What is it that the world hates about Israel?
Izzy10 S
2007-05-13 05:11:50 UTC
if you could provide details so i can understand, what is the route of conflict for the hate of Israel, regarding arabs etc etc
25 answers:
2007-05-13 13:37:35 UTC
Israel was created in 1948 in Palestine,taking land and displacing thousands of Palestinians.But guess that land wasn't enough ,so they kept occupying more land from the Arabs and still today Israel continues to enlarge settlements in the West Bank,although the occupation of the Palestinian territories is illegal...

Israel refuses to apply international law and withdraw from the territories they occupied in 1967,refuses to allow Palestinian refugees to come back to their land,although the law says those refugees have every right to come back, they continue their ethnic cleansing in the Palestinian territories... OK,I agree that Israel has the right to exist,now that is there and I agree that the only way to solve this is the two state solution,but Israel seems to refuse it...

The war from last summer with Lebanon,it started because two Israeli soldiers were kidnapped by Hezbollah (from who's territory it's still very unclear for me seeing that the report was changed several times) Olmert decided to attack Lebanon (

Earnest T. PhD/THC this is the Politics section,so God has nothing to do with it...Bible does not dictate international policy...And as a Christian is not mandatory to support Israel...
2007-05-14 13:54:18 UTC
The Jews were a wandering tribe. It was agreed post World War I, that the Jews would have a homeland in Palestine by Lord Balfour with the backing of the Government. Many Jews arrived in Palestine from the Pogroms of Europe but post WW2, the numbers became doubled/trebled. It was a British Mandate until 1948 when the UN voted for Palestine to become Israel. The Arabs then declared a Holy war on Israel because they saw themselves as being out numbered by the steady influx of Jews from all over the World. The war has escalated into Wars supported by any extremist group which likes to rear its ugly head.

The Lebanese/Israeli conflict started because Palestinian terrorist's infiltrated The Lebanon to attack Israel from a "neutral" country. Israel retaliated - hence another war and poor PR for the Israelis yet again.

When the Israelis first arrived in Palestine, they turned in some places the deserts into a green oasis and grew produce when none had ever grown before.

The Palestinians have never bothered to try and irrigate their country, they just stay as they were hundreds of years ago. If the Israelis left tomorrow the land that they developed would once more return to the dust of the desert.
2007-05-13 16:53:29 UTC
THESE FACTS R 4 U:A : the original nation of Palestine.

B : the outsider jews from Russia, europe & other countries.

* B with the support of the British 1st, killed A & deprived & deprived A from their homes & lands.

* B nowadays & with the blind support of the Americans, are committing orgenized killing, demolishing A homes.

* B is putting A under seige for years with the blind support of the UN, restricting the A's movement & making their life like hell.

* For A the death becomes better than life, so they try to defend themselves by stones & any available means, as they live in despiration.

* For A, if going to die, then it is better to get their revenge from their aggressor B & kill as much from B, as every one of A has lost members of his own family by B, & got his home demolished or land seized by the aggressor (terrorist) B.

* Be never complied with any of the UN resolutions for the past 59 yrs, and didn't comply with the agreed peace agreements with A in 1990s.

iSRAEL OCCUPIED lEBANESE LAND IN 1967 & has 1000s of Lebanese prisoner 4 over 20 yrs without charge, Lebanese try to get those back, but the terrorising Israel refuse.

I wish this gave u a brief idea.
2007-05-13 22:53:23 UTC
It would take to long to explain all of Israels violations against inter national law and its complete disregard of the Geneva convention on here . Israel has violated more resolutions than any nation on earth . and its worse than it first appears . There would be many more resolutions against them if it wasn`t for the US using its veto to stop resolutions that all the other countries in the UN agree on

So in other words Israel gets away with all its crimes against other countries because they are protected by America

I`m giving you the link to a VERY long official list of resolutions passed against Israel that they have not complied with and another VERY long official list of the other resolutions that would have been passed against them without the US veto .if you read this you will be well aware about why the rest of the world feels the way it does .
2007-05-13 12:26:03 UTC
I'll assume you genuinely are interested and refer you to the websites below.

Whether you see it from this point of view is your decision, however I do hope it will help you understand the anger felt towards Israel by many people worldwide including, incidentally, many jews.

In summary, it's got nothing to do with religion. Some muslims support Israel, some Jews don't. Palestinians are both christian and muslim, Israel doesn't distinguish between them.

By the way tttplttttttt, I'd love to see your source on UK schools not teaching about the holocaust because it may offend muslims. Please? Pretty please?
2007-05-13 13:24:40 UTC
I'll assume you're aware of the history of the creation of Israel. If not to cut a long story short, Jews from all over the world started arriving in Palestine, a state predominantly ethnic Arabs, they had a civil war and the Arabs lost and were kicked off of the land, to create Israel. Now the Arabs live in Gaza, a prison like ghetto, and the West Bank.

I think people don't like Israelis because they think they are a bit sneaky. There are two trains of though. The Israelis would like to live in peace, but the arabs wont let them. And, The arabs want to live in peace but the Israelis won't let them. I believe in the latter. But I think on the surface of things, when you watch TV and see stories about suicide bombers, you are lead to believe the former. But on closer inspection, it is clear that Israel is the agressor, because they don't want a two-state solution, occupy the West bank, and destroy all chances of peace that come up. So in a sense I think Israelis are a bit sneaky, because they get our sympathy for the suffering they endure because of suicide bombers, then use it to occupy land which doesn't belong to them, and well you just feel that they've been conning you the whole time. Crocodile tears.
2007-05-13 12:34:21 UTC
You need to differentiate between the right of Israel to exist and its policies as government. For example that are issues about how Israel treats: Arabs within its own borders, Palestinians and the Palestinian government, and its neighbors such as Lebanon and Iran. I would say that much of the world accepts Israel's sovereignty but dislikes Israel's policies toward the non-Jews in the region.

The New York Times, which is a firm supporter of Israel,has an interesting article about Jerusalem today which describes how the government treats Arab residents.
2007-05-13 12:22:38 UTC
Not the whole world. The USA doesn't hate Isreal.

Arab hatred for Jews goes back thousands of years.

Arab hatred for Israel started when they became a country in 1948. Arabs attacked them. Israel won. Since then, their neighbors, Jordan and Egypt, got a brain cell and formally recognized Isreal and live peacefully with them. Iran, Syria and Lebanon (through Iran), and Palestine are all still in the dark ages and want them wiped off the planet.

Expanding on what Ray said, the UK has stopped teaching about the Holocaust in some schools so it won't offend their muslim population and a British press organization currently has a boycott against Israeli goods.
2007-05-13 18:06:42 UTC
Many of your answerers are simple,ill informed, leftist automatons that spew the "stolen land "propaganda that their marxist masters willed them to believe.

The truth.

modern israel is sited on the anicient holy land of the israelites.

The land was stolen from them by the arabs.

The jews bought the derelict land back from them and made it habitable.

The jews were displaced again by the arabs.

the jews bought the land for a second time .

They suffered persecution at the hands of the arabs.

Britain adminstered the resettlement of the jews into modern israel and tracts of waste land know as palestine after WW2.

Since 1947 israels neighbours have made numerous efforts to displace the jews entirely from israel.In all these conflicts,israel has been victorious.

Most of the occupied land aquired during these wars has been returned.

Some land that israel feels vital to the security of its people has been retained..

Recently ,the gaza strip has been handed to the palestinians as a gesture toward a lasting peace.Palestine responded by planting rocket crews in the gaza strip and indescriminately shelled israel.Palestine routinely sends women ,children and retards to bomb buses and restaurants in israel.

Arabs consider the jews to be the most loathsome of the "infidels" and refuse to recognise israels right to exist completely.The geopoliticical argument over occupied land is merely propaganda designed to obtain western sympathy.

Israel,is the only democracy in the arab states.Israel does not fund or harbour terrorists.Israel provides for all its citizens ,not just elites.

Palestine neither has the military means nor political will to continue the fight with israel.Terrorist attacks upon israel are encouraged and funded by syria and iran who recognise israel as the greatest threat to their authority within the middle east.Israels neighbour,lebanon is a classic example of this.Most lebonese people and half its government want a permanent peace with israel.unfortunately ,iran and syria fund and arm the hezbollah who make up half the lebonese government and intimidate all those who stands in its way.

answerers,please read up before answering.You are being played by the arab fundamentalists.

Just read laughing mans post.

eloquently put.

and damned accurate without bias.
2007-05-13 15:13:10 UTC
The answerers here have several misconceptions.

The only place in the world called Palestine today is in Texas.

"The fact is that today's Palestinians are immigrants from the surrounding nations! I grew up well knowing the history and origins of today's Palestinians as being from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Christians from Greece, Muslim Sherkas from Russia, Muslims from Bosnia, and the Jordanians next door. The civil and tribal wars between Yemenites (from Yemen) and Kessites (from Banu Kais of Saudi Arabia) ... are well known among Palestinians.

"My grandfather, who was a dignitary in Bethlehem, almost lost his life by Abdul Qader Al-Husseni (the leader of the Palestinian revolution) after being accused of selling land to Jews. He used to tell us that his village Beit Sahur (The Shepherds Fields) in Bethlehem County was empty before his father settled in the area with six other families. The town has now grown to 30,000 inhabitants."

- Walid, a Palestinian Arab defector, talking about the recent immigration of Arabs to Palestine. quoted from "Answering Islam."

2007-05-13 17:38:24 UTC
right I'll put into words that anybody can understand.

if you steal a bicycle & put new tyres on it,

because the owner is kept in Poverty.

still means IT IS STOLEN!

to have the Nerve to advertising holidays in



The Golan Heights.


etc etc etc

is down-right disgusting!

to suit themselves, they have stolen Arab land, saying they've made it better is an excuse to justify stealing it!

they should be ashamed of themselves, but hide behind Anti-seism when it suits,

ignore the UN &

never abide by the resolutions or returned to 1967 borders.

Call themselves Men of God.

Pull the other one, it's got bells on!
2007-05-13 21:52:36 UTC
The world and the Israeli people too hate the Israeli occupation of other people land.
2007-05-13 16:37:23 UTC
Israel conned the USA into an attack on Iraq amongst many other things.This is the root of the conflict with Islam and we all suffer because of it.
2007-05-13 12:20:58 UTC
Change that to Brits and Euros' I've been told more times than i can count by these"people" "your run by the Jews" It's my little mission to tell "they want to called Jewish" It's not working as well as with the 'others' Why?
Wise Heart
2007-05-14 04:08:01 UTC
Israel is a stolen country and the original residents were killed and suffered.
Proud Michigander
2007-05-13 12:21:43 UTC
I dont hate israel i like israel.

It is because the Jews settled the area and then they drove out the arabs. Then came the Romans who annexed israel and burned the temple, then the arabs got Jerusalem in the pre-crusade, then came the crusades back in christian hands and then came the arabs again and since then it has been in arab hands and they built the Golden dome (Dome of the rock) to honor Muhhamad and some say it should be torn down (i agree) and a new temple to christ built but the arabs being the whiners they are have to sit and whine about Muhhamed and how the Jews and christians are evil. and after WW2 Israel was refounded and the Palestinians living there were displaced. That is the Palestinian-Isrealian conflict. That is also why Arabs hate Jews is because of Jerusalem and their precious Mosque being there. Personally i would love to see it burned to the ground.
Laughing Man Copycat
2007-05-13 12:34:31 UTC
In a nut shell...3000 BC Jews wander desert of middle east, Jews wander into Egypt, Jews get slapped into bondage by Pharaoh, Jews build temples and buildings for Pharaoh, Moses shows up...Let My People GO!, Pharaoh says no, Moses bring plague and Passover, Pharaoh say OK, you can leave, Jews wander dessert again, walk walk, walk and walk some more, Moses goes up mountain, Gone a long time, Jews party make golden cow, Moses come down with 10 laws, Moses gets mad destroy golden cow, Jews wander some more, Jews settle on land, Neighbor Arabs don't like Jews, Neighbors make war, no peace for Jews, Jews fight back and forth back and forth, Romans show up...beat everyone up, No one like Romans, but Romans don't care. Jews wander again too much static, Jews wander Europe and Northern Asia, Jews get chased by Vatican and Nazis, Jews leave Europe, Jews come to America, Land of Opportunity, Jews make $ in America, Jews buy guns, Jews decide to return to Middle East, Jews show up and plant flag, Arab living there says what is this, Jews say our promised land, Arab say by who, Jews say our God, Arab says Not our God, Jews say all God is same God, Arab say no, Jews say too bad, Arab go get guns, Arab goto war on Holiday, Arab outnumber Jews but still lose on battle field, Arab Mad, Jews take more land as buffer state, Arab even more angery, Arab find oil, Arab buy guns and bombs, Arab want to trade land for peace, Jews say what kind a deal is that, Arab say No Deal No Peace, Jews say possession 9 - 10th the law, Arab mad again, Arab fight amonst themselves, Jews lobby Washington DC, Jews pay both Dems and GOP, Dems and GOP only agree on security of Israel. That's where we are today in Israel.
Joris Perodavola
2007-05-13 12:18:50 UTC
Well yeah, firstly because the stole their land they now live on from the palestins, but also because they are actually superior (in terms of accomplishments) to the muslims. In contrary to the surrounding countries israel actually appears rich.
2007-05-13 19:04:30 UTC
Islam tends to hate all 'infidels
2007-05-13 18:39:29 UTC
Arabs are *** holes , poor Jews , arabs just jealous
hana woo
2007-05-13 12:15:20 UTC
aswell as the top answerers well, answer, do you mean the conflict with Palistine? because that dates back generations
2007-05-13 12:24:48 UTC
You will notice that it is nearly always American liberals who spew hatred toward Israel. Go figure.
Scott B
2007-05-13 12:17:35 UTC
Arabs like hitler want all jews dead. Having a jewish state hinders that process. There were two states,Israel and Palistine, the arabs attacked and lost over and over again. Now there is Isreal. Now they want what they lost back and then it all back. Arabs hate the US because we support the state of Israel.
2007-05-13 12:34:22 UTC
They are Jews.
2007-05-13 12:14:25 UTC
Well briefly, in a nutshell, they have stolen land and got the US to support the theft.


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