Do you think there will be a civil war in U.S.A.?
2009-07-08 15:54:40 UTC
do you think neocons and demos will just keep getting more and more angry with eachother until finally a civil war breaks out??...
22 answers:
2009-07-08 16:01:13 UTC
Civil war sounds too organized.... more than likely will be chaos with a lot of violence.
Mark T
2009-07-08 23:57:04 UTC
Nah, It will be interesting though.

You have the sickness in the Republican party that's pretty serious.

Basically the best part of the GOP, that of fiscal conservatism, realist geopolitics and a rather neutral position on a variety of social matters, was systematically eliminated starting shortly after the Eisenhower administration and ending up with the more or less collapse of the party in 2004 and most obviously in 2006.

The reasons basically revolve around the reconfiguration of the GOP around an axis of power that has been torn apart.

1. Courting and nurturing and social conservatism which caters to the of increasingly rarefied religious beliefs, so basic science, foreign policy, healthcare or public health policy even geology / land use policy can all be called into question because they do not fit within more literalist / dominionist interpretation of the King James Bible.

2. The development of particular media outlets, notably the total domination of AM radio and the Fox News channel which reaches nearly 50% of all US households either as the predominant or exclusive provider of news and information.

3. The rise of a small but very influential sub-class of political influence brokers who (especially under President Bush) exersized a high degree of control or influence over the political apparatus of the GOP and Republican politicians , known generally as neoconservatives. Their most direct influence has had broad affect - most tragically in the Iraqi invasion after 9/11. or

In 2004 , after the GOP had high degrees of control over media and policy and - got a little sloppy - and tried to backed several candidates who were openly corrupt or running on family-values but who turned out to have some sordid personal history , the social conservatives - who had been explicitly courted over the last 20 years, decided to not vote.

And the wheels fell off the cart, without evangelical enthusiasm , primary volunteerism and votes, Republican candidates, across the country became non-viable.

While otherwise this might have been considered a good time to reorganize and see where they lost it, in a real sense, there is a whole apparatus built around these three elements, two of which were designed to affect the third.

So the media and the neoconservative political apparatchiks lost their audience but since the neocons "have the mike" they are not about to let some other faction of the Republican party take it away from them.

So they are - in a way - stuck in the "on" position without being able to change message, and that really gets to the ideological and geopolitical roots of that faction of the GOP. This has caused them to REALLY play with fire, courting the far-right of the GOP with some pretty radical characters - who are photogenic and charismatic but perhaps not necessarily - "all there".

The unreal antics are - I catering to an infantile and fairly radical crowd, such that Fox News is really something to behold - just not in the way they would probably prefer.

Glen Beck "just having fun" -

Or Brian K, "telling us how he sees it" -

Other - older - elements could potentially come together - and this REALLY would be positive for the GOP, so if politicians like Pat Buchanan, Dr's Allan Keynes or Ron Paul could gain access to non-Fox media and get their message out.

I think a large number are looking for just such a personality that is willing to stand up to the special interests in the GOP and tell the social conservatives that they are no longer as predominant a force.

In this way, the Democratic party - for it's part is the party that has and for the foreseeable future needs to hold the middle as a centrist party.

Certainly there is neoconservative influence in the democratic party, but after watching the destruction that befell the GOP at the hands of being ideologically radicalized one can only hope they have learned a lesson without having to go through it themselves.
2009-07-08 23:08:01 UTC
not neocons or will be the progressive marxists & radical libs against normal Americans & Conservatives that will not tolerate the loss of America to the fringe lunatics .
2009-07-08 22:59:30 UTC
It's very possible but the problem it seems this time is not the masses but the armies, secret societies and some of the most influential people and politicians. If there is a civil war, it would be between the masses and armies domestic and foreign.
2009-07-08 23:11:12 UTC
i graduated high school in the mid sixties and thought then that another revolution was a real possibility. it seems we are getting closer and closer to that becoming a reality. people are getting fed up with politicians not listening and their voices not being heard. that being said, i don't think we will be using bullets this time but rather ballots. it is time to shake up d.c. and let them know either they listen to our will or they will be replaced.
2009-07-08 23:08:29 UTC
i hope so, im foaming at the mouth at the thought of gutting conservatives and prying their guns from their cold dying hands and giving them the kill-shot with their own guns

then we would salt down the entire south so noting could ever grow there again and leave it with the bleached bones of its simpleton redneck army rotting in the sun for all future generations to see what happens when conservatives get uppity

2009-07-08 23:08:00 UTC
No. Maybe certain twats like Poe for president and dumb rednecks would start a war and fight themselves but I for one know that me & the rest of the country wouldn't be involved, we'd be busy with our lives.
2009-07-08 23:02:47 UTC
Well, hopefully not. Best way the beat each other is through educating ourselves as to what the parties stand for, and then using ballots instead of bullets. I'm a conservative, but I don't support violence unless threatened with violence.
Laughing Man
2009-07-08 23:00:58 UTC
No first you need to look up what a neocon is.

Now look at the military recruiting numbers among Republicans. They are very very very very very very very very very very low.

If you think these loud mouths will put up or shut up......

They like to complain that is all. You get a crazy gullible one every now and then that kills a few people but that is what right-wing terrorists do.
2009-07-08 23:00:01 UTC
No, I don't. We aren't faced with such a galvanizing issue as slavery. The vocal minority raise a lot of angst, but the majority believe this country will pull through.
2009-07-08 22:59:10 UTC
No.... if anything it will be the poor against the rich. If you notice, we continue to have more people in this country that just keep getting poorer and poorer. The rich keep getting richer and richer.

The rich control our government and in effect, control us. We are getting tired of it.

The left and the right need to come together and attack who truly needs to be attacked and they are the elites in DC trying to control our every move.
2009-07-08 23:05:31 UTC
I hope so, it's time to push the reset button on society.
2009-07-08 22:59:13 UTC
Not if us dems succeed in taking the guns away from the neocons 8-)
2009-07-08 22:58:26 UTC
I do.

And it will be fought along the red State/Blue State lines initially, then deteriorate into nothing but an all-out race war.
Mr. Obvious
2009-07-08 22:58:57 UTC
It would be a short war. Liberals are scared of guns, and they are only willing to confront people on the internet where they can hide.
2009-07-08 22:58:12 UTC
Maybe,and kill each other off.

Both would fight until death,so it is a possibility.

I go to the UK for schooling at Cambridge next year and hope this occurs when I am overseas.
2009-07-08 22:58:26 UTC
yes... but it has nothing to do with neo's or demo's. it has to do with the haves and the have nots.

the blue blood of the elites will run like a river
The Dude
2009-07-08 23:03:55 UTC
well, if it's anything like those massive tea bagger gatherings, we should all be shaking in our boots...
2009-07-08 23:01:33 UTC
yes, and I see it happening sooner than later.
2009-07-08 22:58:21 UTC
No because that would be dumb.
Ace Librarian
2009-07-08 22:58:20 UTC
No, I don't.
2009-07-08 22:58:07 UTC
God I hope so......

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