Why am I not allowed to say that my life matters too?
2020-07-05 21:57:40 UTC
Isn't it racist to say that white lives don't matter even though they had nothing to do with neo-nazism, slavery, etc.

If they're just an ordinary person who has done absolutely nothing wrong, doesn't their life matter, too? Or is it socially acceptable to say that every race matters except white people?
84 answers:
2020-07-09 22:21:56 UTC
Maybe the movements message should be changed to 'black lives also matter' to stop everyone trying find a fault in the fact that people simply want to state that their lives are valuable. 
2020-07-09 00:07:26 UTC
A "black lives matter" stage; you can stage next year for "My Life Matters",be sure to gather speakers, draw on public property and sell t-shirt, hats etc.
Christopher W
2020-07-07 18:59:14 UTC
doesn't fit the agenda of demonuts and the MSM--
2020-07-07 04:50:59 UTC
Your life does matter. 
2020-07-06 16:21:56 UTC
In America, you matter and your vote counts.  Freedom is what really matters and not race.  In America, we have many different cultures of people because it seems like everyone wants to come to America.
2020-07-06 15:13:08 UTC
Because it's racist. YOU don't matter and they want you to believe that. They want you to bow before them and apologize for things that you never did. All Black lives don't matter to them either. Police kill more Whites than Blacks and that was proven in a study by a Black Harvard professor who was trying to prove the opposite. Blacks are killed by police 2% of the time. Blacks are killed by other Blacks 98% of the time and they never show up for that. Be proud of who you are and don't let anyone tell you that you shouldn't be or that someone matters more than you do.
2020-07-06 15:10:03 UTC
The answer is in the q because because you were compelled to ask such absurdity.
2020-07-06 10:13:34 UTC
I don't see why not, Your life matters just as much as anyone else's my friend.
2020-07-06 02:40:16 UTC
Yeah and when are the lives of the ‘mentally ill’ Going to matter? It’s so easy to get that deadly label stuck on you even if it’s NOT true Since there are no medical tests for mental illness and it’s all a matter of opinion anyway,and then that fatal label follows you around for the rest of your life and destroys your credibility and your possibility to have a good life in many cases.

 So this is ANOTHER minority which has no rights even though a lot of other minorities, racially, gender and sexual orientation-wise, etc. have gotten more and more rights over the decades in this country of ours. And there are people of MANY different races, genders, sexual orientations, etc. who are labeled with ‘mental illness’ who get routinely abused and even killed sometimes by police I feel threatened by them because they’re ‘different’ even if they’re not harming anybody, and these ‘mentally ill’ citizens are routinely given psychopharmacological drug and electroshock-induced permanent brain damage by psychiatrists for $$$, and they’re often involuntarily hospitalized even if they’re not harming anyone.

Quite often, they can’t get jobs, they’re discriminated against in other areas and deprived of their civil rights constantly.  So why is nobody protesting about this???  When will THEIR day come???

They have been discriminated against for many, many decades. Treated like animals. Put in straitjackets, tied to beds in psych wards, given forced injections and so forth. Some of them were even given “ice pick” lobotomies decades ago against their will. 

Up until 1963 , 30 states in this country allowed institutionalized ‘mentally ill’ people to be STERILIZED against their will. Like Nazi Germany.. EUGENICS by definition. That’s right. Look it up.

Many people’s  pet dogs and cats are treated far better than this particular minority., It’s time for them to be given their rights and protections also. Protests are in order. 
2020-07-05 21:58:15 UTC
Because thugs get their feelings hurt.
2020-07-09 03:40:01 UTC
No it's not racist because it's true I never owned a slave and they are not slaves anymore. Slavery happened in the 1800s and was abolished by a republican named Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves. All lives matter which also includes black lives that matter too. 
Const. King
2020-07-09 03:19:21 UTC
Only black lives matter.  If you're not black you life doesn't matter.
2020-07-08 01:54:07 UTC
I'm Black and my life doesn't matter to anyone.
2020-07-08 01:00:16 UTC

Only a brain dead, fuckwitted moron would even imagine that all lives DIDN'T matter. That is not an issue, because it's self-evident obviously. You are included in that, so stop whining like a squashed cat, because you are complaining about nothing. BLM does NOT mean "other lives don't matter", as we have said at least a hundred million times - but of course it suits you not to listen or understand. But it ain't complicated at all.
2020-07-08 00:42:17 UTC
Because to the radical left, white lives (or white rights or white property) don't matter. 

It's as simple as that.
2020-07-07 22:44:06 UTC
If someone is making a point about their own situation, they don't want you invalidating it.  But when people start killing cops, you can say it.
2020-07-07 18:07:25 UTC
Your life does matter who says it isnt
2020-07-07 17:31:11 UTC
identify  which AUTHORITY  prevents the questioners  vocalizations 

 a person expressing  BLACK LIVES MATTERS  is not a DICHOTOMY

 as in asserting other groups of peoples lives DO NOT MATTER 

 example a  person being prosecuted for  theft  and a jury of his peers  is presented  with the QUESTION ONLY of GUILT

 when his peer bring back a verdict of  NOT GUILTY

 It  is not presenting  a verdict of INNOCENCE ..

.. because the question of INNOCENCE is NOT ASK ..

. all defendants  are PRESUMED  INNOCENT  

  same as ALL  LIVES are  presumed of valued  

 and POLICE should NOT have a RIGHT to END a persons life

 who is has no WEAPONS is NOT a DIRECT THREAT

  in Mr. Floyd case against 4 officers  out numbered  Floyd unarmed   Floyd  handcuffed over a $ 20 bill  his life is taken
Paul R
2020-07-07 11:20:02 UTC
Because the black races are taking over, aided and assisted by well meaning fools.
2020-07-07 06:37:48 UTC
You have every right to. But you will sound callous if your timing is saying it in response to somebody who has been oppressed, if you've not been oppressed or had your life at risk based on oppression or discrimination. But if you were getting attacked and you declared your life matters, then yea, say it, as your life does matter, and that would be appropriate. But when said by somebody who generally has always lived a comfortable non-discriminated against, non-oppressed life, who just spouts that off as a response to the declarations of others just wanting to be heard who feel they've been wronged and that their life has been ignored, makes you sound inconsiderate, or that you are wanting to ignore and minimize their plight.
Hal A. Peño
2020-07-07 05:41:20 UTC
My life matters too. As far as I'm concerned my life matters above and beyond any one else's life. I will not make a social justice warrior exception on that.
2020-07-07 02:44:32 UTC
This question has been asked like 1 billion times. I know there is a lot of garbage to sift through but try reading through some of the threads. 

Not sure what you're hearing but BLM doesn't mean that white lives dont matter.  It is bringing attention to the specific problems of black people in this country. That's it. Because someone else needs help doesn't mean your life is any less valuable. If you feel that one groups life mattering enough to try to get equal rights degrades your life then that's something that you have to look at within yourself.

Say I'm an investor and I want to help black businesses only, because historically they have a harder time getting loans when compared to white people with the same circumstances. Discriminatory lending practices have been proven to exist now and in the past. 

So I come up with the slogan black businesses matter because I realized the need to bring awareness to this issue. 

You come along and say what what about white businesses? don't leave us out.... You could even be a person who is having a hard time with your business. That's great, but in general most of the time white businesses are not being affected by discriminatory lending practices. 

If there was never any discrimination I would have never needed to highlight the fact that we need to help black businesses in the first place. 

If you're mad about the fact that we have to highlight the black lives matter then get mad at all the racists and the people who have discriminated over the past several centuries to get us where we are today. The sooner we end it and get better circumstances in poor black communities we won't have to spend as much time talking about black issues.

I like to use MLK because people seem to understand it a little bit better. Martin Luther King marched for civil rights for black people because of how they were being abused by white supremacy. What if white people came out and said well what about us, where our civil rights? 

Can you see how this me too stuff doesn't make any sense. I hope so. 
2020-07-06 21:12:31 UTC
No, because according to your own kind, you're just a tiny speck among 60% of the population. Unless you're a rock star, a mass murderer, or have a sad sob story, then your corpse gets 15 minutes of fame. 
2020-07-06 19:18:41 UTC
Does anybody QUERY that your life matters?

That is the difference 
2020-07-06 14:50:36 UTC
Exactly, the founding Marxists of Black Lives Matter push anti-white racism, all the world's problems, wars, and other catastrophes are exclusively the fault of the whites.

The three founders of BLM went to Venezuela to support the fraud of the elections of the dictator Maduro (in 2015). They are totalitarian and communist.
2020-07-06 14:44:47 UTC
To stop any further agitation.
2020-07-06 14:32:04 UTC
No one says you cant say it
2020-07-06 03:36:03 UTC
Everything is a "Movement", these days and All can apply,,,, Oh, wait, your'e white?

Sorry, but you got it better from birth (cause your white), so who cares.

This is what grows racists.

I've had the cops hassle me a **** LOAD of times in my life.

Not even joking!!!

The last was when I was waiting on the bus to go to work and they knew I didn't do ****, but dude was all direct and made me feel like I did ****.

He was training a rookie, but luckily the bus driver knew me and waited.

That was Milwaukee County.

Dude even said "There will be another bus" (I was already about to be late).

If this is what Black's deal with all the time, **** THAT!!!!

I get how pissed you are, but anger is NOT the way to go.

Why are you still voting for FAKE *** people.

PLEASE be more informed, cause Obama's kids have NEVER ate Kraft Dinner.

(No I'm not Canadian, but I refuse to call that box "Macaroni and Cheese").

America keeps getting FOOLED.

Cave Beast
2020-07-05 23:46:34 UTC
Because Cave Beast lives do not matter.
2020-07-05 21:59:10 UTC
You just said it.
2020-07-13 23:16:56 UTC
Civil Rights Attorney/Activist Leroy Terrell stated "BLM is a shake down period", & that Congoid run (D) cities are deflecting their weakness & incompetence on "systemic racism that doesn't exist in 2020". BLM/ANTIFA's quest for dismantling Law Enforcement is for BLM/ANTIFA & organize crime to be given permission to commit unrestricted crimes against Europids, Middle Eastern (Jews, Arabs, Persians Turks), East Asians & South Asians. BLM is bringing attention to their actions that Congoid descent are less likely to be victims of interracial crimes, why BLM & the criminals supporting them aren't peaceful. They have grown emboldened by (D)s encouraging & fully supporting their destructive behavior. Don't be a surprise when they start lynching people which some European descent female store owner have already endured by gangs of teens & young adults Congoid descent. Hundreds of racist attacks on Jews in crown heights Brooklyn by Congoids are ignored or covered up by partisan news media because the racists are Congoids. Lone Europids in Congoid cities are being surrounded by racist Congoids attacked with lumber, bricks, bicycles, & inside school busses calling their assaults as 'Polar Bear Hunting'.

FBI Stats on Interracial crimes: European descent have a higher chance of being victim of interracial crimes. In Interracial Homicide 15% are Perpetrated by Congoids upon Europids & 7% are Perpetrated by Caucasians upon Congoids. There should be more emphasize on Interracial Homicides, Rape, Mob Assaults & Robbery. All interracial crimes 60,000 Blk victims by Wht perps; 600,000 Wht victims by Blk perps. 42% of cop killers are Blk 3.5 times more than the Blk population ratio.

At 12% of the Population Congoids are already Committing twice the rate of the 72% of the Caucasian Population. If you adjust the Congoid Population to match Caucasian Population by multiplying 15% Interracial Crimes by 6 how will the total be, or Both Population can meet in the middle which is 36% therefore multiplying 15% by 3 and dividing 7% by 2 , the result is (B) criminals commits 45% interracial crimes vs (W) criminals commits 3.5% interracial crimes when equalizing population in the middle.

Blk on Wht interracial rape is at 80%-90% annually. Wht on Blk rape is virtually 0 at 0.1% annually in terms of population. A Mulatta with a higher percentage of European ad mixture (60%-99%) has a higher chance of being raped by all degenerate of any ethnicity than a pure or mostly Congoid female. Must have something to do With the standards of beauty that Arabs-Islam created when purchasing wives or harems putting eastern Europeans on top, Northern Europeans 2nd; Assyrians, Persians, Southern Europeans, Mediterranean, Mongol, East Asian 3rd; Indian/south east Asians 4th; Australoid, Congoid/Capoid 5th.

In Intra-racial (same race) Homicide among Congoids is 89% & 82% among Caucasian (Europids, Arabs, Hebrews, Bedouins, Afghans, Turks, Persian), includes Mestizos in the mix. US law enforcement takes a lot of abuse, harassment, & assassination for being very soft & lenient to law breakers (only in America) attracting criminals across the world. US law enforcement takes a lot of abuse, harassment, & assassination for being very soft & lenient to law breakers (only in America) attracting criminals across the world. US being the most lenient country in crime & punishment in the world contributes to large amount of re-offenses & incarceration rate.

BLM will use any incidents, fabricated or not, against Europids to keep the victim mentality alive to advance their socialist agenda & for Congoid crimes & bigotry to be tolerated for them to intimidate & oppress non-Congoids. Non-Congoids can empathize, but to demand them to be subservient to Congoids victimhood delusion is bullying. BLM don't care about Secoriea Turner David Dorn & other victims of BLM to loot & burn communities to scream & intimidate that Caucasian, European, Persian, Turkic, Oriental, Siberian, S/E, Asian, S. Asian, Central Asian, Amerindian... do not matter as much. Congoid lives mattered since the Civil War, Civil Rights, Affirmative Action, & extreme pandering, except in Africa & (D) Congoid cities. Congoids are heavily patronized. BLMs CHAZ/CHOP (D)s was a crime ridden zone legal businesses & residence are threatened with looting & vandalism, coming to Minneapolis & Atlanta. BLM chants Pigs in a Blanket' Fry em' like bacon, what do we want dead cops, & tags BLM graffiti on vandalize & looted buildings, how's that peaceful?

BLM rioters resent US Europid Founding Fathers & Europid Society of having taught Congoids skills that weren't needed in the bush, taught them a written language, adapt, participate, & benefit from academics, science, mathematics, engineering, aeronautics, electrification, literature, sports, cinema, economy, law & Abolished Slavery that Congoid Africans had no intention of Abolishing which in a way makes Europid society benevolently superior. Rather than free themselves from Europid DNA & systemic racism used as a deflection of (D) failures, Congoids hungered for what the Founding Fathers laid out for future generation & Europid DNA. If it wasn't for the US Constitution, Abolition of Slavery & Civil Rights would've never come with USA not existing divided up by UK, France, Spain, & Russia or Germany, Japan, Italy, Iran, & Turkey. Frederick Douglas lauded the US Constitution as "the greatest document ever created".

Trying to paint Bigotry, Discrimination, Hate & Tribalism (only self reliance, honor, humble, honest, wisdom & kindness can suppress) as inherently European is false as such behavior is human animal nature along with slavery started with Early humans in East Africa when early humans expanded into separate tribes competing for territories & limited food resources. Journalist Keith Richburg Author of Out of Africa 'Thanked God for Slavery' bringing his ancestors to the USA.

The practice of slavery was universally accepted world wide for 10,000+ years. African's, Amerindians, Middle Easterners... committed massacre's to acquire slaves. Abolitionist Shakers, Anabaptist, & (R)s viewed it as something that shouldn't be practiced any longer, while the (D)s viewed it as an accepted practice sanctioned & allowed by god since Biblical Abraham. Both side felt they were in the right, but (R) abolitionist ideals won. Socialist & BLM Supremacist are labeling all descendant of European descent (including arrivals after 1865-2020 half descendent from emancipated serfs) as eternally racist because the Founding Fathers bought slaves from Africans that Europids later emancipated.

Serfdom, Caste, & Chattel were 3 types of slavery practiced. Serfdom was when the family or clan & their descendants within the land owned by a lord or lords are enslaved by whom ever owns the land or who it falls to. Chattel Slavery is what revisionist claim was exclusive in the Americas only. Chattel Slavery have been practiced in Ancient Rome, the Middle East & Africa before Columbus. In the 7th Century Islam turned the male Congoid Chattel Slaves into eunuchs. Just like in pre-Civil War USA, Slave owners in ancient Rome can free their slaves. In Islam the slave has to convert to Islam, but great exemplary sacrifice to the nation's society was required (militaristic conquest/defense). Trans-Atlantic & East Arabian Slave trade, Arabs, Arabize Congoids, & hunt/gather Congoid Kingdoms or Villages did the dirty work of massacring 1/2-2/3rds of the villages they raid or conquer to obtain the slave. Caste slavery is probably the worst form of slavery where a clan or entire tribe & their descendants are restricted to only one profession for the rest of their lives.

Congoids seceding for Independence would be the only solution to the problem of European descent having a higher chance of being victims of interracial crimes 45%. Most of the recent African Immigrants (Somali (Ilhan Omar), Nigerian, Ghanaian...) are no different from most descendants of slaves their ancestors captured & sold to the East Arabian & Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in taking advantage of the grievance hustle & scams that Booker T. Washington warned of. “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Ne9r0 race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Ne9r0 to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Booker T. Washington.

Who could Booker T. Washington be talking about? BLM, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Kaepernick, DNC... Congoid (D)s are impassionate against the memory of slavery, but affiliates with the party of slavery (D). (D)s donning kente cloth stoles is like draping the Confederate battle flag on their bodies. The kente cloth was created (likely in1800s) by Ashanti kingdom known for raiding villages & rival Kingdoms for slaves to supply the Trans Atlantic & East Arabian Slave Trade showed how ignorant (D) congress are of the Ashanti's role with slavery. The Ashanti, among other tribes, argued against abolition of slavery as it was their god given right to own & trade slaves as dictated by their oracle. The ancient swastika symbol wasn't a symbol of Europid supremacy, but because the NAZI wore the Swastika, believed in Europids supremacy & carried out genocide on Caucasian Jews, it was labeled a symbol of hate.
2020-07-10 02:35:21 UTC
The BLM movement has risen in response to violence against black people.  When you say that “all lives matter” or “my life matters too” you are not wrong, but the reason this is frowned upon is because it is not your turn to speak.  It is sad that the statement “black lives matter” is so offensive to some people.  Do you seriously think that black people have it better than you?  
2020-07-09 05:33:23 UTC
You aren't not allowed to say that. But it's more behind the fact that yes all lives matter, and right now people are fighting for their lives based on race. It isn't that black lives matter most, but that black lives need to be equal, and matter more than they do right now. Saying all lives matter is a bit insensitive, especially considering that you don't know the pain first hand being experienced by the black community.
River Euphrates
2020-07-08 13:22:22 UTC
All lives *should* matter, but it's demonstrable that they don't.

And until all lives actually matter, none do.
2020-07-08 08:38:07 UTC
Because of your complete unwillingness too knock in the teeth of anyone who says otherwise.
2020-07-08 06:17:11 UTC
Nah **** white people. They gross as ****
2020-07-08 04:09:41 UTC
Say it Yell it Say it everywhere you can. That's what it really is . The left is taking away your free speech.
2020-07-07 20:50:26 UTC
I think everything you say is correct. All I would say is, don't let the rioters, looters, and revolutionaries coerce you to stop thinking for yourself.
2020-07-07 17:08:25 UTC
White lives already matter. Whites populate america 5x more than blacks but they are only 2x more likely to get killed by police.For 10 black people killed by police, 4 whites are killed. 

Also how many white presidents are there; how many white senators are there; how many black one are there.
2020-07-07 07:37:57 UTC
Your life does matter. 
Lois & Peter
2020-07-07 07:27:50 UTC
Because Black policemen aren't killing whites because of their race.
2020-07-07 02:58:28 UTC
Blm are Racist towards black people as they assume people don't think that black lives matter.
2020-07-07 01:20:36 UTC
who said that? you can say whatever the fck you want
2020-07-06 23:09:35 UTC
- You are allowed to. It just isn't "socially acceptable".

- Stop playing by the rules, of black subhumans and jewish journalists. They don't matter. You do though. We will rise above them, and crush them if white people would just counter protest them.

- The white race is ten times as powerful as any other race, if the race isn't divided, by jewish journalists. They've already proven their superiority, by how much of the world they were able to conquer.
2020-07-06 17:51:13 UTC
did you clear that with BLM ????


TRUMP 2020 !! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
2020-07-06 16:44:41 UTC
Who went up to you and told you your life doesn't matter ??  That's terrible.  You should tell your mom. She may think it's time to teach you about racial inequality in america.
2020-07-06 15:31:43 UTC
you are allowed to say that your life matters.  What is seen as wrong is saying "I matter" in response to someone else saying the same thing about themselves.  In that situation, it is not a case of saying "I matter" so much as asserting "I matter, but I am not sure I agree that you matter" (or you would not see the need to argue the point).

As to the idea of Black Lives Matter, the point is that blacks are not somehow less than everyone else.  They matter, unlike how society often treats them as if they do not matter.  If you don't get that point, then you ought to stay out of the discussion.  It isn't about you.
2020-07-06 07:56:12 UTC
Of course, your life matters. From your question, I assume you are white. Your life has ALWAYS mattered. You are allowed to say your life matters, whoever told you that is ignorant. All Lives Matter was created to invalidate Black Lives Matter. Both statements are true. The problem some people have is that people say All Lives Matter to exclude Black Lives. All Lives Matter should include ALL lives. Asian Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Latinx Lives Matter, Arab Lives Matter, etc. 
2020-07-05 22:05:01 UTC
It is very racist.  Most Blacks don't feel this way.  It's the self-loathing guilt-ridden moronic liberal Whites that are pushing this idiotic agenda.
2020-07-05 22:01:41 UTC
Because hating whitey is all the rage right now, and we're supposed to kiss the feet of blacks and worship them.

Good luck with THAT, BLMers!
2020-07-09 16:30:49 UTC
That is not the point and shows your ignorance . The point is black people just had a huge tragedy (George Floyd incident to name one ) and it’s there time to currently speak up . Saying that black lives matter simply means just that , that also , black people matter . What it doesn’t say is that white or other people don’t matter. 
2020-07-08 07:23:14 UTC
the question you have a life???
2020-07-08 06:48:16 UTC
Well if you're a Jehova's Witness then that's just lying.
2020-07-08 03:00:02 UTC
You can quote old and fragile Joe dementia on this because his WHITE privilege proved that there is nothing an intelligent and articulate person of color can offer the Dem party that will beat WHITE privilege.  

As Joe said, "you ain't Black."
2020-07-07 15:35:13 UTC
White Lives Dont Matter. Say it, or the niqqers will get you.
2020-07-07 15:16:17 UTC
That's not what Black Lives Matter is saying. As white people, both you and I, our lives have always mattered. Whites have always been center stage, and BLM is saying that they matter too, despite history saying otherwise. Adding a "too" or "also" devalues the message. It is not racist to say you matter. It is racist to superimpose the idea that you also matter over minoritu groups who are trying to be precieved as normal humans on this earth.
2020-07-07 13:27:18 UTC
Shut up and sit down. Your life doesn't matter. Sorry.

I'm just giving an absurd answer to demonstrate how absurd it is.

No. It's just that BLM wants the spotlight right now; they really want your pity, so

you'd better give it to them.

I thought maybe they just wanted some love, but they keep on shooting at people,

so that can't be it.
2020-07-07 12:45:18 UTC
no one is stopping you. 
2020-07-07 10:51:07 UTC
If your a republican or a conservative your life does not matter.

According to the malcontents on the left side of the tracks. 
2020-07-06 22:38:38 UTC
In America, you are free to say whatever you feel like saying.  All of our lives matter, despite what BLM would like us all to believe.  

Yeah, I understand what it is they're saying - Black lives DO matter and changes do need to be made, especially police brutality - that needs to be addressed.  However, I think with all the violence and craziness (like demands to defund the police) they've lost a lot of support of other Americans.
2020-07-06 21:54:23 UTC
It's a form of psychological warfare against White people. By having double-stanards for blacks, and only blacks, it sends a message that you have no power. What are you going to do if you have no power and every corporate entity and the government is against you? You're going to take it out on blacks. The amazing thing is, White people have remained very subdued throughout all of this. I think they need to put those white hoods back on though if they want some justice.
2020-07-06 20:09:20 UTC
That comment came from a highly intelligent individual who was apparently making a subtle point about why there should be distinction in the first place. The Law itself should draw no distinction between white, black or Asian. ALL people should be treated equally so the concept of a 'white' person should be irrelevant. By mentioning the specific color of the person concerned it automatically implies that there is a difference. So I believe what this person was actually saying is that all lives matter and they should matter to an exact amount so the word 'white' shouldn't come into it so it was that 'white' part which doesn't matter.

However, this subtle inference is clearly lost on those with an IQ of less than 100 so you were bound to get a response.

I do suspect, however, that there may also have been an element of research involved in what was said in so far as it may have been an attempt to see how protective white people are if they feel they are in any way being victimised for the color of their skin and I, personally, think this is quite a reasonable social experiment. In poker terms this would be referred to as a probing bid, I believe.

So a lot of white people feel immediately defensive if they think that their lives are being undervalued.

But do they feel so immediately empathetic towards black people when they are clearly being victimised and undervalued for real and not through a social experiment? 

Sorry to burst anyone's bubble there.

Does it matter if it is a black bubble or a white bubble? 

We know that, in reality, the banners reading Black Lives Matter should probably have two words added to them. Those two words are ..... As Much.

Why should those words have to appear on a banner at all? 

ANSWER: Because, to many white people and possible some others, black lives don't actually matter at all.

And that is why we have numerous cases of black people being murdered. 

Wake up to the reality.
2020-07-06 19:55:44 UTC
"Or is it socially acceptable to say that every race matters except white people?"

I wasn't aware that "black lives matter" had anything to do with asians, hispanics, native americans, etc
2020-07-06 17:46:18 UTC
In fairness I don't think they're actually saying 'white lives don't matter'. In essence the message is 'black lives matter just as much'.
2020-07-06 16:34:25 UTC
Cuz your life isnt in danger! Until then...
2020-07-06 09:59:34 UTC
Um, yeah but it's not concerning you in this situation o.o
2020-07-06 09:50:44 UTC
LMAO! It's because deep down blacks don't more than anything else.
2020-07-06 04:00:54 UTC
How much will any life matter when America erupts into Civil War over the destruction of Confederate monuments and anger over BLM protestors challenging police brutality?
2020-07-06 00:20:32 UTC
Blm Marxist propaganda.
2020-07-05 22:13:41 UTC
It’s not PC to acknowledge non black lives matter.  Welcome to liberal identity politics.  
2020-07-08 16:52:26 UTC
Nlqqers dont think we matter.

We gave them the music industry, the white house, we bent over backwards to help them have equal respect and oppportunity

2020-07-08 15:36:49 UTC
All lives matter, including animals  , right?  

I am a vegetarian. 
2020-07-08 02:38:22 UTC
Who is saying that white lives don’t matter? Could you be a bigger snowflake? Grow the **** up. 
2020-07-08 01:20:41 UTC
I do t think anyone cares if you say that.  Your life matters, too.  It’s just so disingenuous to state “white lives matter”.  No one has ever treated white people as though their lives didn’t matter.  And, I do not envision a time when that will occur.
2020-07-07 14:15:54 UTC
umm... white people were the main reason why there was racism in the US back then. If you want me to be honest the US caters to rich white people. It’s literally a fact, why do you think Donald Trump is our president. It’s “racist” to say all lives matter because black people are trying to fight against the discrimination they get on a daily bases just because of their race. Saying all lives matter is like a protest against black lives matter. Don’t get me wrong , every one’s lives matter, it’s just all of history white people have been more privileged than any other race, and that needs to be changed. When we say black lives matter, we don’t say yours doesn’t
2020-07-07 12:25:02 UTC
Of course you can say it.

Just be prepared for someone to disagree with you.

And if they are are a liberal dimocRat the reaction is likely to be violent.

Takes guts to tell the truth these days.
2020-07-07 11:59:42 UTC
We already know your life matters.
2020-07-07 03:13:29 UTC
You are, don't forget it
2020-07-06 22:39:11 UTC
Because it doesn't. The minute you post anything on YA (including answers, such as this one here) your life no longer matters. People on YA are all minimally employed, drive rusty/clunky hatchbacks from the 1990s, have x-wives and aren't allowed to be alone with their kids without a social worker present, own one suit which is brown and one tie which is paisley and brown and one shirt, with a coffee stain just light enough that most people don't notice. A lot of them have toupees, some are overweight (often with man boobs). They like to sit and undress women with their eyes...while the same women put more clothing on them (with their eyes), which they mistake as flirting even though she hasn't smiled once. They have mustaches that porn stars are creeped out by. The better ones have Jerry curls and look like Oates from Hall & Oates. Yeah, she's gone...cuz she saw YOU coming. Get it? Get it? Do ya? Huh? Get it? Huh? Huh? Do ya? Huh? They sleep on their couch they got from the goodwill with blankets just big enough to not cover their toes...that they never take their socks off of anyway. Sometimes they forget to take them off in the shower. They don't play D&D because the D&D kids think they're weird and won't invite them. They can't jack off because rubbing their fist against the bottom of their"belly" that much gives them a rash...and their landlord told them to stop doing it in their car in the driveway. They can no longer feel shame, but instead a calming sense of acceptance while giving off the general vibe of "yeah, I know." They're at the high point in their lives and they haven't smiled since 1996 and still watch movies taped from TV on VHS, with commercials that they never fast forward through. Most of them have a light bright in their house still plugged in with a short love note from an x-girlfriend who left them for a gas station cashier because they make more money. They do have air conditioning and it does run 24/7 in the summer, but for some reason it's still 86 in their apartment. They can't even reach all the places they should be wiping sweat off of. Eating even makes them sweat and they eat peas from the can for breakfast and it's the 2nd half of the same can they had for dinner, last Monday. They don't really sweat that much, but all their exposed skin is always shiny and they have nice pit stains, but thankfully they're covered by their brown suit. When they chew bubble gum they look like a sea lion trying to vomit. And they like to sit in the corner of the break room reading Archie comics, which they never have any reaction to...dead serious expression. And there you have it...your life doesn't matter for all these reasons and more.

Thanks for asking :-)
2020-07-06 21:38:41 UTC
All lives can't matter if black lives don't matter, so when you can say black lives matter, than you can go ahead and say all lives matter. 
2020-07-06 16:29:20 UTC
You can say your life matters. You have freedom of speech. 
2020-07-06 15:46:37 UTC
All lives DO matter, its just common sense.  Whether crybabies like it or not is irrelevant.
2020-07-06 09:57:14 UTC
You have a right to voice this opinion, even if someone else disagrees with it. 
2020-07-06 09:47:32 UTC
Because if if something as obvious as "all lives matter" doesn't fit into the radical left's narrative, you can bet "white lives matter" doesn't either.  That's why.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.