First they'll pull out of Europe, then they'll, er.... they'll er.... go down the pub and have a few pints.
Well, let's look at the 2010 General Election manifesto which has a nice little warning label that says that these aren't UKIP's policies. Er...
Number one - leave the EU, surprise, surprise. Why? Well they want to be able to use UK money to save post offices, car manufacturers and other such failing businesses, because, well, capitalism sucks, so they'll just nationalize everything, either that or give loads of money to rich people who don't know much about business, either way it'll be a fail.
Number two - leave the EU and save money. Kind of shoddy maths though. To simply say we'll save x amount of money is ridiculous, this isn't GCSE maths by the way, this is massive economics that even the best economists struggle to understand. But hey, UKIP supposedly are the smartest.
Number three - freedom of choice. That is, once UKIP have left the EU, and not before they have left. They want lots of local power, this is a small party mentality, and any party that is close to getting power would NEVER give power away like this. But UKIP stood no chance in 2010 so they could say what they like.
And that's just the intro.
To answer the question about the working class, they want to raise the level that you pay tax to get those off minimum wage from paying taxes.
In contrast they want a flat tax. Which will mean anyone earning over minimum wage, but under about 50,000 a year will be hammered by higher taxes. Flat tax is a right wing policy that the rich support for a reason. Their tax goes down from 50% to 25% and the poorer people's goes up from half this up to 25%. It's not fair.
Replace VAT with LST, basically swapping one thing for another. The difference, they claim, is the councils will get some of this money. As if the councils don't already get given money by Westminster in the first place. Doesn't say whether this LST will be higher or lower though. The right tend to go for higher, because it punishes the poor more, they have to pay a higher % of their wages on buying things.
Abolish inheritance tax. This is hugely popular with the rich, because they generally have more to pass on. The poor don't pay inheritance tax on almost all they pass on, but the rich pay a lot.
They'd increase manufacturing, getting people doing jobs they probably don't want, and being uncompetitive with cheaper labour in foreign countries, so you'll have to pay more in taxes to back up private enterprise instead of getting people doing realistic jobs.
Also build prisons, nuclear power plants, and spend loads on defence, so they can get even more taxes from you. Instead of focusing on the real issues, like trying to stop crime through education etc, they'd just stick the poor in prison. 40% extra on defence. The question is why when they want to withdraw from EU operations. They want to do more for NATO, but withdraw from Afghanistan. A contradiction in terms and show how small parties can basically get away with writing ANYTHING.
Have school vouchers. Yeah, this is a great one for the poor man. So the rich send their kids to PRIVATE SCHOOLS, well, we'll have to give them a voucher too. So the rich get given money for sending their kids to school, while the poor who basically get free education will continue to get free education.
They call this CHOICE. Yes, choice for the rich to spend more money.
They want to replace teacher training with on the job training. Read this policy as "we don't know what teacher training is", a PGCE will be 6 months teaching in schools, and a couple of months in university learning about how to teach.
Allow schools to choose which pupils they get. Yeah, hey, parent, give up 500 quid and you can get into our school. So the poor will have poor schools, and the middle class will have middle class schools and the rich will continue with their private schools but get state money for it.
Oh, well, we can see that the poor will get about the same as they get from the Tories.
Sweet FA!!!!
Kick out lots of immigrants and make life hard for British people living in Spain, Greece, Cyprus etc, who'd have to come back because they wouldn't be welcome there any more.