I understand that it would be a good change for America if one day a women could be president, I don't hate the idea, but my opinion of the whole thing with Trump and Hilary is that if I was an American citizen, and I could vote, I wouldn't vote for either of them. Because they both will, in different ways, be awful for america. I'm not saying I wouldn't vote for Hilary because she's a women, because that has nothing to do with my reasoning.
But Trump is now president of America, and I think it's something that will in time be accepted. I also believe that America should try and give him a chance to prove himself, with respect, no matter what person you believe he is to be..he could surprise you all in the year to come. Yes, personally there are some things he thinks which I strongly disagree with, but there are also things that Hilary thinks which I strongly disagree with so to me, no matter what the outcome was, it wouldn't of mattered.
In England Theresa May is now our Prime Minister, *shivers* she's our second leading women in our history, the first being Margaret Thatcher *shivers* If you knew how Thatcher with our government 'ruled' us..to put it frank, she put us all in disaster and was a horrible cold ***** of a women in power. And I believe history is repeating itself with Theresa may..just less intensely.
David Cameron, our previous Prime Minister, was a ********! Yet despite May replacing him, I am glad he's never going to be the prime minister ever again.
As far as to where I stand in politics, I am not one way, and I am not the other way. I am not far right, and I am not far left. I'd say I'm balanced in the middle somewhere. :) Though I try not talk too much about politics because it just gets me angry a lot of the time.