Folks, How would you feel if someone put you in the "crosshairs"?
2011-01-12 10:58:26 UTC
How would you feel if someone put you in the "crosshairs"?

Sarah Palin has basically expressed in her video that, in the "crosshairs incident", she was merely engaging in a type of spirited political debate. So she apparently believes that the use of language such as "re-load" and putting congressional districts in the "crosshairs" is "acceptable". But I ask again, how would you personally feel if someone put you in the "crosshairs"? Would it bother you personally, or anger you or make you wonder why another person would do something like this?
Twelve answers:
2011-01-12 11:05:05 UTC
I would find it offensive and not conducive to a civil democracy. I'll paint another scenerio. How would Palin's supporters honestly feel of Obama placed her in "crosshairs" before some looney shot her in the head. I am sure they wouldn't be brushing it off as "spirited political debate".
timothy p
2011-01-12 11:07:20 UTC
That is a figure of speech. Are you able to differentiate between that and literal thinking? Most people are. Do you really think she was calling for them to be gunned down? If so, you are a dangerous individual yourself.

Nobody likes to be the target of an investigation, the target of a joke... Someone could also "have you in their sights" for a job, promotion, a date...

Neither of those mean they want you gunned down. That is a foolish argument. If you believe otherwise then you should seek professional help.

"crosshairs and language which conjures up violent imagery." If cross-hairs, the phrase targeting (target fixing the economy, target curing cancer or even target retaking a seat) conjure up violent imagery in your mind then I will stick by my statement that you need professional help.

"And this is what the national debate is about" The debate is about dissecting peoples ideas and turning figurative into literal meaning. It is about trying to twist a simple graphic into a sinister command to kill innocent people. Do you honestly believe that was the intent? What other images or ideas would you like to ban?

Face it. The guy was a nut job. He wasn't a follower of Palin. He was an atheist and anarchist. The farthest you can get from her ideas.
2011-01-12 11:19:37 UTC
I would feel threatened, offended, and disturbed. And apparently the Congresswoman herself felt disturbed by Palin's irresponsible actions>>>>

Are Conservatives going to challenge and attack Giffords' OWN perspective on what Palin did all in order to excuse their pathetic idol?

Bottom line...this is irresponsible in the least and disturbing at the most. It's nothing to be excused, trivialized, or minimized. Palin should display some semblance of humility and remorse in order, at the very least, to convince the American public that her soul isn't carved out of ice. But in typical arrogant mode, she refuses. Does this surprise anyone?

And @Timothy P, do you have anything valid to offer this question other than baseless accusations about other people's mental state? Do you have a point swimming around in that pool of insults?
2016-12-08 11:32:17 UTC
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David S
2011-01-12 11:02:58 UTC
Wow, people sure are stupid. She was putting the AZ rep's district in the crosshair, saying that it was one of the races that she was supporting the other candidate.

Personally I would careless if I was on some pamphlet with crosshairs.
Que Sera Sera
2011-01-12 11:06:05 UTC
Spirited political debate? Telling citizens to treat innocent civilians as "terrorists" (Assange) and literally putting targets on other politicians and telling citizens to "aim" at them is just dumb. I'd say she's irresponsible, but we all knows she's dumber than a bag of hammers.
Reagan '12
2011-01-12 11:00:46 UTC
I have my concealed carry and I can hold my own in a debate, so I am not afraid regardless of the intended meaning of being in the crosshairs, literally or figuratively.
2011-01-12 11:05:00 UTC

You liberals are just SO afraid of Sarah Palin!

Leave the woman alone!
2011-01-12 11:08:40 UTC
Based on what you say, you must therefore want to get rid of this dude:

"I want you to argue with them and get in their face"

- Barack Obama

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun..."

- Barack Obama

"we're gonna punish our enemies"

- Barack Obama

"punch back twice as hard"

-Barack Obama
2011-01-12 11:04:08 UTC
This is a fine example, of how America gets offended by anything that is said by anyone. Next thing you know, a politican will get mauled by a dog, and we will chastise any people who own dogs, or known anyone who has owned said dog.
2011-01-12 11:01:12 UTC
It's an expression, Sarah Palin is not looking to shoot anybody. I don't have a problem with it.
2011-01-12 11:04:47 UTC
I wouldn't give two shits. Especially if I didn't care for the person doing it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.