Do any Republicans feel ashamed?
Big C
2008-11-11 07:10:11 UTC
Are you a Fox News fanatic?

Does it anger you to see them scapegoat Sarah Palin now when they hid the truth from you and told you she was a great canidate?

Do you really beleive that Liberals don't love this country?

All the racist jokes flying around now reveal the truth. Doesn't it disappoint you that there are so many BIGOTS?

Who's a Patriot? Is it really the person who hates and blames others?
27 answers:
2008-11-11 07:24:44 UTC
1. No

2. It is super secret private insider sources who are scapegoating her, not anyone who has enough balls to come out and say anything with proof.

3. I think liberals love the country they want it to be, which is so far from what it was intended to be.

4. There are always racist people on both sides- this truth has always been revealed. Bigots do disappoint me, but I am open minded to know these things aren't one sided.

5. A patriot loves their country and pulls together to make things better instead of criticizing it when times are rough. Every people can hate and throw blame and it has nothing to do with patriotism- when it effects patriotism is when it stops them from eventually getting over it and moving on to make things better.
2008-11-11 13:10:28 UTC
Are you a Fox News fanatic?

No, I don;t watch the News, I pretty much hear all the current events that are really important from other people, I heve better things to do than watch the news =)

Does it anger you to see them scapegoat Sarah Palin now when they hid the truth from you and told you she was a great canidate?

No it doesnt anger me to hear about it, I actually don't care

However the obvious truth is that when they told the world about her firing a state employee because he wouldn't fire her ex-brother-in-law should have told you that she doesn't have the ethics that it takes to be in-charge of anything.

( )

A separate legislative investigation recently concluded that Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee, abused her office by allowing her husband and staffers to pressure Monegan to fire the trooper. However, it upheld the firing because Monegan was an at-will employee. (abuse of power is abuse of power any way you look at it)

Do you really beleive that Liberals don't love this country?

Liberals... Conservatives... Right wing, Left wing.. what the... ok I'm lost here, what makes someone a liberal, is it just because they are a republican, or was it democrat?... Does it realy matter? If I beleive people have the right to choose for themselves and that taxes should be used for good not war then what does that make me? An extremist?....

All the racist jokes flying around now reveal the truth. Doesn't it disappoint you that there are so many BIGOTS?

It would be dissapointing if I weren't already aware that this country has SOOOO many Bigots living in it. But I think the correct term would be Racist, tho both do apply.

( ) As follows...

((< A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding state of mind. Bigot is often used as a pejorative term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable.>))

a Racist bases their opinions about other people solely on the color of their skin or nationality.

Who's a Patriot? (()) ( )

Is it really the person who hates and blames others?


Obama WON!!!

If you don't agree with the majority vote and still think you're right and Obama shouldn't be in office then by definition you are a bigot.
2008-11-11 07:18:14 UTC
Stop judging people by the groups they belong to. Look at everyone as an individual. You are being a bigot yourself with this idiotic post.

Fox news is more entertaining than CNN, that's why it gets better ratings. That is the only reason. You sound like the people who accuse Rush Limbaugh of hate speech. If you listen to his show it's mostly light hearted commentary.

This is coming from someone who thinks Bush is a criminal for the way he stepped all over the Constitution, I am not partisan.

Instead of buying into the 2 party system seesaw nonsense. Read the Constitution. IF the Constitution was followed it wouldn't really matter which Political Philosophy was in office every 4 years....
2016-10-13 10:15:19 UTC
initially a 70% approval score did no longer do a lot for Al Gore. He nonetheless lost (i understand some libs are screaming the GOP stole the election, it is yet another situation all jointly). So Bush's low approval score won't mean a lot in 2008. McCain says issues that resonate with the commonplace public at great. With McCain there will be no earmarks and in a present day pollseventy 8% of people desire earmarks banned. McCain presently has a plan for the financial equipment and the housing disaster. Is it the main appropriate plan? i do no longer understand besides the undeniable fact that it quite is extra advantageous than what Hillary or Obama has. they have given generalities yet no longer specifics like having the US Gov't grant mortgages to those dealing with forclousure. one ingredient you reported grew to become into real "Democrats are extra helpful at spending money" is so real, they spend it so quickly and so uselessly...we could provide that crack whore extra nutrition stamps...
2008-11-11 07:16:02 UTC
To the main question: I doubt it.

No I am not a fox news fanatic.

I am never surprised to see scapegoating of this sort. Most young Repubs have convinced themselves that it's the democrats attacking Palin, in case you haven't noticed.

Yes they really believe that Democrats hate America.

They think the racist jokes are funny.

A patriot is a person who actually puts country first instead of just using that as an empty slogan.

--sorry, a democrat answered because I don't think any republicans are going to give you an honest answer. I hope some prove me wrong.
2008-11-11 07:53:44 UTC
Well if you are concerned about the media not telling the whole story about a candidate, you must be furious! Because more and more stories are coming out about how information on Obama was suppressed. Even Liberal columnists are saying that now. Discussions about what Obama is going to do are often prefaced with statements like, "We really don't know Obama" ... primarily because they didn't want to look.

I'm not furious about that fact though, since Conservatives have known from the beginning that the media was suppressing information about Obama. So, it's not news to us.
2008-11-11 07:19:55 UTC
I am furious about the way Palin has been treated ! She will come out on top of the mess and she is here to stay get used to it. She is a conservative Republican which we need in our base. There is nothing stupid about this women. She may not be your society woman from Washington , New York or the big city. but she will connect with a lot of women in the mainstream of America, if the just listen to her and realize the women she truly is. They weren't hiding the truth about her being a good candidate they where keeping her from telling things they way she beliefs as opposed to what McCain beliefs where..
2008-11-11 08:34:12 UTC
Yep, I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed at the abject total lack of civility towards incumbent republicans and republican candidates by the democrat supporters. I'm ashamed of a liberal press that would rather abandon their principles in order to affect the outcome of an election. I'm ashamed that our youth in this country is so uninformed in political matters and history. I'm ashamed that Americans help foster negative impressions about their own country to further their own hateful agenda. I'm ashamed that our own countrymen call the President of The United States a war criminal. I'm ashamed that the radical democrats can't see that they shame themselves with their hateful rhetoric. Most of all, I'm ashamed that most of us have forgotten how scared, angry, and united we felt shortly after we saw those planes destroy our World Trade Center Towers and murdered over 3000 people in just a few minutes on American soil.
2008-11-11 07:24:01 UTC
"Who's a Patriot? Is it really the person who hates and blames others?"

Surely it's not like Liberals blame Bush and corporations for everything that goes wrong in their lives? Of course their own personal decisions and planning could never have anything to do with it at all.

as for Fox News.. certainly they are right-leaning, but they do in fact report all of the news with very little cherry picking. On a scale it looks something like this:



Most media_____Fox news

Making Fox news seem extremely right-winged compared to all other news sources, when they are actually relatively close to center. Fox News was praised back during the primaries because they were one of few media outlets that were not in the tank for Obama and were instead giving fairly balanced coverage.
tweety bird
2008-11-11 07:17:55 UTC
No. I don't feel ashamed. I do watch Fox, but am not a fanatic. I also watch other news.

Scapegoat Palin? That's idiotic. She has done nothing but show her intelligence and integrity. Get over it.

Do liberals love this country? Of course they do. The country that they've established in their minds. The country that they want USA to "change" into.

Racist jokes: hmmmm.... You just slammed Palin. How does that make you any better?

A Patriot is someone who recognizes the sacrifices that men and women made in history to make America free. A Patriot is NOT someone who wants to "change" all that and turn us into a socialist nation.

Any more questions, sir?

Oh, PROBAMA. How about all the dirt Hillary had on your precious Obama that she chose not to enlighten the world on? How 'bout that? huh? huh? huh? I'm FURIOUS about that!
Wished I could.
2008-11-11 09:39:07 UTC
I feel ashamed that our nation chose to cast the freedom that so many died for away for an empty promise. Obama is the one who played the race card. Obama's pastor proved to be the bigot. Obama has torn our nation asunder, and you have helped.

We are divided. now is the time for the end of what was.
2008-11-11 07:18:10 UTC
It was kind of like the Media hiding the truth about Obama from us and told us he was a great candidate, right?

It is amazing they were able to investigate Palin so thoroughly, but, they couldn't be bothered to tarnish the image of the Messiah.
2008-11-11 07:19:27 UTC
They have no shame. They wanted to abuse us voters by throwing

Palin at us. Their reasons were very superficial: get the Women's and the religious right's vote.

They felt that were were dumb enough not to see through their dealings.

We however immediately discovered all of Palin's shortcomings.
2008-11-11 07:21:34 UTC
republicans aren't ashamed cause republicans and mccain are not baby killers unlike obama and before u give me thumbs down go to wikia and u will understand what im saying.republicans aren't ashamed cause they aren't encouraging illegal immigration and republicans aren't ashamed for wanting no more taxes and want more jobs unlike barrack the thief obama
2008-11-11 07:15:40 UTC
The hid nothing. They are simply "fair and balanced" and report ALL news. They do not cherry pick what they will report.

Fox was rated the NUMBER 1 station by an INDEPENDENT agency for having the most unbiased reporting in this election. Like it or not.

Head back over to Olberman and the boys and girls at CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and MSNBC now. lol
The emperor has no clothes
2008-11-11 07:17:10 UTC
What the heck are you talking about?

Sure, liberals love this country, they just don't have a clue how much damage their views will do to weaken our people and our nation. I'm sure the guy that beats his wife 'loves' her too. He's just trying to make her a better person.

As to your last statement, I'll simply refer you to the last eight years.

But thanks for asking. Hope that helps.
2008-11-11 07:15:54 UTC
Nothing brings out hidden racism like a BLACK man in charge.

I'm happy Obama won because now people are showing their true colors.

There are far more closet bigots out there than I thought.

These bigots have a superiority complex about being white and they Truly think they are supreme. A black president messes with their wiring and their heads explode.
The Hammer
2008-11-11 07:15:09 UTC
Ashamed of Fox News and Bill O'Reilly for airing the lies from McCain's staffers as if they were truth in quoting anonymous sources.
2008-11-11 07:15:09 UTC
Palin is past tense now. And yes, in light of all the truths that were put out about Obama, Libs proved that they dont love this country by still voting for him. And I really believe they will live to regret that decision.
2008-11-11 07:16:30 UTC
No, and it is a rant. You already know that no Reps will say they are ashamed.
2008-11-11 07:13:27 UTC
I'm furious that they hid all the Sarah Palinisms from us during the campaign. As voters, shouldn't we have all the info on the candidates? Shouldn't we hear what they're saying behind closed doors? I feel like we weren't appropriately prepared to vote, because some people still voted for McCain/Palin and obviously they weren't educated about her lack of qualifications. McCain supporters were way too proud to admit she'd make a really bad VP.
2008-11-11 07:15:32 UTC
It doesn't seem like it. They are still clinging to their beliefs and so-called values. They are buying up guns because they are afraid of what Obama might do. Paranoid freaks. Give me a break. Are they trying to create a self-fulfilling prophecy?
2008-11-11 07:18:09 UTC
They can't see what hypocrites the are,and yes they should be ashamed of themselves.
2008-11-11 07:14:03 UTC

Democrats demonize...just about any corporation as an evil doer, the unknown boogeyman racist and sexist, and portray Republicans as evil personified.

Now, who is the bigot here?
John B
2008-11-11 07:14:39 UTC
No more then the democrats would have. Politicians have no shame.
2008-11-11 07:13:34 UTC
ashamed - not at all and not especially toward any of the silly rants of immaturity posted above.
2008-11-11 07:15:29 UTC
no, what a stupid thing to say.aren't you ashamed of obama, if not you will be

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