Can there be some sort of social upheaval or even revolution if Health Care is passed along party lines?
2010-02-28 21:25:38 UTC
I've never seen the country so divided on an issue. I don't think the that Liberals have in modern history mustered the strength to form groups like that of the Tea Party movement.

I fear that this will be the beginning of some sort of social revolution that will start to creep it's way into the American way of life. I for one care about everyone being covered and everyone needs to have health care, but if Democrats push this bill through and cap and trade I see the following events that could happen.

1. More Citizens from conservative states are going to purchase more arms to protect themselves fearing that their right to bear arms will be taken away.

2. Distrust of politicians in general will be echoed more loudly especially by grass roots movement like that of the tea party.

3. There will be a general dislike to anything that has to do with Washington.

4. We could see the rise in demonstrations on the streets and more instability.

There are more I could name, but for students of History know, that history will repeat itself. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it sure was destroyed and pillaged in one. I fear that our country is heading in that direction, if the populace become more dissatisfied and their leaders aren't listening.

We really should look for Bipartisanship and no matter what cost.
Seventeen answers:
2010-02-28 21:38:06 UTC
We have some serious divisions in what Americans feel is important. That is not going to change. Whatever happens because of that will just happen.

We are like two completely different cultures now.

Don't expect any "bipartisanship" for the sake of the whole, any more than we would make peace with Islamic terrorists.

It just isn't gonna happen.
The Patriot
2010-03-01 03:22:46 UTC
Yes, unless those who are against it stop listening and falling for the lies and half truths that are being spread about these reforms.

FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [a]

FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [b]

FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [c]

FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [d]

FACT - Obama was elected to bring in change [e]

FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies screwing the American people [f]

FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and in Switzerland [g]

If anyone can prove the facts above are wrong, e-mail me and let me know.
2010-02-28 21:38:39 UTC
Of course not.

1. When Obama was elected, all the gun nuts already stocked up on their guns and ammo, fearing a "gun takeover." Which of course didn't happen, and will not happen.

2. When has there not been a strong distrust of politicians? It goes at least as far back as Mark Twain, who said "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."

3. And this is new?

4. I for one would like to see more demonstrations; anti-war, anti-discrimination.

PS--Rome was not destroyed in a day. It was burned, yes, but recovered and survived quite well.
2010-02-28 21:40:40 UTC
I think we have court remedies that we haven't even begun to pursue. I think independent auto dealers, shut down by the takeover of the auto industry have grounds to sue the fed. I also think that small banks that didn't get bailed out have grounds to sue the fed. If the health care bill passes, I think states have grounds to sue the fed. Same with cap and trade.

Don't let your distrust of government keep you from working it. Don't forget the Court.
2010-02-28 21:39:01 UTC
I don't usually read long questions but I read yours. Interesting. The fact that only 25% support what Obama, Pelosi etc are trying to push through OUGHT to stop them from passing it. If they ignore the American people, what can they expect to follow. I agree that all of your points are possible and probable if they choose to not heed the collective voice of Americans.
2010-02-28 21:33:55 UTC
We need to follow the Constitution that to politician promise to up hold. Put the Federal government back in it place and let the States do their job.
2010-02-28 21:34:35 UTC
The tea partiers aren't even a majority in the Republican party, let alone the US. Have you read the watered down health insurance reforms being proposed? agree with it or not, its hardly the kind of legislation worth revolting over. Trying to elect your candidate to overturn it sure, but running to a compound in Wyoming and starting a militia because the insurance industry isn't allowed to deny coverage?

We are a democracy and have survived much, much worse instability than this overblown nonsense (people were getting assassinated and rioting left and right back in '68)
Homeless in Phoenix
2010-02-28 21:29:54 UTC
Yes there will be a revolution in November of 2010 at the ballot box!
2010-02-28 21:35:07 UTC
No just the NEO cons will fill the sewers with tears. They don't have the nads for anything physical.
2010-02-28 21:31:20 UTC
i for one will not break laws, but i have no problem in going to jail, they will not steal my money for someone elses healthcare. i will make it a media event and then some.
Billy Blaze
2010-02-28 21:28:25 UTC
No. No one is going to revolt. Anyone who tries will find himself alone and despised by his neighbors.

How foolish are people to think that revolution is a rational response to better health insurance coverage? Seriously guys, get it together.
regular american
2010-02-28 21:27:41 UTC
Some states (Im thinking Texas) will enact laws to get around 0bama's universal health care and let its citizens decide how to handle their health care.
2010-02-28 21:33:43 UTC
I've got my pitchfork at the ready. Burn those infidels!!
I Have a Dream
2010-02-28 21:29:05 UTC
Let's hope so.

It's time to cleanse the gene pool.
2010-02-28 21:29:02 UTC
No, if you don't like the way we run our country you are free to leave.
2010-02-28 21:26:59 UTC
No. I think you need to get out more.
2010-02-28 21:27:55 UTC
I hope so.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.