When did all the outcasted groups join the Democrat party?
2011-04-23 10:48:14 UTC
The Green party, the socialist party, the communist party, and even the Aryan Nation, have all joined forces with the democrats, when did this happen? Look at the lists of groups that show up at democrat rallies, communist party USA, socialists party of America. The democrats now even stand on the same side with the Aryan Nation, don't believe me, look up Aryan and pull up their flyers, it's all propaganda against Israel and pro palestein.
Twenty answers:
bill j
2011-04-23 11:21:06 UTC
Just look at all the liberals here who deny the truth because they don't like it. The Socialist Party, Communist Party, Green Party, Aryan Nation, Gays and Lesbians, La Raza (illegal immigrants), all of these organizations and more support the Democratic Party. It's not me that says they do. THEY say they do. By their words and their actions. They give money to the Democrats, they show up at rallies and cheer for the Democrats, they campaign for the Democrats, and they vote for the Democrats. Any way you look at it they ARE Democrats.

Then the Democrats tell us "They are not part of us. They don't stand with us. They don't give us money and political support. Ignore any evidence you see that shows how far out and radical the Democratic Party has become. It's all lies by our enemies. Now go stand in the streets and scream about how the other side lies. If asked for proof of these lies, scream louder."

And all the good little brainwashed liberals run into the streets and start screaming.
2011-04-23 18:00:05 UTC
You don't have a clue what you are talking about do you?

Aryan Nation hate Democrats.

Communist party hates Democrats.

Socialists tolerate them, but normally do not agree with their political views.

Next thing you'll want us to believe is that NEO-nazis, skinheads etc AKA Aryan Nation got a black man elected President by voting for him.
scott b
2011-04-23 17:49:50 UTC
Just goes to show you what a diverse group of people has finally realized how BAD the GOP is ;) When groups as diametrically opposed as the Green Party and the Aryan Nation line up on the same side against something, maybe you should take NOTICE and wonder why...
rodney h
2011-04-23 18:21:45 UTC
That is why the south is voting mostly republican at the national level. It started in the 60's. Nixon saw the fringe groups getting behind democrats and he pulled the actual democrats party with God and country. And they never really went back.
volleyballchick (cowards block)
2011-04-23 18:02:08 UTC
I would like to see a link in order to make my own assessment. But I am sure that you can also find equally as "controversial" (at best) supporters of the Republican Party.

Neither party controls who supports them, nor do they claim to. They do highlight the positive groups that support them, but they don't control the groups that support them. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a fool.

And Aryan Nation has to "love" that there is a black man in the White House. Yeah, I am sure they were fully supportive of that, huh??
2011-04-23 17:54:31 UTC
All BS.You must be a repub, false, made up pretense. These Aryan groups and tea party, if they are showing up at the dems, it's because they are protesting everything the dems say, just like the repubs.
2011-04-23 17:50:40 UTC
The democratic party is a party of inclusion with tons of different ideas under that umbrella label. They do not require a litmus test where if you think raising taxes is an okay idea you are kicked to the curb.
2011-04-23 18:14:09 UTC
Well you seem like a bit of an outcast, what's wrong with you then?

And when did the Aryan Brotherhood developed love for brown Palestinians? That would be a major development in their evolution, if it were at all true.
2011-04-23 17:50:52 UTC
Since they've realized that the only way to get anywhere would be to rally behind one party and invade it.

That said, the Republican side has had more than it's share of invasions as well.
common cents
2011-04-23 17:59:29 UTC
lol @ scott b.... I suggest when the Aryan Nation lines up with you and your party YOU HAD better sit up and take notice as to what YOU ARE doing.
2011-04-23 17:54:03 UTC
outcasts and losers formed the modern day democrap party. It started with the progressive movement when woodhead wilson was president in the early 1900's. They have only gotten worse over time.
2011-04-23 18:04:02 UTC
Mostly during the late Sixties, early Seventies.
2011-04-23 17:51:06 UTC
the biggest problem with this is not that it is untrue. the biggest problem is their will be a person less intelligent than yourself who will read this and repeat it as the truth
2011-04-23 17:58:51 UTC
Yes, the green skinheads are going to destroy America.
2011-04-23 17:51:02 UTC
True democrats are now the independents; the left is now made up of outcasts.

The actual democrat party was a respectable party, it's unfortunate it was destroyed by progressivism.
2011-04-23 17:53:28 UTC
...are we supposed to be surprised that neo-Nazis are anti-Israel? That doesn't make them members of the Democratic party...
2011-04-23 17:51:00 UTC
They all want to first of all destroy America, after that they will improvise.
2011-04-23 17:50:11 UTC
They haven't
2011-04-23 17:49:36 UTC
I don't believe you know what you are talking about.
2011-04-23 17:49:49 UTC
they all have the same racist communist platform

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