Who do you believe would do better in an IQ test, Donald Trump or a newborn squirrel?
2020-07-04 03:11:10 UTC
I believe that the squirrel would do better in pattern recognition and logic, but Trump might just top it in concepts that involve language.
112 answers:
2020-07-06 16:52:27 UTC
let me rephrase your question, "DONALD TRUMP BAD I HAVE THE MOST GENERIC POLITICAL OPINION ALIVE IM COOL" (theres nothing wrong with hating donald trump and other politicians, its just that every political joke is just a rehashed version of the same joke over and over again and its boring and shows being a comedian is not in your future)
2020-07-06 03:24:35 UTC
I am quite certain the person who posted that would come in 3rd.
2020-07-05 06:39:11 UTC
Donald Trump will avoid taking the IQ test pay some lawyer  to bury any Donald Trump's IQ test and Trump would not release his IQ test results while they are under audit and Trump Administration will put a memo that seeks to foster doubts about the squirrel IQ or try to blame the squirrel for being responsible for 'bounties' on US troops... near nuts trees
2020-07-05 03:31:14 UTC
Gonna have to say the squirrel. 
Sean K
2020-07-05 00:47:27 UTC
A new born squirrel would have a real pair of nuts.
2020-07-04 19:57:05 UTC
Maybe you should be in the comic section, your question is not even funny, so maybe you could, maybe now no guarantee, you might have a chance in the stupid section .
2020-07-04 18:02:28 UTC
The newborn squirrel would definitely win because it has more iq, but however Donald Trump has money, and he can hire a look alike to take the test for him
2020-07-04 17:29:19 UTC
Why are so threatened by the fact we finally have a President who refuses to bullied by people and Washington. Is it because he laughs in your face or hat he has his own voice and try as you constantly do you just can't get him impeached? I continue to watch YouTube over and over of the 2016 election results and laughing at your disbelief and mental breakdowns
2020-07-04 16:37:14 UTC
How much does Trump pay you for rent in your mind?
2020-07-04 15:44:26 UTC
IDK, but I'll bet you could beat Biden in an I.Q. test.

I'm not sure if you should take that as a complement or not.
2020-07-07 04:44:15 UTC
let me rephrase your question, "DONALD TRUMP BAD I HAVE THE MOST GENERIC POLITICAL OPINION ALIVE IM COOL" (theres nothing wrong with hating donald trump and other politicians, its just that every political joke is just a rehashed version of the same joke over and over again and its boring and shows being a comedian is not in your future)
2020-07-07 02:42:07 UTC
Cone on, Donald!!! You're being very unkind and unfair. Trump is much smarter than a squirrel, but how can you assert that he would surpass a squirrel in languange? He only knows about ten words, like fake news, tremendous, witch hunt, scam, hoax, and his favorite: "I".
2020-07-06 17:57:07 UTC
a new born squirrel,,, as a squirrel is born with innate intelligence,,, for it survival,,, where as trump is so stupid he couldn't pass first grade promotion,,, unless he was shown pictures,,,
2020-07-06 13:25:42 UTC
I think Trump could beat the squirrel even if he didn't cheat, but we will never know because Trump can't do anything without cheating, lying and lets not forget playing the poor whiny white guy who is a victim of all those Blacks, Immigrants and Liberals. 
2020-07-06 07:32:22 UTC
Donald Trump would be shocked when he sees that he is smarter than a squirrel in the IQ tests..
2020-07-06 04:50:35 UTC
Well I do believe President Trump has some pretty big nuts.
2020-07-05 21:14:44 UTC
A newborn squirrel, especially if not from Slow-venia.
2020-07-05 14:14:30 UTC
I have offered to sit down side by side with the President for competitive IQ tests. Of course, I've been in Mensa for a few decades, with a 170 score. I've not heard back on that.
2020-07-05 11:35:12 UTC
I know that Trump is no genius.

Compared to Trump, the squirrel might be a genius
2020-07-04 23:12:18 UTC
President Trump.  The one who can't pass, an IQ test, is Biden.
2020-07-04 18:39:11 UTC
Hey don't put bad on the baby squirrel! Unlike Trump a baby squirrel has a personality!

**UPDATE!* AntoniASS - A bit of sentiment you might appreciate!
2020-07-04 18:15:29 UTC
trump is smarter than you.even the squirrel is seeing you asked a question like this. 
2020-07-04 17:55:54 UTC
Trump would win by getting some country's foreign spy agency to steal the answers in advance in exchange for a  bunch of stupid blueprints lying around the Pentagon, or something...
Little Big Man
2020-07-04 13:33:49 UTC
My money is on the squirrel.
Intrinsic Random Event
2020-07-04 12:54:11 UTC
Hmmm... depends... is it an Eastern Gray Squirrel? Out of all the squirrels, I think Trump would only have a decent chance against an Eastern Gray, or possibly a Marmot, because they're really really stupid...

Remember, an IQ test has to be in a language understood by the recipient, so the Squirrel's test paper would presumably be in some Squirrel native language... possibly SQL...
2020-07-04 07:17:39 UTC
I think a squirrel would win against Biden too.  And the idiot supporters of either camp.  Seriously, do they try to find the worst candidates possible?
2020-07-04 04:40:58 UTC
LMAO - how about the nut the squirrel knocks back?
2020-07-04 03:40:24 UTC
The squirrel bu a landslide
2020-07-04 03:26:28 UTC
2020-07-04 03:18:21 UTC
Aren’t squirrels this a racist question 
2020-07-08 01:55:47 UTC
Donald Trump.   
2020-07-06 22:16:37 UTC
The squirrel.  
Ron Akia
2020-07-06 21:54:59 UTC
The answer to your question, if you have any brain, should be quite obvious to you. President Trump is a very intelligent person or he would not be where he is today.
2020-07-06 19:17:37 UTC
Rather unfair.   Give the squirrel a couple of months.      But then again........
2020-07-06 14:41:01 UTC
The one who asked this question, should also be added a third option.
2020-07-06 11:01:37 UTC
So in other words, a newborn squirrel or a newborn baby?
2020-07-05 22:02:42 UTC
Trump's IQ is 26 points higher than obama's.

What did you say about a squirrel?

2020-07-05 20:53:55 UTC
easy, the squirrel...........................
2020-07-05 03:42:24 UTC
Well we haven't seen squirrel. Cut Taxes.Build a wall between Mexico and the U.S.Show us how liberal leftists are dangerous and violent and are trying to bring down our country.Expose the hypocrisy and bias of the leftist news. Had a former president spy on his campaign an advance a coupe. Then pull the greatest upset to beat a corrupt Clinton. Get us out of the terrible deals a former president got us mired into.Make liberal whine like snowflakes. So Im gonna say Trumpsw IQ is off the charts. And let that poor squirrel go your mistreating it by your assinign questions.
2020-07-04 23:06:28 UTC
If the squirrel was a Democrat, his math skills would be lower than the average single-celled organism.
2020-07-04 20:21:22 UTC
This question is really an insult to all Squirrels.    They can stay alive without money.  All they need is a TREE and some fruits on the TREE.   

But the Man, although he has a lot of money, cannot survive in the White House due to lack of "wisdom" of being an old man. 
Cave Beast
2020-07-04 17:21:58 UTC
Niether are human.
2020-07-04 16:11:06 UTC
The squirrel, for sure
2020-07-04 13:14:42 UTC
Donald Trump isn't stupid.  He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and got himself elected President.  Doing those things shows some intelligence.

He's a psychopath and a lunatic, though, and lacks any consideration of the needs of other people.  I think those explain is behavior.

A gnat would be more caring and empathetic.
2020-07-04 12:55:46 UTC
for a man who likes to TOUT "NUMBERS "  size of crowds  the stock market  predictions  his number of  SUPPOSED deals ..... sexual encounters  such as his "VIETNAM was not contracting a STD in the 70 's " or  when your a "CELEBRITY " they let you grab them by the P-------and asserts his INTELLIGENCE and how people are SURPRISED he  knows things about certain  issues as in " smarter than he look  never gives out his GRADE SCORES actually had law suits to protect from disclosure and never given an I Q score .. basically things he can "PUFF" ...about .................. when it comes down to SELF DISCLOSURE  of ACTUAL  document NUMBERS  like STATE and FEDERAL  tax filing that when you SIGN them its  declared the TRUTH under Penalty of law .. not so KEEN on that transparency or TOUTING  as to I Q  which is INTELLIGENCE QUOTA  is a tool to determine a persons  characteristics and skills to preform certain TASK or JOBS ....

.. A SQUIRREL has the ability to "LEARN"  from OBSERVATION and do TRIAL and ERROR and run along a WIRE  without falling  collect and hoard  Nuts for when times are LEAN  has FORESIGHT of SEASONAL changes  skills of SELF PROTECTION and GREY ones are very TERRITORIAL and VERY VOCAL  they  get FAT and FLUFFY for the winter they are BUILDERS of NEST MOST live in COLONIES or GROUPS but some are SOLITARY  ( greys ) fights will result with rivals and offspring of the same Liter 


  Well its might be a FACT  NEITHER have  extraordinary READING ABILITY or COMPREHENSION  to even READ the TEST to take ..

 as to a test of PATTERN RECOGNITION and other senses SMELL TOUCH SQUIRRELS once weaned  have  little  difficulty WALKING down a slight RAMP  or even  drinking water  from a source thank you for the question 
2020-07-04 12:01:35 UTC
The squirrel's will be more intelligent than Trump.
2020-07-04 10:51:17 UTC
We would never see his scores. For some strange reason he wouldn't release his test results. 
2020-07-04 09:14:39 UTC
Trump has already done an IQ test. It revealed his IQ was in the 150-ish range. A squirrel of any age wouldn't even know what the heck an IQ test is. All it will wonder is why you're keeping it captive
2020-07-04 04:04:10 UTC
Who cares, considering the OP's IQ is a negative number?
2020-07-04 03:11:37 UTC
Both higher than a liberal.
2020-07-06 23:27:16 UTC
the squirrel. american politicians suck d i c k, in general. and most of them are corrupt jews.
2020-07-06 17:29:09 UTC
I would say former because human always trump small critters.  A squirrel doesn't even qualify as an animal but a furry critter who frankly only knows how to eat, run away, or bite ppl if provoked.
2020-07-05 23:38:11 UTC
If liberals administer the IQ test, the squirrel will go better.  
2020-07-05 20:28:49 UTC
Trump would forget where his nuts are hidden.
military supporter
2020-07-05 17:53:04 UTC
Who would do better on an IQ test, you are a single grain of sand? The correct answer is the grain of sand. You are a severely retarded LIEberal whose IQ is minus 3000.
2020-07-05 14:37:19 UTC
Clarify ,is the squirrel a republican if so no
2020-07-05 09:35:03 UTC
At least the squirrel would remember where it had put its nuts, unlike Donnie Dumb Dumb. 
2020-07-05 05:19:35 UTC
The average 4th grader in the USA has higher IQ than Trump.
2020-07-04 23:39:11 UTC
Well, you're not a newborn but I'm guessing a billionaire could buy you for what you're worth and sell you for what you THINK you're worth and collect another billion or two
2020-07-04 20:53:41 UTC
The squirrel would clearly win. 

I mean,  just listen to this  complete DRIVEL,  and TRY to count the errors he crammed into 57 seconds. 1775............rammed the ramparts......  Fort McHenry.....which wasn't built yet............ who the f*** wrote this drivel?
2020-07-04 18:55:10 UTC
Only is the IQ test is administered by the CEO of Yahoo Answers.
2020-07-04 18:22:45 UTC
The left wing sensors here like your comment because they kept this dumb question open to get all these answers . I am lucky to get three of four answers before my question gets cut off and maybe not even that after they see this comment . Leftists are everywhere these days and its their way or the highway .
2020-07-04 17:42:27 UTC
Thats a compelling argument. I think that youre on to something here.
2020-07-04 16:02:27 UTC
Trump  , The Newborn  Squirrel  would beat all the democrats
2020-07-04 13:37:35 UTC
Donald. Newborn squirrels haven’t learned how to bust nuts yet.
2020-07-04 13:18:15 UTC
trump 2020  2020 2020
2020-07-04 13:11:59 UTC
Little Donnie appears to have the IQ of the average fruit fly.  A squirrel would vastly outclass him.
2020-07-04 12:48:31 UTC
new born squirrel.. hehehe
2020-07-04 06:36:36 UTC
Was the squirrel born in captivity?
2020-07-04 03:15:44 UTC
Can a newborn squirrel become rich and the most powerful man in the world? 
2020-07-06 14:32:10 UTC
I think the President would beat out the squirrel, but I'm pretty sure the bushy-tailed rodent would beat you. 
2020-07-06 01:38:15 UTC
Oh WOW!  Your insult has convinced me to vote for Joe Biden.

2020-07-06 01:24:54 UTC
Let's get real.  The newborn squirrel would do better than any human being in an IQ test.  Human beings are fuggin idiots in general.
2020-07-05 20:13:23 UTC
Yeah but  you forgot to paper train your squirrel so is disqualified. Now go wash your filthy hair. 
2020-07-05 17:48:27 UTC
as a proud member of the idiot left, i doubt if you could summon the common sense necessary to comprehend any results.  if you did, you wouldnt be a liberal.
2020-07-05 16:31:15 UTC
Trump because he has a 156 IQ a newborn squirrel has NO IQ 
Edward B Bear
2020-07-05 11:29:38 UTC
I dont know lets look at his bank account and your bank account  and see who is doing better than a new born squirrel
2020-07-05 05:47:58 UTC
The newborn squirrel would win hands down!!
2020-07-05 02:50:57 UTC
Every racist Dem knows that Trump is an idiot for his prison reform where Biden and Clinton teamed up and threw Black fathers in jail in mass.  A squirrel knows Black daughters should have "daddy issues" and Black sons should grow up realizing a gang loves them as much as their family, right?
2020-07-04 22:36:02 UTC
Squirrel: these nuts

Trump: the(ese) nut(s)
2020-07-04 20:08:56 UTC
Try accomplishing what (President) Donald Trump accomplished by the age of 40,  no try accomplishing just 10% of what he did by the age of 40 and then I'll agree with everything you ever say from here on.

Until then,  I wish you the best of success at being a lousy yahoo! Q&A keyboard troll.
2020-07-04 17:53:55 UTC
Donald Trump has an IQ of 156, the newborn squirrel would need to have an Einstein level intellect to win
2020-07-04 15:42:07 UTC
Truly smart people debunk the idea that I Q  automatically means intelligent. Trump, if he's telling the truth about his I Q, is a clear and obvious example.
2020-07-04 15:15:47 UTC
Donald Trump is smarter, because he is trying to stop the Socialist Revolution.
2020-07-04 13:59:37 UTC
You need to re-evaluate this rant. The Squirrel has you cold. Smarter. Craftier.

Faster. More observant. Trump would more then likely help the rodent improve.

You no hope for.
2020-07-04 13:49:47 UTC
Dude, please put down the liberal crack pipe.

Donald Trump is an Ivy League educated businessman with forty years of experience fending off constant government harassment and persecution, (no indictments let alone convictions in four decades), battled back from being nearly $1 billion in personal debt by using perfectly legal loopholes and leverage to return to opulence, then used the surplus to overcome staggering odds to defeat the most powerful political dynasty in modern memory to become President of the United States, all without having ANY previous political experience.

Now he is the most famous person on planet earth after taking on a literal million man army of Press 'hit men' trying to manufacture scandals, illegal coups aimed at invalidating his legitimate election and farce impeachment attempts, trying to destroy his marriage, bribing people inside his administration with sweet heart book deals to turn Judas on their country, and trying to ruin the spectacular economy his policies created, which is currently sustaining us in the middle of an unprecedented lethal virus pandemic.

He used his own business knowledge and connections to create a brand new medical infrastructure on the fly with help from his corporate colleagues specifically to address pandemics, (no help from Democrats), which has kept American deaths at the lowest possible level predicted by medical experts for the 'first wave,' (referred to as 'tier 1,' 100,000-240,000).

Trump launched an all-out worldwide campaign to defeat I.S.I.S and destroyed both them and the Iranian architect responsible for financing and organizing them, tracing his activities by cutting off their funding, pulling out of the  'nuclear deal' which had previously unfrozen those assets. He forced China to the negotiation table to address bad deals that have been harming our national interests, confronted North Korea face to face right in front of China, backed the Russians off from establishing new strategic positions in Europe and placed them under the heaviest possible economic sanctions, halted illegal immigration despite being opposed on the 'Wall' project, and actually fulfills campaign promises, (unheard of among ANY high profile politician).

He has done ALL of this with NO help from his political opponents and while fending off the ugliest campaign of public slander, defamation and evil I have ever seen, including trying to destroy his administration's fine work by inflaming race riots and lawlessness aimed at murdering and slandering law enforcement during a lethal virus pandemic, obscuring the fact that his economy was employing urban blacks at real jobs with real nongovernmental benefits at unprecedented rates dating all the way back to Reconstruction, (which he accomplished in less than three years by lowering taxes and regulations on employers). That includes health care benefits, which is the REAL way to address the need for health care, not more government dependency, i.e. 'Obama Care.'

Trump has an exceptional brain, a strong conscience driven by ACTUAL compassion, not fake liberal 'compassion' and mawkish sentiment. He understands how people think and how the REAL world works and is able to gets things done because of this keen insight. He has forty years in public treating ALL people equally regardless of race based on their merits alone, rewarding and punishing the same. That is the REAL reason he is so hated, maligned, opposed and feared by his opponents. Most aren't actually dumb enough to believe that he is a 'mental child.' They just think people like you are dumb enough to fall for it, especially if you abuse drugs and alcohol, (which they encourage). They know no one could accomplish all of the above without being a genius blessed by divine Providence and driven by the spirit of American liberty.

You can go back now to wasting yellow divider line paint on racist graffiti, pissing on statues of our founders and other 'highly intellectual' pursuits. 
2020-07-04 13:42:29 UTC
I believe Donald Trump would do better.  New born squirrels cannot read
2020-07-04 12:15:34 UTC
I think I would vote for the squirrel.
2020-07-04 10:49:58 UTC
A squirrel, obviously.
2020-07-04 03:44:13 UTC
Trump, but that is because he would cheat and pay someone to pass the test for him.
2020-07-06 21:54:23 UTC
Trump has his crew of low IQ voters are so gullible they actually think he is a "Stable genius"!  They don't care, they didn't elect him for his brain. They elected him because they thought he'd actually drain the swamp, piss off liberals and build a useless wall, and because he was a White guy who amplifies their White grievances. Trump tells them it is the immigrants fault for their bad choices and sorry lot in life and they eat it up. I would say that Trump has the IQ of average to below average and doesn't have much reading comprehension skills, probably at about a 5th graders reading level. As far as math I think he can count but when it comes to geometry, calculus, and even basic fractions, Trump would fail. Trump speaks often and his range of vocabulary is rather limited for someone you would consider "smart", that is about a 8th or 9th grade level. He is probably at this low level of education due to his mental problems, perhaps dyslexia paired with his narcissistic behavior, he is definitely suffering from a form of mental illness and probably had this since he was a child. It was his wealth that got him this far. If it were not for his wealth I think Trump would be just the average stupid guy that we all know a few of.  At this point there is no fixing him, he is a mess. Not presidential material. I think he knows he isn't too. He is smart enough to know he is losing and dangerous enough to do something bad for the US. He has already shown us that he cares little for the value of life...his no mask no social distancing at his rallies and events shows you how much antipathy he has for those who support him. Another part of his mental illness on display.  I think , am I am not kidding, that our military mp's will escort trump out because he will refuse to leave or he will try to cheat in election. He will be humiliated and who knows what damage he can do in the remainder of his term. 
2020-07-06 10:33:55 UTC
You have set the bar far too high for D'Orange Chump! Couldn't you at least pick an animal with which he has more in common, and stands a better chance against? A slug maybe?
2020-07-06 00:14:12 UTC
 Typical question from a low-IQ liberal who has no idea what's going on.
2020-07-05 17:47:36 UTC
You may be right about the language thing.  However, at least squirrels remember where they put their nuts.
2020-07-05 17:43:59 UTC
A newborn squirrel
2020-07-05 17:41:44 UTC
All I can say is you're DAFT!
2020-07-05 09:00:33 UTC
Well, the newborn squirrel probably isn't being controlled by the globalists, I would hope at least. 
2020-07-05 04:08:22 UTC
Such disrespect for are President shows who has the intelligence of a squirrel.
2020-07-04 21:19:18 UTC
A photo of a rock would do better than Chump.
2020-07-04 18:59:56 UTC
Sounds like you're projecting. What's the matter? You have a low IQ?
2020-07-04 17:40:50 UTC
Trump, of course
2020-07-04 16:54:55 UTC
I believe either would beat you hands (paws?) down since you seem dumber than both put together.
2020-07-04 15:17:57 UTC
That's it? That all you got? B/c the Right has facts (like "Woman is defined as 'adult human female'.") and the Left has a bald lady saying that we should know things by emotions.

I'll take conservatives over progressives any day when it comes to reasoning and giving a damn about things that matter. :)
2020-07-04 15:17:35 UTC
I’m not sure. Squirrels are born with basic instincts that enable them to be highly adaptable creatures. A lot is not known about the intelligence of squirrels. Squirrels have interesting communication skills that involve vocalizations as well as body language. On the whole, I would favor the squirrel in an intelligence match-up with Donald Trump. 
2020-07-04 14:47:58 UTC
Even an 8 ball 🎱 has a higher IQ than Trump!
2020-07-04 12:25:11 UTC
Trump is 172.

Why would you mistreat an animal or a black man like Obama, only to mock them for being ignorant. 57 states ring a bell? The slaves were "epantsipated". What a dumb MFer, Odumbo.
2020-07-04 11:45:47 UTC
only a black person could score that low
2020-07-04 06:56:15 UTC
Of course you're wrong...

Free At Last
2020-07-04 03:14:06 UTC
The squirrels nuts would have a higher IQ than trump!
2020-07-04 03:13:14 UTC
We would never know because Trump would never release the results.
2020-07-06 05:33:44 UTC
The answer is obvious. The newborn squirrel because Trump would refuse to take an IQ test, after his advisers try to explain to him what a test is and what IQ is.
2020-07-04 13:46:56 UTC
The squirrel since he has not had the opportunity to be ruined by a society that bases truth on falsehoods.  Once he learns to jump... he is done for cause he will continuously jump to conclusions.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.