Are you PRO or CON on these big issues?
2013-08-31 15:33:30 UTC
*Please copy and paste, and just put CON (against), PRO (for), or UND (undecided) next to each issue. Thanks :) It's for my highschool

Affirmative Action
Animal Rights
Barack Obama
Border Fence
Death Penalty
Drug Legalization
Electoral College
Environmental Protection
Free Trade
Gay Marriage
Gun Rights
Internet Censorship
Legalized Prostitution Con
Military Intervention
Minimum Wage
Racial Profiling
Smoking Ban
Term Limits
War in Afghanistan
Fourteen answers:
Jonathan Gruber
2013-08-31 15:38:09 UTC
Abortion - against late term abortion

Affirmative Action - against: a form of discrimination

Animal Rights - for, but not at the expense of our economy

Barack Obama - against: Marxism and racism isn't my thing

Border Fence - for: and more

Death Penalty: - undecided

Drug Legalization - for

Electoral College - for

Environmental Protection - for, but not at the expense of prosperity and employment

Euthanasia - for

Free Trade - for

Gay Marriage - don't give a rat's a$$, just as long as it doesn't infringe on freedom of religion

Gun Rights - for

Internet Censorship - against

Legalized Prostitution - for

Medicare - for, but with certain sensible alterations for financial stability

Military Intervention - depends

Minimum Wage - undecided

Racial Profiling - for, common sense should not be trumped by PC

Smoking Ban - against

Term Limits - for

War in Afghanistan - for initially, when it was the launching point for Al Qaeda's attack against us
Vice Pays to Virtue
2013-09-01 00:02:34 UTC
Abortion NO

Affirmative Action YES

Animal Rights NO

Barack Obama NO

Border Fence NO

Death Penalty NO

Drug Legalization PARTIALLY,YES

Electoral College NO

Environmental Protection YES

Euthanasia NO

Free Trade NO

Gay Marriage NO

Gun Rights NO

Internet Censorship NO

Legalized Prostitution YES

Medicare YES

Military Intervention NO

Minimum Wage YES

Racial Profiling NO

Smoking Ban YES

Term Limits NO

War in Afghanistan NO
Nap-Nap Bonaparte
2013-08-31 22:41:01 UTC
Abortion- PRO

Affirmative Action- CON

Animal Rights- UND

Barack Obama-Ususally UND, but currently CON

Border Fence- CON

Death Penalty-CON

Drug Legalization- Depends on the drug, but you could probably put me down for PRO

Electoral College-UND

Environmental Protection-PRO


Free Trade- Be more specific

Gay Marriage-PRO

Gun Rights- I'm all for people owning guns, so long as they are responsible with them.

Internet Censorship-CON

Legalized Prostitution-PRO


Military Intervention-CON in most situations

Minimum Wage-PRO

Racial Profiling-CON

Smoking Ban-PRO, but I believe if a place bans smoking, they should include a place where smokers can smoke

Term Limits-PRO

War in Afghanistan-Intially PRO, currently UND
Curtis B
2013-08-31 22:54:10 UTC
Abortion - Con

Affirmative Action - Con

Animal Rights - Con

Barack Obama - Con

Border Fence - Pro

Death Penalty - Con

Drug Legalization - Con

Electoral College - Pro

Environmental Protection - Pro to a certain extent

Euthanasia - Con

Free Trade - Pro to a certain extent (no trade with communist countries and countries that don't honor human rights)

Gay Marriage - Con (would be pro only if religious liberty were protected, but it never is)

Gun Rights - Pro

Internet Censorship - Con

Legalized Prostitution - Con

Medicare - Pro to a certain extent

Military Intervention - Depends on the situation

Minimum Wage - Con

Racial Profiling - Depends on the situation

Smoking Ban - Con if outside, understandable in enclosed spaces

Term Limits - Pro

War in Afghanistan - Pro, if we were there to win it, but it increasingly looks like that's not the case.
2013-08-31 22:49:09 UTC
Abortion Con

Affirmative Action, pro

Animal Rights, und

Barack Obama, und. Sometimes he's just stupid.

Border Fence, pro!! Keep em out!!

Death Penalty, pro

Drug Legalization, con

Electoral College, pro

Environmental Protection, und

Euthanasia, und

Free Trade, con

Gay Marriage, pro

Gun Rights, und. There should be regulations on them.

Internet Censorship, con!

Legalized Prostitution, Con!

Medicare, pro

Military Intervention, pro

Minimum Wage, pro. Just don't higher it.

Racial Profiling, con,

Smoking Ban, pro

Term Limits, con

War in Afghanistan, con
2013-08-31 22:38:31 UTC

Affirmative Action-neutral

Animal Rights-con (they are animals, they have no "rights", but that does not mean we should abuse them).

Barack Obama-neutral (he's just a Bush third and fourth term)

Border Fence-neutral (we should enforce the laws we have)

Death Penalty-pro

Drug Legalization-con

Electoral College-pro

Environmental Protection-pro


Free Trade-con

Gay Marriage-neutral (it's a non-issue that is being used as a distraction)

Gun Rights-pro

Internet Censorship-con

Legalized Prostitution-Con


Military Intervention-neutral (it depends on the situation)

Minimum Wage-pro

Racial Profiling-neutral

Smoking Ban-con

Term Limits-pro

War in Afghanistan-con
2013-08-31 22:55:00 UTC
Abortion- Con

Affirmative Action- Pro

Animal Rights- Pro

Barack Obama- Con

Border Fence- Pro

Death Penalty- Pro

Drug Legalization- Con (I don't care about marijuana because studies had proved to help people with cancer, but I am against legalizing other drugs such as Crack, Meth, and so on)

Electoral College- Con

Environmental Protection- Pro

Euthanasia- UND

Free Trade- Con

Gay Marriage- UND (Saying this because the courts need to figure something out first before passing it. For example, divorce, and where will the kid's go exc. The courts are having a tough time with heterosexual marriages now)

Gun Rights- Pro

Internet Censorship- Pro

Legalized Prostitution- Con

Medicare- Pro (Against obomacare but for affordable health insurance)

Military Intervention- Only if necessary for instance I am against it for Syria

Minimum Wage- Con

Racial Profiling- Con

Smoking Ban- Pro

Term Limits-Pro

War in Afghanistan-Pro

Good luck with your assignment
2013-08-31 22:38:47 UTC
Abortion - Pro

Affirmative Action - Against

Animal Rights - pro

Barack Obama - Pro

Border Fence - I suppose

Death Penalty - Pro

Drug Legalization - against

Electoral College - Pro

Environmental Protection -pro

Euthanasia -against

Free Trade -pro

Gay Marriage - pro

Gun Rights - pro-control

Internet Censorship - there should be some limit

Legalized Prostitution Con -against

Medicare -against

Military Intervention - against

Minimum Wage - against

Racial Profiling -against

Smoking Ban - against

Term Limits - pro

War in Afghanistan -against
2013-08-31 22:39:26 UTC
Abortion - Not completely against, not completely for either, against in all cases except rape proven by investigation, or terminal illness to the mother or the child proven by Doctor testimony

Affirmative Action - against

Animal Rights - depends, if taking the Caligula approach and trying to elect a horse as senator, no, if basic rights to life, then 100% for.

Barack Obama - against

Border - For

Death Penalty - for

Drug Legalization - against

Electoral College - murky water; if our populace was more intelligent I'd say against, so in theory, I'm against it, but as of right now, we have too many morons, so for.

Environmental - depends on the extent; preservation and conservation, for, the lie of manmade global climate change, against

Euthanasia - depends on the case

Free Trade - For

Gay Marriage - Fed government cannot force people to be allowed to marry or not, this is up to the states, so, technically, For

Gun Rights - for

Internet censorship - depends on the content, generally I'm against

Legalized prostitution - probably for, it's the choice of the broads involved, they choose to become prostitutes, men shouldn't be penalized for it

Medicare - murky water; in a good society I'd be against, because people shouldn't need a socialized program if they conserved and spent properly throughout their lives, but since this is the United States, I guess i'd have to be for it right now

Military intervention - in foreign countries depends on the case, in the case of Syria, 100% against

Minimum wage - chains workers to low wages, 100% against

Racial Profiling - for

Smoking - murky water, individual has a right to smoke, but harms others on his healthcare plan in their pockets, overall I'd say I'm against banning smoking, but certain places such as restaurants or bars have a right to enact what they wish on their own property

Term limits - for, I'd like to see 3 terms of 2 years each, instead of 2 terms of 4, to allow the people to change a bad president more often

War in Afghan - against
2013-08-31 22:36:44 UTC
All im going to say is Con Con Con abortion, gay marriage, and more Gun rights. (We dont need more murders, a pistol is for protection, a machine gun is not) (Gay marriage is just wrong and not moral) (Abortion is candy coated "legal" murder)
2013-08-31 22:39:39 UTC
I am pro Constitution and pro freedom.

Good luck with your homework.
I was wrong once
2013-08-31 22:41:01 UTC
im pro everything. pass the hooka beaatch!
2013-08-31 22:39:17 UTC






















2013-08-31 22:34:02 UTC
pro, I guess.

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