Why are liberals incapable of identifying and confronting evil?
2006-06-22 11:55:55 UTC
yeah, I know, you think Bush is evil, even worse than Osama and Saddam. He is evil for helping liberate over 50 million people (who has France liberated exactly?), and for taking away civil liberties that you can't specify.

So other than that evils son-of-a-Bush, is the reason you don't want to recognize and confront evil (oh, I don't know, Iran, N. Korea, the ethnic cleansing in Sudan and Darfur) because it would mean actually moving beyond talk?
31 answers:
jason b
2006-06-22 12:01:19 UTC
Liberals are known as being opportunists. They look to gain from others missteps or misfortunes. That being the case, they don't try to solve problems, they only look to tear down the right wing. Although Republicans are disliked,particularly these days, at least they take actions rather than wait to feed off of others problems
2006-06-22 19:04:47 UTC
There are many evil, or what Americans consider evil, leaders in this world.The reality is that unless it happens in our country we have no right to judge other leaders. IF we had destroyed Ahfganistan to kill Osama eveyone in this country would be on the same side. The problem is we invaded a soverign country who had NOTHING to do with 9/11. The hijackers were Saudis, Osama is a Saudi. Did we go into Saudi Arabia. No. Why ?Because Bush has many oil deals with them. We went after Iraqi oil not the real terrorists. Liberals are not incapable of confronting evil, we just want it to be sure that it is the real evil.
2006-06-22 19:31:43 UTC
You answered your own question - "yeah, I know, you think Bush is evil"

Liberals are capable of identifying evil:

Bush = Evil. There. One has been identified.

Cheney = Evil. Here's another one.

Karl Rove = Evil, yet another one.

What 50 million were liberated?

Do you mean the Iraqi people who do not feel or believe that they have been liberated and are demanding for US withdrawal?

Or the 12,617 Iraqis killed by the US? Do they feel liberated? I guess they were liberted. From life.

Who has France liberted exactly?

Well, if I recall they were a very big help in liberating the American colonist from British rule. History books indicated that if it had not been for the French, the Americans would not have won their Independence.
2006-06-22 19:18:28 UTC
I agree-the US needs to step in and help the poor people in the Sudan and Darfur. That we have not done so is a crime. But what problem do you have with France? You sound just like one of my close relatives! Actually, as one who is fairly liberal I don't have a problem recognizing evil-in myself or in others. Its present everywhere, just as good is. Its just that I rarely confront it because its a "live and let live" world for me. I would step in to report an accident or a crime being committed. And when I recognize ongoing abuse I do try to help. Trouble there is that many caught up in abusive situations don't want help. I don't hate Bush; I just think he's a nasty, limited little man, drunk with power as many of ALL political persuasions are. I do vote and express myself in that way. So many things are beyond my immediate control. So what I do on a daily basis is just to try and bring a little something positive to life by not causing harm or pain to myself or others. Blaming and finger pointing does nothing but cause more problems. And the world doesn't need more problems.
2006-06-22 19:04:39 UTC
No one denies that Saddam Hussein was a monster. However, the "War on Terror" was supposed to be a response to the 9/11 attacks. And in case you've forgotten, it was Osama bin Laden, not Saddam Hussein, who was responsible for the attacks. By the way, where the hell is Osama bin Laden? It's been nearly 5 years since the 9/11 attacks, and he STILL hasn't been caught! When is his evil going to be confronted?

By the way, we are the United States of America, not the World Police. It's not our responsibility to "liberate" people in brutal dictatorships just so that we can drive ourselves into a record debt and alienate the rest of the world.
2006-06-22 19:02:52 UTC
Its just politics. Liberals have in the past denounced Saddam, N Korea, etc - but today - they are incapable of claiming anything is evil, for it would agree with Bush, Reps and cons alike.

They look at public perceptino, then make a decision after they have poured over that perception. Immediately after 9/11 - every Dem Senator and liberal made grandiose soap box statements concerning "evil" - because the American public required it. Now, that the sentiments are largely against Iraq - they have switched gears and denounce anything "evil"
2006-06-22 19:02:22 UTC
can you define evil?

is evil buying a diamond ring dug out of the ground by under paid africans?

Is evil calling an invasion a liberation?

sorry but you know as well as any liberal N. Korea has always been a bigger threat than iraq ever was. with that being said the intentions for iraq are not for evil purposes. what about china and its civil rights violations? what about cuba?

be real, stop buying into the political rhetoric and go read some macihavelli!
2006-06-22 19:03:38 UTC
The answer to your question is a condition I term "logic dyslexia", liberals see the same thing we see but their minds turn it around and reverse what is obvious. Either I am right about this theory or they are just plain liars and so bend on their hatred of Bush for beating Gore and Kerry that no matter what truth they hear they deny or claim they disbelieve it. I am just glad I am not a twisted minded liberal who has to argue their unsupported point of view.

America isn't the enemy, beleive that, this country has given too much blood for freedom of millions in the past and those who will inherit freedom in the future, believe in America and be united for truth, democracy and personal rights and freedom, don't be a coward like the democrats.
2006-06-22 19:01:30 UTC
Probably because they know a war would be the reason to win some ones freedom, and they dont want to sacrafice thier sons and daughters...

Or, they figure its in "that part" of the World and wont bother us...

Or, they are like ostriches and stick thier heads in the sand and it will go away???

Its "hard" to do the "right thing". No matter what, and if you dont have the stomach for it, then be a liberal, eh? They always "cut and run", but then again, they like the "easy way out".

Mother on Welfare and doesnt want the kid, Abortion! Quick and mess, no fuss.

Pediphiles on the internet... slap them on the wrist and tell them "BAD BOY" and let them go.

People wanting to bribe them? Oh, put it in the freezer at home and they will consider it "cold hard cash"???? LOL!!!

I wish you well..

Mr. October
2006-06-22 19:28:59 UTC
I think a NINE TRILLION DOLLAR national debt, including the 3 largest annual budget deficits (all authored by Bush and his lackies in Congress) is pretty evil. Why can't the so-called "conservatives" of the Republican Party manage a balanced budget like Clinton did? The best they could do was vote recently to raise the ceiling on the national debt.

ps: NINE TRILLION DOLLARS equals $30,000 apiece for each American.
2006-06-22 19:06:34 UTC
When someone else abuses their power and inflicks harm, It dosen't give you the same right. It would be a justified if the UN santioned it. After all, We bassically wrote the UN rules. Now we have violated the international laws that we created. How will other countries ever trust us again. I thought being trustworthy and honest were good traits. At least that is what I tell my kids. Don't forget Bush was AWAL for a year before daddy bailed him out.
Jimmy Mac 4 Real
2006-06-22 19:01:30 UTC
liberals historically have identified and confronted "evil" in the forms you're mentioning.

FDR fought Hitler and the Axis powers in WWII, FDR stared down the communists during the Cold War during the Cuban Missile crisis, etc. Clinton fought to end the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia during his administration.

Additionally, it was liberals who led the charge against apartheid (and system that many consider "evil") and the larger "liberal" tradition has fought tyranny in both esoteric and immediate ways.
2006-06-22 19:02:21 UTC
You have to be kidding. Wasn't it Bush who said during the campaign he was not into nation building? What is he trying to do now in Iraq? As far as our civil liberties: tapping our phones, warrantless entries/searches, recinded whistleblower protection for our Federal employees, trying to overturn Roe v Wade, talk about "activist judges". Look whose on the Surpreme Court now. I could go on and on......

Sudan? Darfur? You aren't serious. He has done NOTHING!

Gotta blood pressure is acting up!
2006-06-22 19:00:45 UTC
and what have conservatives done? besides cause the world to hate the united states, France at least isn't invading countries under the lie of false democracy.You can call it liberation, but to me it seems more like setting up puppet regimes that will kiss bushes *** like tony blair and do what he says(like republicans give a **** about people in darfur? lol their just warmongers that masturbate ww2 battles on the history channel)
2006-06-22 19:18:03 UTC
My brothers are in the Army (Aviation) and Air Force ( Intelligence at Ft Meade).

They are both liberals, and they both joined nearly 20 years ago. Who are YOU to say they can't identify and confront evil?

Seriously Mr. Scorpion man, who ARE you ? Get off the computer, pick up the phone and call a recruiter. Are you both old enough and man enough, Mr. Scorpion??

Nah, I didn't think so.
2006-06-22 19:05:31 UTC
I think that the liberal left has a legitimate phyco impediment. Their own lives are routine and boring, so they feel that they have to jump to create better lives for the miss fortunate of this, and other countries... I also think liberals are deeply upset at the loss of power they received at the last presidential election. This made them hate G.W. Bush, and they will attempt anything to topple this administration on the hopes of retrieving power. they also suffer from "Guilty success" feeling bad for being succsessfull.
2006-06-22 19:00:28 UTC
I am liberal, I do identify and confront evil. That's the problem with the world, people make comments that just aren't true. There is nothing wrong with liberals, just the world in which we live.
Richard M
2006-06-22 19:12:03 UTC
Like you said, true evil- terrorists, murders, child molesters and rapists- are just "misunderstood" as liberals say. They have a theory that nothing is anyone's fault, and yet everything is someone else's fault. Doesn't make sense does it?

Ignore them, they lost the ability to win the presidency and are spinning farther and farther away from the mainstream.
2006-06-22 18:59:00 UTC
Confronting evil requires a spine.

Having the courage to stand up for your beliefs requires a spine.

Being a liberal only requires CNN!
2006-06-22 18:58:58 UTC
Liberals are some of the most near sighted uptight people ever. George Bush forever!!!
2006-06-22 18:59:29 UTC
Where ever you are getting your facts, you need to evaluate your sources. How is our war in Iraq related to Bin Laden. If we were out hunting him down I might agree with you but we are not. We are in a pit stop of a war for corporate interest, very similar to the cold war.

Read, brotha read!!
2006-06-22 20:52:04 UTC
I'm always in some kind of confrontation with you and you're as evil as they come,man.
2006-06-22 18:59:39 UTC
why doesnt he go help liberate n. korea and sudan and darfur? if he's such a great guy and all.. he could change the world!
USA Patriot
2006-06-22 18:58:50 UTC
Maybe we're all still shocked that we've actually now seen the son of Satan in the White House! After all, he's got you fooled, LOL!
2006-06-22 19:39:53 UTC
Bush isn't as evil as the stupid morons that support him like yourself
2006-06-22 19:01:11 UTC
Liberals are EVIL... so why the he.. would they confront themselves. They are demonicrats
2006-06-22 18:57:35 UTC
I'm confronting evil right now--you're blatant stupidity.
on my way
2006-06-22 18:57:22 UTC
They think if you just talk to the evil dictators then they will go away.
2006-06-22 21:20:19 UTC
We just leave it to you. Self righteous Man!
Who cares
2006-06-22 18:59:01 UTC
Please give me specific incidents of Democrats not identifying and confronting evil. The list you provided were all recognized by democrats. Please, support your question with facts, not conservative doublespeak.
Joe The Great One
2006-06-22 11:58:32 UTC
because "Liberalism is a mental disorder"

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