Should all republicans who hope Pres. Obama fails be forced to...?
Steven J
2009-04-01 21:55:01 UTC
call them selves the Benedict Arnold party? Sen. McCain ran on the America first program. How is hoping the government fails America first?
28 answers:
2009-04-01 22:04:19 UTC
I would never hope a US president would fail. No matter the party. If he fails, the country crumbles and we will lose. I don't understand how any one from either party could be so bitter as to hope a president fails. That is like saying, "I hate our boat captain. I hope he fails and crashes the damn ship. That will show him and his supporters how wrong they were."
It's just bizarre and self centered.
Bunny D.
2009-04-06 00:29:07 UTC
It is always politics. CNN just this morning had a piece of several Democrat "Talking Heads" says that they wanted Bush to FAIL when he became President. Politics seem to really seem slanted according to WHICH side you are on. So in answer to your could be proposed............should all Democrats who hoped Bush would fail be forced themselves the Benedict Arnold party? It really does matter individually which side of the fence you are looking from. Cheers.
2009-04-05 18:33:01 UTC
Obama is the anti-christ.
He is a liar. troops are still dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he wants to send more over to Afghanistan.
He promised tax cuts for the middle class, but now every citizen is on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars. That is a tax increase!
He travels outside of the United States and criticizes our country and calls the U.S. arrogant.
Many of his cabinet appointees are tax cheats. Birds of a feather!
I not only hope that Obama fails, I PRAY THAT OBAMA FAILS!!!!!!!!
And don't even think about calling me UnAmerican. I served my country, and I have EARNED the right to criticize whom ever I please!
2009-04-05 19:03:35 UTC
Wow, based on the replies, the mouth breathing droolers really take umbrage at your question.
They should all wear a big scarlet R where they currently place their Chinese-made lapel pins. That or tattoo "stupid" or "traitor" on their foreheads BACKWARDS so they can see themselves for whom they really are when they look in the mirror.
Oh, except 5 deferments Deadeye Dick Cheney, who can't be seen in any mirror.
2009-04-02 15:46:41 UTC
If obama succeeds america looses and fails, He wants to trun control of america over to the world. I hope he fails,
He wants to take away america's guns, I hope he fails
he wants to tax us through the roof, I hope he fails,
He wants to destroy the country, I hope he fails.
If you want him to succeede, your part of the problem.
2009-04-02 05:10:06 UTC
Dissent especially political is the truest form of freedom, You s/b ashamed of your self..Every male member of my family has spent a tour of duty in the armed forces to continue your right to spew your vomit about republicans being traitors. Obama has a seething hate for the wealthy of this country, and simply wants to tax and redistribute to those in America unwilling to work for a better life. Now please take the tinfoil off your head.
2009-04-02 05:07:35 UTC
Republican have no right to run their mouth about Obama, We had to keep are mouth shut under Bush. As for Benedict Arnold, compared to Republicans, There are certain unethical things that Benny would refuse to do.
2009-04-02 05:35:51 UTC
How is celebrating the fact that former president Bush had shoes thrown at him wishing him success? I don't wish failure on any president, but if someone wants to that's their business.
2009-04-02 05:01:35 UTC
I for one DO NOT want the government running the banks. auto industry etc. etc. So, yeah, I hope this garbage fails and all that took the bailout go broke. This will allow the small businesses to take over the sales/debts the BIG business failed at. When will people realize Obama, Pelosi and Reid ONLY care about BIG business and the rest of us can starve!
2009-04-02 05:18:13 UTC
People who call themselves republicans are truely mixed up (1) how can you wish that your president fail? If he fails the whole country will go down the tube, and guess what the republicans and democrates and every swinging---- is going too, so wise up people!!!
2009-04-05 15:14:32 UTC
Why do democrats like forcing people to do things?
2009-04-02 05:01:23 UTC
LOL OH NO!! Someone is using free speech!!! Attack!! Less Freedoms now!!! Burn the Constitution!!!
I love a good ole dose of liberal hypocrisy. Yea you never said a word against GWB while he was in office did you?? Or say anything to anyone that did? Did you promote the Benedict Arnold party then?
2009-04-02 05:02:29 UTC
Republicans here do not seem to know the difference between a socialist and a fascist . So all they know is that they don't like him (mainly because of his race ).
Republicans also voted for Sarah Palin - Mrs Secede from the United States Alaska Independent Party. How Patriotic is that ?
2009-04-02 05:05:12 UTC
Should all the people that voted for Obama be blame for the economy crisis?
Wise up.
2009-04-02 05:00:44 UTC
No the Republican Made in China Party.
2009-04-02 04:59:53 UTC
Educate yourself then you will see the light
I beg you to watch the Obama is NOT totally about Obama but the government as a whole and how this whole thing started a long time ago
And much to your glee you will find plenty of Bush bashing going on
Very Wise Man
2009-04-02 05:32:30 UTC
Regardless of what anyone hopes.....Obama = No Hope
Brian C.K.
2009-04-02 05:00:29 UTC
If people think the president isn't doing right by the country then it's not "Country First" is it?
wider scope
2009-04-02 05:03:09 UTC
obama doesn't represent my views and isn't representing our best interests. why should i wish him anything but failure?
bc i just want a change?
not even knowing what ramifications that change will bring
- like the average lib?
2009-04-02 04:59:56 UTC
They're still sore because they lost, to them Government is a big game, and few care about "us" But I say if they want to help so badly then they can take a pay cut
2009-04-02 04:59:42 UTC
You really havent been updated with this new world order stuff have you?
I hope the plan fails and Im proud of it.
Deb M
2009-04-02 05:00:02 UTC
Excellent point! Seems the republicans have double standards...but is that really surprising?
2009-04-02 04:59:24 UTC
Republicans think government is good at nothing, so it should fail.
Bizarre mentality.
2009-04-02 04:59:13 UTC
I am not a Republican, but I hope he fails.
I don't want to live in a socialist state with no Constitution being controlled by a world government.
2009-04-02 05:06:50 UTC
the republican party is dead.
2009-04-02 04:59:12 UTC
the republicans want a second shot at fascism that's all
2009-04-02 04:59:03 UTC
Tell me what unit did you serve in and where did you earn your CIB or combat patch.
2009-04-02 04:59:42 UTC
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