2010-09-15 10:16:46 UTC
Please defend yourselves.
How do I know this?
1. Because you constantly project your notions of leadership 'requisite' onto everyone else. Everyone really has a leader, right teabags? Except you of course. Yeah right.
2. You are so hell bent on gaining power for someone you think is just like you, so they can lead you.
3. You don't care at all when this abstract delusion is invoked. Do you really think that once in power, your precious teabag libertard leaders will be content to let people displease their God™? Hell they can't even handle it now. Look how desperate they get when you attack the God™ of the Free Market.
4. You think collectivism is great, but only if everyone collectivizes over the worship of your God™ or its pseudonyms. Any other 'collectivism' or 'team', no matter how freely joined thoroughly disgusts you.