Dude, please put down the liberal crack pipe.
Donald Trump is an Ivy League educated businessman with forty years of experience fending off constant government harassment and persecution, (no indictments let alone convictions in four decades), battled back from being nearly $1 billion in personal debt by using perfectly legal loopholes and leverage to return to opulence, then used the surplus to overcome staggering odds to defeat the most powerful political dynasty in modern memory to become President of the United States, all without having ANY previous political experience.
Now he is the most famous person on planet earth after taking on a literal million man army of Press 'hit men' trying to manufacture scandals, illegal coups aimed at invalidating his legitimate election and farce impeachment attempts, trying to destroy his marriage, bribing people inside his administration with sweet heart book deals to turn Judas on their country, and trying to ruin the spectacular economy his policies created, which is currently sustaining us in the middle of an unprecedented lethal virus pandemic.
He used his own business knowledge and connections to create a brand new medical infrastructure on the fly with help from his corporate colleagues specifically to address pandemics, (no help from Democrats), which has kept American deaths at the lowest possible level predicted by medical experts for the 'first wave,' (referred to as 'tier 1,' 100,000-240,000).
Trump launched an all-out worldwide campaign to defeat I.S.I.S and destroyed both them and the Iranian architect responsible for financing and organizing them, tracing his activities by cutting off their funding, pulling out of the 'nuclear deal' which had previously unfrozen those assets. He forced China to the negotiation table to address bad deals that have been harming our national interests, confronted North Korea face to face right in front of China, backed the Russians off from establishing new strategic positions in Europe and placed them under the heaviest possible economic sanctions, halted illegal immigration despite being opposed on the 'Wall' project, and actually fulfills campaign promises, (unheard of among ANY high profile politician).
He has done ALL of this with NO help from his political opponents and while fending off the ugliest campaign of public slander, defamation and evil I have ever seen, including trying to destroy his administration's fine work by inflaming race riots and lawlessness aimed at murdering and slandering law enforcement during a lethal virus pandemic, obscuring the fact that his economy was employing urban blacks at real jobs with real nongovernmental benefits at unprecedented rates dating all the way back to Reconstruction, (which he accomplished in less than three years by lowering taxes and regulations on employers). That includes health care benefits, which is the REAL way to address the need for health care, not more government dependency, i.e. 'Obama Care.'
Trump has an exceptional brain, a strong conscience driven by ACTUAL compassion, not fake liberal 'compassion' and mawkish sentiment. He understands how people think and how the REAL world works and is able to gets things done because of this keen insight. He has forty years in public treating ALL people equally regardless of race based on their merits alone, rewarding and punishing the same. That is the REAL reason he is so hated, maligned, opposed and feared by his opponents. Most aren't actually dumb enough to believe that he is a 'mental child.' They just think people like you are dumb enough to fall for it, especially if you abuse drugs and alcohol, (which they encourage). They know no one could accomplish all of the above without being a genius blessed by divine Providence and driven by the spirit of American liberty.
You can go back now to wasting yellow divider line paint on racist graffiti, pissing on statues of our founders and other 'highly intellectual' pursuits.