If I know Rep. Barney Frank(D-MA) he probably couldn't care less that some right wing citizens group giving him such an honor (that of course lie and claim to be non-partisan).He'll most likely use it as publicity in his liberal district in Massachusetts next election cycle.Of course the topic and substance of the report is all about AIG and Fannie and Freddie,notoriously repetitive Republican't talking points.
If you would take the time to listen,watch or read (yea right) other news sources than Republican't leader Rush or Republican't news outlet FOX infotainment channel you would know the facts.Like the fact Fannie and Freddie hold 20% of the failing mortgages in the U.S. That leaves 80% of the problem to the Banks,major supporters of Republican'ts,to answer for the majority of problem loans not Fannie and Freddie,who by the way should be held accountable just like the Banks but if Republican'ts continue to repeat their lie enough people like yourself suck it right in.Everyone culpable in this situation should be investigated and if need be prosecuted,Rep.Barney Frank too.Let's hear your Republican't sheeple say that to their big donors,the Banks.They can't even speak truth to power in regards to Rush they all cower like bad children."Eeeew forgive me Rush I didn't mean to say...wha wha wha.
Like the false notion the problems recently discovered with the TARP program was somehow Obama's fault when it was designed by Bush's treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Bush's Fed.Reserve appointee Ben Bernacki and then of course signed by President Bush himself.Don't take my word for it look it up yourself,simply Google,tarp program,and you'll see who wrote it.
I love how some people repeat what they hear on biased news outlets and then try to pass it off on those who know better like it's gospel! The link above,that's the Christian news service right?Oh I mean right-wing? Great source! think they support the President? the one we have now I mean!
Anyway,If you want to be taken seriously you need to use sources that are believable.If your source also promotes imaginary beings and who's ideology forces them to believe against all commonsense evidence to the contrary that the Earth is NOT only 6000 years old then I can't see going any further with this answer because your mind is already made up and you have only placed a rhetorical question here that you already have the answer to.
Although I do have a few comments
1) Do not consider yourself patriotic if you think spending on our infrastructure is a waste of money
2) If you believe Banks risked their solvency for poor people and not to pad their pockets with huge profits by charging high interest rates to people with risky credit by forcing them to accept confusing predatory loan products instead of offering Fixed loan products in order to maintain predictable monthly payments they could afford,you are very naive or very misinformed
3) If you hadn't given us eight years of Bush then we wouldn't have Obama.
4) So go ahead give yourself a nice slap on the back and give a good'ol hoot'in howl Got'er done!!!