Do you think North Korea's latest statement about nuclear power testing is legitimate?
Yahoo Answers Team
2016-09-09 09:13:28 UTC
North Korea is stating that it tested a nuclear explosion in order to evaluate power for nuclear warheads. In the past, North Korea has falsely claimed successful tests. What do you think - is this statement the truth?

Catch up with the text of the statement here:
218 answers:
2016-09-11 05:09:05 UTC
Legit, for they are bored and nobody is helping them.

But some will tell you story the other way around like this one:

I don't have the expertise to make a determination whether it was a legitimate nuclear device that was actually detonated. From the earthquakes detected there, it's clear that there was some kind of explosive incident. Based on past experience, it doesn't seem likely that they would have worked out all the kinks just yet to have a completely successful test.

But even if they haven't been successful in this particular event, it's just a matter of time before they are. We know they have the capability to produce nuclear weapons because Pakistan sold them the plans and some of the materials. They are portraying themselves on the world stage as the bullied kid who might someday come back and shoot up the school, so they want everyone to pay attention or else. My guess is that they are trying to send messages to either Washington or Beijing about something or other, like more "humanitarian" assistance, and trying to use their nuclear program as extortion. I don't know how serious they are, but at some level it doesn't really matter. As insane as they appear, they have to know that any offensive attack they attempt will mean virtually the end of the North Korean state.
2016-09-09 16:50:43 UTC
I don't have the expertise to make a determination whether it was a legitimate nuclear device that was actually detonated. From the earthquakes detected there, it's clear that there was some kind of explosive incident. Based on past experience, it doesn't seem likely that they would have worked out all the kinks just yet to have a completely successful test.

But even if they haven't been successful in this particular event, it's just a matter of time before they are. We know they have the capability to produce nuclear weapons because Pakistan sold them the plans and some of the materials. They are portraying themselves on the world stage as the bullied kid who might someday come back and shoot up the school, so they want everyone to pay attention or else. My guess is that they are trying to send messages to either Washington or Beijing about something or other, like more "humanitarian" assistance, and trying to use their nuclear program as extortion. I don't know how serious they are, but at some level it doesn't really matter. As insane as they appear, they have to know that any offensive attack they attempt will mean virtually the end of the North Korean state.
2016-09-20 15:34:21 UTC
North Korea has been kept in its box for over sixty years. They're not going to do anything foolish like starting a war, particularly with nuclear weapons. Should they do that the country would cease to exist moments later. ALL of the movers and shakers in that country understand this. They also understand that to keep control of the people they require an outside enemy and therefore they must spend the people's money on weapons that they know they can't use. Iran is in the same boat. Nobody uses nuclear weapons because they can't be used.

Some of these posters repeat nonsense like Bill Clinton GAVE NK nuclear reactors and the same BS about Iran and Obama. NONE of that happened.
2016-09-23 22:50:38 UTC
What would we do if a nuke exploded in Seattle, or Honolulu, or Anchorage? if it arrived by missile, we would have tracked it from launch, so we would know its source. If it arrived by boat or airplane - or even if it was carried in a backpack - we would immediately sample the ejecta and determine which reactor in the world made the weapon material. So, again, we would know the source. So what do we do then? Will we nuke them back? Will we call them up and ask if one of their bombs was recently stolen? It's actually hard to predict.

But it does make clear that any country that wants to toss a nuke at someone else must consider the possibility of being held accountable for it. North Korea might build a dozen. We've got thousands with which to retaliate. That puts North Korea's fascination with nukes into perspective. Having a bomb is not the same as being able to use it.

As for their claim - yes, they probably have exploded a fission device. It might have been the size of a railroad car and totally useless as a missile payload - that's how these things usually start out. I wouldn't start digging my fallout shelter just yet. (The possibility of a terrorist obtaining a nuke is far more worrisome than North Korea.)
2016-09-10 18:12:54 UTC
At this point, it doesn't really matter since the only thing N. Korea will see from this administration is another red line and more handouts. N. Korea saw how Iran Strong Armed the U.S. to give everything they wanted without guarantees in return. $1.7 Billion will help fund Iran's ambitions whether it be sleeper cells, Rockets & Ballistic Missiles, & Secret Nuke Development since International agencies can't inspect anytime anywhere of suspected Nuclear sites. Iran (Land of the Aryan) called out what the administration peddles about the Nuke Deal to be lies, then less than a year later Ben Rhodes admitted to the lies which was made possible by the cheer leader & groupie mind set of the media. One might think that the U.S. is now in peaceful terms with Iran after the Nuke Deal, but Iran Keeps poking aggressively in the Persian Gulf mocking & taunting the U.S. an act that may exemplifies Iran's intention not to keep its end of the bargain. It was the Iranian Monarchy that the U.S. can be at peaceful term with not its Usurper.

Sovereigns who wants & are capable of Nuclear Power will get their nukes no matter what: India, Pakistan, N. Korea & Iran will get its Nuke even if Iran decides to keep it hidden for a few years just to make a certain someone look good & massage he's ego.
2016-09-09 21:28:40 UTC
If North Korea was a Muslim nation it would been attacked long time ago, Iran doesn't even have a Nuclear weapons and everyday there is a war looming over them just because they said they want to make one. North Korea is testing Nuclear bombs, Missiles that reach California and is talking about attacking America and no one takes them serious.
Weasel McWeasel
2016-09-17 15:33:17 UTC
North Korea has a long history of making highly exaggerated , if not completely delusional statements ......far exceeding the truth or their actual capapbilities. Many of their test missle launches have failed miserably.......and each time they claim a raging success on their state run News shows.

All we know for certain is that he seems pretty successful at blowing up some under ground bunkers..........which doesn't strike me as all that hard to do.

Landing a Missile in downtown Los Angeles..........with a working nuclear warhead.........

I don't think they have that capability, or would be actually stupid enough to try............but, never underestimate stupidty.

The only difference between stupidity and Genius, is that Genius has it's limits.
J. C.
2016-09-19 17:20:04 UTC
About as legitimate as any other country - which is to say doubtful.

Although the radioactivity of particles and materials is likely, the REAL "impact" of nuclear power which generates fear is the Shockwave caused by the reaction.

And since it is cheaper and les dangerous to produce "fake" nuclear weapons, it is MORE likely that North Korea has fake nuclear test than real nuclear tests. Just look at the early video footage of United States nuclear tests for examples of fake video.

Make no mistake - fake video, and fake tests do NOT mean that a country does or does not have nuclear weapons. The ONLY thing that can be concluded from fake videos or fake tests, is that the video or tests are false.
2016-09-13 23:51:35 UTC
I think they are announcing their nuclear capabilities so that they can be taken seriously and respected as a world power. Their intent is probably in opposition to using these kinds of weapons like we are, unless a matter of their own defense, and even if they were threatened, there would be plenty of ally's that would come to Korea's aid. I do not believe they will ever use their nuclear capabilities beyond testing. Kind of like how the majority of responsible owners of firearms only take them out of their locked safes to go hunting. There are economic advantages to strengthening one's military.. It unlocks options that had not been available before in international commerce. Their leader also wants people to feel that they are protected, and that they are strong. From a Geo-political perspective, they might as well be putting on a backwards hat and pair of sunglasses to look cool. Terror as an emotion, discipline, and authority demand respect. Their priorities are not the same, so more difficult for Americans to understand. We might as well be living on a different planet, because our destinies are cultivated in the noble desire to fix an entirely separate share of problems. Such as social inequality. We are also caught up in a pervasive, ongoing, demoralization process aimed at destabilizing us until a final cataclysm ushers in a new ideology. Everything that has been created thus far, like when you get a new computer, will be migrated over. People will welcome this once things have become bad enough. In the long run it will mean no more America as we knew it. I doubt we will ever become Communists, but at the same time, will be more compatible, because we are built to fall by design.
Timbo Slice
2016-09-10 23:50:53 UTC
In my opinion, yes. North Korea's radical regime now is a threat not only to the innocent lives of its civilian population but also to those who reside in East Asia and Eastern Europe and The Western world as we know it.

Regardless of success or failure of their warheads, a nuclear weapon of any sort is at its crux an explosive device capable of great destruction. Mounted on a mediocre projectile, consequences are unpredictable. You can never be too safe when it comes to national security and foreign affairs. Unpredictability proves we are uncertain of any imminent danger, therefore there is an active threat posed by North Korea.

Everyone, whether you are a liberal or a conservative, can agree upon the fact that the North Korean regime is a negative oppressive force. And for decades we have all laughed in the face of the baby shouting vulgarities. Like Stewie wanting to kill Lois. But now that child has grown up. It is estimated that the registered 5.2 on the Richter Scale had a destructive force equivalent to the Fat Man bombing of Nagasaki. NK's nuclear technology, albeit 70 years behind, is advancing none the less. Regardless of success or failure, North Korea must now be taken seriously. Fortunately, in recent days, this topic has begun to enter the fray in the presidential campaigns. Let's all agree on one thing: The NK Regime is bad news with bad intentions. The United States SS takes verbal threats to presidential candidates very seriously. Physical threats by a country flaunting mediocre explosives should too be taken seriously.
2016-09-10 08:42:52 UTC
Honestly, I do not believe it. Let's say they do have Nuclear Warheads. We have way more Nuclear Warheads than they do, our population is almost 23 times larger than theirs and we have a 2nd Amendment. Now obviously the 2nd Amendment wouldn't protect us from a nuclear attack but it would protect us from invaders. We also spend so much money on National Defense that I don't think it's much of a threat. They would be stupid to Nuke us or any country for that Matter. Our Military is by far more superior than theirs. If they tried to Nuke us and we fought back it might start WWIII. Maybe that's why the US Army got new ACU's?
Life Kinda Sucks
2016-09-12 12:24:38 UTC
It's bogus. North Korea? They can't even feed their own people. How are they going to get a complicated, multi-faceted weapons production facility as well as all the ancillary support elements to actually make it dangerous...? Never. The North Koreas nuclear program is further behind than the V2 rockets of Germany during WWII. It's just some stupid rich kid playing god... don't pay him any attention.
Hey you
2016-09-14 08:46:55 UTC
Of course it's Legitimate, Other countries do it all the time,in April 07 when Bill Clinton Gave and Paid for two Nuclear reactors for North Korea (DPRK agreement) He said it would make the world safer, Almost exactly what obama said about Iran a few months ago. So heck yes they have the right to blow stuff up, it makes us safer.
Tengu Bakemono
2016-09-12 08:39:16 UTC
It's the year 2016 and North Korea is just now testing nuclear, ha, ha, ha, what a joke. If it wasn't for the western world technology they wouldn't have anything to show for. Who's scared of North Korea? The answer is, probably nobody.
2016-09-11 01:36:24 UTC
The 'statement' was legitimate as it was said by a North Korean official with authority given by the North Korean government. What other permission would be required to further legitimize the making of that statement? Is the statement telling the truth? I have no idea.
2016-09-10 17:29:39 UTC
Im not convinced that North Korea does actually have any nukes. If they had nukes the would record the tests and make sure everybody, especially the US see the test. Yet, all of their tests have taken places under ground. There is not any proof of a nuclear explosion. All we know is that there have been several VERY big underground explosions that measured on seismometers, and North Koreas claim that they were nukes.....Perhaps they just put a tons and tons of TNT, so the yield is similar to that of a small nuclear weapon.

When we were developing nukes, before we ever tested one, we blew up a massive stack of TNT so we had something to compare the nuke to and calculate its yield

so who knows, but if North Korea does have nukes I am not the least bit worried about it all. I dont believe that North Korea poses a serious threat to the US, South Korea, Japan or any of other allies, with or without nuclear weapons. As insane as the Kim family is, Im sure they understand the consequences of using them. As the leaders of all of the other countries know, ordering their military to launch a nuclear attack against the USA would likely be one of the last orders they ever give. Because regardless of the amount of damage their military might be capable of doing to the USA, we are capable of doing it to them.

If Russia attacked with nukes they could destroy the US but not without destroying themselves in the process.

In my opinion, north koreas non-nuclear weapons are a bigger threat than their nuclear weapons because they would definitly use those.

same goes for Iran...
2016-09-17 22:48:27 UTC
To say that NK falsely claimed anything is to only say "I watch TV and believe what it says".

What was the word they used......I can not remember.

Some word across every article and every news report, which in the blogging world is called "curating" or really just copying whatever the heck one reads.

and the world gazes over the same stories and believes that fox or cnn and etc have different stories... and that they "know more" because they "check all stations"......


nuclear is nuclear.

hate is hate.

The US tests nuclear warheads within the United States and in the ocean consistently and so do all governments. This is called POLLUTION.

This is called ABOMINATION.

This is called, no wonder most people are okay with working some job until they die and why most people are obsessed with a cell phone or why most people are obsessed with a television or why so many people feel they know so much because of the internet and tv when these things provide little information at all in comparison to what is TRUTH.

99.9% of people who worship government.

Thanks but blame it on yourselves.

North Korea, US, Russia, China, the queen... whoever... all of these bodies are in fact YOUR government.

Never my own.

Good luck voting for YOUR leader.

Never my own.

Good luck accepting WHOEVER wins some "election" to be your leader.

Or reading through people saying "wake up sheeple" or some other mimicry about trends and fads and hopes and dreams and "how we can make our country better" nonsense and etc.

Answer: just stop.

There is more to the answer but, people feel judged because they have a car and money and rent and have put "oh so much time" into their life, the life they complain about.

We must each find our own truths when we are ready and, 7 billion seconds = 221 years.

This comment is a waste of my time, as is living among the lost.

Good luck to doing absolutely nothing when every country nukes one another. It speaks about this in all religious texts. That's right... there is one religion, not 20 or 3 or 2. There has always been just one.

Same story, different names, different cultures, different parts of the world. Same story.

Think church and a job and video games and tv and "the president" and the internet makes you smart?

Without being mean, I guess it is just easier to say "grow up".

but again I am wasting my time.

That my word and I word and me.

Good luck anyway.
2016-09-09 23:31:36 UTC
I don't believe a word that comes out of North Korea. Even its sole ally, China, views NK as a rogue state administered by a madman. I don't doubt that NK has obtained nuclear ability, but I strongly doubt it understands what it is doing with respect to that ability, or why. It is a tragic situation. NK, like Russia, needs to be shown that it can advance its national interests more surely through peaceful means, than military means. Unfortunately, the leaders of NK are intoxicated with nationalistic and militaristic rhetoric, and unlikely to listen to reason. Tragic situation, all around.
2016-09-09 15:47:47 UTC
Whether their nuclear capabilities are an actuality is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is that regardless, they do not have the long range missile capabilities to attack any of their enemies of interest (mainly, the United States) nor do they have the military capabilities to back up such an attack. While China prefers having Korea cut in two, it is doubtful they would come to their aid once NATO members answer their act of war. South Korean and stationed American forces would almost immediately take the entire peninsula. They simply don't have the manpower and especially the resources to wage a long term war. Especially not with the United States.
Anthro Fan #1
2016-09-11 12:36:43 UTC
Considering this is North Korea, and North Koreans believe (either by choice or out of fear of death) that, among other things, a new star was formed when Kim Jong-Il was born, and that he invented the hamburger, I m a little skeptical of this threat. It's like Sterling Archer once said, North Korea is basically the nation-state equivalent of the short bus (no offense to those who have mental or physical handicaps).
2016-09-10 13:14:39 UTC

As long as you don't protest against your own country's nuclear abilities, everyone has the legitimacy to achieve their own.

You have to understand how does a nuclear deterrence looks from outside.

Oppose the DPR's nuclear program along with any other nuclear ability.

It's the only way to make future major political changes occur, without the world being destroyed.
2016-09-10 12:18:00 UTC
I think they are a dangerously unstable little country run by a complete madman. They have absolutely no democracy and are the moral equivalent of Jonestown or a gulag run by organised crime. It is the strategic equivalent of letting your toddler play not only with a loaded gun, but a box full of live grenades as well. Only worse, because North Korea could cause a nuclear war, and it would all be up to one crazed little dictator. No, it is not "legitimate" to let that sort of irresponsible thing happen in the name of all countries being "quantum equals". North Korea is no more a Quantum Equal than Jonestown was even a "country". It would be more responsible for China to take them over as soon as possible.
2016-09-11 05:54:44 UTC
Legit? I'm sure their answer is, but honestly, outside of South Korea and maybe Japan, who cares about North Korea? Their main export is starving people. They have no oil, they have no money, obviously no food. there's nothing I would want from them. Their little dear leader is the only obese person in the country, who has his uncle fed to ravenous dogs, just to make a point of what kind of psychopath he is. If you live there, I feel for you, but I personally do not care one way or the other about the DPRK, so long as they do not attack us.
Irish 313
2016-09-10 17:00:38 UTC
Whether it's "legitimate" depends on your point of view. Other countries also carry out/carried out nuclear testing, France, the UK, US, Russia, China, India, Pakistan and possibly Israel. N.Korea isn't an exception to the rule. N.Korea is following "the rule".

We can criticise of course, but do we criticise when other states do likewise? Some do, some don't. I oppose all nuclear testing regardless of who carries it out. It was "us" who introduced the world to nuclear weapons, we opened the pandoras box, and now we find we can't close it. The proliferation of nuclear weapons is a danger to all of us but when country A has them so too will country B want them. How about we all agree to get rid of all nukes? Of course it's not going to happen. Those with them want them, can we really apportion blame when others want what we have? I don't think so.
Ha'nel Bachrach
2016-09-23 17:52:23 UTC
If you mean about Kim were legally enough within one single chance to distory D.C. within missile that I do already know about Kim, I believe that it will be exactly going to be NO because of North Korea missile is almost straight up to where it can't hit Washington D.C. when it being launch therefore, it will be not legitimate due to point of angle of the missile isn't measuring it right to get the right target and North Korea, if direction is east then it will be impossible to make it due to far-away distance due to Washington D.C. is very far east in United States of America NOT unless it was on the west THEN it will problobly going to make it that much.....maybe.
2016-09-10 13:48:27 UTC
do you remember cuba and its economic blockade? as far as i know US dictated this blockade because the cuban central bank was not owned by the financial core owned by the elite, so they didn't allow cuba to do anything(economic war, pressure) syria, sudan, irak, afghanistan and a few more in the last decade denied transfering their legitimate financial and banking power to the elite, we know what happened to them, but with cuba they chose a different strategy, they gave up a few months ago tho. North korea feels surrounded and attacked with economic blockade and many other types of strategies, north korea knows their time is running out until they do a false flag attack, blaming Kim, or something like that, but they own nuclear weapons, so its a difficult target for the elite, but im sure they have a strategy to end with they very last country that doesnt want to be blackmailed, or put into a forced crisis or pay billions of dollars on useless things, like we do in europe, america and the rest of the world,the other option is that north korea is just controlled dissidence to scare the population
2016-09-09 10:16:29 UTC
To answer your first question, if it is legitimate - North Korea is not part of the Non-Proliferation Treaty so yes, it is legitimate or legal for them to test their nuclear device.

However, regarding your second question about North Korea s statement that in the past they have had successful tests. I do believe they have had successful tests that have shown if their nuclear warhead is functional or not functional.
2016-09-10 22:50:33 UTC

That man has a a screw loose!

He sent a missile flying over Japan, and it went into the ocean. I have a feeling that he is China's mad dog. I feel that China would like to be threatening us, but it could have a bad ending. So they let Mr. Kim do it, and then act like they are reprimanding him. China wants to control that whole part of the world, and USA is part of what's in their way. If N. Korea sent an ICBM to/toward USA, I can't imagine the mess that would happen!
2016-09-11 06:35:53 UTC
see, I don't know why a coward like you would be interested in such things that clearly do not concern you, since you are a little coward but if you really want to find out godhead and nuke them OR you can ignore the red lines they have for you, which I am sure your owners are aware of. Just think, why would they lie to you and how do you know they lied before? because CNN told you so? I hope they do have what they say they do because this will be another reason for warmongers to stop with their plans. Its a wonderful deterrent and I really think all nations should have it and have the right to use it in case if one decides to invade it. If USA did not lie about being such a loud mouth protector who would protect the covernty of a nation like Ukraine if it gave up its nuclear weapons today Crimea would have been part of Ukraine not Russia but US bagged Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees of Ukraine's souvernty but US did not have the balls, not the guts nor intelligence to predict what would happen in the future and thus Ukraine lost the territory size of the Netherlands to Russia why? because it gave its deterrent in exchange for an empty Americant promise. Why should the Koreans gave up their nukes? So you can go there and bring democracy to them like you have brought it to Iraq and Afghanistan right? Yeah, they know so they say f. U!
2016-09-10 15:17:46 UTC
It is a possibility that North Korea could be telling the truth. Even if they are telling the truth, the US does have a strong military base, and does have enough resources to prevent North Korea to set off any kind of nuclear activity.
2016-09-10 14:34:59 UTC
I like North Korea. They are really more Nationalist than Communist. They are able to hold off the Jewish dominated globalists and maintain a functioning ethno state. Sure they borrow some communist imagery, but they are definitely right wing people. They are proud of their pale skin. This month I declare the people of North Korea are Honorary White people of the month. About their nuclear program, I have to give them credit. They have been able to build nuclear weapons while under severe sanctions. This is testimony of their dedication to learning and emphasis given to STEM. They are intelligent, literate, and innovative. All qualities that set them apart from the dark skin people of the world.
kanad yerpude
2016-09-12 05:00:38 UTC
yes, it is a north Korea statement about nuclear power testing is not logical because we are listing that north korea is purchasing may nuclear weapons but it is no need to test and affect the air polloution because nuclear testing causes it and in fact the is so much pollution in north korea and also the land on which the bomb is tested it become harm full and barron for 10000 years and also it harmful for living things threr
2016-09-10 04:51:05 UTC
North Korea is the Chihuahua, and the US is the Caucasian Shepherd. The Chihuahua is barking and making as much noise as it can trying to seem intimidating, but the Shepherd is just calmly ignoring the Chihuahua. Knowing it poses no real danger, it just has small dog syndrome. But if the Chihuahua got cocky, and decided to attack the big dog, then the Caucasian Shepherd would rip that little yapping mutt to shreds and the chihuahua would bark no more.

This is how I see North Korea. Let them yap, but the little dog knows it's place and won't do jack sh*t if it knows what's good for it.
2016-09-09 14:19:00 UTC
North Korea is truly a threat to nobody but themselves. They know if they were to attack the United States or any other nation with nuclear weapons the rest of the world would band together and annihilate them. They shout and bluster and posture, but they are in truth little more than an angry yapping lap dog nipping at the heals of a mastiff.
2016-09-10 13:31:39 UTC
Legitimate or not, It shows that Obama Hillary's warmongering are failed policies.

"President Obama’s Legacy Is Endless War"


David Stockman, former director of the Office of Management and Budget, discusses what’s at stake for the United States in the battle for the White House between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton... "we just can't handle four more years of Hillbama... Obamacare is a ticking timebomb.. and foreign policy is a disaster... at least Trump knows we are bankrupt and can't afford to be the policeman of the world... Trump is a flawed candidate from a style perspective but Trump's virtue is he is not schooled in 20 years of Washington delusions... We need a disruptor!"
2016-09-18 19:46:44 UTC
I Think it's Start of World War 3
2016-09-09 12:49:14 UTC
I don't know. I heard a report on CNN a while ago that stated North Korea recently bombed Japan. My family and I are praying they leave the United States alone.
2016-12-13 15:27:56 UTC
im not convinced that north korea does actually have any nukes... if they had nukes the would record the tests and make sure everybody, especially the us see the test... yet, all of their tests have taken places under ground... there's not any proof of a nuclear explosion... all we know is that there have been several very big underground explosions that measured on seismometers, and north koreas claim that they were nukes...............perhaps they just put a tons and tons of tnt, so the yield is similar to that of a small nuclear weapon...

when we were developing nukes, before we ever tested one, we blew up a massive stack of tnt so we had something to compare the nuke to and calculate its yield

so who knows, but if north korea does have nukes i am not the least bit worried about it all... i dont believe that north korea poses a serious threat to the us, south korea, japan or any of other allies, with or without nuclear weapons... as insane as the kim family is, im sure they understand the consequences of using them... as the leaders of all of the other countries know, ordering their military to launch a nuclear attack against the usa would likely be one of the last orders they ever give... 'cause regardless of the amount of damage their military might be capable of doing to the usa, we are capable of doing it to them...

if russia attacked with nukes they could destroy the us but not without destroying themselves in the process...

in my opinion, north koreas non-nuclear weapons are a bigger threat than their nuclear weapons 'cause they would definitly use those...

same goes for iran.........
2016-09-10 17:30:49 UTC
NK does have nukes and is perfecting the art of using them. America is in a situation right now. China is using NK for lucrative trading so in a sense China and NK are an alliance and if America does anything to hurt NK China will feel the great effects and take it as a threat at them too.

So all the US and rest of the good world can do is light punishment and begging essentially. So basically we don't want more wars so no one can do anything to stop them. In reality we can just stop all their trade and starve them but that creates more enemies.
2016-09-13 18:32:36 UTC
Nothing about North Korea is legitimate.
Cold Shower
2016-09-10 11:08:11 UTC
Not only do they have a nuke, they're building more powerful nukes. We can measure these nuclear explosions using seismic monitoring. The real question is: Are the threats they make against the U.S. and South Korea real? If so, then we need to do something about it immediately.
2016-09-09 14:39:54 UTC
Yes it is legitimate. They will continue to test, and the world will continue to talk about it. All tests will be underground, because they will not have the confidence in their delivery system to risk an above the ground test. Keep in mind these people are working in a 1950's era.
2016-09-10 07:50:30 UTC
I think it is and sending them secretly 1.7 billion will not appeases them.

Reading these other answers shows why other super powers see the U.N.and us as weak.

Saying the U.S. can wipe them out 50 times isn't the point.

Even if North Korea threatens to bomb is a good enough reason

to send U.N troops or planes to wipe them out.

After we wake up and see they bombed South Korea and killed

even 100 humans it is way too late.

We can't afford to sit back like in Iraq and wait.

We all see the JV team seems ready to win the Superbowl.
2016-09-09 19:01:56 UTC
I'd assume it is. So what's the solution? More sanctions? Is that going to help or simply fuel their wrath against America?

*sigh* Nuclear weapons need to be banned worldwide. And countries ought to be focusing inwardly on how to better their societies... instead of looking for who to pick a war with.
2016-09-12 13:00:35 UTC
North Korea barks , barks and barks , but does nothing . The United States should not pay attention to these threats , just threaten and in the end nothing happens. We must have patience and wait, but do not think that statement is legitimate .
Will Powers
2016-09-09 17:47:59 UTC
Being that they have been warned repeatedly, little fat boy continues to have threatening and aggressive rhetoric about sending a nuclear warhead to attack the USA. Therefore, he and his entire country should be eliminated from the face of the Earth. That leaves the ball in Obama's court. Unless he acts strongly, America will eventually pay the price for his utter weakness.
2016-09-20 12:54:19 UTC
North Korea isn't famous for joking around.
2016-09-09 14:10:07 UTC
The entire world s supply of gefilte fish should be put on missile warheads, to replace nuclear devices, and North Korea carpet bombed with this disgusting dish.

The thought of North Korea attempting to clean up countless tons of pickled carp paints a vivid picture of nuclear deterrent gone mad. It would soon smell so bad they would have to stop their nuclear enrichment and divert those millions to buy U,S. produced Caterpillar tractors to scoop the disgusting mess into their coastal waters!
2016-09-09 17:11:33 UTC
What I do know is america launched a unarmed ICBM 4,200 miles in response to North Korea's testing.
jeffrey f
2016-09-11 10:05:11 UTC
I think that North Korea communicates at a very loud decibel level and tries to create a lot of tension and drama in the world. The best way for America and the rest of the world to respond is to show that they are not intimidated and will not be pushed around.
2017-01-03 19:40:53 UTC
the 'statement' was legitimate as it was said by a north korean official with authority given by the north korean government... what other permission would be required to further legitimize the making of that statement? is the statement telling the truth? i have no idea...
Captain Smartass
2016-09-10 10:12:51 UTC
The only nuclear thing North Korea has is a microwave from 1942. Hardly scary stuff.

Igor Jivatofski
2016-09-11 14:03:19 UTC
There is nothing legitimate about North Korea!
2016-09-11 20:25:15 UTC
They can't even flush toilets and don't get it twisted I love the North Korean people they seem really chill I only have beef with the dictators let's be honest none of Kim's employees even wanna work for him they know it's morally wrong they're just tryna get by
2016-09-10 18:06:38 UTC
The nation has a nuclear device. It's current delivery system provides a range reaching Japan.
2016-09-09 19:35:01 UTC
I think that any test North Korea does is successful. Here is a country that has endured many years of sanctions and they still continue to make advances.
2016-09-11 11:32:01 UTC
I think they re just saying they have nuclear capability so that other countries will fear them. If countries fear North Korea then they will win a war simply because of that. That s what North Korea is aiming for. Fear.
2016-09-11 17:27:28 UTC
North Korea does what they want. I hear N. Korea only wants these weapons, so North Korea itself can compete with 1st world countries.
2016-09-09 19:22:00 UTC
Meanwhile, Explosive devices non nuclear can be created to incinerate over 1000 square miles, so blowing up 30 square miles is passe,

  Though note turning solid elements into free radical molecules, will damage planets structure, and the whole planet will collapse and even alternate rotation sequences,
2016-09-13 00:13:56 UTC
I don't know, did North Korea a nuclear reactor? The production of the atomic bomb is the economy of nuclear power (stations).
Rosti rumas
2016-09-10 07:49:16 UTC
This is how I see North Korea. Let them yap, but the little dog knows it's place and won't do jack sh*t if it knows what's good for it.
2016-09-10 15:29:31 UTC
Its simply a show for attention... The country is hit by sanctions and famine, the population is dying and also manipulated by the state. North Korea is sadly a country without much of a future if not invaded by nato to remove the current regime.
J. David
2016-09-13 22:53:23 UTC
Maybe, maybe not. It's irrelevant.

N. Korea has a huge amount of artillery right at the northern edge of the DMZ, in range of Seoul. They don't NEED nukes to wreak mass destruction. Old-fashioned WWII-era heavy guns will do the job.
2016-09-10 07:42:49 UTC
No, I wouldn't trust North Korea at all.
No Conspiracy?
2016-09-09 19:03:30 UTC
No. Free Masons know Nuclear Weapons do not even exist. They are a hoax. How do you think the camera films the blast but never gets harmed? It is all a Hollywood production to keep the sheep terrorized and controlled. Watch the movie they live, the evil aliens are the Free Masons!
Pedro ST
2016-09-09 16:04:19 UTC
Well, even if it is, it won't change the current balance of things: no country will target North Korea because they have nukes and they won't nuke anyone because they know what will happen if they do.
2016-09-10 04:49:38 UTC
If the U.S.A. can drop 2 atom bombs on woman and children in Japan then who do they think they are telling someone what they can do and what they can't do.There country is full of drugs killing there own people by the thousands every day how much do they realy care .Blowing up countries losing wars getting there own killed then leaving very sick leaders.
2016-09-10 12:31:05 UTC
Probably. There are things a dictated leadership always wants. Blueprints for nukes, materials including uranium to make nukes(probably bought from where Obama sold them), the best armed forces, blueprints for great tanks, blueprints for the best jet planes, all the parts needed to assimilate these creations, and to be feared by enemies and respected by their countries people. I just hope this doesn't lead to fallout. Supposedly in the game fallout, it doesn't start till 2065.
2016-09-13 02:32:44 UTC
The use of the word "legitimate" is confusing. "Legitimate" refers to something legal, something which can be done legally by the law of the land.

I think you mean "genuine". "Genuine" means "true", "a matter of fact" and similar.

You are asking if the claim by North Korea about its nuclear capability is a true claim or a false claim. The law of the land in North Korea clearly allows much military activity, including trying to persuade the world that N K has nuclear capability.
2016-09-11 07:50:59 UTC
North Korea is not a strong nations
2016-09-13 07:28:55 UTC
I'm really not worried about it. I don't tend to believe anything they say, but they would never have enough nuclear weapons to be a threat to the US. We can wipe them off the planet, and they know it.
2016-09-23 12:42:28 UTC
I think the question is foolishly written, as with most Yahoo articles.

Legitimate statement? They have atomic warheads. Any attempt to use them will result in their annihilation. I don't know what hat says about "legitimacy".
Good Karma
2016-11-17 15:48:55 UTC
it's bogus... north korea? they for the life of me cannot even feed their own people... how are they going to get a complicated, multi-faceted weapons production facility as well as all the ancillary support elements to actually make it dangerous.........? never... the north koreas nuclear program is further behind than the v2 rockets of gernumerous during wwii... it's just some stupid rich kid playing god......... don't pay him any attention...
2016-09-11 08:47:25 UTC

2016-09-10 03:14:46 UTC
Scary. Given how deplorably they treat their own citizens that if North Korea is allowed to develop long range nuclear weapons then they will strike us.
beast quake
2016-09-12 16:28:41 UTC
Here it is plain and simple. If even one nuke goes off in an attempt to destroy another country, the world is over. The world will rise in one final and giant war. Which will likely be called World War III. The last war of mankind. We will cause our own extinction. Those who survive initial explosion will have to endure tons of harmful radiation as well as a nuclear winter. Our race will as we know it, will be doomed.
2016-09-11 22:04:41 UTC
We did it ages ago in the 1940's.

They are doing this in 2016 with loads of info and training. If I were them, I would be embarrassed if I couldn't get one to work 70 years later!!!
2016-09-10 05:24:10 UTC
From seismic data, they detonated an atomic device almost as big as the one dropped on Hiroshima (which killed 100,000 people nearly instantly and many more later). I have no idea what you mean by "legitimate" here. To doubt that this is a dangerous nation seems unwise to me, just as it unwise to think that Russia will not attempt to regain the territory it had prior to WWII (the KGB is alive and well).
Dances with Cats
2016-09-11 19:44:28 UTC
There is no North Korea. It was created for people to have something to hate.
2016-09-13 13:51:29 UTC
No Obama the messiah will destroy North Korea if anything happens. Hes a real leader and is alwAys fighting for us, totally not treasonous.
Johnny Cee
2016-09-14 18:47:34 UTC
North Korea is ruled by a Cuckoo Person. Like I always say, sooner or later, the devil always, Always, shoots himself in the foot.

I Cr 13:8a, Love never fails !
2016-09-10 20:48:04 UTC
Every country has a right to protect themselves. Don't forget, the US is the only country that ever used nuclear weapons.
Lex Lodge
2016-09-09 11:46:20 UTC
It has always been my opinion that the N. Korean "sword rattling," was intended to get the US to intervene and then rebuild their country with a good infrastructure. As to nuclear and missile capability; a look at a globe tells me they would have to over fly either Russia, or Japan to start: nobody is going to accept that.
2016-09-21 17:32:32 UTC
Yes, it is 100% legitimate. But anyone can build a bomb these days, and that's not going to help their dying economy one bit.
Rick G
2016-09-10 05:25:25 UTC
A wannabe world power, with an egomaniac "god" as its head, has legitimate reasons for wanting nuclear weapons, not just "power" for the nation.

It is the Chinese that are in real danger from NK weapons. With their missiles, the NK can reach deep into China, especially if the "god" determines that China is not such a good friend...
Steven S
2016-09-10 04:53:12 UTC
N. Korea will lead this world into a nuclear holocaust.
2016-09-09 14:12:40 UTC
If North Korea pisses off the Chinese enough, even they will not back them if North Korea decides to nuke someone. And they have to know that if they nuke the US, their country will be reduced to molten glass. Even the great leader understands this.
2016-09-11 09:52:03 UTC
Wow, what a dopey question. When the USGS logs an "explosion" earthquake you come on here and ask if it's legitimate? You guys are Verizon now right?
Maria S
2016-09-10 15:22:26 UTC
North Korea is no threat. Let us focus on things that are a problem. Like ISIS.
Bert Weidemeier
2016-09-11 17:36:31 UTC
Well, I would hate to see everyone believe that they are a decade away from being able to take out a US west coast city, and wake up some morning and hear that LA or Seattle got wiped out during the night, you can;t always believe what they feed you and expect you to believe, sometimes the "experts" are wrong, very wrong.
2016-09-10 15:47:50 UTC
Just wait until they own a Launch Pad next door to your country, then you'll care II.
A clockwork orange
2016-09-13 15:54:27 UTC
Yeah nobody is scared of north korea, But Russia can be a big enemy
American Patriot
2016-09-10 09:33:53 UTC
North Korea is just a sick mad dog held on a leash by their Masters of Communist China.
2016-09-11 11:46:19 UTC
USA should leave other countries alone, unless they actually want to help. We all know that usa could care less about others, a fact that becomes emphasized when you look at how they treat their own people, foreigners, people in other countries, other governments and especially when you know the truth.
2016-09-13 11:18:50 UTC
Why are we still allowing North Korea to be assholes. Shouldn't we kill them by now?
2016-09-09 09:34:46 UTC
If they claim to be a threat we should treat them as a threat and deal with them as necessary to eliminate the threat and dangers associated with it.

If someone points a gun at you, it is self defense if you were to take their life even if you are the one who fires the first shot. (There probably will not be a second shot, so whoever fires the first shot wins.) Even if they do not actually have a gun, if someone says they have a gun pointed at you, you should treat them as if they have a gun (instead of a finger in their coat pocket). If they say they have a gun or lead you to believe they have a gun pointed at you, you should react as if they have a gun pointed at you, even if you haven't actually seen the gun.

If North Korea claims they have nuclear weapons and is threatening to use them against us or our allies, I believe we would be justified to take preemptive military action. If, however, we do take action, we should be committed to doing whatever it takes to win, decisively. (Let s not have another Vietnam.)
2016-09-10 11:21:14 UTC
2016-09-09 18:26:31 UTC
uh... i don't know. Who can even take any of North Korea's crazy antics seriously?
2016-09-13 08:29:51 UTC

But don't worry. Any missle will be immediately downed by one of our patrolling submarines or fighter . It will only rain fallout over NK.
anthony h
2016-09-13 06:02:03 UTC
Yes, I think they tried, they tested, but they are not true. They haven't been able to turn corn into kettle corn when it comes to that. so yes, they tried, but they also lied. nothing of the sort happened as they have stated, not sucessfully anyway. why not just have him assasinated? He is only seeking to do harm to millions and is mentally unstable.
2016-09-12 21:42:29 UTC
Well, they're only 60 years behind the curve...For what it's worth, they haven't tested a bomb bigger than what the US dropped on Japan.
2016-09-10 05:43:42 UTC
Do you think North Korea's latest statement about nuclear power testing is legitimate?

>> Dunno and don't care > kims another TERRORIST OF LIFE deserving of death ... and no one does a damn thing ( including America ! ) FEAR MONGERING works very well to control PEOPLE including American's > it's ALL TERRIBLE , BAD and WRONG, part of the problems of Life and Living... proof of how FEAR MONGERING works for bad, bullying, greedy... TERRORIST PEOPLE of LIFE !
2016-09-10 19:32:31 UTC
Very possible as I've asked my Korean friends who watch the North Korean news and say they do "tell all" on the news.
2016-09-11 00:30:31 UTC
1. obama runs his big mouth again. go back to community -worker

2. north korea does nuclear test. world can see who is real winner. who is real loser.
2016-09-12 16:10:42 UTC
No. North Korea is weak. They have no friends and outdated equipment
2016-09-09 17:17:50 UTC
I don't know it they actually tested a nuke, but I am sure the statement isn't entirely accurate.
2016-09-10 14:17:34 UTC
Supercomputers that are fast enough to provide real-time molecular simulations are not legal to sell to countries like Korea, so they have to do real device testing.
2016-09-20 18:04:38 UTC
We have 1000x nukes than they do. They state their reason is to defend themselves, they say america have much more than they do and why when they make one they are showed as bad. Also they could use it on isis when muslims take over the west and is a threat to east.
2016-09-10 14:45:08 UTC
Here comes World War III!
The Football God
2016-09-10 14:28:26 UTC
When it's over, that's going to be one big lake with glow in the dark fishes.
2016-09-09 13:50:24 UTC
Whatever they say must be heard by half. If they have had a "glorious success", they mean that it didn't crash. Most of what they say has been motivated by their dislike of the USA.They have only one way to go; that is downward.
2016-09-10 02:11:14 UTC
Most likely, that is why once those cowards do actually drop one on a real city, I will personally volunteer to the army to go up there and kill them all before my family gets affected
2016-09-10 10:49:09 UTC
A lot of the times, when it comes to a Communist nation, their propaganda ministry releases false information to make it seem the Socialist government is ahead of the rest of the world, like finding the cure to Cancer etc. But in reality their citizens are starving to death.
2016-09-10 07:06:01 UTC
2016-09-09 09:35:37 UTC
North Korea is just China pushing its envelope and see how far it goes
2016-09-09 10:43:15 UTC
Yes and we need to assist the South to destroy North Korea.
2016-09-10 06:33:59 UTC
2016-09-13 15:32:58 UTC
well, Pakistan have nuclear weapons, I think they produced way more terrorists and migrants and people asking for political asylum than North Korea which have produced none, not one terrorist.
Black Feminist
2016-09-11 11:16:57 UTC
The Americans and the Russians and everyone else has them and tested them, so why not? Nuke Wales.

Wales is very hilly and needs flattening to make farm land worth cultivating.
2016-09-10 07:33:31 UTC
Who actually cares? If the world ends it's no big deal. Humans are a plague on this planet. It would be fitting we all die in nuclear holocaust.
2016-09-09 12:55:51 UTC
Far as I know they've had nukes for a decade.
Lilly Fuller
2016-09-10 00:27:05 UTC
Pretty sure they are doing it.. Too bad Obama is too busy letting the criminals out of Gitmo to maybe take a look at a real threat. Of course he is probably sh itting his pant sin fear of the little fat Korean!
2016-09-14 08:44:08 UTC
No, I do not agree with any of the statements that they made on that subject matter whatsoever..............Also it is only a matter of time before they blow up their own country or force other countries to fully decimate North Korea............................
2016-09-10 19:33:10 UTC
Time will tell if we all die in a nuclear explosion then we'll know
2016-09-13 19:56:24 UTC
N. K. Has already put a Sat. into orbit .

2 or 3 EMP devices would shut the US down cold.

Think like the Enemy, and NEVER under estimate one !
2016-09-16 20:10:32 UTC
I think that Obama's going to need a bigger red crayon to draw a bigger red line.
2016-09-09 10:45:06 UTC
It's probably real, but they won't be able to send it across the pacific, nor to anyone else really.
2016-09-10 14:45:36 UTC
I don't know, but if it is, I hope for the sake of the the government that the leaders back up their floppy disks to CDs.
2016-09-10 11:28:49 UTC
The only nuclear power they have are kim jong un's farts
2016-09-10 07:49:34 UTC
can't ignore NK anymore. The next US president + allies should have a good look at it.
2017-03-02 07:25:39 UTC
of course it's legitimate, other countries do it all the time,in april 07 when bill clinton gave and paid for two nuclear reactors for north korea (dprk agreement) he said it would make the world safer, almost exactly what obama said about iran a few months ago... so heck yeah they have the right to blow stuff up, it makes us safer...
2016-09-09 22:47:30 UTC
The only thing they're going to war with are the fish.
2016-09-12 09:52:27 UTC
NK's leaders a massive "wind bags."
2016-09-11 03:25:26 UTC
Korea is sovereign country.
2016-09-09 13:26:46 UTC
They are a lunaitc state Kim Jun Un should be overthrown.
2016-09-10 02:43:47 UTC
I don't take anything that mental midget says seriously.
2016-09-09 19:28:11 UTC
needs to stop what north korea is behaving
2016-09-10 21:08:52 UTC
Who knows
2016-09-10 16:10:50 UTC
Only if it is being done to protect the community from domestic terrorist and done in accordance to International and state laws which the CCP support.
2016-09-09 09:56:49 UTC
North kores is backed by china
2016-09-11 12:05:34 UTC
I better do what the President would , Go out for a round of golf
2016-09-14 06:01:55 UTC
NK is about whiny brats that are so starved for attention. Keep the sanctions against them going.
2016-09-11 07:19:34 UTC
Yes, NK and Russia are nothing to toy around with.

2016-09-10 18:45:43 UTC
If the US government says it isn't, I'll assume it is.
Tad Dubious
2016-09-09 11:39:38 UTC
2016-09-25 11:39:04 UTC
No statement from that country should Ever be trusted.
2016-09-10 15:13:33 UTC
There is no such a thing as legitimacy internationally. There is only force and power.
2016-09-13 16:57:05 UTC
David N
2016-09-13 07:43:27 UTC
The word "LEGITIMATE" is meaningless when it comes to International Diplomatic Relationships.
Hardest Worker
2016-09-09 17:50:46 UTC
2016-09-12 10:39:58 UTC
i think kim jung un is unstable and thus unpredictable so its hard to tell

i dont think theyd attack anybody with nukes cause its suicidal but kim jung un is NOT rational so its a bad situation
2016-09-12 01:13:49 UTC
Yes but it is not a reason to ebe proud of having the capacity to kill so much people;
2016-09-10 00:13:45 UTC
The only reason we dont bomb them into dust is risk of upseting china..

They only have to get it right once and much of california could suffer.
George Smith
2016-09-11 05:13:22 UTC
Definetely No
2016-09-09 09:27:51 UTC
Whatever. One of these days this freako will go toooooooooo far and somebody (some foreign country) will hit him on the nose.
2016-09-12 12:41:49 UTC
No, they don't have the money to spend to get one of those things....
2016-09-11 09:22:26 UTC
Who ******* cares. The united states is more powerful then they will ever be. Im not worried.
2016-09-11 14:33:11 UTC
This is like an unfortunate environmental disaster.
2016-09-14 06:53:36 UTC
They are not legit. They just want to be respected, which they know no one will do if they keep on acting the way they are.
2016-09-10 13:32:31 UTC
Hillary will find out.She will stop in and BLOW Jung Un on her way back from "servicing" Putin...
2016-09-14 12:11:42 UTC
No, they are like a little chihuahua dog that only barks but has no bite
Frank Barnwell
2016-09-10 18:30:42 UTC
No after Russia, and Japan; seems Everyone wants too be the one Press the Button, too end it all, for everyone. lol.. ...0910/2016
2016-09-10 01:27:46 UTC
no its wrong to make these kinds of illegal weapon just for the word of self-defense. now every country will make these kinds of weapon to make sure that N.korea won't attack to them
2016-09-10 12:21:38 UTC
2016-09-11 20:59:38 UTC
kim jong un is a female who just gossips lies. I feel bad for those under his control.
2016-09-09 14:59:21 UTC
Total lie. They did it for weapons reaserch.
Rony Parkar
2016-09-16 00:57:20 UTC
Well i guess they had some now usa gotta safe his back
Alway right
2016-09-10 05:27:58 UTC
WWIII Is coming! Obama and Hillary are the enemy and this is why everyone needs to vote for Trump! PERIOD!!!!
2016-09-11 20:09:47 UTC
I believe that little cockroach leader farted in a can and that is what was heard.
2016-09-23 12:57:16 UTC
nope. I think the just set off a big pile of fire works to mimic it.
Jerry S
2016-09-09 18:39:35 UTC
2016-09-13 18:16:53 UTC
its more dangerous Israel and USA, putting bombs in China, Yemen, Colombia, Palestine without PUNISHMENT.
2016-09-10 11:05:55 UTC
There has to be a drone with his name on it
2016-09-09 22:27:30 UTC
Mir Quasem
2016-09-22 20:59:45 UTC
Not legitimate--but we should detect the countries behind it.
2016-09-13 16:44:54 UTC
2016-09-13 18:43:44 UTC
2016-09-11 07:31:46 UTC
this psycho murderer with nukes,he intends to get them he will get them

either he is stopped by his chinese landlords,

or is dealt with preemtptively by the souks & US seventh fleet & ground forces.

which do you believe will come first?
2016-09-10 19:00:15 UTC
Science tells us the test was real.
2016-09-10 13:26:35 UTC
No. .I think it is a cover up for something else that is going on.
2016-09-12 13:08:51 UTC
Look at what they have been doing.I would say Yes its legit
2016-09-10 05:54:14 UTC
Joseph hola
2016-09-13 15:43:40 UTC
Winki green
2016-09-11 22:03:02 UTC
2016-09-11 22:26:36 UTC
bad guys lie. Everyone knows that.
2016-09-11 20:18:55 UTC
2016-09-10 23:46:51 UTC
May be. You dont know the iron curtained countires.
2016-09-09 10:49:23 UTC
Yes. Something should be done.
2016-09-10 04:13:03 UTC
The only truth in N.Korea is the great leader Kam-iLL-Dung or whatever his evil name is.
2016-09-12 13:41:14 UTC
i didnt know you guys asked questions haha
2016-09-11 06:37:30 UTC
i used to like them, but i think they are going stupid. nobody cares about them, so stop thinking someone is going to invade you.
2016-09-15 08:59:20 UTC
faker than ur pp
2016-09-10 11:33:28 UTC
NO COUNTRY releases "legitimate" statements regarding their own personal nukes. A dot on the map but NEVER underestimate your enemy. Big mistake as many have learned the hard way, example" Ha Ha Ha you a friggin joke !" Survivors, if any- "WTF WAS THAT ! "
2016-09-09 14:47:47 UTC
those statements are fake
2016-09-10 23:23:19 UTC
2016-09-11 15:15:24 UTC
All nuke testing is hoax.
2016-09-10 19:41:20 UTC
2016-09-10 01:23:22 UTC
No i dont thing
2016-09-10 06:09:57 UTC
doubt it ,they would have video and **** for their propaganda machine if it was real
2016-09-14 13:05:47 UTC
well if you think it is illegitimate you should sue them
Steven Delgao
2016-09-09 14:53:24 UTC
2016-09-10 21:23:35 UTC
sure its legit.

why the other nations can run nuke tests...and they cant...really ? why
2016-09-09 18:22:02 UTC

2016-09-09 10:28:49 UTC
Yes and they will nuke us soon
2016-09-09 21:11:10 UTC
I do
2016-09-10 20:31:35 UTC
2016-09-10 01:30:35 UTC
Yeah sex
2016-09-10 16:28:14 UTC
no clue
2016-09-10 12:19:50 UTC
Professional spam and propaganda authors ask readers to divert their attention from reality and make a judgement by some unspecified metric (legitimate, not legitimate, legitimacy indeterminate) regarding North Korean propaganda:

"Do you think North Korea's latest statement about nuclear power testing is legitimate? North Korea is stating that it tested a nuclear explosion in order to evaluate power for nuclear warheads. In the past, North Korea has falsely claimed successful tests. What do you think - is this statement the truth? Catch up with the text of the statement here:"

North Korea is a sworn mortal enemy of a number of countries including the United States. North Korea is an extension of the military might of the Chinese Communist Party. North Korean government is a cruel, evil, authoritarian emperor worship cult.

North Korea can make nuclear weapons.

There is only one reason why the dictators of North Korea might not use their nuclear weapons: Fear of being obliterated by retaliatory or first-strike attacks to rid the world of an evil no better than the German Nazi regime of the Soviet Stalinist regime--and far more dangerous given the improvements in weaponry, i.e., nuclear bombs.

Propaganda writers and video infotainment/so-called news analysis who want to turn our attention to such frivolous issues as, "Would the Kim regime of North Korea lie to us?", are for all practical purposes working for the enemy.

The nature and yield of nuclear tests can be and are detected by particle analysis and seismic sensors, respectively. The propaganda here and on video infotainment broadcasts with which Yahoo! is associated are meant as political diversion, i.e., "Don't worry, folks--your elected political hacks have everything under control and are watching after your national security."

And if you believe that sort of thing, you are also, unfortunately, out of touch with reality concerning some very important factors of domestic and international politics, the sort of things that ultimately determine whether or not you will be vaporized by nukes, exterminated by biological warfare, starved to death, and/or disabled or killed by sophisticated electronic warfare.


The Result of Political Celebrity Worship vs. a Well-Informed Electorate Comprised of Critical Thinkers


The United States and 16 United Nations allies fought a war (1950-1953) with North Korea and China (and the former Soviet Union, since morphed into the Russian Federation) after North Korea invaded South Korea. It ended in a stalemate. North Korea is still a client state of China, Inc.


Since that time China, Inc. has acquired nuclear weapons and a much more formidable military.

“People’s Republic of China’s first nuclear weapons test, detonated on October 16, 1964 at the Lop Nur test site. It was a uranium-235 implosion fission device and had a yield of 22 kilotons.”


“China’s first test of a three-staged thermonuclear device and, also its sixth nuclear weapons test. The device was detonated at Lop Nur Test Base, or often dubbed as Lop Nur Nuclear Weapon Test Base, in Malan, Xinjiang, on 17 June 1967.”


Now North Korea has nuclear weapons and is working on a way to deliver them on a city near you.

That is largely due to this man and his associates:

"North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons… The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. Only as it does so will North Korea fully join the community of nations." – President Bill Clinton, 21 October 1994

by Daniel Halper, 4 April 2015, The Weekly Standard


See also: “October 18, 1994: U.S.-North Korea Nuclear Agreement”


Some of whom are still in the business of aiding our enemies:

"Ernest Jeffrey Moniz GCIH (born December 22, 1944) is an American nuclear physicist and the United States Secretary of Energy, serving under U.S. President Barack Obama since May 2013. He has served as the Associate Director for Science in the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President of the United States from 1995 to 1997 and in the United States Department of Energy, serving as Under Secretary of Energy, from 1997 to 2001 during the Clinton Administration."


Being a physics professor or professional physicist does not qualify someone to determine the motivations of geopolitical adversaries or to predict magical outcomes of political agreements:


Please consider the following:

"The Cox Report: Chapter 10... Manufacturing Processes… In April 1995, the U.S. Government learned from McDonnell Douglas [then owned by Boeing Corporation] that six of the licensed machine tools had been diverted to a factory in Nanchang known to manufacture military aircraft and cruise missile components... concerns that the PRC could use the McDonnell Douglas [then part of Boeing] five-axis machine tools for unauthorized purposes, particularly to develop quieter submarines. Since the PRC wishes to enhance its power projection capabilities and is making efforts to strengthen its naval forces, the five-axis machine tools could easily be diverted for projects that would achieve that goal."

The Washington Post, 25 May 1999


We got this bipartisan favoritism toward China and still do:

"In [George W.] Bush’s Words: ‘Join Together in Making China a Normal Trading Partner’... ‘From the start of this campaign, I have defined some sharp disagreements with the Clinton-Gore administration. But today I want to address an important area of agreement... The issue is whether to extend normal trade relations to China on a permanent basis. This vote is one step in the process of drawing China into the worlcd trading system... For the people of China, it holds out the hope of more open contact with the world of freedom... Our greatest export is freedom. The people of China stand ready to receive it. The demand has never been greater.’"

The New York Times, 18 May 2000

Abdul Malik Ishak
2016-09-10 04:57:17 UTC
Allah save us :O!
Rose B
2016-09-18 21:37:27 UTC
yes, I do.
2016-09-09 10:15:57 UTC
weapons are always illegal, finally.
2016-09-09 21:53:36 UTC
I Couldn´t Care Less
Your Average American
2016-09-10 19:52:20 UTC
2016-09-12 11:19:07 UTC
You scared? PUSSY!!!!!!!!!!
2016-09-14 07:05:20 UTC
who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-09-09 21:29:54 UTC
2016-09-10 09:00:53 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.