2010-02-28 21:25:38 UTC
I fear that this will be the beginning of some sort of social revolution that will start to creep it's way into the American way of life. I for one care about everyone being covered and everyone needs to have health care, but if Democrats push this bill through and cap and trade I see the following events that could happen.
1. More Citizens from conservative states are going to purchase more arms to protect themselves fearing that their right to bear arms will be taken away.
2. Distrust of politicians in general will be echoed more loudly especially by grass roots movement like that of the tea party.
3. There will be a general dislike to anything that has to do with Washington.
4. We could see the rise in demonstrations on the streets and more instability.
There are more I could name, but for students of History know, that history will repeat itself. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it sure was destroyed and pillaged in one. I fear that our country is heading in that direction, if the populace become more dissatisfied and their leaders aren't listening.
We really should look for Bipartisanship and no matter what cost.