depopulation??! how??!?
2010-02-09 20:50:48 UTC
there is now 7billion people on our small planet. Too much people can drain the natural resources of our earth very quickly. We need to be more sustainable in order to have a better life..... thus we neeed to have our depopulation plan starts.
I mean, 7 billion people is not a small number. there is no way for us to use any ordinary ways to eliminate 85% of the population. So what is ur ideas of some extraordinary ways? list here thanks.
Twenty answers:
2010-02-09 20:59:56 UTC
it will take care of itself. as the population increases vital resources, such as clean water and food, will become more scarce. the results will be catastrophic. there will be famines, disease, and war. this is all necessary. the population should rise to an unsustainable point and then we shall truly make life on this planet hellish. we will cull our own population through our shortsightedness. like any other species that overpopulates and subsequently destroys its environment we will suffer all sorts of unpleasant things until our population reaches a level that is sustainable.

as for viable solutions to head off this ticking time bomb i would suggest greater population control programs directed at all nations. the earth is a closed loop. no new resources are going to be made. so voluntary population control through sterilization is our only choice aside from doing nothing.

i've already had my vasectomy.
2010-02-09 21:13:07 UTC
Do some of you geniuses who claim we can just go on popping out babies forever realize that the worlds population doubles every 40 years. In l900, a short 110 years ago as history goes it was 1 billion, now almost 7 and that includes 2 world wars which killed over 100 million. In 40 years it will be l4 billion. I am glad I will not be around when people start killing each other for a piece of bread or a glass of water.
2010-02-09 21:10:05 UTC
I agree, we may not be overpopulated yet, but it will happen if we don't do something about it. I think massive private funding of space exploration and colonization of other celestial bodies is the best first step. Second, people need to start teaching their kids to be responsible. Your carbon foot print includes all of those damn kids you're bringing into this world. And of course war and famine works pretty well too. Not this crappy little scratch we are in over in the middle east. I mean a real war. Like the U.S. V C.S. in 1860's. That was a war that made a dent.
2010-02-09 20:55:35 UTC
We used to have a "Zero Population Growth" push back in the late sixties, early seventies, and people were having smaller families. But someone must have put the kabosh on it -- maybe because they discovered that the rich and better educated were following it but others weren't? Just a guess.

2010-02-09 20:57:36 UTC
it's the lie the communist NEA tells.

The NEA's Anti-American Agenda Threatens Our Nation

Who said this? "Allegiance to a nation is the biggest stumbling block to the creation of international government. National boundaries and the concept of sovereignty must be abolished. The quickest way to do this is to condition the young to another and broader alliance. Opinion favorable to international government will be developed in the social studies curriculum in the public schools." Were those the words of an Alger Hiss, or some other well-known traitor to America? No, they were from a handbook for teachers published by the National Education Association, also known as the NEA for short.

And who said this? "Conditioning is a process which may be employed by the teacher to build up attitudes in the child and predispose him to the action by which those attitudes are expressed." Were those words taken from a Communist course book on brainwashing? No, that sage advice is from the Yearbook of the National Education Association.

And who said this? "Education should and can be made a force to equalize the conditions of men." Could it have been those well-known equalitarian idealists Marx or Lenin? No, that was from the Secretary's Report of the National Education Association right here in the USA.

You may be starting to get the point, but here's one more quote for you - where do these words of wisdom come from? "What if teachers don't want power? Organize the ones who do. The building of a power base needs a leader, who is initially more important than the number of people you have behind him. Among others, Martin Luther King, Ho Chi Minh, and Fidel Castro suggest the wisdom of this advice. [Train your] people by making the other side insult or assault your people so that they can learn what the other side is really like. ...getting the [school] superintendent to insult or to assault your people is regarded as of higher value than ten weeks of formal training. It is hard to deal with an enemy with whom you have a personal relationship. You should not let your people fraternize with the enemy." Sounds like it comes from a revolutionary Marxist training manual, doesn't it? It's actually from a official report to the NEA by one Saul Alinsky.
2010-02-09 21:07:57 UTC
Overpopulation = competition for resources. The fittest individuals survive, allele frequencies shifts, and the species adapts. It's biology. People who think that we can continue to expand our population indefinitely without conflicts arising are dumb as rocks.
Ultima Pressure
2010-02-09 20:54:19 UTC
Start with the Chinese and work your way down the most populated races.

Or fine some other means of sustaining life, start now.
2010-02-09 21:01:26 UTC
invent a stronger HIV virus drop it on africa

call the leader of china a chink

throw a snow ball at Dmitry Medvedevs head
2010-02-09 20:55:26 UTC
It will happen through war, and also natural disasters.
2010-02-09 21:08:19 UTC
If it bothers you so much, go find the nearest cliff and jump.

Then we'd be off to a good start.
2010-02-09 20:55:41 UTC
The planet is not even close to being over populated yet.

Perhaps in another few thousand years we will be close.

I've always wondered why the "we're over populating the Earth" people don't just help solve that perceived problem, starting with themselves, instead of trying to dictate what others should do so that their paranoia will be eased.
Jerry O
2010-02-09 20:56:57 UTC
Support Obama's elimination of NASA, development of space technology and exploration, and just wait for the asteroid.
2010-02-09 21:11:39 UTC
Whatever you say Chairman Mao.
2010-02-09 20:55:20 UTC
Lets start with people who ask idiotic questions.
2010-02-09 21:02:27 UTC
soylent green
St. John Bosco
2010-02-09 20:53:54 UTC
Dude, stop listening to Alex Jones.
2010-02-09 20:54:10 UTC
I'll beat them up.

I can take out 3 to 4 billion easily
2010-02-09 20:54:37 UTC
being responsible for one...
2010-02-09 20:52:42 UTC
Republicans are working on depopulating this planet by curbing the Obama Health Plan.

45,000 American deaths associated with lack of insurance
2010-02-09 20:54:33 UTC



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