Republicans: Why are you opposed to raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour ?
2021-02-26 22:42:33 UTC
Don't you understand that it would mean people would have more money to spend at the same businesses you claim would suffer because of it? Let's say I owned a barber shop right next to a grocery store. Raising the minimum wage would mean that both businesses would do better because my employees would have more money to spend next door and vice versa! 🤷🏾‍♂️ 
35 answers:
Ime Gno
2021-03-01 02:21:18 UTC
If you want to earn $15 or more an hour, then work for it. Being a cashier or working at McDonald's isn't a career.
2021-02-28 17:55:53 UTC
2021-02-28 07:58:18 UTC
seems biden is too , he figured it out the companies cant afford it , to bad you got excited ... see the democrats , same as you check for the virus , lucky it its for $1000 . by the way the republicans offered you $1,600 .
Wapon MSC
2021-02-27 17:24:20 UTC
All states have a different cost of living.  By causing those with the lower cost of living to pay $17 per hour minimum wage, there will be jobs lost and prices raised.
2021-02-27 12:43:16 UTC
They want MORE homelessness, more suffering!
Phil M
2021-02-27 12:36:35 UTC
That is how a first grader understands economics. Having to pay more for wages makes the cost of their products to go up. It costs everyone more in the end. The ones who get higher wages also will have higher costs.
rev ricky
2021-02-27 05:06:42 UTC
The Recovery has to be female based. In 2009, we bailed out the Big 3, banks and other large businesses.  Now, if we want to return to normal then the bail out must7 be female based.

Hospitals, schools and restaurants. But you need the the things that are around them. Child care. Senior care. Rent. If we don't center the recovery on women then it will take longer to go back to normal.
2021-02-26 22:59:33 UTC
first... are either of your businesses federally owned?  if not, you know the federal minimum wage would not apply....right?

next... I live in a county that already mandated the $15 min. wage a few years back.... guess what?  the grocery store where I shop has cut staff by about 15%....guess what 2? since grocery workers are unionized, the jobs cut were those that usually went to teens and young workers... you know, the ones that need those low-wage starter jobs the most?

that's on top of the many businesses that have automated (like 99% of local car washes and about half the fast-foot and quick-service food joints)...

meanwhile.... food prices have gone up by about 25% during the same period...with labor costs the #1 driver... with all your expenses mounting, are you gonna pay some local teen to sweep up for $15 an hour...or are you now gonna stay an hour after closing to do it yourself?  
2021-02-26 22:51:11 UTC
Republicans either don't understand or simply don't care that job wages are not keeping up with the rate of inflation. The cost of goods continues to rise while job wages across the board have barely budged in over 40 years. The federal minimum wage of $7.25 doesn't come close to a living wage anywhere in the country. Americans cannot afford basic necessities with a minimum wage job 
I'm That Mexican
2021-02-26 22:47:59 UTC
It's a States Rights issue. Every state has the authority to raise the wage anytime they want. Why aren't they doing that?
2021-03-01 07:41:17 UTC
I think they assume that an increase in wages will mean inflation. But that is not true. Canada raised its minimum wage to 15 per hour an inflation didn't happen. Actually, life is more expensive in the USA today than ever before, because wages haven't kept up with inflation.
2021-02-28 03:41:25 UTC
I live in another country where minimum wage is higher and, whilst the big multinational, tax avoiding corporations dislike it, minimum wage that is "liveable" is considered important so I don't understand the US's obsession with paying the pittance it does.

Maybe there needs to be a different rule in the US (certainly in big companies) -- the lowest paid workers must receive a decent minimum wage OR at least a certain % or ration compared to upper echelons.  So in the US, the average CEO earns $265 for every $ the worker is paid.  In the Netherlands it's $171, the UK a little higher, a few other European countries and Canada it's between $136 and $171.  Maybe the pay has to be between $140 and $160 or they pay 60% tax (or something ridiculously stupid so it's cheaper and better to pay their employees rather than where (as rumour has it) companies like Walmart supposedly employ people full time but they still qualify for your welfare programs.
2021-02-28 01:15:09 UTC
What you don't understand is that employers pay employees a fair wage for what they bring to the business. If you got skills that benefit the company the employers pay for it. Employers that must pay extra for unskilled labor must eventually cut back on employees, putting those people you're concerned about on the street and looking for a new gig. ESPECIALLY now, in this economic climate. 

There is nothing keeping you from learning those new skills an employee will pay you more more.
2021-02-28 01:14:04 UTC
The minimum is a starting point not a final destination.And it would put a million plus out of work. And a the starter jobs for teen will be gone.
2021-02-27 19:37:47 UTC
Financial experts for the most part concur that joblessness increments when the lowest pay permitted by law is expanded. Suppose they don't terminate the workers. To compensate for the expanded wages, the organizations need to build their costs. The buying force of the representatives subsequently don't increment despite the fact that they have more dollars, on the grounds that the items get more costly. You are left with expanded cash.
Jhon Brandt
2021-02-27 19:04:21 UTC
Those businesses would have to pay their low skilled workers more money, so they just raise their prices or just use robots.
2021-02-27 14:59:07 UTC
Kulikitaka, you clearly see only PART of the situation.  There is more to it than simply raising the hourly labor rate. 

The result of such an action would be INFLATION. 

What we need is DEFLATION!

The costs of goods and services need to be reduced.  Profits need to be reduced.  Excess fees need to be eliminated.  Consumers and manufacturers need to become more efficient, and waste less.  It's the opposite of all these things that have made income and expenditures so out of proportion.
2021-02-27 11:20:34 UTC
Because it should be Raised to 25 an Hour if Australia can afford $20 and Hour the Richest Country in the World CAN AFFORD $25
2021-02-27 08:16:47 UTC
YOU NEED TO GO READ A ECONOMICS BOOK. lets go to your barber shop, you the owner needs to pay electricity, rent, and people, if the cost of worker goes up, you the owner has two choices to make, choice 1 raise the price of the haircut, in the end that F you up because nobody will pay a high price for a haircut, so you decide to go with choice 2 after a while, which is cut the worker's hours. Ok you can lower the price of your haircut so business goes up , but now you are F again because that worker who used to work 7 hours needs to work 4 hours or less. so now you cannot make the customer happy, and they leave, nobody is happy why wait an hour or longer for a haircut? I would not, would you?. Then your next door grocery store, lets say they sell sandwiches and feed the barbershop lunch. If the store needs to up the price of the sandwich to pay their workers then the store raises their sandwich price, which causes the barbershop worker go someplace else, they loose money. They might close, to offset the cost they limit worker hours or they might buy less food doing so will cause other customers to leave, so the grocer goes under. 

again get the point high price for workers is a Shetty deal for employer and a Shetty thing for everybody. IF you do not understand this then you sure as hell should not be allowed to demand that raise. 
2021-02-27 07:51:29 UTC
I'm a Constitutional Conservative, not a "Republican", so I hope you don't mind me answering.  The federal government has NO Constitutional authority to set compensation levels for anyone not employed by it.  Disagree?  Cite the Article or Amendment that grants that authority.  BETCHA CAN'T!!  Every area of this country has a different "cost of living".  While $15/hr may be good in Boise, Idaho (no offense intended, Boise), it is barely getting by in New York City.  Besides that, minimum wage is for people with minimum skills and the jobs for which they are qualified, usually first time job holders and teens.  Why do they need or deserve that much?  To raise a "family"?  Wait until you can afford a "family" before deciding to make one.
2021-02-27 03:28:58 UTC
You do realize that almost 70% of businesses are small "mom and pop" businesses?

Most have a small profit margin after paying employees, suppliers, insurance, etc.

This increase will force many employers to lay off people, cut hours, and even go out of business.

If you're a grown adult and making minimum wage, what's wrong with you?
2021-02-26 23:52:43 UTC
We are not ready to get rid of slavery yet!!! Get over it.
2021-02-26 23:11:17 UTC
Economists generally agree that unemployment increases when minimum wage is increased. Let's say they don't fire the employees. To make up for the increased wages, the businesses have to increase their prices. The purchasing power of the employees therefore do not increase even though they have more dollars, because the products get more expensive. You are left with inflated money.
2021-02-26 23:07:35 UTC
Lol it would mean more people would have pink slips.
2021-02-26 22:55:07 UTC
All states have a different cost of living.  By causing those with the lower cost of living to pay $15 per hour minimum wage, there will be jobs lost and prices raised.  That means it will have benefitted nobody.  The states need to decide minimum wages themselves if employers haven't already voluntarily raised their wage in order to keep and/or attract better employees.  Have you noticed how much it costs for 4 people to eat at McDonalds lately?  Really not worth it.  Might as well get some nutritious food.
2021-02-26 22:49:26 UTC
Does anyone really know anybody that works for minimum wage anyway?
2021-02-26 22:48:59 UTC
You are a moron.
2021-02-26 22:46:07 UTC
Because a Federal minimum wage is unconstitutional. And it doesn't make sense. Different states have different cost of living. The states or even counties should handle their own laws.
2021-02-26 22:45:17 UTC
Those businesses would have to pay their low skilled workers more money, so they just raise their prices or just use robots. FACT
2021-02-26 22:43:24 UTC
Simple: they want to keep the poor poorer and the rich richer 
2021-03-01 20:18:52 UTC
Raising min wage would raise everything else. Everything will cost way more than it does now. Not only that, but people won't want to hire anybody because of the increased wage, so we'll all be screwed because there are people who are struggling enough to find someone to hire them. This would only make finding a job much harder for someone. 
2021-02-27 22:46:35 UTC
Not a Republican 

A Democrat and retired business owner

Doubling, the minimum wage is stupid

It would cause job lose and inflation

A more modest increase is in order, but $15  is too much unless you gradually increase it to that over 10 years

Just because something is not spelled out in the Constitution does not make it Unconstitutional. 
2021-02-27 10:34:55 UTC
They're opposed to doing that because they're aware that not everyone can afford paying that and the ones that can't and even the ones that can will replace the individuals who can be replaced by machinery with machinery.
2021-02-26 22:53:39 UTC
Why have to carry around more money when the prices will just go up to match the raise....ALWAYS has?

When is raising the min wage going to solve a problem? Why does it need to keep going up every few years?

In the meantime libs dont give a rats a$s for all those Americans priced out of their jobs.
2021-02-26 22:45:15 UTC
It took most republican voters a decade to work their way up to $15 an hour, now some young Gen X punk is going to start off at the same wage? NO WAY!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.