Once all the votes are counted, will Trump be allowed to launch an investigation into the fraudulent votes Biden received?
2020-11-05 20:59:55 UTC
I'm fine with whoever becomes president as long as they are elected fairly but there are too many shenanigans surrounding the mail-in votes Biden is getting such as Georgia saying they only had 20,000 ballots left to count before later saying they had 50,000 ballots left to count.  Not to mention Trump being ahead in some states only for Biden to suddenly get enough mail-in votes to take those states with NONE of those mail-in votes being for Trump as well as the reports that some mail workers are being given bags of mail-in ballots on November 4 and being told to postmark them as November 3, voter turnout being 120% for some states, and people who died in 1984 or were born in 1900 having absentee votes for Biden.
122 answers:
2020-11-08 07:03:49 UTC
Why do you try to sound as if you are a reasonable person?

The least you can admit to yourself is that you will never accept Trump loosing the election. 
2020-11-08 01:58:20 UTC
Seriously??  With WHAT proof????  His own party members are telling him to produce some.   They KNOW he doesn't have any.
rev ricky
2020-11-07 21:42:55 UTC
In some way, he would have to be close or have won one phase. Like he was illegitimate because he lost the popular vote by 3 million. This was the problem from the beginning, the majority of the people were always against him. Hillary could have sued and made that argument. she was honorable. she conceded.

In Trump's case, he's lost the popular vote by 4 million. He'll be beaten in the Electoral by a large margin. As such, there's nothing to investigation. There's no way you can come up with millions of fraudulent votes. Please move forward
2020-11-07 20:07:21 UTC
Yes, you bet he will and fail. This action will only distract from top priority of important things he should be doing. After all he is the president until January. 
2020-11-07 17:18:54 UTC
Yes and he can still take it to the Supreme Court. 
2020-11-06 20:45:17 UTC
so, the greatest democracy in the world is all based on a con then ?

so, if these allegations are correct then  courts will overturn the result then ?

what about the election fixed in 2016 then with the accusation's of using  tactics to stop people voting ?

Anyway remember our election with the conservatives saying they wanted it to rain because labour voters do not come out in the rain  and students would not get out of bed to vote ?

nothing new however and it has always been the conservatives hoping for rain and then our voters cannot get to the polling stations.

how many low turnout's have there been due to bad weather or apathy with the comment "i am not voting they are all the same and once they get your vote they do not care about us"? 

 This is why they were terrified of Corbyn because they knew he would help the many and not the few and threaten the  rip off merchants who have stolen our assets  and that commentator who asked if Corbyn was going to nationalise sausages 

2020-11-06 15:35:59 UTC
There are no states with "NONE" of the mail-in ballots being for Trump.

That is simply wrong.  That is a Trumpist propaganda lie.

The mail-in ballots from some traditionally-Democratic counties are running around 75% for Biden, as might be expected.
2020-11-06 14:42:16 UTC
Funny how the Democratic candidates for Senate in GA lost with all those supposedly bogus ballots for Biden.  The allegations and smears have so many holes, lies, and misinformation.
2020-11-06 13:05:03 UTC
It is a myth that there was anywhere that had no mail in votes that were for Trump. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out though that when Trump attacks mail in voting and encourages his followers to vote in person, that the majority of mail in votes will be for Biden. Because of conservative lawsuits in swing states, the mail in votes often have to be counted last which explains Biden's late gains. So far there has been no evidence of widespread fraud as many republican senators have even said. If Trump can back up any of his claims with actual evidence (which he has so far failed to produce) he can present his case in court.

It should also be noted that former Trump staff has said from the beginning that Trump was planning to claim fraud if he loses. In all likelihood this is a ploy to protect Trump's ego.
2020-11-06 11:44:34 UTC
2020-11-08 13:42:54 UTC
In your dreams pal.
2020-11-07 20:22:17 UTC
. Fraudulent. you must be talking Trump.Sorry you are a bad loser. are you.wimpering.

Hey Jr. your Butt is burning. your Piranha girlfriend will be supporting you. Little man.
2020-11-07 18:32:14 UTC
Trump and Biden received one legitimate vote each. All others were fraudulent
2020-11-07 14:58:39 UTC
This entire "election" charade has been a complete farce.  If you think otherwise, pull you head out of your a$$ and pay attention to what is going on.  If you are OK with the government being in COMPLETE control, then you are a part of the problem.  WAKE UP.
Intrinsic Random Event
2020-11-07 12:34:22 UTC
If the republicans want to ask for a recount, if that option exists for a given state and the margin is narrow enough, then they should go ahead.

If you want to say that Biden received fraudulent votes, then put together your evidence, and take it to court. Personally, I doubt there is any credible evidence of voter fraud against Trump.

Is it so surprising that most Americans don't like him, after the last 4 years?

The coronavirus pandemic has been, and still is, a critical challenge for the world of historic significance. One that has claimed many thousands of lives. And Trump's contribution to dealing with this problem has been 100% useless.
2020-11-07 06:57:49 UTC
There are many state governments governed by a republican governor and cabinet  in the US! The secretaries of state certify every election vote with their stamp of approval! They will all tell you that voter fraud is extremely rare in their states! You really must be a special kind of stupid or just bad at trolling! Perhaps both!
2020-11-07 06:46:56 UTC
He does whatever he wants to whether "allowed to" or not.

That's the scary part. 

We are witnessing the American process of democracy being dismantled right before our very eyes.

The men before had a conscience... to concede defeat... step down in the midst of a scandal... 

Not so much here. 
2020-11-07 04:52:35 UTC
investigations are happening now
2020-11-07 04:36:22 UTC
Anyone can file a lawsuit, and Trump more than likely will.

Problem for Trump is that the law suit will go to court and in a court you must actually prove your case, which he not be able to do and the law suit will be thrown out.
2020-11-07 03:13:09 UTC
Let him. He can count them himself as many times as he wants. Math is not subject to change depending on alternative trumpian logic or desires. 
2020-11-07 00:46:19 UTC
Sure and he can do it a nice padded room with a very nice jacket that he will get by the manufacturer STRAIGHT.
Mark Astoforoff
2020-11-07 00:16:51 UTC
When tRump loses even though he has tried to sabotage this election before it even started, he and his brain dead followers will cry foul because they can't stand the thought of losing even though it's obvious that Herr tRump has made a mockery out of this election as he does about everything. The only people trying to corrupt this electon are him and his foolish followers. I can't wait until Biden is declared winner and the big baby occupying the WH right now stomps on the ground like a baby throwing a temper tantrum and has to be physically escorted off the property, but even better is when he no longer can hide behind the safety of being the president and goes from the WH to the Big House. Maybe they can make a movie about it and call it "Orange is the New Orange". He would look mighty fine in prison clothing. Hope he flashes his big ugly smirk when his mugshot is taken.I also think it would be fitting if he loses his fortune and the money he has stolen for decades go to their rightful owners and he dies in prison a broke old fool crying in his prison gruel.
Sandra S.
2020-11-06 23:38:34 UTC
Sure he can, and he will use his power to do so. However,  he also has the burden of proof. Hearsay evidence is not admitted in a trial. You can take anyone to court but you have to prove your case. No evidence means it doesn't exist.

President Trump only has himself to blame as he should NOT have encouraged Republicans NOT to vote by mail in the first place. Most listened to him. That's why the votes being counted now are mostly for Joe Biden. 

Excellent answer point by  marsel_duchamp.
2020-11-06 18:16:10 UTC
What mail in ballots that weren't already there, were "discovered" in USPS Postmaster General's various post offices. If only he did his job and delivered the mail on time, you wouldn't be so confused. 
2020-11-06 15:51:47 UTC
He'd have to have evidence that there was fraud, and that has not yet happened. Courts won't take a case without strong evidence. 
2020-11-06 14:24:41 UTC
He can file a lawsuit alleging fraud, but he'd have to prove it and he won't be able to.
2020-11-06 13:35:25 UTC
There are zero shenanigans. It was always understood that the mail in ballots would be counted later than everything else, and it was always understood that they would be overwhelmingly Democrat votes coming by mail because Democrats had a better understanding of Covid. And that last part you cited about 120% voter turnout, dead people, or impossibly old people, is simply some lie you found on a blog.
2020-11-06 12:36:58 UTC
Yes he will & the United States will be protected from a presidential arrangement that would not be good for the country & family life. I was mailed duplicate voting applications & only used one & sad for those who cheated because they could be facing charges of fraudulent voting & lose voting privileges. Voting is a privilege & those who are felons for some crimes never get to vote for the rest of their lives. Sad for those who had the privilege of voting & thought it was not that important it says something about their level of immaturity. If you do not know who to vote for then write in another party & who you think would do the best job.  To not vote at all is a lack of appreciation for the free will granted to people in the United States that is not always there in other countries. Have a sibling who has never voted & said Mexico & United States should be one country & he is a fool because he has not knowledge of politics.  Most likely he said that so he could get drugs & have no respect for him at all considering what him & other members of my mother's family did to encourage the use of illegal drugs in society & one of them is a P.A. & would never trust him for any medical advice.  They have a son that is severely disabled because they made their kid on illegal drugs.
2020-11-05 21:13:49 UTC
You really need to learn to use fact checking sites.  No, there was no place which had 120% voter turnout.  There were some people making claims that Wisconsin was at 89% when the last election they were at 67%, but even that turned out to only be 71% not 89.

There were no suddenly found ballots.  Some states, they are still coming in, because all that is required is that they are postmarked by the election date, and will be counted, even if delivered a few days later.

It was already known that more Democrats than Republicans would use absentee ballots since they take Covid more seriously.

Absentee ballots take a while to count because each one is opened and the signature is matched to the one who registered for the ballot to begin with.  If there is no signature, or it does not match, then it is deemed invalid.  This ensures that nobody can just print a bunch of ballots up and bring them in.  None of them would match, and they would all get tossed.  Finally, regardless of the fake stories, there are observers from both Republicans and Democrats watching these ballots get verified and counted, so no, they cannot just start tossing Republican ballots without people seeing them do this.

I could not be bothered to look up the 1984 or 1900 numbers, but they are most likely nonsense too.  If you cannot look things up to verify them, why should I do all the work?
2020-11-05 21:04:44 UTC
There was a way to avoid this. And conservatives refused to do so.
2020-11-09 21:01:19 UTC
Its on their decision. 
Randy S
2020-11-08 16:45:18 UTC
Let us hope trump, uses the time, he has left, to try and find voter fraud ( he won't). This will occupy his time as so he won't damage this country any more.  
2020-11-08 12:09:09 UTC
IF Trump or his lawyers can find any fraudulent ballots I'm sure they will be allowed to investigate them. 
Shlomo Shekelstein
2020-11-08 09:03:44 UTC
It is very horrible to be honest. As a Jew, I always thought America should only work for the well-being of the International Jewry ,even if this comes at the expense of the American goyish majority. Biden is a good goy ,but Trump was A SUPERB GOY. He really loved God's chosen people. Biden will suck on Khomeini's hairy balls ,just like his former boss Obama Bin Laden.
2020-11-08 08:01:53 UTC
We don't need to investigate anything. If stupid people like you aren't satisfied with the outcome of the election that's too damn bad. "NONE of those mail in votes" were for Trump because NONE of the mail in voters wanted to pick him.  
2020-11-08 04:58:20 UTC
Well, I don't think that anyone believes that Pennsylvania nonsense the libTARDs are spewing about "accidentally" finding 40,000 dimocrat votes that they had "forgotten about".
2020-11-08 01:54:30 UTC
Ryan, Trump lost, move on.
2020-11-07 19:18:19 UTC
once yore diaper is full will u get a lolly?
Nekkid Truth!
2020-11-07 11:14:16 UTC
Trump discouraged people from doing mail in voting..  So is it really surprising that few if his followers opted for mail in voting?
2020-11-07 07:01:14 UTC
Wake up and stay with us, you know, in the real world.
2020-11-07 05:43:04 UTC
I hope and pray that he can.. but I doubt it.  The commie dems will have destroyed everything by then!
2020-11-06 17:01:53 UTC
If the percentages are very close they can request a recount. With all the law suits the Cons have tried during the count have fallen to the way side. The fact checkers say your rhetoric is B.S. Some states are allowed to count mail in ballots, as long as the postmark is by Nov 3rd. Your right wing conspiracy theory is bogas. Trump is an egregious liar, and it sounds like you "drink the Kool-aid".
Ron Akia
2020-11-06 17:00:51 UTC
It is widely believed, and probably true, that there is widespread fraud involved in the entire process as the Democrats hae been sneakily underscoring every move that Trump has made since even prior to his becoming President. They are as unethical as they come and a complete investigation should be done.
2020-11-06 15:15:11 UTC
Suck it up snowflake. You fragile little Trump supporters are such sad little losers. The only fraud there is is Trump and the low intelligence useful idiots that support him.
2020-11-06 14:31:55 UTC
Its past time for you to stop parroting the Trump family lies and their "new one every minute" conspiracy theories.  Grow up, think rationally, and become a normal person.  
2020-11-06 14:24:49 UTC
There is nothing fraudulent going on. 
River Euphrates
2020-11-06 13:50:22 UTC


You are an idiot.
Mir Quasem
2020-11-06 12:41:50 UTC
He will have to submit evidence.
2020-11-05 21:12:34 UTC
Just stop and breathe. Different states have different rules and methods. There's nothing nefarious going on - it's just more intense this time, and Trump isn't interested in an accurate count - he's desperate to win is all. Nobody's changing postmarks. 

You get all of Florida the first night simply because voters in Florida have been using mail-in voting for years and years, so Florida is ready for it and is allowed to start counting them early, don't have to wait until the in-person is done. 

Some of these other states, it's unfamiliar to them, and it's grunt-work, to check all those signatures, open all those envelopes, flatten all those pages, feed them into the scanners, then process them. Haven't you been watching the live streaming? And there are representatives of both parties over-seeing the process every step of the way. 

Trump's not likely to win this election, nor any of the lawsuits he's already filed. Trump loves the fight - he's been involved in more than 7000 lawsuits - it's who he is. 

Biden didn't steal anybody's votes. He wouldn't even want to win by cheating, which is not something anyone can say about Trump, even his own children. Did you see Eric? 
2020-11-05 21:09:31 UTC
Georgia wont make Biden any less the winner 
2020-11-09 11:00:09 UTC
There are no states with "NONE" of the mail-in ballots being for Trump.

That is simply wrong. That is a Trumpist propaganda lie.
Hogwarsh Version 6
2020-11-09 04:28:11 UTC
Trump called mail in ballot fraud months ago. There's already thousands of documented cases and democrats are just trying to gaslight the American people. I suspect Biden will not be inaugurated because this will be hemmed up in court. 
2020-11-08 00:12:07 UTC
No, remember dead people can vote.
2020-11-07 23:28:42 UTC
Answering Marcel duchamp .  Many ballots only had Biden's name on them .
2020-11-07 22:14:44 UTC
When Trump's accusations are found to be untrue, Biden's lawyers can sue Trump for defamation of character.  
2020-11-07 20:14:04 UTC
Great now we have cheech and chong running the country.
2020-11-07 16:22:58 UTC
I would really want that, a recount so Trump would loose the election a second time
2020-11-07 11:45:45 UTC
I think anyone with common sense would realize that Trump leading Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina by sizable counts...only to see four of those five states flip is definitely suspicious.  

And frankly while absentee ballots are legitimate, when we're told to "listen to the experts" about covid19, and the experts are saying that voting in person is safe, there was absolutely no reason to change all the rules and push for mail in voting...unless the plan was to cheat.

The results don't have to be overturned unless there is proof of cheating, but if there isn't a lot of scrutiny put into ensuring that this result was fair and accurate, the ultimate loser will not be Donald Trump and the will be the American voter.  

Your democracy and your courts now look like they are being actively subverted...and for all the baloney about Putin and the Russians, it is not them who have subverted it!  It's the regressive left...the woke parasites who chant things like "no borders, no walls, NO USA AT ALL!"
2020-11-07 05:55:05 UTC
They can look all they want because there is a paper trail.  They can recount if they want to but there is no way they will make up the lost ground.

It does not matter WHEN the ballot counters get the ballots .  The voting happen before the 3rd and it was mailed in .  There is a TON OF BALLOTS TO COUNT.  This is the highest voter participation in a long time, and they were not allowed to start counting the mail in ballots until Nov3, so bags of mail has been sitting there waiting to be counted. Some states slowed up that process by waiting until Nov 3 to count ballots.  Which is why it is going slower.  There have been poll watchers from both sides to watch them count the ballots by hand.

There will be a recount when the numbers are too close together.  The final result will be known by Nov 12 LIKE EVERY OTHER ELECTION.
2020-11-07 04:13:56 UTC
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics," Biden said in the video. Today on Fox News
2020-11-07 02:48:39 UTC
Do you even CARE how dumb you sound?
2020-11-07 02:17:38 UTC
Yes of course, I heard there are hundreds of thousands of votes from Shy Trump supporters for Biden!
2020-11-06 20:46:07 UTC
And please annul the votes of Elvis and Michael Jackson.
2020-11-06 17:47:28 UTC
First of all none of the mail in votes have been only for Biden however the majority are simply because Democrats were more likely to vote by mail than in person due to the Covid virus while Trump supporters followed the lead of Trump and refuse to believe it is anything to worry about.

There are lots of stories floating around too bad few, if any are true.  The claim that you are fine with whomever is President is contradicted by the fiction that you spread in the remainder of your question.  The case where Biden appeared to get a significant number of votes with Trump getting none came from a website that was entering the totals and added an extra 0, it did not reflect the actual count and was soon corrected.  Then there was the claim that more votes were tabulated than registered voters which was true, but only if the vote were held 2 years ago.  Since then the number of registered voters exceeds the actual vote count by over 600,000 in that state.  As for the rest well intelligence in this case is being overruled by stupidity but then, even if true, there could be many votes for both candidates in these cases so......

All of these rumors also tend to forget that many of these states are red so those in charge are Republicans and, in all cases, counting is observed by both Democrats and Republicans appointed for that purpose.  The only case of identified vote interference was when a Republican observer attempted to grab votes being counted, something that is forbidden to both sides.
2020-11-06 15:04:20 UTC
Shouldn't those videos of people throwing out peoples votes be used for evidence?? As well as people angry about their votes being voided because they were told to use sharpies.I saw all the videos. 
2020-11-06 14:45:09 UTC
And yet, you have no source for any of these BS claims. Like the rest of the right, you want to screw over the people who voted by mail to AVOID THE F*CKING BLOOD PLAGUE so your demented fascist can stay in power.

Mail-in ballots have ALWAYS been a thing, Donald Trump ALSO voted by mail, and all of these 'conspiracies' are baseless. Georgia miscounted how many people actually 'turned out' both in person and by mail. It happens.

SOME mail-ins were for trump, but we've known LITERALLY FOR MONTHS NOW that they were overwhelmingly for biden, because democrats take Covid seriously, and conservative chuds do not. Your stupid cult leader told you idiots to wait for election day SOLELY because he Knew that he could call the mail-in votes fraudulent, and you knuckle dragging idiots would buy into it.

I don't trust any 'reports' the right gives out. You people have demonstrated that you will literally say anything, DO anything, just to win. Source, or shut the actual f*ck up with your BS.

Dead people don't usually vote in elections, and even when some mistakes do happen, it's NEVER enough to swing the vote. This probably happened a lot this time around. People who voted while alive, only to catch the virulent blood plague and die a few months later. Their votes SHOULD still be counted, as they WERE alive when they voted, but your incompetent president and his cronies are too f*cking incompetent to get a handle on the virus.

You people are so full of sh*t. Nobody is buying your grift. We're counting ALL the votes, but Trump already lost Long before we started on the mail-ins that were literally delayed BY the republicans. Your amoral sack of sh*t party doesn't get to make states wait to count them, only to then throw them out. Seriously, genuinely, F*CK you, and any idiot chud that wants to do that. ALL votes matter, and Donald J. Trump is going to lose.

Enjoy the blue wave, a*slicker.
2020-11-06 13:51:12 UTC
You need to get an investigation out of the way otherwise there's no point in another election to challenge the sitting president in 2024, it's like planning to fly a plane  without an inspection. It was a really close election so you can't go into the next one with questions unanswered, nobody would trust the government which isn't going to help the widespread division in the USA. America is obviously a world-class government, if the people don't believe the results then America's status is diminished on the global stage which causes bigger problems. This isn't about 2020 (because it looks like it's settled), it's about 2022 and 2024 and beyond.
2020-11-06 13:45:43 UTC
With the Senate & house on board he can, but he would have to get 270 electoral votes to win re-election, but there is indication that the election isn't being carried out fairly when the DNC, the US National (D) News Media corporations, Big Tech (foreign/domestic), & foreign regimes have been doing all they can to interfere on Biden's behalf since the DNC & Hilary Clinton colluded with Foreign British, Ukraine & Russian agents/spies to fabricate a phony Russian Dossier through Fusion GPS, James Comey & his co-conspirators. If elected, Joe Biden didn't defeat the incumbent, but the entities & agents mentioned above. The DNC has been doing all they can to undermine the ballot process using COVID-19 as a valid excuse for unsolicited mail-in voting & ballot harvesting when ballot harvesting (granny farms) are illegal in 49 states. signed & filled out by campaign operatives or paid 3rd party operatives dumping votes in the last minute.

In ballot harvesting after tricking, swindling, or paying voters to hand over their ballots, if not stolen, unscrupulous campaigns or paid 3rd party will fill out & sign the ballots for the candidate for their. They may simply dump or burn the ballots, if filled in an enclosed enveloped as the campaign or 3rd party have knowledge of the voter's party affiliation disclosed by the voter he/her self or by electronic espionage/surveillance.

Cases of multiple ballots being sent to each resident individuals, ballots for the incumbent being thrown away, ballots being sent to pets & dead people, & of course illegal aliens & permanent residence receiving ballots in the mail cause apparently it is legal to register non-citizens to vote in conjunction with the US census to inflate the voter registrar & house seat representation for more house seat. Ballot elections around the world requires voter Identification, specially in 3rd world countries, to ensure only citizens vote & limit, if not eradicate fraud. 3rd world countries has a habit of producing ready made counterfeit ballots that unscrupulous candidates or dictator's (Maduro) operatives sneak into ballot places & throw out the legitimate votes. Facial recognition with a Voter ID or imbeded chip in the body will be the future of voting to prevent ballot fraud in Democracies around the world that US (D)s will oppose as it will limit their chances of winning.

The potential for fraud is very high with tens of millions of unsolicited mail in ballots with no proof of citizenship required to register to vote, no thumb print, no name & no signature directly on the Ballot that can be scanned as mail in ballots are signed on the enveloped not on the ballot itself.

COVID-19 gave Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, N. Carolina, Nevada, & Arizona to print out millions of unsolicited Ballots. A corrupt state or counties will likely printout 2-3 ballots with the same bar code, mail out 1 to all registered voters, & the duplicate ballots with the same barcode will be filled in & kept hidden or stored just in case it is needed. Not all of the mail ballots will be returned as not all will vote by mail & some simply will not vote.

When Pennsylvania declared they will stop counting the ballots after midnight of election day, that's when the switcheroo happened. Because Mail In ballots don't have name signatures & thumbprints that can be scanned on the ballot, the Original bar coded ballots that were sent out by mail were dumped & replaced with a pre-filled ballots. If the early mailed in ballots were counted, then the voters on a specific bar coded ballot would end up voting twice. The dead people, pets, & fictional people on the voter registration rolls will have their votes counted. That is why (R) election observers were kept out of polling station buildings, & when allowed inside 12 hours later they were kept 50-100 feet away from the ballot counting machines & people to see what's really going on in (D) controlled counties in Pennsylvania, Michigan...

(Ballot buying & Switcheroos happens all the time in my banana republic homeland)

The US National News Media are exposing themselves as very corrupt & possibly worst than communist & 3rd world totalitarian regimes as the US (DNC) News Media show the world that freedom of press isn't about honest objectivity. The (DNC) News Media report on rumors, fabricated dossier (DNC/Hilary collaborating with foreign British & Russian Agents through Fusion GPS) & anonymous sources against (R) even delve into it further, but not on real documents, texts conversations in Personal Laptops & Phones from Hunter Biden & business partner (Nuclear Submarine Commander; not an anonymous source) blowing the whistle on the Bidens.

The News Media covering for Biden are actually conveying they are fine with Joe Biden using the Administrative Branch to enrich himself & his family through a scheme reminiscent of a racketeering ring demanding foreign companies/corporation like Big oil of Anatolia, Middle East (Arab/Hebrew), Central Asia (Persian/Turkic), & Russia 10% commission for himself through his son & brother as Joe Biden signals these foreign corporations & countries that he will be transitioning from US energy independence to foreign energy dependence.

The cell phones text conversations & contacts are legit. Hunter Biden's 'My Chairman' is his Father. 'BD family' getting loans is the Biden Family. You can tell how professional the Biden's are with their corrupt quid pro quo scheme having created code words to mask their schemes. James Comey & Peter Strokz must've helped the Bidens create those code words.

If Biden gets elected & don't get impeached to supplant Harris into the presidency, it will be used as Black Mail by all entities with full knowledge of Biden's corruption despite helping bury the story before the election (Foreign Countries, Corporation, K. Harris, B. Sanders, the Squad, Media Moguls & Conglomerates...).

(Future president shouldn't have a salary or at least just equal to minimum wage, if not 1/2 more than minimum. Commander in Chiefs have free Presidential Palace, free sustenance, free 1st class medical care, free security, free travel, free motorcade...)
2020-11-06 13:20:42 UTC
He can launch all the investigations he wants, dear; there is NO evidence of fraudulent votes.  None. He's making his claims of illegal and fraudulent votes on the basis  of nothing.

You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. In fact, HE knows it.  This is all he's got, though, so he's going to try to milk it to the last drop.

And no, there have been no "shenanigans".  That's merely your interpretation, it is not fact. And you are probably looking not at serious news but unreliable right-wing sites for your information.
2020-11-06 12:28:39 UTC
Republicans in Pennsylvania and the other states had the choice to do the counting before the election so we wouldn't be going through this. They said no. Now they complain about fraud. The complaints would have been answered by now. So your complaint is without merit. Blame Trump for your consternation if you know what that means. 
2020-11-09 14:01:24 UTC
That assumes that there were fraudulent votes.

Weigh that up against Trump's attempts to cause various votes to be stopped at some point, and he'd be a hypocrite to do much!
2020-11-08 16:50:35 UTC
He can launch any investigation he likes and he can manufacture any evidence he wants. If he thinks he can change the mind of any reasonable person, he has another think coming. No one has yet made any plausible claim of cheating. God didn't write in stone: "Trump shall not lose." 
2020-11-08 16:41:09 UTC
You do know all states have different procedure. Are we going investigate Alabama, California, New York and Texas or just states Trump thinks he had a chance of winning?

He lost, we have been voting for over 200 years and now one individual with no evidence says cheating is going and people believe. 

Why does Trump not name his sources or is he doing the investigation himself.

If anybody could claim fraud or cheating going, it should be the Democrats since they have won 7/8 last elections popular vote. But you know what they have all taken their lost gracefully. Hillary waited a couple days, but still accepted her loss.

It’s a dangerous slope to go down claiming fraud with no evidence. Because both sides can do it. It now gets all the idiots, conspiracy theorist, and etc all riled up spreading misinformation to their children, friends and family. 
2020-11-08 15:53:37 UTC
I'm not a Trump supporter, but it's blatantly obvious that there is fraud going on. I don't know to what extent though.
2020-11-07 21:55:08 UTC
But I voted for Biden not trump. Millions of people rightfully voted for Biden dumb ****. **** trump and his sexism 
2020-11-07 18:45:10 UTC
Trump is President and is in control of the Justice Department.

Do you really think he would not be "allowed" to investigate 4 million "fraudulent" ballots?  Why aren't "Crooked Hillary" and Obama in jail?  Could it be because there is no actual crime there?  Could it be because Trump lies without evidence or shame?

You realize that a single act of voter fraud is a serious crime with serious penalties.

Is there any evidence whatsoever of even 100 ballots being fraudulent?  Sure, there's one or two examples among tens of millions, but that doesn't change anything.
2020-11-07 18:15:44 UTC
There is no provision in the CONSTUTITION for "investigations".  There can be recounts with certain provisions.
Judy and Charlie
2020-11-07 09:08:57 UTC
Yes, he should just spin his wheels.

The first two lawsuits that Trump filed to stop the counting were thrown out by federal judges.

But what the hell.....why not just let him and his crazy supporters entertain themselves?
Kazoo M
2020-11-07 05:22:49 UTC
The 2020 election has caused a lot of chaos, mail-in ballots are very questionable.

Obviously, when viewing the vote map it appears Biden has won, why doesn't the media call it?

Truthfully, the latter to me is a sign of foul play, I don't understand the secrecy.

Perhaps, I am wrong in my analogy, but something is in the air other than Covid...
2020-11-06 23:39:40 UTC
Of course, and Biden will be allowed to launch an investigation into the fraudulent votes Trump received.
2020-11-06 22:06:55 UTC
He will probably want an investigation, but there is no evidence of fraudulent votes. Trump wants to win the election. He knows Biden is closer to winning. Don't believe everything he says. A few days ago, Trump said he won. This isn't true. Some states are still counting votes. Every "legitimate vote" should be counted.        
2020-11-06 20:42:04 UTC
Even though there is filmed evidence of fraud going on..the deep state aka the intelligence agencies (you know the ones that tried to assassinate him 28 times before the inauguration, the ones that run America's MSM )want a GLOBALIST in that will bend to their will like Shrillery or Bush Sr/Jr. President Trump was the first nationalist president we had since WW2, and once you got the globalist boot off our necks, we had the BEST economy since 1959. So no...the deep state will pull strings and cheat as usual, installing their selection.
2020-11-06 18:11:44 UTC
If they do does that mean all down ticket races are invalid also? Be careful what your wish and dream for...
2020-11-06 15:56:29 UTC
yes since the observers(challengers) were not allowed to do their required job in certain states
2020-11-06 14:02:56 UTC
Once ALL LEGAL votes are counted, Biden will be easily defeated. That's what's next. Democrats will have a hard time explaining why mail in  votes were counted without the encrypted water mark in the ballot. Then ALL the ballots that were counted BETTER be available and this is where the DNC will be at fault and voter fraud will be proven. The DNC is not stealing the 2020 presidential election from a stumbling candidate that didn't even know what planet he was on with a handful of people at ANY of events clearly proving his non support. Trump will be the undeniable LEGAL victor. 
2020-11-06 13:58:55 UTC
There’s no evidence of the election being rigged though. Trump can file his lawsuits on Twitter or something..
Jake No Chat
2020-11-06 13:46:35 UTC
Yes, there can be investigations, but the odds are that nothing will change.  Some shenanigans are possible, but most of the mess will be due to sloppy work, not fraud.
Robin W
2020-11-06 12:56:27 UTC
Hillary got 3 million more votes than he did.  He claims voter fraud.  He created a commission to prove it.  They couldn't.  He believes his own lies (confabulation).  He's already lost 2 court cases because they don't have evidence of voter fraud.
2020-11-06 12:40:34 UTC
The democrats stole the 1960 election and got away with it. They know with the media 100% on there side, they can do anything they want. With freedom comes responsibility.  The mainstream media have become dangerously irresponsibly with their freedom. 
big dog
2020-11-06 11:58:53 UTC
I think the people have spoken. Most already know who the fraud is. Someone in preschool could tell the difference.
2020-11-07 19:09:57 UTC
The election looks so rigged. 
2020-11-07 18:36:28 UTC
Yes, but he'll have to use his own money now instead of taxpayer's money. Whether or not he'll take it to the Supreme Court depends on the Supreme Court either granting or denying cert. If they grant cert they will be waging war against all 50 States, which is the Constitution's definition of Treason.
2020-11-07 18:26:42 UTC
Until Jan 20, 2021 he can order executive branch departments to do anything that pops into his d**mfool head. This is why we call him, 'dingbat.'
2020-11-07 18:17:38 UTC
Absolutely, he is already asking for recounts and contesting the election. Of course, if he wants to win, he is going to need more than his “beliefs and feelings”, he will need proof. To the best of my knowledge, that proof does not exist.
2020-11-07 17:48:04 UTC
For those saying that Trump launched an investigation into voter fraud in 2016.  All of the states refused to comply.  So there is no evidence one way or the other.  Wouldn't it be nice to know without a doubt that our nation's elections are actually forthright and trustworthy?  We have heard of voter fraud and voter suppression in elections and both sides always cry foul about it.  I as a voter am sick of both arguments and would love to get to the bottom of at least one.  So that we can move forward knowing that yes our nation has a great election system.
2020-11-07 12:23:58 UTC
Not a matter of being allowed.  Either candidate has the right to investigate. 

BUT, if the left is so damned sure the count is fair and correct, then they should have no objections to verification and recounts, true?
Nathan H
2020-11-07 08:58:50 UTC
No Democrat in the whole entire country would ever dare break the law by means of voter fraud. And you’re a conspiracy theorist for suggesting that. Anyone who is in touch with reality knows that Democrats never break laws because of their impeccable moral compass. Just look at all their peaceful protests. Perfect model citizens are they.
2020-11-07 08:44:25 UTC
What proof do the Republicans have to have. We all saw the marshals being kept out of the counting room. + a simple table with a republican and a democrat seated opposite one another to check every vote twice would have been fair + the watches should have been present. After the false accusations against Trump for 3yrs should warrant suspicion of electoral fraud. The democrats are desperate to get rid of Trump.
2020-11-07 04:25:31 UTC
Yes he will                    
2020-11-07 03:15:09 UTC
My nearby large city had 30,000 more votes than registered voters, the democrat haven of leftists!
2020-11-07 03:12:06 UTC
REPEATING THE SAME FAKE FOX FAKE NEWS CLAIMS DON'T MAKE THEM CORRECT NOR TRUE. YOU need to become unglued from FOX FAKE NEWS and join the rest of us in the real world.
2020-11-07 00:14:57 UTC
We have no idea that fraud occurred. There is no evidence to suggest that; however,  Trump is putting out information out there that there is concern for fraud ( without good reasons). This is what Trump does, he plays upon peoples fears to win which is terrible and dishonorable.  The fact that so many people can honestly not see that is very alarming. Regardless,  if Trump wants an investigation,  im sure he can get recounts done but that probably won't lead to any significant changes in the actual numbers of this election result. 
2020-11-07 00:09:08 UTC
How does it take some states hours to count and other it's taking days? I know Polls close at different times, but what is going on?

Noticed that votes increased for Biden overnight two nights in a row.. all of sudden he had smallish leads in Penn and Georgia.

Arizona was called like an hour after the Polls closed and I feel like that is fishy..
2020-11-06 17:10:05 UTC
"but there are too many shenanigans surrounding the mail-in votes Biden is getting

says who?

the only person claiming this is trump "  - bus as usual he does not give aNY evidence to support his clailm

Of COURSE trump WAS ahead in some states - Its a well know fact that republicans voters tend to vote earlier than democrats. So their votes are counted

earlier than democrats votes

THATS why trump desparately tried to get vote counting stopped - TO  PREVENT democrat votes being counted

YOU have made several claims-  where it YOUR  evidence apart from what trump and HIS supports are telling you??

for exmple WHICH states has the tunrnout been 120% and where are YOUR actual figures for these states

If trump believed postal voting is open to fraud he has had 4 YEARS to do something about it but has none NOTHING.

Trump has made allegations against many things. - what he DONT do is give any evidence to support his allegations
2020-11-06 16:17:49 UTC
Trump has launched his lawsuits to contest them. We all knew they would cheat using the mail in ballots, they flat out told us their plans, Nancy "there will be a red mirage on election night". Within a few hours in the latest hours of the night the entire election results flip completely because Trump got zero mailin ballots? Statistically impossible I'm afraid, a lot of people are going to see a prison cell over this and this election will be handed to Trump by our supreme court. They don't get to pull a fast one during our elections. We've tolerated their spoiled crybaby antics for 4 long years, if they think we would tolerate this game, they're in for a cold harsh surprise. *note* I love how these democrat creeps say "show us the proof!" While ignoring the proof that is already public knowledge LOL
2020-11-06 15:55:20 UTC
Joe Biden has received 4 million more votes than Donald Trump, so far.  Obviously, Biden is the people's choice for president but since we operate under an Electoral College system, the alleged fraud has to be proven.

I have no doubt that there was some fraud involved but I'm also sure that almost all of that fraud will have been committed by Republicans, as usual. 
2020-11-06 13:17:03 UTC
It’s karma for trump.  

For The USA’s 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton won the national, popular vote.  Meanwhile, traitor trump cheated for the votes for the Electoral College;  the republican party RIGGED the votes for the Electoral College.   (I have proof.)  

traitor trump is an illegitimate president anyways.  
2020-11-06 13:16:26 UTC
No, Trump will be out of office and we won't have to deal with such silliness.
2020-11-06 00:31:23 UTC
Idiocy, such as this, doesn’t help Trump in any way.  He should, at least, accept losing like a man.  He chose to play the part of a little b**** while being President.  
2020-11-05 21:01:52 UTC
Sore losers, Trump is gonna lose hard tonight, once they finish counting nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and possibly North Carolina
big daddy
2020-11-08 01:10:39 UTC
in what way did you find out about this fraud? hannity,carlson. open up your mind and know that you've been lied to.the far right is also very dangerous.
2020-11-07 21:13:08 UTC
Hope so but I won’t hold my breath.
2020-11-07 19:43:40 UTC
He can investigate whatever he likes with his own money although it might be difficult to do from a jail cell with Rudy.
2020-11-07 18:11:15 UTC
Good.  Yes, fraud has happened.  My guess is that Biden is not the only one who will face his accusers in court.

There are many methods they used to cheat and steal the vote.

Yes, dead people (350,000 in one area) were resurrected.  Ah-Oh, I guess we all missed the big event:  The Rapture!  

The software glitch, not only affected the one county in Michigan, it affected FORTYEIGHT counties.  Then, it became larger- THIRTY OTHER STATES.

So, it  is not just the poll watchers, and the Sharpies which were given to people, but also other things.  And, how do we know there are not more things they did???
2020-11-07 03:12:58 UTC
If you had been paying attention, than you would have discovered that mail in votes are broken down into a number of catagories . votes already received by by close of polls, votes received within 3 days of polls closing and military votes. None of these can be counted until all the walk in votes are counted. the last to be counted are as a rule the military votes.  This election, V.P. Biden asked that democrats do the safe thing and mail in your votes because of covid 19.  Pres. Trump asked republicans to go and vote at polling stations. He than tried to influence the U.S. Postal service to avoid mail in votes and when that didn't work he started to sue individual States that started to count mail in votes.  Does this sound like someone that plays fair  and that you can be proud to call your "Commander In Chief" A known draft dodger who tried to stop the military vote and has repeatedly asked for a grand parade like his friend

Kin un in North Korea. Think before you speak   
2020-11-07 00:19:05 UTC
there is no fraud . What there is is trump compromising the post office to try to rig a election and crying that he is losing
2020-11-06 23:31:54 UTC
You have no idea what you are talking about except what YOUR conspiracy President keeps coming up with, and what your Right wing news media sites tell you any more than my vote for Biden in Oklahoma do I know it counted???????? All these Red states how do we know they weren't "fraudulent"??
2020-11-06 21:08:25 UTC
All the votes were fraudulent. Only Kanye's votes are real. Americans wanted Kanye, the only real choice! 
2020-11-06 20:34:54 UTC
Why don't you include all that as a chapter when you write your book about how men never landed on the moon? Pure fantasy.
2020-11-06 16:18:45 UTC
the lawsuits are already underway. president trump's legal team will demand the votes be recounted which will expose the fake mail-in ballots and election fraud. the election is not over. it is only beginning. when the truth is revealed, all legal ballots are counted and all fraudulent ballots discounted, we will discover president trump won this election by an overwhelming landslide and the criminals tried to steal it for their corrupt senile puppet biden by stuffing the ballot box with fake mail-in ballots. president trump and the patriots will prevail and he will remain our legally elected president for the next four years. remain strong and keep the faith.
2020-11-06 13:58:18 UTC
The Problem is you trumpets have no problem with the votes that trump got, you only have problems with the votes Biden got, if you think for one minute that I believe Trump got all legit votes and Biden was the only one with fraudulent votes then I guess I’ll be buying a bridge in Downtown Brooklyn 
2020-11-06 02:21:17 UTC
ZERO fraudulent ballots 

Only fraud is Trump

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.