Yahoo Comments fake reasons for pulling it. ?
Cracked Cup
2020-10-22 05:11:27 UTC
When I tried to reason why Yahoo pulled their comment section away from their frontpage I saw their reasoning for it and felt a punch to my gut.  Because who the hell cares what other peoples opinions are. Or do they?  Hmm...  I think people do want to read other's opinions on subjects are just as I do.  But now that I gathered my own evidence about Yahoo's pathetic reason as to why they removed it, I realized that they can't be transparent and still control the narrative.  Think about it, has Yahoo ever said one pro-Trump verb, adjective, or noun about him? Have you ever heard anything negative about Biden, even though his son was caught with a red herring in his pocket?   They need to ensure that salt stays in the wounds by removing any feedback. There are so many Yahoo articles that require a cold slap in the face that it pains me that the public was spat in the face when it came to a end.  But I did find out that Yahoo controls the monopoly.  Edge uses MSN, which also favors left wing rhetoric.  For example, ex mayor Rudy Giuliani has evidence that the Biden's are crooked. But instead his proof is being censored in the left wing news and the left are pulling out all the stops to involve him in a character assassination made up scandal. 
47 answers:
2020-10-22 15:53:29 UTC
I think they are afraid of any conservative having done their homework and sharing it with potential swing voters, look I've voted democrat in the past and republican, records speak louder than promises, liberals are finding out they cant buy all votes, so silencing the opposition is the next logical step.

2020-10-24 18:25:26 UTC
It is Canada. More hate laws than free speech. Free speech is free speech. 
2020-10-24 13:59:49 UTC
To stifle the opposition.  (But you already knew that.)

I used skip the poorly written,extremely biased articles and go straight to the comments section.
2020-10-22 18:44:12 UTC
It's been widely reported that Yahoo pulled the comments because they were tired of seeing so many conservative-leaning comments which called out their radical blatant liberal bias in ALL their "news articles."  So being typical liberals, they shut it down...  Also in an election year in which they are desperately trying to elect Biden, they didn't want any undecided people seeing any opposing opinions.
Mr. Wizard
2020-10-22 17:28:54 UTC
Yahoo has clearly gone LIBERAL SOCIALIST and also supports BLM ( it's on their homepage ) AND ANTIFA; what's brazen is they're NOT hiding this!!

Yahoo says they're "temporarily" shutting down public opinion comments; I'm thinking till AFTER the POTUS election IF Biden wins ( likely NEVER IF Trump prevails for 4 more years ). It's obvious why: Immense SUPPORT FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS RESONATING LOUDLY EVERYWHERE ON YAHOO!!

Interestingly enough, there was A LOT OF SUPPORT FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP ON YAHOO GROUPS.....which is quickly shutting down as well, to no surprise.

It was getting too hard for those LIBERAL "opinion polls" for Biden to show him ahead---when the contrary was being splashed all over Yahoo!! 

the cat
2020-10-22 16:15:36 UTC
I do not disagree

but I think it was easy as in "response" had a weak security point and lots of bots hit it.. 

as for the liberal left wing leaning of yahoo... YES but that is what yahoo is totally no surprise 
2020-10-22 13:34:43 UTC
Who cares about Yahoo! You know there was once a time when people had to read news from a newspaper, and there was no comments section. For many years people had to read the news without opening their big opinionated mouth. Too many loud people these days. I guess we have to read the news and actually think about it now, instead of just automatically emoting publicly. Oh the horror!!!!
2020-10-22 09:30:34 UTC
I would say it has absolutely nothing to do with politics in that sense but more to do with a poorly-thought through committee-type decision by people who have lost the plot.  Their interpretation of comments was primarily negative - that they mainly acted as a troll magnet.  My understanding is that they allow feedback and clarification, more than just a simple thumbs-up or thumbs-down.

I have to be frank with you about the content of your question:  it strikes me that the actual decision to remove comments without a clear explanation is not detailed enough and vague in such a way as to allow projection of unwarranted conclusions.  I personally wouldn't do that because there just isn't enough information to go on.  If I did, my ideas would probably focus on them being a giant faceless corporate entity, which is the kind of thing Trump would be in favour of FWIW.
2020-10-22 08:14:23 UTC
They pulled it because it became toxic. Especially in politics. I don't blame them. It's an answer forum not a chit chat community. If I ran a website and saw such toxicity and negativity taking place, I'd pull it too. 
2020-10-22 05:13:37 UTC
2020-12-30 22:03:38 UTC
Accept everything made right here.
2020-10-25 21:10:09 UTC
they pulled comments because their shills can't get to the office
2020-10-25 05:55:30 UTC
Since comments have been removed i have only been ABUSED 3 times
2020-10-24 17:51:42 UTC
Of course people want to see others comments.  We are smart enough to weed out the ones that are wrong or inappropriate.  yahoo wants us all to be sheep and they will tell us what to think.  It is barbaric!  anyone now of anywhere else we can share out thoughts?
2020-10-23 22:00:34 UTC
Yahoo is part of the Big Tech Socialist Elite monopoly.

Censorship of competing ideas is part and parcel of their methodology.

The USA has been playing catch-up with this problem. The recent antitrust case against Google is only the first shot across the bow. During the second Trump administration, I hope we can expect more aggressive action against Constitutional threats like Yahoo, Google, Facebook, and the rest.
May the Shwartz Be with You!
2020-10-23 21:40:07 UTC
This isn't a "left or right" answer, this is a fact that EVERYONE needs to get together on and unify on this if you want to keep one of most basic fundamental AMERICAN core values.

The reason (at the core) Yahoo removed comments from "news" articles is that the powers that be, whether you believe they are liberal leaning, or conservative, want to stifle free speech.

THIS is part of an overall agenda that is propagating "conspiracy panic" which has increased 10-20 fold in being reported as "legitimate" news stories/topic since the beginning of the pandemic through a variety of media outlets (not just "news" but other entertainment outlets).

We heard a lot of that a few years back, but now they have reignited that fire with "legitimate" reasons to legitimize banning conspiracy theories by law due to possible "foreign tampering" "religious zealots recruitment" and numerous other reasons that are attempted to be legitimized by introducing them as "real world threats" "dangerous to society" etc. as introduced and reported in the media.

So banning conspiracy theories is a "good" thing right?

No, because when you ban "conspiracy theories" with the broad brush strokes that YOU KNOW the political puppets will attempt to do, then EVERYTHING that is a matter of opinion becomes a "conspiracy theory" if someone else agrees with it, or perhaps even if no one does.

While many people simply used the comments section of Yahoo news stories to lambaste opposing political parties, or those they thought were affiliated with them, SOME PEOPLE chose to comment with verifiable facts concerning hypocrisy in stories, among other things (ie. Asia Argento on her soapbox about Weinstein, while not only did she opportunisticly continue to engage in a 20 year relationship with her alleged "rapist" but it was also later disclosed she payed out to an underage male co-star in one of her films, to apparently stifle allegations against her of statutory rape, etc.).

This is how it happens.

Some can already see we are headed towards an Orwellian nightmare "future" under the guise of "protection" of various kinds since the 9-11 "terrorist" attacks, but make no mistake, stifling free speech is THE MOST EGREGIOUS ACT OF TERRORISM that we in those countries where our forefathers fought and DIED for the right to free speech, still take for granted as a given foundation of our very existence as a nation.

Many of you have read how swiftly China managed to stop free speech in Hong Kong.

Well, don't think there won't be a time in the not so distant future where they can do something similar here.

Our law makers (left and right) have already been working on it long before you started reading this and although they are separated by political parties, mainly for the purpose of dividing us (the people), the vast majority who are working behind the scenes to bring a totalitarian corporate rule to the (future) U.S.A. inc. are actually members of a single unified party known as the party of GREED.
2020-10-23 18:41:14 UTC
I don't know - I hope it is something as stupid, ********* and irrelevant as political BS.  If you look at the TOS, there are quite a few references to the morality of comments and the like.  I really think the biggest component of the removal of comments are that Bitchez don't want to see the truth written about their false beliefs.  Whether it be political or societal, people don't want to see others convey things which cross their own lines.

I can state the outcomes, based on the data from the CDC and State Bureaus of Death Records, for men who get married.  A bunch of societal hypocrites will try to ban me for spreading that info, so they can convey their own false common rhetoric.  It highlights the stupidity of humans, especially of Assmericans.  And if you don't like that I put A_s_s in that word, who cares about your feelings, or whether or not some fuckingchild reads this.  They are gonna grow up fast enough when their priest fucksthem intheass or they are left alone with that one uncle too long.  Gofuckyourself.
2020-10-23 18:30:37 UTC
i found it amusing,and looked at it as entertainment. 
2020-10-22 23:56:23 UTC
they would never stop the fakes , after all how many messages are written by fakes , 90% of them ..look at how many sign there message anonymance 
2020-10-22 19:16:26 UTC
Liberals hate Trump no matter who or what it is and they are doing everything they can to suppress any kind of positive reaction or in our case, making points that they are doing exactly that". so its no wonder that Yahoo would jump on the bandwagon sooner or later and "woke" to the "suppress conservatism "narrative".
Ron Akia
2020-10-22 17:45:59 UTC
I would say that because of it being an election year and, they don't want people to see any anti-Biden responses, they pulled the plug.
2020-10-22 17:42:50 UTC
Clearly Yahoo has taken the stance people should be able to give incorrect answers and not be called on it.  
2020-10-22 15:37:40 UTC
I see no ques here..
2020-10-22 11:20:26 UTC
And you thought of this all on your own.
2020-10-22 11:09:58 UTC
Company's are tired of paying moderators and creating algorithms for the less than 1% of people who visit their site and leave comments each month. As someone else said, Yahoo comments was a toxic soup that needed to be shutdown.
2020-10-22 06:51:00 UTC
Yahoo definitely has a bias. I’ve posted questions that have gotten deleted
2020-10-22 05:29:10 UTC
Lol, sure snowflake
2020-10-22 05:22:22 UTC
All corporations pulled the comments recently, unless Huff post is still doing it.
2020-10-22 05:19:19 UTC
Yahoo will always be toxic and removing more features will chase the good people away from the site. 
2020-10-22 05:17:49 UTC
There should NEVER ever have been a comments section in the first place. Yahoo just took 15 years to kill what should never have been born.
2020-10-26 19:16:41 UTC
I too think people want to share opinions.  Yahoo is in the bag for Biden.. it is as simple as that.  Communist Censorship!!
2020-10-26 00:11:58 UTC
Once a moron always a moron 
Ogami Itto
2020-10-24 18:17:16 UTC
It was more civilized than this answers section and it basically regulated the few real nasty people by itself so there was no reason to get rid of it other than SJ .
2020-10-24 13:53:33 UTC
Damn, I'm sick of you Trumpoid losers always sniveling & whining about how the world has some nefarious reason for not loving your anointed Orange Fraud.  You seem to completely ignore that he's a bald-faced liar & completely devoid of ethics.

You're all the lot who would, in the time & place, positively adore the scum of the Earth - Mao, "Stalin", Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Pol Pot, etc.  Its trash like you who enable that garbage to wreak their self-serving misery on the world.  To "support" a charlatan like O.F. isn't merely a "different opinion" that can be sloughed off: it's aiding & abetting a criminal.  You're welcome to be as stupid as you seem to wish to be - & that's insufferably stupid- but him & you MUST be stopped before he can wreak still more damage.  If you must "support" that trash, at least give a care for your fellows & stay away from voting.       
2020-10-23 20:14:11 UTC
I’m glad the shut down the comments because people were going back and forth
2020-10-23 19:39:07 UTC
Perhaps it is because of the simple fact that CHUMP supporters are getting so desperate that they continue to post the most hateful and pathetic comments and claims about given more decent people. As well as the most pathetic false accusations about more honorable people. As well as posting pointless comments meant to push people's buttons. We are ONE country and ONE people. And CHUMP and GOP people continue with their self righteous pathetic verbiage to suggest that if our honorable media people dare to point out what a stupid jackass CHUMP is that they are now somehow "UnAmerican?" or whatever. CHUMP brought this upon himself because he never gave a damn about anyone but himself. Because the anger and hatred shown by racist people is at the tone that it is perhaps Yahoo wants "you" to spend your time in productive ways. Instead of feeling obligated to bark at others whom dare disagree with all important "you."
2020-10-23 19:09:03 UTC
Reason is irrelevant since free speech is free speech and your agenda is no different than theirs both seek to influence people in a polarized political manner so in doing so constitutes a form of propaganda, censorship is censorship no different than book burning and yahoo's choice to end comments on their pages is a form of censorship and book burning which I do not agree with in the slightest and would like to see them returned since I am big on commenting and throwing stones at those that live in glass houses since I am an advocate of dispelling any fantasies and illusions one might have about just about anything since I am an opinionated bastard and practicing S.O.B So I may not like what you say I do defend your right to do so within reason and anything outside those boundaries I will call you on it with FACTUAL information's as I have just done...

AND The Comments should be returned SO are you Listening Yahoo and Verizon ?

2020-10-22 19:43:17 UTC
So, where did you see Yahoo explain their reasons for this?  
The Football God
2020-10-22 18:59:01 UTC
As a Level 7, I've spent way too much time on this site. But it's just a time killer for me. I don't get my news here. I don't have any friends here. I don't follow anyone. I never look to see who is asking. It's just a time killer.

With that said, I DO COME HERE TO ENTERTAIN MYSELF. Make no bones about it. I'm not here for BA's, or thumbs up. I means nothing to me. But I did enjoy the give and take when users and I disagreed, or when I needed to further explain my response.

FORCED SILENCE IS CENSORSHIP. If that's what Yahoo wants that's fine. But, I still have time to kill, so I'm still here. Nothing more.


With the liberal's "cancel culture agenda" for anything they don't agree with, I get it. It's about appealing to the masses. If was really important to me, I'd speak up more.

For the record, while I've been called names, thumbed down. blocked and reported I have NEVER done any of those. I have exchanged ideas in comments which on occasion ended well, but it only took a few that went too far.
2020-10-22 16:16:05 UTC
So create your own website.
2020-10-22 15:44:17 UTC
The level of toxic stuff it too much I applaud yahoo and others for removing it at least until the election is over and done with. 
2020-10-22 13:33:56 UTC
No,once Yahoo says,and no one can interfere it,what ever!This also gives,whole of as,when we,re whole mistakes of as well as possible.
2020-10-22 13:12:17 UTC
More russians were using the Comment Section than Americans - just like in 2016.   
2020-10-22 11:02:29 UTC
Yahoo pulled the article comments this year for the same reason they pulled them in 2016 around the same month because they don't want the people commenting to point out the MSM's LIEberal left demoCROOK clear bias against Trump by pointing out SERIOUS omissions and inaccuracies in they're "articles". Anyone can still see it today in yahoo's articles since they deleted the comments all you have to do is click on an article that supports Kamaltoe Harris/quid pro quo Joe Biden and you will be greeted with pages and pages of text and social media C&P BUT if you click on ANYTHING that supports Trump, a republican or ANYTHING bad about Harris/Biden if your lucky there's MAYBE 1 or 2 sentences of text with ZERO information and MAYBE a short video that people can't watch while at work!
2020-10-22 05:39:40 UTC
I've noticed a reduction in ability to comment to news stories elsewhere too. I completely believe these "news" sources are just tired of being called out for their inaccuracy. Tired of being called fake news. I valued the comments because they often led to truth.

 Nearly everything I read needs help. Of course the very last article I read needs help. It was about VW now owning Navistar International. The article proceeded to ramble on about the International Scout model being brought back by VW to compete with Jeep and Bronco. Feeding people total bullshat considering that Navistar International does not own the rights to the International Harvester Scout. Just a couple minutes of due diligence would have stopped this author and publisher from feeding tons of fools absolute fake news. Journalism is a wreck desperate for clicks.
2020-10-22 05:19:33 UTC
If people wanted to see Trumpster conspiracy comments, they would be over at Brietbart, not here.
2020-10-22 05:15:59 UTC
Russians were harassing and doxxing users and journalists, THAT is why Y! removed the comments.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.