"Is this because the US media & political system labels him a dictator, so as far as US citizens are concerned, it must be true?"
Chavez seizes American food plant
Hugo Chavez seizes control of rice mills in price dispute
Chavez seizes tree plantation
Hugo Chávez airs wiretaps of political rivals
Chávez Shutting Down Opposition TV Station
Thousands Protest Closing of Anti-Chavez TV Station
Second Venezuela TV is under fire
"and bmovies if you want to operate in other countries you follow THEIR laws not yours"
Well, duh. I've been pointing that out for years. For example, why is the left constantly applying American laws to foreign countries and enemy combatants in those countries?
"those US companies were corrupt and chavez rightly seized them from capitalist pigs"
Thats a lie. Only one was a US company and it wasnt corrupt by any stretch of the imagination. He also siezed a Mexican owned cement company:
Venezuelan troops seize Mexican cement plant
"thank you for putting bmovies60 in his place for me. I was about to tell him the same thing but you saved me the trouble."
Oh please. Otto put me in my place? Dont you wish.
"Perhaps bmovies60 thinks it's fine that the US government dictates to US & foreign companies who they can and cannot trade with, or is that not dictatorial?"
Hello? WHERE did I mention that was fine? Hmmm? WHERE did I even bring up the subject of the US dictating to anyone??? Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
This is NOT a matter of the US government dictating to them who they trade with. This is a matter of you claiming that Chavez isnt a dictator, and being proven wrong as evidenced by his method of governing: Siezing private property and tv stations.
"Also, do you have any evidence to show that Chavez's people kill & coerce opponents?"
Chavez opponents left jobless, blacklisted
8 Chavez Opponents Get Prison Sentences