does this prove that bjp cares only about the cities?
anuragada poojaari(ap)
2009-10-14 22:18:15 UTC
the dispenser of justice as some call him narendra modi recently said that there are no villages in gujrath...yes you heard him right...there are no villages in question is this..

if the cheif minister makes such comments there can be only 2 possible conclusion

a)modi doesnt know that gujrath has villages...wait..isnt it sad that the chief minister doesnt even know what his state consists of??

b)modi as many congressis will claim works only for the cities the rich part of the two indias...and hence the poor india in gujarath is of little concern to him....he doesnt care about this part of india and hence it slipped his attention that there was a part of india called the villages...

and what is more disgusting is this..he said this during a discussion about nyayapanchayats...does this prove that narendra modi doesnt want justice in the villages of gujrath??that he doesnt care about the rural long as there are ac malls in our cities who cares about villages right?

here is the link-

man i'm waiting to see how bjp supporters will defend this one...but of course i wont be able to reply to any post as i have been previously reported for doing the same..
Eleven answers:
MS - Believe in Ek Oankaar
2009-10-15 05:45:09 UTC
No those were simply loosely chosen words.

As a politician he was trying to say all the villages in Gujarat are fully developed. Though he would never think of Surashtra, Kathiyawad, Katch and Bujh and that is more than 60% of Gujarat. Like Hyderabad is is not AP and that mistake Chandrababu did, same way Ahamadabad, Surat and Badoda are not Gujarat and the same mistake Modi is doing.

But I think that was just loosely chosen words of a politician, because if Gujarat CM says that their are no Villages in Gujarat, Gujarat government cannot get any grants under any central sponsored scheme, thus just ignore that comment.

And Aftermath, the indecent that you mentioned happened in Muraina Madhya Pradesh, that has nothing to do with Gujarat. And that was failure of City administration. The local police were engaged in arrangements for so called SAMADHI rather than stopping that baba to commit suicide.

@ Mukul, I am sorry, but I remember India's judiciary very well. And judiciary does not come under state government, State government has no authority to start evening courts.

District courts are setup up state governents but are directed and are under control of High court and High court is under control of Supreme Court.

Supreme Court is the one who has taken several such measures such as lok adalats, legal clinics, mobile court, evening court and picked up states to introduce these measures as pilot. Gujarat was picked up for evening court. As an appreciation Gujarat government, agreed to pay 25% of the judicial staff for overtime. These evening court only look at cases like traffic violation, transport acts etc.

Did you misunderstand the news? I think the credit goes to CJI, not to CM Modi. Not that everything that happens in Gujarat is because of Modi.

@ Mukul, nothing to be sorry dude. We learn from each other :).
2009-10-16 08:31:39 UTC
How Narendra modi fooled the public by just providing internet broadband services and electricity for rural areas that was sure happen even if congress or some other party leader was in his position. Just by demolishing temples and mosques for better roads is not the development.

Illiterate Gujratis does not know what includes in development programs which modi has been promising to initiate. They cannot think beyond” Roti,Kapada Makan”. If they think beyond this it would be “Guthkha,Kappada,aur Paan” .

Before Modi could initiate so called development work only for Gujrath ,he should first sensitize school drop out Gujratis to avoid going and sitting in their fathers shops which they take over after death.

Modi should be more involved in creating awareness for higher education to contribute and compete with growing global challenges in the field of science and technology.

For Modi development is confined to Gujrat and Gujrathis only and he claims himself as a Indian patriot. Gujrath contribution is impeccable towards inciting violence, racism, fascism, slitting preganant womans wombs.
2009-10-15 05:43:02 UTC
It is true that Gujarat has made progress. Please do not consider me as BJP man, but I have visited many parts of Gujrat and evidenced the growth there.

See, Indira Gandhi was saying about "Garibee Hatao". What happened in that direction when she was at suprime post? So, look at the villages we have everywhere in India. The poverty and inflation is the gift congress has given to India. Now at least Gujarat is free from it. Look at darkness of load shading in Maharashtra and compare it with Gujarat. You will come to know the difference.

Narendra Modi is proven CM. Only he does not care about your principle of favoring Muslims and pushing country towards second partition. This is not his drawback. Now let him work by his way and let real Indian people get the justice there.

I say to the congressmen that now you should realized about how your dirty hands are not able to finish poverty and turning all villages in rich infrastructural areas.

ADD: Okay, now you are taking turn like Gandhiji's congress! Then explain me what is the difference between villages and rural area?

Gandhiji asked to develop the villages. What Nehru has done? He was after his Shantidoot award only. See, Modi has done that and you are jealous. Shall I check your general knowledge? Which is the biggest village on the earth? Is it getting full of resources? Isn’t it in congress raj?
mukul (still busy on a project)
2009-10-15 07:06:16 UTC
First of all welcome back,and back again with anti BJP tirade.To be honest if any body including yourself raise the role of Gujarat govt and narendra modi in the 2002 riots and communalistaion of politics, then i,m ready to buy the argument in a sense i will support you.

But if you mean that Modi is anti village or anti development i,m not going to buy that argument .If any body wants to criticise Modi on the development front then surely it,s going to backfire him or herself.

Also i do not want to read between the lines ,in which context does he said ,why does he said ,i will not make a storm in a cup of tea.

I remember Modi govt was the first govt of India which gives the concept of evening courts so that the no of pending case reduces,and it is working very fine there.

i hate to research for links i know if i will not provide then you would be after me aggressively :)

@MS may be i,m at fault to understand but the question asked by ap is as usual waste stuff ,trying to create a storm in a cuo of tea.To me there are many counts that Modi can be criticised better,but certanly development is not that issue.I personally have gone to gujarat 3 times and many areas are on the international standard side.

One of my NRI friend who was fed up by Indian beuracratic hassels to open a cosmetic factory somehwre near delhi(u.P/Haryana) has finally open his unit in gujsrat.And he got all the perimissions with in 3 days and that too without paying a single penny as bribe.I think Modi should be given credit for his administrative skills.

But on an honest side i appreciate your answer and ap question is as usual a die hard congress supporter stuff ,nothing else.
2009-10-15 10:53:23 UTC
i think u shd withdraw the question. It makes no sense. it's funny some1 can think that 2 times CM of Guajarat will not know that Gujarat has villages when all states of India has vilages.

either u r intentionally twising his comment or u r too simple to understand. And Times of India is not a reliable or impartial source.
2009-10-15 06:03:13 UTC
Modi did not mean there were not villages, neither he meant any disrespect to villages.

You are just pulled out an elephant out of rabbit hole.

You hate BJP and its members for unknown reason. May be because you are a stupid minority. That, however, does not bother me. We have a lot of them here.


if you dont want to hear the opposite side, then why do you ask questions ?
2009-10-15 05:26:38 UTC
Take it from an American. Politicians are stupid.

Sorry I can answer your question. Looks like no one from India is on tonight. Anyways have a good one and fight the power.
2009-10-15 08:02:28 UTC
Are you a congressi supporter????

why you target modi?

you must know every politician in this country is fooling people including the dumb gandhi and his mother.

so stop, anti bjp tirade and talk about indian politics. because if the politicians do anything wrong, no matter if they belongs to congress or bjp, we have to suffer.
India Inc.
2009-10-15 05:42:21 UTC
They care for none, sadly not even the Hindus, whom they use as vote cows. This is really bad.

Yesterday's news reported that in MP a poor sadhu immolated himself with the entire police standing there in reverence observing the feat.

Don't even the police know that it is illegal? They were enjoying it and even took photographs.

Citizens need to be rational in voting political parties to power. Voting by sentiments will prove to be desastrous.

Gujarat is hype, don't believe all that is said.
2009-10-15 05:47:00 UTC
it prov's u r mentally retarded. no villages means no backward area. modi believez whole of guj.-even the rural sects, is as devlop'd as de urban sects.
2009-10-15 14:26:34 UTC
Like Kansa was chanting name of Krishna, you pseudo seculars and muslims are chanting name of BJP

history will repeat itself

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.