I don't believe ANYTHING without verifying it, unless it is something that fits in with patterns that I already verified as being true.
As for it being a conservative-only thing, perhaps you should try verifying the following things that the left-wing has been spouting for years:
- Bush's alleged AWOL (he wasn't)
- Bush claimed or implied Iraq was responsible for 9/11 (never said this and even directly stated there was no connection)
- Bush lied about WMD
- Bush claimed God told him to invade Iraq
- Bush called the Constitution a "goddamn piece of paper."
- Karl Rove's imminent indictment for his role in the Plame affair.
If you dig into the facts (or lack thereof) behind these left wing "common knowledge" items, you just might discover there is no factual basis for believing these to be true. Yet they are plastered all over the leftist blogosphere as true.
Perhaps you should attempt to understand human nature and realize that a lot of people across all political spectrums will believe things told to them without ascertaining for themselves whether it's true or not.
You're either a liar or an idiot. There are NO clips of Bush claiming that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. If there are so many, produce one. Find one and post a link. I dare you to!
As for the WMD, all the Senate Intelligence Reports, even the ones under the Democrat Congress, indicate that it was faulty intelligence, and that there is no evidence whatsoever that there was any deception or pressure by the administration. So, again, where's the proof of the lie? Being wrong based on faulty "slam dunk" intelligence is not lying, if you were interested in intellectual honesty. Which you are not.