Abortion - Not completely against, not completely for either, against in all cases except rape proven by investigation, or terminal illness to the mother or the child proven by Doctor testimony
Affirmative Action - against
Animal Rights - depends, if taking the Caligula approach and trying to elect a horse as senator, no, if basic rights to life, then 100% for.
Barack Obama - against
Border - For
Death Penalty - for
Drug Legalization - against
Electoral College - murky water; if our populace was more intelligent I'd say against, so in theory, I'm against it, but as of right now, we have too many morons, so for.
Environmental - depends on the extent; preservation and conservation, for, the lie of manmade global climate change, against
Euthanasia - depends on the case
Free Trade - For
Gay Marriage - Fed government cannot force people to be allowed to marry or not, this is up to the states, so, technically, For
Gun Rights - for
Internet censorship - depends on the content, generally I'm against
Legalized prostitution - probably for, it's the choice of the broads involved, they choose to become prostitutes, men shouldn't be penalized for it
Medicare - murky water; in a good society I'd be against, because people shouldn't need a socialized program if they conserved and spent properly throughout their lives, but since this is the United States, I guess i'd have to be for it right now
Military intervention - in foreign countries depends on the case, in the case of Syria, 100% against
Minimum wage - chains workers to low wages, 100% against
Racial Profiling - for
Smoking - murky water, individual has a right to smoke, but harms others on his healthcare plan in their pockets, overall I'd say I'm against banning smoking, but certain places such as restaurants or bars have a right to enact what they wish on their own property
Term limits - for, I'd like to see 3 terms of 2 years each, instead of 2 terms of 4, to allow the people to change a bad president more often
War in Afghan - against