, or white kid, wearing a ton of tattoos, and a toung stud, while wearing a ripped up 90's jacket, old shredded shoes, and smelled like garbage, I would be afraid. I guess that is prejudist too, though. I don't judge by skin color, but by appearance. All sketchy people are sketchy, regardless of skin color.
Coco, Angel,
2016-05-30 02:39:02 UTC
****! I'd be nervous too. That's a lot of Arabs. Your not being racist, your being cautious & safe. I would be too. Don't worry too much, say a prayer and have a drink with one of them. You never know maybe you'll meet a good friend...Good Luck!
2016-05-29 08:04:08 UTC
If it's a plane full of Christian Arabs then maybe. But it's not racist to be afraid of the Muslims, considering what they have done.
2016-05-29 23:42:06 UTC
It 'can' be considered racist if you openly admit it to the arabs you're referring to, but don't listen to people who say that it is downright racism, because it's not, and many of us are being brought up in an environment to fear arabs, or anyone who look like them, partly because of ISIS, partly because of our media gaining ratings from feeding us a load of nonsense hate-race propaganda. Even if you do or say something that's racist without meaning it, we can just pin the blame on the source of that fear, ISIS and Media etc.
2016-05-29 15:36:53 UTC
Being nervous around others isn't racist. Assuming someone will do something because of their skin color, fashion statement, vocabulary is racial profiling. That still is not racism. To actually say or do something to someone SOLELY because of their skin color, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc., is racism or discrimination. And there is a fine line between discriminating and stereotyping. No. Simply getting nervous around others is not racist.
Michael S
2016-05-30 13:58:17 UTC
If you think because they are arabs they will blow up the plane. Just keep is quiet though. I think you are letting the media control your thoughts. If you fear Arabs then you should go to a Mosque and meet them. Then you would see they are no different than anyone else.
2016-05-29 19:16:19 UTC
Most of them are only going to the next 7/11 or CoGo's business meeting. Relax.

They're only fighting to raise Coke and Pepsi products, another $2 per 20oz. Bottle. Their stores are too expensive.
Aortas Insotomia.
2016-05-30 17:17:34 UTC
The same as being anxious with a plane full of gay people and atheists too. Do you get nervous when you see a bus full of Indians?
2016-06-01 07:01:19 UTC
Arabs are nonEuropean Caucasians like Turks Persians Berbers Israelis etc !!

Arabs dont have anything in common with Europe,yea thats true.
2016-05-29 13:04:09 UTC
After the events of 9/11, everyone would be a little nervous. After all the terrorism you hear about, we've all become a little xenophobic.
2016-05-29 15:49:37 UTC
No. I feel that way on planes sometimes. Just close your eyes and try to imagine them as the person who defeats Isis all by themselves. They would be a hero. These people are obviously probably not terrorists but it's understandable to feel this way with all he news and stuff.
2016-05-29 11:00:53 UTC
obviously yes

because you are being nervous about that Arabs are with you on the same plane because you cant just say arabs in general.

i am not saying this because i am an arab its because it is racist
2016-05-31 09:28:07 UTC
Not really. I am part arab, although an atheist and I would be pretty nervous if some bearded mohammed loving guy sat in my plane
2016-05-31 00:23:12 UTC
Not really. You're probably just nervous because of past events including middle eastern and planes.
2016-05-30 09:16:19 UTC
Dear People of the word…..

Do you know the truth about..... Islam?

Or do you think it's about

Bombing planes and killing innocent people.....?

Forget about the lies.....

I' am here to tell you how it really is.....

You deserve to know the truth

About this beautiful way of life.....

People of the world

Islam is all about peace

Terrorism it doesn't teach

Its all about love and family and charity

And praying to one God

This is Islam

It's something you should know.....

I know it's really helped me grow

It does away with greed, filth, arrogance

And teaches us morality

A perfect way to live.....

So don't believe all you see and hear

Too many people wear a title of a Muslim.....

But they don't practice Islam.....

People of the world

Islam is all about peace

Terrorism it doesn't teach

Its all about love and family and charity

And praying to one God

This is Islam

And it teaches us the creator's made this life for us a test.....

And if we follow truth and do good deeds, He'll reward us in the Next.....

If we remember God & teach each other the truth and patience in His way

Together we can peace.....

This is Islam

Lyrics by Yusuf Islam

Please Google Islamic research foundation and visit the FAQ section for answers to the questions you may have about Islam.

I am sure that you will find that Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance, justice, kindness, charity, love and worshiping one God.
2016-05-31 06:51:39 UTC
Yes. You have to use the rational part of your brain and remind yourself that only a tiny percentage of Middle Easterners are terrorists. Should they be nervous around you because you're white, and it's almost exclusively whites who commit terrorism and mass shootings in the US?
2016-05-30 02:31:09 UTC
racism is a stupid word.

if you lose a war you will be a slave.

Those simple people who care about racism, they can lose a war,

then they will have a chance to talk about racism.

1) Ainu people were the first people in Japan.

Japanese were from mainland East Asia.

Ainu people were killed or enslaved.

Ainu people - Wikipedia

2)White slaves

Spanish were enslaved by blacks for 700 years.

Moorish ruled Spain, 711-1492.

Islam in Spain - Wikipedia

Spanish are dark people now. They are NOT whites.
2016-05-30 11:10:04 UTC
To be honest this isn't a lol subject. Many Muslims have family, relatives, friends etc. who travel on planes, all of whom are at risk. Also people who use public transport. What is wrong with you, isn't OUR blood red enough for you?


People who have wisdom know what this is called ... indiscriminate killing. It is possibly one of the most haram things imaginable. To kill a brother or sister by accident may be forgivable, depending on the circumstances, BUT TO NOT CARE WHETHER ANY MUSLIMS ARE KILLED IS A DELIBERATE ACT OF CALLOUS AND WILLFUL DISOBEDIENCE.

Chapter (6) sūrat l-anʿām (The Cattle)

Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; kill not your children because of poverty - We provide sustenance for you and for them; come not near to Al-Fawahish (shameful sins, illegal sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly, and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause (according to Islamic law). This He has commanded you that you may understand.

Incidentally. I am aware of the different translations regarding this passage. If any Muslim scholars are viewing this I would say unto you that my heart tells me that the word (somewhere between at least 4 different words for the Arabic) is probably more like REITERATE.

I stand to be corrected but as always, Allah (swt) knows best.
2016-05-30 07:16:59 UTC
No its not racist. Let me learn you something. Our subconscious minds pick up on things that we dont. For example if in the media they say "arabs" are bombing the world you may think well not all "arabs" are doing that but your subconscious mind may begin to get nervous when you are in a large group of them.
who let the dogs out
2016-05-28 19:25:50 UTC
absolutely it's racist. don't let the donald trump epidemic get you. we as a society have to be better. isis are dics because they indiscriminately kill random people. we are just as bad if we just hate or fear a full billion people. just think about it. in a group of a billion people you necessarily have criminals and awful people, but you also have hundreds of millions who are just like you -- they just wanna lead a peaceful, stable life going about their business.

that's called fascism. unfortunately fascism is something that hits the spot with some of human nature's worst instincts. now i would never blame you for having reflexes -- how you are brought up is not up to you after all. but how you deal with your instincts makes you a good person or a trump supporter/klan member/fascist
2016-05-29 18:09:33 UTC
It is your right to feel any way you choose about Arab people. If is your right to refuse to get on an airplane with Arab people. It is your right to refuse to date or employ an Arab person. If you own an air corporation, you have the right to refuse to let them board. If you own a grocery store, you have the right to refuse them entry. None of that is racism. It just means you know probability theory.

Racism is when you actively bully or harass or threaten someone based on their race. Any kind of hatred is racism.
2016-05-31 10:45:11 UTC
No need to be nervous think about it these buggers don't blow there own up. Probably the safest flight in the air
Rasta Ozzy
2016-05-30 02:59:33 UTC
Not really . The main problem is that the media has made us paranoid when it comes to Muslims ! What does not help is that by the way they tend to dress they stand out like sore thumbs .

In general racism is not what we say but the way we say it an the intent behind the saying !
2016-06-01 19:47:10 UTC
Anyone suspicious that there would be that many arabs on a plane in the first place?
2016-05-30 16:27:51 UTC
No, it's normal. And I wouldn't care if someone labeled that racism because it's the Arabs who are racists.
2016-06-01 01:57:13 UTC
is it racist of me to worry if there are to many Americans on the same plane as me?

I worry with so much weight the plane wont be able to take off
2016-05-29 14:29:52 UTC
Yes, why should this race hold the world under seige, no other race dies this to the world. But thanks to Donald Trump, he is about to go and get them. Great, about time. Then after they get rid of these Mulims Arabs, they need to start on ridding the world from religion, full stop. Why do people believe in man made religion, fictional rubbish.
2016-05-30 01:30:49 UTC
You should be excited to be apart of a plane hijacking. Not many people get to experience that, make the most of it.

What you should be nervous about is the smell. Man they smell like fkn dead pigs covered in rocky balboa's poo
2016-06-01 02:08:09 UTC
No because you can't help how you feel, HOWEVER why would u feel nervous ?do you think every "Arab" is the same , I am an Arab my self and I am a Muslim, and every single Arab I know is against violence
2016-06-01 14:03:03 UTC
I don't think it's racist to be nervous around people, but it is racist as to your reasoning of why you are nervous.
2016-05-29 09:26:57 UTC
Yes its racist and stupid. Why don't you worry about whites because a bunch of them have shot up schools in the past few years, no there just regular people to you right ? Arabs are just killing machines right? Stupid.
2016-05-28 14:26:12 UTC
Is it racist to be nervous if there are too many Arabs on the same air plane as you?

>> RACISM is stupidly hating people for the color of their skin - Black, White, Red, Yellow, Brown ... and many whining, blaming ... idiots do confuse MISTRUST / FEAR with RACISM !

P.S. About your Christian BS - Christians can be some of the WORST HUMANS on EARTH as well - KKK often claimed to be, " Christian. " !!!
2016-05-30 20:23:29 UTC
I wouldn't know since I never plan to get on an airplane. I prefer to stay on the ground where people belong. The ground is nice. I find that there's less risk of falling out of the sky to your fiery death.
2016-05-30 21:28:51 UTC
If there's too many of one kind of people on a plane, it's considered not safe.
2016-05-31 13:28:33 UTC
Of course not. If they make you feel that way then it can't be helped. The internet has no right to judge you and we have no idea what you've been through. It is fine to be nervous.
2016-05-30 17:56:16 UTC
No you shouldn't be I'm Islamic and a Muslim and I hate all terrorists barley any body here is a terrorist except for terrorists of corse but you shouldnt be it's just where the flight is going or where you are
2016-05-29 17:50:50 UTC
Maybe but the important point to remember here is, who cares? Racism isn't anything to be ashamed of or worry about

It's a natural human emotion and mother nature is always right
2016-05-28 10:38:53 UTC
I don't know, but it is stupid. If anything, you should feel safer. An Arab is more likely to notice something unusual before it's too late, since clearly you're not well-versed on their cultural habits and speech patterns.
Chemical Goldblum (hope this helps)
2016-05-30 23:54:19 UTC
Too many arabs? What is that? More than one? that's racist. Yes, you are racist.
2016-05-29 12:10:17 UTC
if it makes you nervous then don't fly because if you get out of hand then it would be you who is arrested and not them. But I'd be curious to know how you know they are arabs. when they come to america they wear american clothes.
2016-06-01 14:41:19 UTC
No because in today's society, Islamic state consists of mainly Muslims (although few Brits and people from other countries have been brainwashed to convert).
Just Hazel
2016-05-31 19:25:08 UTC
I'd be more nervous if it was a young Middle Eastern man travelling alone and who bought a one-way ticket.
2016-06-01 04:53:29 UTC
Prior military here. Their all terrorist. Wouldn't trust any of them. If It makes Me racist Then Fukc If I Care. Tangos an nothing more
2016-05-29 17:06:44 UTC
That is just paranoia, your fear comes from implications from others. I know too many people from Arab countries and they are good people, I can still get a little paranoid, that is not reality that's just listening to the media and fear mongers..
2016-05-30 10:05:31 UTC
You are judging completely random people by what other people did in the past. Just because of one similarity. Technically, that's racism. But I think it was something you were taught to think. There's this thing that says the first thought you think is what you were taught to think. But the second thought is who you really are.
2016-05-29 10:42:29 UTC
Do you hate arabs or have anything against them? If yes then you're racist if not then you are not racist.
2016-05-29 07:43:02 UTC
No.. Racist would be to start beating on them based on their appearance.

However, the terrorists have done much to create that racism. And the Arab community has done little to thwart it.
2016-05-29 20:02:01 UTC
No it's perfectly logical after 9/11 and all the stuff recently
2016-05-30 21:28:03 UTC
Arabs don't understand the true place God built and has given .how to fix things build a nation seperate build paradise .sucide bombers and others destroy eduction that can green the desert of Arab hearts
2016-05-28 18:32:10 UTC
I say no but only because everyone makes them seem like bad people. So of course if all you hear about are things about terrorist then you'd be scared. Could it be racist? Sure but no one can truly know how you feel.
2016-05-31 12:45:51 UTC
Of course. you should be nervous period wherever you go and they're there. When I was getting on the bus there was 5 of them and I decided to wait for next bus I'm not taking any chances. They hate Americans and they have infiltrated on our land thanx to liberals dumbass so we gotta be careful.
2016-05-30 11:27:28 UTC
2016-05-29 15:08:06 UTC
Well, it's understandable, but most Muslims are peaceful. They only celebrate and dance in the streets when you are heartlessly murdered by Islamic extremists. They don't actually commit the violence themselves.
2016-05-29 04:42:51 UTC
No it's natural. All terrorist plots on planes were committed by Arabs/ Muslims. So that is why you are nervous. Just realize your time to go is your time to go.
2016-05-29 09:58:38 UTC
YES. I would by far be more nervous if there were more Liberals A.K.A. Socialists on the plain then American's.
2016-06-01 02:38:02 UTC
I think that you can have your opinion, and you can be nervous about it. As long as you're not speaking openly about terrorism (I wouldn't suggest that on ANY flight tbh), how you are nervous of them, and you don't harass them, there's no problem.
2016-05-28 20:22:57 UTC
John de Witt
2016-05-28 10:23:15 UTC
Yes, but racism isn't the worst thing in the world. It need only be recognized and checked when appropriate. It would be much worse, and stupid beyond anything imaginable, to try to rid yourself of all discrimination. Not to be able to discriminate between daylight and dark, between sharp and dull, between right and wrong, would be hell.
2016-05-30 03:51:02 UTC
no, its natural given the current situation.

Like if you just saw someone get stabbed then a friend whom you trust started waving a kitchen knife around, they aren't a bad person but youd still be nervous.
2016-05-28 18:55:19 UTC
first of all, i'm arab, and "arabs" are a group of people, not a religion. there are arab christians too, as well as arab jews and arab atheists etc. this is very basic information and if you didn't already know this information and i suspect you didn't, or else you wouldn't have asked such an imbecilic question, then you are quite basic mentally,.. as well as racist.
2016-05-29 10:51:17 UTC
NO but if reader will disagree

don't book any flights out of

Cairo International to Yemen.
2016-05-29 01:59:35 UTC
That's a natural behavior given all the events around the world.
2016-05-29 14:11:11 UTC
No. As long as you aren't discriminating against them, you're fine. You can fear them or be uncomfortable around them but as long as you don't act on that and do something bad to them based on race, you aren't being racist.
2016-05-29 16:59:54 UTC
Yes definitely, how do you even know they are Arab? What if they're Indian or from somewhere else in Asia. It's prejudice.
2016-05-29 19:39:38 UTC
It is pretty racist, but then. How do you know those arabs believe in Islam? I guess your main concern is that they are Sunni Islamists (The type that could potentially blown themselves up), of which they could be or could be not.
2016-05-31 21:07:12 UTC
2016-05-29 16:44:19 UTC
I prob be the same way if I were exposed to American News, really though everyone is a person and people just naturally want to live in peace.
White Locust
2016-06-01 07:55:32 UTC
Only if you are also nervous to eat a fast food hamburger and high sugar content soft drink, considering 600,000 die annually of heart disease in the US alone each year.
2016-05-28 23:38:06 UTC
No I refuse to Fly any Arab Airline Now Qantas has joined an Arab airline i don't fly Qantas
Dangerous Derp
2016-05-31 06:52:54 UTC
2016-05-30 16:11:35 UTC
sorta, but can't change how you feel, nothing wrong with that. Now being mean to someone for their race, thats racist and wrong, but you being nervous isn't bad at all.
2016-05-28 16:16:04 UTC
Personally I'm more nervous around Christian
2016-05-29 21:27:09 UTC
No. Arabs blew up thousands of our countrymen and are still plotting to do so. They can clean up their crazy culture and maybe then they'd get more respect.
2016-05-28 10:19:42 UTC
2016-05-29 09:25:22 UTC
You high or something ?

I have been born in Saudi Arabia (I am not an Arab). These guys are the most peaceful and friendly ones.
2016-05-30 15:17:07 UTC
LMFAO...yes, it does mean that you are a racist since you are judging all members of a race by the actions of individuals of the same race. But its justified. I am the same way...
2016-05-30 09:04:09 UTC
What if all the Arabs are Melchite Catholic priests and parishioners praying the Rosary?
2016-05-29 04:17:50 UTC
Depends really. If you are flying from Europe to the US and the flight is full of Arabs certain possibilities would naturally cross your mind.
2016-05-29 23:19:26 UTC
How many Arabs does it take to become Too many?

Also How can you tell one swarthy olive coloured skinned person from another by Race?
2016-05-31 07:27:13 UTC
You are human,don't we all get nervous at times.Why do you care so much about political correctness
2016-05-29 03:48:09 UTC
If they were just regular Arabs wearing normal clothes and just sleeping or whatever, it's still not racist but you'd be far too suspicious.
2016-05-28 22:34:15 UTC
Don't disrespect them........ and never be afraid to die... I have clients and friends of nearly every race,,,, not every Muslim is out to Kill Whites and everyone that disagrees with them.... Stop listening to Trump... NOT being afraid to die,, is the key,, hardly anyone can do this... ITS CALLED MENTALLY SOUND don't fear,,,, and I don't have a religion of this Planet that I follow I don't pray...... DONT BE there is a ton of money to be made off of all your fears.... and ill tell her what I comments
2016-05-31 02:02:52 UTC
wht if thts 2many white males between 24 & 36yrs. (most serial killers are in ths range)..not to mention the guy who shot up a church & movie theator (oh & i do remember a guy who downed a German plane into the side of a mount. in France!)..Acts of Terrorism are quite LOW accually...ya jst here bout it more & well thr ya are look what it does :-(
2016-05-29 13:32:02 UTC
2016-05-31 06:05:46 UTC
Lol I'm Arab and I wouldn't be quite nervous unless I saw and feel something off.. I would understand from your point of view though why you might.. Give us a chance please :)
2016-05-30 12:58:11 UTC
No, that doesn't sound racist to me because you get that feeling cause of the stuff media shows nowadays.
2016-05-29 07:56:47 UTC
Assuming that people of other races are dangerous is bigoted, but not necessarily racist.

Racism implies hatred of other races, because of a sincere belief in their inferiority.
2016-05-29 13:36:11 UTC
Well since they are not a race it is not racist, now it probably is an over reaction, and what is too many.
2016-05-29 09:44:11 UTC
No, because Arabic isn't a race.
2016-05-30 21:30:28 UTC
Last time that happens to me ,I did stand up and asked.

"To my Arabians brothers in this plane .Are You going to high jack this plane?, if that is true rise Your hand"

The crew thrown me out of the plane.before taking off.
CassandraofTroy Philosopher
2016-05-31 10:58:35 UTC
Not really, just say to yourself that planes make you nervous. Hey, it only takes ONE "Arab" actually most of them are not Arabian.
2016-05-29 13:37:51 UTC
That's more of a personal opinion.
2016-05-30 08:59:49 UTC
Then I'd be a racist cause I'd be uncomfortable as well.
2016-05-31 02:25:16 UTC
I think I'd be more worried about being on an aeroplane with a mental defective like you.
2016-05-30 04:40:38 UTC
Its absolutey normal, I would never fly with Arabs. They would scare me to death. Once I saw these people getting on board and I almost freaked out.
2016-05-31 09:27:22 UTC
Stop supporting Alqaeda and ISIS and all the terrorist motherf*ckers then nothing would happen .. it is not about Arabs you filth, it is about your filthy country that destroyed and keeps destroying this f*ckin' planet ..
2016-05-28 21:26:04 UTC
No it is not racist. Racism is skin color and such. Not pwople on a plane. That my friend is called labeling
2016-05-30 03:44:45 UTC
Extremely racist, case closed
2016-05-29 14:02:18 UTC
No..common sense...I got off a train once when an Arab got on with a rucksack which he hugged to himself and was sweating....No point in taking risks..
I compared clutch reels and LeBron is still king
2016-05-29 09:04:18 UTC
2016-05-31 21:29:45 UTC
No, society implants things into your head making it seem like all Arabs are terrorists which is obviously not true.
2016-05-29 11:08:39 UTC
I don't think its right to feel like that, but I also dont think it's your fault either. We are very conditioned by the media.
2016-05-30 07:39:56 UTC
How many is TOO many? That in itself sounds a little racist lol.
2016-05-30 12:38:41 UTC
2016-05-29 16:47:06 UTC
No, but you should be scared of the baby, she'll be a loose cannon if you even as such look at her. Good luck brother.
2016-05-28 21:46:17 UTC
No. It's not racist as there are good reasons to be concerned.
2016-05-29 15:26:33 UTC
Wouldn't you feel more comfortable? Because normally they would target areas where there are a lot of Westerners.
2016-05-31 22:34:25 UTC
To ensure your safty in this situation follow these steps:

Yell bomb

Stab one of them to death

And let the air martial do the rest
2016-05-31 10:40:40 UTC
No...not at all... their are good muslim's in the World too.... just like any normal human being their are the good ones and the bad ones......
2016-05-30 13:41:56 UTC
I mean I guess you technically are if you have that stereotyped into your head but that's not your fault. Don't say anything out loud about it though
2016-05-30 06:17:52 UTC
That comment in itself was kinda racist as you said "too many". We are all humans and we can only talk as a species when we talk about too many of our kind.
2016-06-01 04:47:16 UTC
Sometimes I mean if they look too sketchy then I get really scared and nervous
2016-05-30 21:13:19 UTC
Nah it's not racist. It's only racist if you hate their existence and want them all to die
2016-05-29 19:08:52 UTC
2016-05-29 23:04:57 UTC
No, if its your time its over. Life is like a steam you see now and tomorrow is gone!. What you need to do what ever you go is to do Good things and seek the Lord your God!
2016-05-30 14:39:02 UTC
Sure you should be, look history, where ever they went they brought destruction, and I'm a big racist.
2016-05-30 21:56:44 UTC
no i would not be racist it is traumatizing to think about some Muslim people have done and even if they aren't extremists it is perfectly normal to react a little bit
2016-05-30 13:14:57 UTC
Yes and no its hard to explain as long as you dont say something racist or bigoted to them like "terrorist" or whatever some of these dumb modern kids are calling them these days your fine
2016-05-29 07:32:23 UTC
Absolutely not. It is called common sense. I profile Muslims every day. The Islamic Terrorists will attack us if given a chance. If you see something, say something!
Darla Doomdale
2016-05-29 15:56:52 UTC
I consider christians more like terrorists then muslims or arabs
2016-06-01 10:17:05 UTC
Maybe prejudiced but I don't think it's racist.
2016-05-29 13:56:15 UTC
Nope. In fact you'd be wise to keep an eye on any race :)
2016-05-31 06:38:05 UTC
It's not racist, since hijackers and plain bombers have always been some radical muslim and so there's a legitimate reason to your fear.
2016-05-30 07:49:53 UTC
No! that's Self-preservation!
2016-05-30 23:05:59 UTC
Yes, that is mildly racist. May not be aggressive, hostile racism. You may not hate them just because they exist, but yes, that definitely is stereotyping them and stereotyping is a mild form of racism.
2016-05-29 22:39:08 UTC
Not unless you're flying in Arab countries. Here, any one of those bastards could start screaming and light his shoes on fire.
2016-06-01 09:00:50 UTC
Completely understandable
2016-05-29 16:54:12 UTC
No aircraft I was ever a passenger on had any Arabs. Where exactly are you flying?
2016-05-31 07:08:01 UTC
No. It isn't 60 year old white ladies blowing people and stuff up.
2016-05-30 10:43:05 UTC
Why would you be nervous if u see arabs in plane???
2016-05-29 21:35:59 UTC
It's not racist, just stereotypical
2016-05-31 01:57:32 UTC
Their doing? You speak as tho they all got together one day after opium and beer at Mosque and made a executive decision
2016-06-01 04:37:39 UTC
It's perfectly normal, Arabs are ******* filthy Muslims who want to destroy our European civilization. They deserve nothing but our hatred.
2016-05-29 00:14:52 UTC
Haha this made my day :D...

I'm laughing so hard

Fascism at it's extreme!

Media at it's extreme!

Hollywood at it's extreme!
2016-06-02 14:49:01 UTC
I think you are confusing "racist" with "cultural profiling." But in answer to your question, yes, I would be very nervous.
2016-05-29 04:32:36 UTC
It is racist. While there is nothing wrong in any way with Arabs, and many are very good people, they have unfortunately gotten a bad reputation. Millions of Arabs fly daily, and weekly.........without incident.
2016-05-30 03:29:15 UTC
Just be courteous and dont worry if their muslims. Is this a real question? Dont get arrested doing some crazy bullshit lol
2016-05-30 04:01:13 UTC
White Anglo-Saxon Gun Nuts make me nervous.
2016-05-29 06:24:12 UTC
No, you should be nervous, as the media has planted that fear in our heads in an extremely powerful way.
2016-05-30 02:17:27 UTC
Nervousness is just that - you can't do much about it when on same plane.
2016-05-30 21:00:24 UTC
Its only racist if you beleive that because they are arabic that theyre bad
2016-05-29 17:40:12 UTC
Depends from where are you flying and to where. Maybe arabs go alot where you going
2016-05-30 16:10:27 UTC
Yes I think it is. Racism is assuming an entire race have a particular attribute - also called stereotyping as noted by another poster. Please consider the following - many terrorists have been Christains. The IRA waged a terror campaign in the UK for a few decades. However I did not feel nervous walking into a building in the UK with a large number of Irish Catholics in the 1980s because only a tiny number of Irish Catholics at the time belonged to the Provisional IRA at the time, so it was illogical to assume any particular Irish person I met was going to be a bomber. I couldn't tell the difference between a Protestant or a Catholic, let alone the difference between an ordinary law abiding peace loving Catholic and a potential bomber. Because the probability the person I was speaking with was much, much higher of the person being an ordinary person and not a bomber it was more logical to assume that person was not a terrorist. Likewise with any Arab the chances that they are radicalised AND intent on harming you are so remote it is very illogical to assume they are bombers. Further unless all the Arabs on the plane are women wearing hijabs or they are wearing some sign of religious affiliation you probably can't tell which of your fellow Arab travellers are Christian (significant numbers of Arabs, particularly the Lebanese, are Christian) or Muslim, let alone which if any have radical views. If you worry about such things may I suggest you read up on the Arabs, who they are, their history and their political/social situation. It helps give a clearer understanding. Please go beyond the media and social media, and check out the biases of the author of anything you read.
2016-05-30 12:12:00 UTC
Being racist is hating someone for their race but you are giving into prejudice which it still is wrong.
2016-05-31 08:34:52 UTC
no you don't have a right to feel like that. stop generalizing. they see what's being shown on media and are disgusted too.
2016-05-31 09:44:13 UTC
2016-05-29 14:30:12 UTC
No it's common sense these days.
2016-06-01 15:53:08 UTC
It's your own personal opinion
Henry W
2016-05-30 01:48:51 UTC
you might consider your self having phobia, not a racism.

arab o phobia maybe, just like islam o phobia,

and people tend to feel more secure when surrounded by their 'friends'
2016-05-29 16:18:05 UTC
your not worried about christians, yet dylann roof committed a terrorist attack?

i would be worried about anyone who is devoutly religious, rather than singling out arabs

and not all arabs are muslim nor are all muslims arabs
2016-05-28 10:25:39 UTC
I feel the same way about white men being around my kids. This apprehension comes from a pattern of events, including widespread pedophilia. Thanks for the question.
2016-05-30 00:57:42 UTC
of stereotyping yes, but what are the odds they would waste more Arabs than just the one they need to be a suicide bomber??
2016-06-02 06:33:50 UTC
You have conditioned by society that's it
2016-05-30 18:58:03 UTC
No it's just a concern.
2016-05-31 14:35:02 UTC
Yes it is. But if you don't feel comfortable just take a new flight home.
2016-05-28 14:13:50 UTC
2016-05-29 09:46:01 UTC
Completely normal
Black Diamond
2016-06-01 08:03:52 UTC
Honestly I would be nervous
2016-05-30 22:39:25 UTC
No it's very normal these days
2016-05-29 19:54:48 UTC
No its 100% understandable
2016-05-30 08:05:36 UTC
No. That's smart.
Raymond L.
2016-05-31 10:59:45 UTC
No. past behavior is the best indicator of future behaviour
2016-05-29 18:21:22 UTC
That's wrong to thing about
2016-05-31 13:10:17 UTC
No. All air abs are terrorist. don't forget ur bukkit of water. to Waterboard asap.
2016-05-28 17:35:26 UTC
Not particularly nervous.
2016-05-29 06:22:09 UTC
Well it truly is racist, not to mention narrow and shallow mindedness. The fact that you are met with such over whelming suport is mind blowing. How can Such a stupid and retarded person be looked upon so grateful. I mean lets take into consideration the plane crash in Ukraine. Not really Arabian. Lets take a look at how many Muslims are terrorists, Its about 0.01%. Such ignorance over the years arose because shitty left wing politicians cant secure air travel properly
2016-05-30 23:07:47 UTC
Unforturnately, due to media, that feeling what happen for a lot of people
2016-05-28 10:20:36 UTC
Probably, but that would make me racist too.
2016-05-30 21:44:55 UTC
No off course even though it happens once in a lifetime.
Steven C
2016-05-31 12:28:52 UTC
if that is how you feel, then that is how you feel. Maybe you need to get to know people who are Muslim and you may find they are as appalled at the same atrocities as you are.
Smoking Joe
2016-05-31 10:12:05 UTC
I'd ask for double pork chops since they would all be uneaten.
2016-05-31 20:50:59 UTC
Certainly not. I would much prefer them to a bunch of Liberals.
2016-05-29 21:27:36 UTC
No, people are too worried about being politically correct, it doesn't matter really.
2016-05-29 20:10:09 UTC
No, especially if none of them seem to care in the least if they make their connecting flights.
2016-05-30 19:32:19 UTC
the fact that you said "too many Arabs" indicates slightly
2016-05-28 10:27:11 UTC
That's when you should be least afraid. They're not going to do a terrorist attack against their kin.
High School Snobs
2016-05-30 08:22:26 UTC
It's really stereotypical.
2016-05-31 05:42:21 UTC
No it is not.

Nervousness occurs because of experience of some kind before
2016-05-31 09:50:31 UTC
with all the events that happened in the last 20 years your instinct is ok.
2016-05-29 09:04:30 UTC
I guess it's okay. I get scared whenever there is a group of black people near me.
2016-05-28 10:58:57 UTC
No considering what that could mean. Why do people have to give up common sense?
2016-05-28 14:30:53 UTC
Yes, you should be required to jump without a parachute.
Rev. Hal Luya
2016-05-30 21:42:16 UTC
It don't bother me because I got something to dry my hands on and blow my nose.
2016-05-29 00:37:21 UTC
Racism means you hate African Americans AKA black people. Hatred of Arabs, Muslims, or terrorists, are entirely different isms than racism.

You shouldn't hate terrorists for blowing you sky high. First, you were already sky high when it detonated, so they didn't really blow you sky high. Second, they're just doing their thing. Everyone dies eventually. Would you rather die of cancer?
D. Alan
2016-05-31 09:35:34 UTC
What's too many ?
2016-05-31 12:03:11 UTC
You need to replace the word "racist" with "common sense"
2016-05-28 10:19:57 UTC
If so, go ahead and count me in as being racist.
2016-05-30 02:13:56 UTC
No. Just don't say anything. You're being cautious.
2016-05-28 16:33:26 UTC
Linda R
2016-05-29 12:55:40 UTC's common sense because too many of them have caused problems.
2016-05-30 09:53:43 UTC
No. Common sense.
2016-05-30 18:39:38 UTC
Stereotypes exist for a reason.
2016-05-29 06:10:13 UTC
No, I believe that there would be several nervous Arab passengers as well.
2016-05-30 12:15:39 UTC
Maybe you are on the wrong flight. Is it headed to the pentagon?
2016-05-30 01:22:42 UTC
Yes why would you even ask this out in the public you idiot i hope they come for you
2016-05-31 10:57:14 UTC
Technically it may be "racist" but it is also realistic. Our recent experience has taught us reason to fear.
2016-05-29 06:29:30 UTC
You can bet the stupid brain dead liberal idiots and their liberal handlers would say it was racist, but it wouldn't be racist it would be using common sense.
2016-05-29 03:32:21 UTC
One of the 9Tenants says: Gird
Penny P
2016-05-29 13:53:12 UTC
No, not at all it should be encouraged to be cautious of those people...although the left will berate you for "Islamophobia"
2016-05-31 07:39:06 UTC
yes you are. and maybe that happened because on how the media manipulated or describes them as someone bad
2016-05-30 15:08:00 UTC
Yes... But it isn't unusual
2016-05-29 10:03:02 UTC
No it would be more like socially conditioned ridiculous conformist stupidity.
2016-05-29 12:27:25 UTC
no, i secretly fear that too. But as long as you don't comment on it you should be fine.
2016-05-31 08:28:34 UTC
No not at all, your using your knowledge of people to keep yourself safe
2016-05-28 18:09:13 UTC
Always remember if they blow the damn thing up. They are

going down with it to. One consolation.
2016-05-31 21:12:30 UTC
It is prejudice... and letting the media get deep into your head
2016-06-02 18:36:27 UTC
Maybe not racist but maybe phobic
2016-05-29 16:29:09 UTC

I do the same thing
2016-05-30 05:24:43 UTC
I think your a bit nervouse or paranoid
2016-05-30 13:15:30 UTC
Only if those arabs are also muzzies
2016-05-29 12:40:06 UTC
I don't think so
2016-05-31 13:36:41 UTC
I bet you felt like a ***** at a white woman funeral, huh?
2016-05-30 16:24:21 UTC
2016-05-31 19:47:50 UTC
i am arab , it wont bother me if someone scare of me

its ok to be afraid , i am sometimes afraid of people passing by me

if i am alone they could be killers or thieves , who knows
2016-05-30 20:14:55 UTC
2016-05-30 09:32:53 UTC
Not racist.
2016-05-31 13:16:22 UTC
Find the song, "Strangers on my Flight".
2016-05-28 10:21:16 UTC
Not if you're a nine year old girl.
London Man
2016-05-29 02:53:06 UTC
No it is natural common sense
2016-05-29 02:44:20 UTC
Yes. And cowardly.
2016-05-29 05:53:57 UTC
no its normal. i get nervous around arabs and lebs if im the only aussie around
2016-05-30 05:21:42 UTC
Always trust your instincts in this time of ISIS.
2016-06-01 14:35:18 UTC
Only if you are living your life to please the socially correct people.The truth is after all that has gone down it is just common sense !
2016-05-30 12:08:54 UTC
No, it is not racist unless you spit pomegranate seeds in their face.
2016-05-30 15:01:55 UTC
No, it's just ignorant.
2016-05-29 15:27:04 UTC
Yes, that is racist.
2016-05-30 19:41:13 UTC
2016-05-28 23:53:28 UTC
no its not racist .. just means you not trust them and that dont make ya racist ..
2016-05-29 14:31:54 UTC
Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself
2016-05-30 04:39:39 UTC
I get nervous too...
2016-05-30 18:42:57 UTC
No you can't stop emotions.
2016-05-30 02:23:30 UTC
2016-06-01 04:55:46 UTC
2016-05-31 04:43:13 UTC
To be honest, I would be a bit apprehensive.
2016-05-30 08:20:59 UTC
2016-06-01 07:44:41 UTC
No its not your just weary and thats totally fine.
2016-05-30 10:34:38 UTC
I would absolutely get off that flight!
2016-05-30 13:46:45 UTC
2016-05-29 14:25:28 UTC
Yes it is
2016-05-31 13:25:57 UTC
Not necessarily: just paranoid
2016-05-31 17:58:20 UTC
O shoot alluah Akbar!
2016-05-31 10:07:17 UTC
No... Their people put that reputation out its their people fault
You Know . . .
2016-05-29 14:24:17 UTC
No, as they went through security just as you did . . .
2016-05-29 03:52:07 UTC
search who wants to shove me in a dress
2016-05-30 19:51:04 UTC
More stereotypical
2016-05-30 21:59:33 UTC
allahu akbar
2016-05-31 16:26:21 UTC
no, it's being a chicken
2016-05-29 06:29:01 UTC
No, racism is a systematic thing
2016-05-29 00:27:26 UTC
No it is definitely not racist.
2016-05-30 09:53:59 UTC
Not at all. In fact I advocate it.
2016-05-29 14:12:30 UTC
maybe not racist, but certainly not right.
2016-05-30 17:36:36 UTC
you do realize...Arabic is a language, not a religion? idiot
2016-05-28 20:37:59 UTC
2016-05-29 02:36:38 UTC
No and they all smell horribly, they have no showers in Arabia.
2016-05-29 04:32:04 UTC
Would it be animalracist if you were surrounded by lions? You know what they are.
2016-05-31 02:10:59 UTC
No. really don't.
2016-05-31 15:49:37 UTC
Not at all
2016-05-29 23:16:38 UTC
I would say it is more paranoid than anything.
2016-05-30 19:21:34 UTC
2016-05-28 20:03:27 UTC
2016-06-01 13:06:29 UTC
2016-05-29 21:02:26 UTC
2016-05-31 13:18:25 UTC
I don;t understan
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-05-29 12:54:55 UTC
LOL; How many are TOO many ?
2016-05-31 05:13:15 UTC
In a word. NOPE. It is SMART.
2016-05-29 21:59:45 UTC
No not at all
2016-05-29 11:16:14 UTC
How many is "too" many?
Warren T
2016-05-30 06:57:20 UTC
2016-05-29 15:26:32 UTC
maybe but also smart
2016-05-30 14:14:15 UTC
Not at all.
2016-05-30 02:23:01 UTC
Not at all.
2016-06-01 04:43:54 UTC
2016-05-31 16:56:00 UTC
2016-05-31 16:32:46 UTC
2016-05-30 08:00:57 UTC
2016-05-30 07:16:39 UTC
2016-05-30 07:08:07 UTC
2016-05-30 06:49:46 UTC
2016-05-29 20:07:31 UTC
2016-05-29 17:49:16 UTC
2016-05-29 13:00:55 UTC
2016-05-28 22:09:23 UTC
2016-05-29 19:36:51 UTC
2016-05-30 21:00:48 UTC
2016-05-29 04:49:19 UTC
You should only be worried if he start shouting "ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!"
2016-05-29 16:41:21 UTC
No such thing as race........ scientificslly.......
2016-05-29 00:59:04 UTC
Yes and stupid.
2016-05-29 10:42:08 UTC
it is
2016-05-29 08:13:11 UTC
NO- they are all suspect.
2016-05-31 00:45:03 UTC
2016-05-30 10:35:11 UTC
2016-05-29 19:39:57 UTC
2016-05-29 12:05:06 UTC
2016-05-29 08:36:46 UTC
2016-05-30 10:42:39 UTC
yes, it is.
2016-05-29 20:30:06 UTC
not at all 1 is enouigh to be concerned about !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-05-30 14:58:35 UTC
2016-05-30 07:17:44 UTC
Stacie Smith
2016-05-30 00:44:08 UTC
2016-05-28 10:20:27 UTC
2016-05-29 06:47:28 UTC
2016-05-29 16:27:58 UTC
2016-05-29 09:39:38 UTC
2016-05-30 08:11:54 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.