Professional spam and propaganda authors ask readers to divert their attention from reality and make a judgement by some unspecified metric (legitimate, not legitimate, legitimacy indeterminate) regarding North Korean propaganda:
"Do you think North Korea's latest statement about nuclear power testing is legitimate? North Korea is stating that it tested a nuclear explosion in order to evaluate power for nuclear warheads. In the past, North Korea has falsely claimed successful tests. What do you think - is this statement the truth? Catch up with the text of the statement here:"
North Korea is a sworn mortal enemy of a number of countries including the United States. North Korea is an extension of the military might of the Chinese Communist Party. North Korean government is a cruel, evil, authoritarian emperor worship cult.
North Korea can make nuclear weapons.
There is only one reason why the dictators of North Korea might not use their nuclear weapons: Fear of being obliterated by retaliatory or first-strike attacks to rid the world of an evil no better than the German Nazi regime of the Soviet Stalinist regime--and far more dangerous given the improvements in weaponry, i.e., nuclear bombs.
Propaganda writers and video infotainment/so-called news analysis who want to turn our attention to such frivolous issues as, "Would the Kim regime of North Korea lie to us?", are for all practical purposes working for the enemy.
The nature and yield of nuclear tests can be and are detected by particle analysis and seismic sensors, respectively. The propaganda here and on video infotainment broadcasts with which Yahoo! is associated are meant as political diversion, i.e., "Don't worry, folks--your elected political hacks have everything under control and are watching after your national security."
And if you believe that sort of thing, you are also, unfortunately, out of touch with reality concerning some very important factors of domestic and international politics, the sort of things that ultimately determine whether or not you will be vaporized by nukes, exterminated by biological warfare, starved to death, and/or disabled or killed by sophisticated electronic warfare.
The Result of Political Celebrity Worship vs. a Well-Informed Electorate Comprised of Critical Thinkers
The United States and 16 United Nations allies fought a war (1950-1953) with North Korea and China (and the former Soviet Union, since morphed into the Russian Federation) after North Korea invaded South Korea. It ended in a stalemate. North Korea is still a client state of China, Inc.
Since that time China, Inc. has acquired nuclear weapons and a much more formidable military.
“People’s Republic of China’s first nuclear weapons test, detonated on October 16, 1964 at the Lop Nur test site. It was a uranium-235 implosion fission device and had a yield of 22 kilotons.”
“China’s first test of a three-staged thermonuclear device and, also its sixth nuclear weapons test. The device was detonated at Lop Nur Test Base, or often dubbed as Lop Nur Nuclear Weapon Test Base, in Malan, Xinjiang, on 17 June 1967.”
Now North Korea has nuclear weapons and is working on a way to deliver them on a city near you.
That is largely due to this man and his associates:
"North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons… The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. Only as it does so will North Korea fully join the community of nations." – President Bill Clinton, 21 October 1994
by Daniel Halper, 4 April 2015, The Weekly Standard
See also: “October 18, 1994: U.S.-North Korea Nuclear Agreement”
Some of whom are still in the business of aiding our enemies:
"Ernest Jeffrey Moniz GCIH (born December 22, 1944) is an American nuclear physicist and the United States Secretary of Energy, serving under U.S. President Barack Obama since May 2013. He has served as the Associate Director for Science in the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President of the United States from 1995 to 1997 and in the United States Department of Energy, serving as Under Secretary of Energy, from 1997 to 2001 during the Clinton Administration."
Being a physics professor or professional physicist does not qualify someone to determine the motivations of geopolitical adversaries or to predict magical outcomes of political agreements:
Please consider the following:
"The Cox Report: Chapter 10... Manufacturing Processes… In April 1995, the U.S. Government learned from McDonnell Douglas [then owned by Boeing Corporation] that six of the licensed machine tools had been diverted to a factory in Nanchang known to manufacture military aircraft and cruise missile components... concerns that the PRC could use the McDonnell Douglas [then part of Boeing] five-axis machine tools for unauthorized purposes, particularly to develop quieter submarines. Since the PRC wishes to enhance its power projection capabilities and is making efforts to strengthen its naval forces, the five-axis machine tools could easily be diverted for projects that would achieve that goal."
The Washington Post, 25 May 1999
We got this bipartisan favoritism toward China and still do:
"In [George W.] Bush’s Words: ‘Join Together in Making China a Normal Trading Partner’... ‘From the start of this campaign, I have defined some sharp disagreements with the Clinton-Gore administration. But today I want to address an important area of agreement... The issue is whether to extend normal trade relations to China on a permanent basis. This vote is one step in the process of drawing China into the worlcd trading system... For the people of China, it holds out the hope of more open contact with the world of freedom... Our greatest export is freedom. The people of China stand ready to receive it. The demand has never been greater.’"
The New York Times, 18 May 2000