The are two major reasons that libtards do that: Hate and lies.
HATE: It's the same reason libtard Franklin D, Roosevelt appointed Klansman bigwig Hugo Black to the Supreme Count and had a Klansman for a Vice President - Harry S. Truman was, in fact, a Klansman.
Hatred - the libtards have been practicing it since their slave-holding days:
"I take what many folks call a liberal view of the American Constitution in that I say that not all men were created equal, but that this country was made for the White man and not the black": Liberal Democrat President Jefferson Davis 1863: Library of Congress, The Jeff Davis Papers.
LIES: Libtards whine and lie that Abe Lincoln "was REALLY a liberal democrat" and THEN proceed to quote and cite other lying libtards as "proof" - who is the ONE person they do NOT quote? Abe Lincoln HIMSELF:
Conservative Republican President Abe Lincoln: "I am a conservative and a Republican, and I will destroy slavery." "A Letter to Horace Greeley in 1861." (The New York Tribune, autumn 1861).
Without their hate and lies, libtards would have nothing.
Libturds = libstains.
p.s. Conservative Republicans also gave women the right to vote over the hysterical opposition of the Democrat National Party.