Do hard working UP and Bihar natives deserve respect?
MS - Believe in Ek Oankaar
2009-11-06 17:33:11 UTC
I am not going to talk about Shiv Sena and MNS because they do not worth my comments. But these two individuals for whom I have high regards and are on constitutional positions, how can they issue such irresponsible statements?

Sheila Dikshit who herself originated from UP in 2007 openly blamed people from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh for settling down in the capital city and causing road congestion and contributing to other ills of New Delhi. While laying a foundation stone of a new flyover in south Delhi on May 7 2007, she said that she wished there was a way to stop migration from other states particularly Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Shiv Raj Singh Chouhan Chief Minister Madhya Pradesh: Ye nahi hoga ki karkhana lage Satna me aur naukri karne wale aa jaayen Bihar se. Ye hum nahi hone denge. Yehin ke ladke, naujwan naukari karenge ye shart hamne laga di hai. (This should not happen that plants be established in Satna and people from Bihar get the jobs. We will not allow this. I have imposed the condition that the jobs be given to local youths only)"

Both of them took a U turn with in hours. But both of them were caught on camera and telecasted so that had real bad impact on the national integrity.

The people about whom they are talking are the hard working labors, and they contribute to the construction projects, manufacturing industries etc. Why are these people always scapegoat of the political ambitions of the politicians? Who will stop them and when? Do they need some respect?


**** I am raising this question second time in past 60 question, first time, because first time raised and then deleted myself realizing that question was in English but in HINGLISH :) (Lot of spelling mistakes, English is not my first language) So this time my question was deleted by none other than me myself. ****
Eleven answers:
2009-11-07 01:20:15 UTC
India is one country and such comments are not welcomed in any part of India.

Thanks MS.I see that India Y/A is now coming out of Congress and BJP war and so this was a strightforward answer from my side.
2009-11-06 17:57:49 UTC
While I agree that they do and should deserve all respect,on their part,they also should not contribute to the proliferation of slums and be such a burden on the locals as to cause severe strain on the civic and

other infrastructure already bursting at their seams.They should be equally responsible to understand the need for proper family planning

etc.Do you have any idea of how many of them engage in criminal and other anti-social activities?There shouldn't be any misplaced sympathies.The practical aspect of these migrations should also be examined and taken into account before passing judgment or being too judgmental.Have a Great Day.

Edit :-While you fault the CMs of Delhi and MP,have you not

wondered what that great worthy,Lallu did for Bihar and his beloved Biharis for all the time that he and his wife ruled that

state treating it as their personal fiefdom?What did Mulayam do for UP?But then these two while having their own private and personal agendas in their respective states,with their MPs under their control and in their pockets extended support to the last UPA government probably for their personal gains.Nobody raised a finger or let out a squeak

about what they did NOT DO for UP and BIHAR when they lorded over the states.Any Posts About these Great Politicians Coming Soon from you?Let's have them soon.

Edit :- For politicians who pontificate,a small suggestion.For

starters,all MPs from Bihar and UP who have been allotted palatial bungalows in Delhi as part of their freebies,should come forward and each allow at least 25 migrant families from their respective states to erect shanties in their

compounds.And then they can preach to others that India is a free country and everyone has a right to move freely and settle wherever they desire.Oh! Yes,they should also allow them to draw free electric and water connections from their

bungalows and set apart a place in their lush lawns for garbage disposal.Morning ablutions should be permitted freely in any part of the compound.
anuragada poojaari(ap)
2009-11-07 02:34:53 UTC
if you look at the root cause of the currybashing in austrailia...its because they feel migrants are doing better than them..if you look at the rise of bnp in britain..again its because of an anti-migrant feeling...if anystate denies people from other states a livelihood...they will be the worse for it...denying anyone a home in a country like ours is not acceptable..

however its a moot point that the states like up and bihar must also be developed raipdly...if biharis had oppurtunities in bihar why would they migrate??..states like these should be developed...and there shouldnt be a anti-migrant feeling in people of other states which are doing better...

ps- this will be my last post for a while...thanks for a good question..i'll miss everyone on y!a...keep fighting
2009-11-06 23:35:08 UTC
YES they do deserve and it,s the duty of BIHAR and UP political leader to create an enviorment so that there migration to other states stop ,But sadly these two states have been the victim of CASTE and COMMUNAL politics,and the second prime reason is that most of the time UP and BIHAR have anti-center govt....

I guess if things get right in order in these two states, the migration would automatically stop, and DEMAND and SUPPLY formula would work and BIHAR and UP man would be in demand again.......
2009-11-07 02:15:42 UTC
What I personally feel on this matter is migration should not be a problem for any state.

It is gross injustice for the people especially labourers and other hard skill workers to brand them as MIGRANTS. We always look one side of the coin.The other side shows how educated especially software and hardware engineers migrate in bulk from one state to another in search of good opportunities.Why we cannot tag them as Migrants and harass them. We welcome them like VIPs. ,because they are educated class.

It is totally unconstitutional to restrict migration.Let our poloticians know this. There is no law enacted in our constitution to restrict them.

Unfortunately in our societies the the ghost of casteism always haunt the down trodden , unprivileged and marginalized one.

Every state lacks in something or the other. Some states are rich in softskill employees and some in hard.

Ultimately the victims are labouror here. Who live hand to mouth.
2009-11-06 21:38:19 UTC
See I'm not against Biharis and UPites especially Eastern ones but I personally don't like these people. I know many people from this region (East UP+Bihar=EUPBH) and they are all wicked people (ok most of them). See these people can't think good of others. They only know how to cheat, how to deceive and I've personal experience of these people. They are so mean people that they harm the person who does good to them. Its their nature. see Koda, CM of Jharkhand (it was a part of Bihar). I personally know one such person. He always speaks lies, and he told me personally never think good of others and one should care for oneself only even at the cost of others. Such is the thinking. So how will their states progress.

And it is also a fact that they people simply deny to follow any rule. Those places where Biharis and astern UPites are in large nos are the second dirtiest places in India (after Muslim dominated ares). So they people instesd of migrating to other states and creating problems there must focus on developing their respective states. People say Biharis are very intelligent people and as proof they say most of the IAS officers are from Bihar. They want to reach at the top to fill their bank accounts (example is Koda). Lalu Yadav fooled them for 15 years and they people kept voting for his party. Where was their intelligence then? UPites clearly know how the Mayawati govt is functioning but still they vote for her. This clearly shows their mental state.

And I personally know many Biharis who are living in Delhi and Bombay and they themselves abuse their Biharis. See I lived in Bombay and I have experienced this. A native Marathi auto driver would at least stop his auto when a commuter signals them but these EUPBH auto drivers won't even stop and talked rudely. Same is the case in Delhi. Almost all auto drivers in Delhi are EUPBH and we all know that how do they behave.

But I support Bharatiya Unity.
2009-11-06 18:26:59 UTC
People should understand politics better, watch news, have an opinion about politics and politicians.

because, people who vote these evil politicians knowingly or un-knowingly, are equally guilty of torturing fellow humans.


there was similar incident in andhra pradesh, when some insecure people, sent small bombs in mails, and scared those north indian gujratis who has majority of gold store in hyderabad. However, politicians did not use it for votes.

It only lasted for few years though.

I think anyone can work anywhere in india, if maharastra see it lost opportunity for locals, they are actually not doing enough for people. They should do more, irrespective of where people come from.
2009-11-06 18:12:49 UTC
they definately are hard workin...but if u urself think..........if u migrate to usa or uk.....wont u work hard..............tatz what migration makes u do.....u work hard...........ppl from my home state punjab ...they dont work in fields but when they are out into some western country......they are ready to be a janitor

ppl from up or bihar work hard only coz they have no option left to do..coz they are migrants......n tathz the basic reason they are willing to do every job

ppl in maharastra hate them coz they are so much here.....they are soo many in number n are taking over each possible field.......this isnt right either.....coz the sons of the soil are actually getting extinct from mumbai..........inspite of being a north indian..i do respect the basic ideology of mns or shiv sena.....the have good issues too.............

anwyay bottomline...migrants work hard...up n bihar arent special............n sons of the soil have to be respected no matter what!
2016-10-17 12:27:15 UTC
properly Jericho merits some authentic understand. I advise what's this? he's an excellent wrestler and entertainer, yet while he comes out, the followers boo at him ! He replaced into the celeb of the year, and the man superstars like CM Punk and Morrison dont understand him. look how CM Punk replaced into talking with him. Morrison even interrupted his speech. He merits a call reign, and deserved to win the deadly 4 way, yet smackdown thinks Jeff could do it extra desirable. Jericho is an excellent wrestler and phone will come his way quickly ! and that i dont understand approximately others yet i carry an excellent understand for him. BQ: Yeah i relish answering your questions, or maybe desire to examine your solutions ! looks such as you're a severe high quality person in this section (:
India Inc.
2009-11-06 19:47:33 UTC
One more nail on to the coffin.

1. Defeat in LS elections.

2. Defeat in Assembly elections.

3. Jinnah is secular.

4. Arun Shourie.

5. Vasundhara Raje.

6. Chemotherapy and surgery.

7. Karnataka mess and NOW

8. Poor Beharis are not welcome in MP.

If north Indians are not allowed how will they impliment the north Indian Brahmin agenda?

OR does it in any way imply that north Indians are not welcome in the rest of India due to some specific reasons?
2009-11-06 17:55:40 UTC
Hepocracy is a virtue of developed nation (!) more we are going towards developed nation from developing nation more we are aquaring this virtue.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.