I totally agree with him.
We are coming apart at the seams as a nation. We are placing increasing value on the things we disagree on rather than on the things we do agree on. And we are becoming increasingly intolerant of those who disagree with us.
Barack Obama recently became our president-elect. Some of those who did not support him are being called racists. Some of them clearly are racists, and their racism is not benign. They are speculating on the possibility of his assassination. He hasn’t even taken office and some people, few though they may be, are speculating about his assassination!
Where is our moral life? What has happened to the values we once shared, the ones that made us all “Americans?” They are getting hard to find. The ties that once bound us together are fraying. We like to say we celebrate our diversity, but we seem more intent on “celebrating” and cultivating our differences. It’s black versus white, rich versus poor, Latino versus Anglo, Muslim versus Christian, and so on. We seem to looking for differences and exploiting them to create conflicts.
If we are to survive as a nation, we must share some values, or morals, of overriding importance. Those values must supersede our politics and even our religions because those values are what make us Americans.
What and where are those shared values today?
There is a lot of talk about globalism, a one-world economic concept. But how are we going to be a part of, and contribute to, a global community when we can’t even get along with each other? The globalists overlook the fact that there is another concept implicit in a global community: a social one.
Many liberals, at least those on the far left, think they are going to rule in a new world order. They are mistaken. The United States is inherently a centrist nation. Many Democrats are starting to complain about how the far left has “hijacked” their party. The far left is inherently divisive. The most oppressive governments in the history of the world have been leftist. When Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba, he was hailed in our own press as “The George Washington of the Caribbean.” But he has proven to be anything but a George Washington. He is more like a Joseph Stalin. And we don’t want, we don’t need, and we will not tolerate a Joseph Stalin in our country.
You can take that one to the bank.