2007-03-10 14:12:42 UTC
Here we are talking about the biggest crime scene in the history of the United States...and what did Guilani do? He scooped up all the evidence and got rid of it as fast as he possibly could. Sent overseas to be recycled? I doubt guess is they dumped it all in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
If people would for one second look at the's a common tactic for a country to injure or attack itself and then blame it on the enemy. Then we can go get em. There is even a name for’s called.. “Pretext for Military Intervention” Why doesn’t someone tell me why NORAD didn't scramble any fighters to escort the hijacked planes down? They didn't miss 1, but all 4!! Anytime a commercial airline goes off course without explanation, within 10 minutes, fighter jets are supposed to escort them down. Especially the air space over the Pentagon! Hmmm. How convenient. You think it was because Bush ordered Cheney to take control over NORAD the same morning of the attacks? Did you also know that the WTC changed owners about six months prior to the attacks? Did you know that the buildings were worth more if destroyed than standing? That Larry Silverstein is the man who cashed out on the scam...walking away with billions? Did you know that there was a flurry of activity on Wall Street prior to the attacks, and the majority of the trading was “Put options” on the doomed Airlines stock? Did you know that there were multiple explosions heard inside the buildings from all kinds of firefighters, police officers and witnesses? Did you know that WTC Building 7 fell at approximately 5:30 p.m.? That the building did not suffer any major damage, but it somehow blew up into a fine pile of dust? Does anyone know what propaganda is? Do you know that it is also a well known and effectively used tool for the government to pull the wool over your eyes? Well, don't say we didn't warn you when your asking yourself 5 years from now "How could this happen?" Educate yourself and open your eyes folks. This is real, and there are more than just a couple of us who think so. Go to Google and type in Terror Attacks of 911...have yourself a look at all the choices there are to choose from.