The BNP trial.?
2006-11-11 10:32:54 UTC
Is it right that Nick Griffin was found not guilty?
Does this point out a gaping whole in our race hate laws?
Or was he just saying what a few of us are thinking?

Should anyone, in such a multicultural society as ours be allowed to get away with saying such things?
Over to you guys.
22 answers:
2006-11-11 13:44:13 UTC
Here are some other things that Griffin and Collett do with free speech, from today's Times. Obviously some of you will dismiss the Times as a lefty publication and crawl back to your Daily Mail.

NICK GRIFFIN, 47, married, four children. Cambridge law graduate. Attended his first National Front meeting aged 15. Became NF vice-chairman. Joined BNP in 1995

Received nine-month suspended prison sentence at Harrow Crown Court in May 1998 for inciting racial hatred in his magazine, The Rune. Elected leader of BNP in 1999

ON RACE “Without the White race, nothing matters. [Other right-wing parties] believe that the answer to the race question is integration and a futile attempt to create “Black Britons”, while we affirm that non-Whites have no place here at all and will not rest until every last one has left our land”

ON THE HOLOCAUST “The ‘extermination’ tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie and latter witch-hysteria”

ON POWER “When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate. We have to have a body of trained young men capable of defending our organisation. If people come to crack our heads we will break theirs”


AGED 26, single, educated at Loughborough Grammar School and Leeds University, graduate in business and economics, self-employed graphic designer. Former chairman of the Young BNP, now the party’s director of publicity.

ON WINSTON CHURCHILL “Churchill was a f****** c*** who led us into a pointless war with other whites standing up for their race.”

ON THE PRINCE OF WALES “He’s a f****** traitor. Did you hear him say we needed more mosques in this country? All Muslims are anti-British terrorists.”

ON WHETHER BRITISH-BORN BLACKS ARE BRITISH “Just because a dog is brought up in a stable doesn’t make him a horse.”

ON THE ROYAL FAMILY “The Royals have betrayed their people. When we’re in power they’ll be wiped out and we’ll get some Germans to rule properly.”

ON AIDS A “friendly disease because blacks, drug users and gays have it.”

ON JEWS “There’s not a European country the Jews haven’t been thrown out of. When it happens that many times, it’s not just persecution. There’s no smoke without fire.”

ON ADOLF HITLER “Hitler will live forever; and maybe I will.”

Still want to support this horrid pair? If you do then you too are a racist, anti semitic, homophobic, Holocaust-denying fool.
2006-11-18 05:17:27 UTC
The sad fact is that you have "Studied" Politics at . as you put it at "A" Level will only leave you more and more confused , whereas a good dose of" Common Sense " works wonders for the Mind . To ban the B N P is a futile exercise because you won,t alter what a Vast proportion of the Population already Agree with , knowing the Danger Great Britain is in , especially with the three main parties in such disarray stealing each others Policies and "Re-Presenting" them , disguised as "New" . in reality they are really without Direction , letting Great Britain drift Aimlessly into the hands of those that would Destroy our country , Every Group "Knows how the Country should be Run" But in reality they are talking a Load of Hot Air Bollocks -- Step Back into your Own Mind - Give it Deep and Carefull Thought - you may become "Inspired" KIND REGARDS AND GOOD LUCK
2006-11-18 05:10:10 UTC
Nick Griffin and Mark Collett were found not guilty by a court of law with a judge and jury, so it stands to reason that YES, the verdict is right.

If there was anything Collett or Griffin could go down for, they would go down for it, without a doubt. The government and a a percentage of the public would love to see them go down I expect. But instead they have to be retrialed for something which should have been dismissed after the first time. Clutching at straws?

Is it ok for the extremists to preach Behead the unbelievers or that guy who said that there should be another 9/11 and Britons and Americans should all go home in body bags? This is the real racial hatred.
2006-11-11 12:22:01 UTC
1. Nick Griffin was tried before a yes it is right that he was found not guilty in that respect.

2. You may be right in that he is saying what a lot of people think, but unless every single person was asked ...we will never know what percentage of the population agree with his views and more so, which of his views they might agree with. I personally think that people might agree with some of what he says, but the more fascist views he has expressed perhaps don't sit as comfortably.

As for you last point ...The UK has a society based on freedom of speech....if that freedom is taken away to placate immigrants to the UK (who in the main come from countries that don't allow them that fundamental right)..then regardless of which cultural background you come would be gagged!
andy d
2006-11-11 10:41:06 UTC
Nick Griffin of the BNP is in titled free speech even if you don't agree with what he has to say every one in the UK is allowed an opinion ... that's the beauty of living in the UK ...... also about time we had some one with a back bone to stand up for what they believe in instead of this soft government in place playing second fiddle to people who come here to better there life's then try and run our country for us !!! and your right there is a massive hole in the laws one for us and an other for them , but i think the PC brigade may of had its day now as normal folk are fed up as being treated like door mats .. bit like a naughty kid , tell them they can not do it and they rebel ( i know i did ) !!!! you have all be warned !!! if there was an election round our area the BNP would romp home by a mile
Whistler R
2006-11-18 06:12:51 UTC
Good question - well put!

The UK is a free country with free speech and in reallity many politcians of the different parties have caused upset by their rantings,- and often lies, to the concern of various groups, be they trade unionists, medical staff nurses, old age pensioners, the unemployed, the sick and disabled in fact all of us.

Nick Griffin was found NOT GUILTY by his peers in this our proud free country! Whatever our political beliefs we should be pleased of that fact.
2016-10-17 07:29:57 UTC
oooh warm potato... in this united states, freedom of speech is authorized and inspired... yet not in case you have been born here. Muslims could threaten to kill us or rant vile crap with regard to the west and get away with it as they say that's their suitable to talk out yet once you're saying something approximately sending them lower back to their very own united states you're right away jumped on as being racist and labelled as NF or BNP. The BNP has dissimilar sturdy regulations yet there is not regarded at with the aid of fact human beings are too scared to help them or they are going to be branded something undesirable too. So...the main order of the day is suppression. That, and the reality maximum sane human beings could believe lots of their regulations so we acceptable not provide it air time in any different case the reality could out..........And god forbid that occuring...... every physique who disagrees with this attempt certainly gazing a number of their regulations... you're taking care now y'pay attention... Charlie
2006-11-11 10:39:43 UTC
Yes it is right that he was found not guilty! If he had be found guilty the repercussions would have been bad for us ALL......not just the BNP! For too long now there has been a miscarriage that immigrants can say what they like and get away with it whilst the rest of us are suppressed fearing imprisonment for speaking our minds and the truth!! Thank goodness justice prevailed!! Maybe we have now turned a corner and Free speech will be available to ALL not just uninvited guests!!!
2006-11-18 14:44:24 UTC
Sadly its the price we have to pay for free speech. People like Nick Griffin use our Democratic laws to preach racial hatred, so on balance it would be better to let people like this get away with it than to stifle free speech.
2006-11-11 13:55:56 UTC
the 1986 law against 'inciting racial hatred' is weak - it was designed to protect jews and sikhs primarily. Which is why the 2006 law was created to widen it out to 'religious hatred'. I understand that Griffin was charged with the old law by the CPS. It looks like they were wrong to do so. Griffin is a racist who incites others to racial and religious hatred - in this case he was targeting muslims.

The real question here is whether we should have laws like this at all and allow free speech even if that incites other people to illegal violence. I think the main parties could do more to highlight the real underlying, evil nature of the BNP and let the people decide.
2006-11-17 13:11:43 UTC
what Griffin said was at a private meeting and he was saying what he thought >>we do still have freedom of speech dont we and the sooner PC goes out the window the sooner this country will start to sort out the clients who have no right to be here
2006-11-11 14:41:03 UTC
To tell the truth, I didn't have much knowledge about the trail as it wasn't covered really on American news. However, just by googling the case, it seems kind of obvious that Nick Griffin is a racist and should be found guilty. I mean, what kind of person believes in making all the other minorities going away simply because of their ethnicity?
2006-11-19 04:44:06 UTC
i am totally against B.N.P and all they stand for i could not think of anything worse than a total "white" country, if that had been a Muslim man standing in a room spouting all that garbage about the "English, white man" would we still think it was OK or would we jump on them from a height.
2006-11-11 10:43:30 UTC
I think you people need a party that is far right.

Screw Political Correctness, it will be the demise of your country and your people. Doing everything in the name of multiculturalism while whitey has to hold his head in shame and constantly apologize for things which aren't even his fault is not a good way to go into the future.

especially with violent jihadis running amok in your country.

Saying whatever you wish without repercussions should go for everyone, including white people who want to preserve their heritage, people and culture.

Is it YOUR fault religious fundamentalists don't like to drink and have promiscuous sex?

Our Crazy REligious Christians over here in the US don't seem to have a problem with it!
Kojak 2.
2006-11-11 10:50:17 UTC
The blokes standing up for what he believes in.I'ts a different matter when the muslims spout their racist views off in public.The police daren't even say boo to them in case they get upset.and kick off.What good for one.etc etc....
2006-11-11 12:06:36 UTC
Yes,the verdict was right.!

No. We have enough race laws!

Yes. Many of us think the same as him!

"Gagging" people is not the answer,you risk the pot boiling over!!!!
2006-11-15 12:55:33 UTC
bnp are the only people who dare say islam is strangaling our way of life,,,,wont be long before christmas is baned,,,,
2006-11-11 11:09:10 UTC
innocent the courts said so

if you start to question it

you question every thing about the laws of the western world
2006-11-11 15:44:56 UTC
Every one is entitled to his or he opinion,

but some one in his position should never say such words
2006-11-11 11:27:27 UTC
No it is not right, he got away with it on a technicality, a religion rather that race.

Yes the law needs to be altered and quickly.

He can say what he likes, but this scum bag was spouting lies and corrupt information, get your facts right first.

People should be allowed to say what they like as long as you are not encouraging people to abuse individuals or sections of the community.

Could you imagine Tony Blair and the Labour government encouraging people to abuse Muslim women who choose to wear a certain type of clothing. Oh never, could you.........
2006-11-11 10:37:04 UTC
he is speaking for 70% of the people we are a white nations and it should stay that way backing BNP ALL THE WAY!
2006-11-11 10:38:23 UTC
Yes -- No -- Yes


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