2012-01-21 06:34:03 UTC
Democrats and Republicans are working together to do the bidding of the ultra wealthy power elite, using mass unemployment to force U.S. born workers back into the sweatshops. They are using free trade to send jobs out of the country, and they are using H1B visas and illegal immigrant workers to soak up jobs here in this country, all to create a scarcity of jobs for U.S. born workers.
Democrats and Republicans put on a public display of fighting over things, so they can set us to fighting amongst ourselves. Then while we're occupied with issues like flag burning, abortion, and the debt ceiling, the politicians meet in secret to conspire against us behind our backs.
More and more people are waking up to this reality. So, when some partisan starts finger pointing as if only one side is to blame, are they strenghening their case with their obvious denial of reality?
Do you think "divide and conquer" tactics still work in politics?