2016-08-17 18:48:18 UTC
-Invested a trillion dollars a year in infrastructure
-Install high speed rail
build grand projects
-converted only to clean energy
-ban gasoline and gas guzzlers.
-only hybrids allowed
-recycling is required by law, trash is a crime.
-minimum wage of 15 dollars an hour and adjusted annually to inflation
-95 percent tax rate on the wealthy
-abolished death penalty
-abortion completely legal and paid, along with birth control
-mandatory comprehensive sex education
-invest in science and space exploration
-legalize all drugs
-abolish all government welfare and replace it with community charity
-shut down all overseas military bases
-ban foods that are not GMO free and organic
-shut down all Walmarts, McDonalds and gas stations into battery stations for cars
-ban suburban sprawl and invest in inner city repair and revitatlization
-free colleges for every one
-free medical care for everyone
-everyone works 6 hours a day for 4 days a week
-Marijuana completely legal with no regulation whatsoever
-Make peace with Muslims by acceping their refugees