Are you a Fox News fanatic?
No, I don;t watch the News, I pretty much hear all the current events that are really important from other people, I heve better things to do than watch the news =)
Does it anger you to see them scapegoat Sarah Palin now when they hid the truth from you and told you she was a great canidate?
No it doesnt anger me to hear about it, I actually don't care
However the obvious truth is that when they told the world about her firing a state employee because he wouldn't fire her ex-brother-in-law should have told you that she doesn't have the ethics that it takes to be in-charge of anything.
( )
A separate legislative investigation recently concluded that Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee, abused her office by allowing her husband and staffers to pressure Monegan to fire the trooper. However, it upheld the firing because Monegan was an at-will employee. (abuse of power is abuse of power any way you look at it)
Do you really beleive that Liberals don't love this country?
Liberals... Conservatives... Right wing, Left wing.. what the... ok I'm lost here, what makes someone a liberal, is it just because they are a republican, or was it democrat?... Does it realy matter? If I beleive people have the right to choose for themselves and that taxes should be used for good not war then what does that make me? An extremist?....
All the racist jokes flying around now reveal the truth. Doesn't it disappoint you that there are so many BIGOTS?
It would be dissapointing if I weren't already aware that this country has SOOOO many Bigots living in it. But I think the correct term would be Racist, tho both do apply.
( ) As follows...
((< A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding state of mind. Bigot is often used as a pejorative term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable.>))
a Racist bases their opinions about other people solely on the color of their skin or nationality.
Who's a Patriot? ((
)) ( )
Is it really the person who hates and blames others?
Obama WON!!!
If you don't agree with the majority vote and still think you're right and Obama shouldn't be in office then by definition you are a bigot.