The car companies have already failed. All this 17 billion or so does is make sure the wealthy criminals who run those companies get their golden parachutes, and can steal everything not nailed down, and a good deal of that which is.
These are crooked, corrupt, irrelevant companies, whose executives should really have been prosecuted decades ago for fraud. The Japanese and Germans are having difficulties, and they've done some subsidizing, but they'll survive. These idiots CANNOT SURVIVE under any circumstances, because the public is no longer the ignorant collection of morons these dolts relied on for more than five decades.
I have worked with European and Asiatic auto makers for years, and one thing of which Americans remain totally ignorant: In their home countries, the auto unions are FAR MORE POWERFUL than in the United States, in addition to making a good deal more money. This propaganda campaign to slander unions, in which many ultra right wing scum have been active, wouldn't even be LEGAL in those countries. And the executive criminals behind would be...well, VERY uncomfortable. Forget these lies about "foreign unions" being weak or nonexistent, that's American fascist b.s., totally without basis, and downright insane.
The degenerate, incompetent corporate morons who ran the former "big three" GUARANTEED that forty years ago or more. The current batch of useless imbeciles merely "holds the fort". Had these nitwit sluggards (actually, their daddies and grand daddies, these slime are ALSO into nepotism and corporate incest) listened to the Deming studies more than fifty years ago, this wouldn't have happened.
But they chose to be ignorant, unresponsive, and to demonstrate the fourth-rate criminal greed and complete lack of innovation which marks them as the totally unproductive parasite they are.
True, a certain level of fascist filth will try to blame all this one the UAW and associated union. But, gutless sissies of the scab (anti-union) American reactionary right, let me mose this question to you chickens**t, lazy maggot bags: Why is it that German AND JAPANESE auto companies, who pay their workers MORE in their own countries, are doing MUCH BETTER than the American companies? That's right, in Japan, the big controversy is about Japanese brand cars being made with "cheap American labor"...
I can tell you why: Because the filthy dead weight at the top destroyed these companies, and did so for the lowest, most selfish sort of greed.
That's reality.
There's no right or left or Democrat or Republican to it, that's what happened.
And the unions played no role whatsoever in the failure of these incompetent, dishonest companies and their disgusting, unreliable, fourth-rate gas gobbling PIGMOBILES.