Because Kashmir IS NOT A PART OF INDIA, being a DISPUTED TERRITORY. It is a FOREIGN LAND(says UNSC Resolutions dated 21 st April, 1948 till "free & fair" PLEBISCITE is held under its auspices, the UNEQUIVOCAL i.e., IRREPLACEABLE the ONLY solution of the problem). So, INDIA HAS NO LEGAL AUTHORITY on the land of Kashmir. ILLEGAL OCCUPATION BY MILITARY FORCE DOES NOT SECURE LEGITIMACY. So, NO INDIAN RULE IS APPLICABLE THERE. Even if India takes any such decision, that is like imposing Indian rule ILLEGALLY on any foreign land like NEPAL, Bhutan or Sri Lanka,... etc.
Keeping in view of abovementioned LEGAL REALITIES, people of Kashmir DO NOT RECOGNISE INDIAN AUTHORITIES & because of that THEY HAVE NOT GIVEN ANY TAX TO GOVT. OF INDIA SINCE 1990 & RIGHTLY too.
Just by banning any organisation can not hinder its well planned actions, FREEDOM STRUGGLE & 100 % PUBLIC SUPPORT. Syed Ali Shah Gilani is PERFECT in LEGAL UNDERSTANDING on Kashmir DISPUTE, undoubtedly.
I've visited every point of Kashmir several times without any security cover & know the ground reality, none of Indian leaders or journalists(not even Barkha Dutt) will ever dare to think even. I've talked to > 1,50,000 people in last 5 years. None likes India.
Syed ali Shah Gilani of Hurriyat(means 'freedom') Conference is not a traitor, rather, he is the true repesentative of Kashmir the VOICE OF KASHMIR. actually, Indians are traitor of Kashmir, the disputed territory, as per UN Charter.
EDIT : I'm NOT a Pakistani & my name is Zam Zam & NOT Zim Zim. Your statement about me shows your judgement, calibre & IQ level. You may falsely say you have Kashmiri friends but I challenge you to visit any part of Kashmir without govt security & air such communal hatred based views. Neither you nor any Indian leader or journalist can visit beyong Bandipur like Gurais, Bangush Valley, tosh Maidan, Khadaniyar, Chhitkari, Konan Poshpora, Trehgam & inside forest settlements of Gujjars from Gulmarg-Khilanmarg area to any place near LOC, I've visited.
Dogra Monarchy ended on 15 th March, 1946, after completion of 100 year of infamous & inhuman Amritsat Treaty. No self imposed extension is either valid or exists on paper. Maharaja NEVER signed the instrument of accession EVEN UNDER DURESS while fleeing in night's darkness, after losing people's support to save live, far away from the capital, proved by British Records, published in 14 volumes in 1997 after 50 year of secrecy. Read books of Prof Alastair Lamb, Stanley Wolpert & Patrick French too. My survey is MOST ACCURATE b coz I have neither language problem nor other problems like you that you can NEVER visit there. Before my survey, the international CSDS survey showed that 87 % people of the valley, Poonchh, Mendhar, Rajauri, Doda, Kishtwar, Kargil, Drass, Nubra , Zanskar & all non-Hindus of Jammu & Kathua too DO NOT LIKE INDIA. If you air such your views, you're sure to be cut into 5000 pieces within 5 minutes in Kashmir.
If Mumbai city of India having 1.8 crore people gets even 1 lakh troops deployed, NO bundh(strike) called by Shiv Sena will ever get success which is forced one but Kashmir has > 1 million(10 lakh) troops which announces loudly on lounspekers to defy strike called by Hurriyat Conference as they will back people but strike is 100 % successful with full obedience b coz PEOPLE ARE AGAINST INDIAN MASSIVE ARMY & ARE IN FAVOUR OF HURRIYAT. Who can refute that transparent fact observed every year on 13 th July, 15 th August, 27 th October(all historical BLACK DAYS for Kashmiris) & other days. People HATE INDIA & her army, the looter, rapist, oppressor, suppressor, repressor victimiser, subjugator, bludgeoner into submission & that too in the DIPUTED zone. If India & army has people's support why has that been given unaccountable INHUMAN sweeping powers like AFSPA, PSA & DBA, all DICTATORIAL , worse than Hitler rule, all COLONIALIST trick s ?????? The fact is, people's views are crystal clear. People will not sacrifice 7 lakh lives for making a fun as you mention, all HUMBUG, a liar's contention. Improve your personality removing BIAS & COMMUNALISM. I've not visited Pakistan but there is NO hutment colony, no slum, no beggar, & average people are taller, stronger , healthier & much better off. In Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, AP & Orissa, people dig heaps of garbage to get sum rotten eatables. If one vomits, other starts taking that. In Mumbai 80 lakh people live in dirty hutment slums having 3 tier small cots inside, I've seen everywhere there.
There is NOTHING on PAPER to prove that Bhutto agreed in Simla. Moreover, He was NOT a representative of Kashmiris. As per UN Charter & UNSC Resolutions, ONLY PEOPLE of Kashmir will decide their future, being MOST IMPORTANT PARTY & NOT outsiders like India or Pakistan. UN Charter & International Law say that in any decision taken by outsider nations about any disputed territory( like Kashmir) CAN NOT BE IMPOSED on people, who have right to reject & are NOT BOUND TO ACCEPT. So, Kashmir's future is YET TO BE DECIDED & that too by
none else,
Moreover, UN Charter no. 103, says, any resolution passed within UN Security Council CAN NOT be cancelled by any means OUTSIDe UNSC. Learn more & improve IQ.