Mortgage meltdown was ENGINEERED by the CROOKS ON THE HILL !! Tax $$ were siphoned off to expand/fund Fanny/Freddy/HUD programs/ Community "assistance programs/ organizations. The $$ slipped into bills as earmarks/grants or expanded budget lines etc were designed to fund and implement social and political objectives.
...Congress ignored the reports that audited Fanny/Freddy and ACTIVELY blocked calls (by primarily REP)s to investigate the" fiscal irregularities and usage..." conclusion of the report. B.Franks,C.Dodd, +other treasury /justice partisans/officials later claimed a failure of oversight duh!
...Congress used the back door pipeline of SKIMMED TAX$ to lure WallStreet (WS) into the opportunity to create and ride a "profit wave".Both WS and the CROOK on the hill made great (personal profits).The Scam however has a second twist: WS did not realize that they would be sued/coerced into lending $$ to folks who cld not qualify or would default . The "community ..organizations and their legal "teams " mission was politically motivated! The "desire" was to PROVIDE housing and access to other programs at reduced or no cost . These folks "needed/deserved" a house ,utility subsidies, and would in turn be grateful supporters/voters.
...The SCAM like all SCAMs end ugly > Greed ,deceit by many (WS, Members of Congress and buyers*) grew and to the point where WS could no longer hide the toxic debt. WS demanded a bailout and got it!!! Congress and other officials deflected attention by spinning/ranting re; the the greed of WS gurus, Bush (who did call for reform/investigation ) and wailsfor all the victims (those who didnt read their contracts or took a "free house" with the idea that the "gov" was clearly giving it to them since they had no or limited employment/ assets ..(?they were just lucky they weren't like the other folks who saved,worked for years to qualify for a house purchase?).
...The false housing BOOM created by this SCAM put a lot of $$ into Many Pockets !! Many of those those reaping profits (investors,builders, real estate brokers , inspectors, business etc., ) CHOSE to overextend /purchase more /add grow their company etc.
...What NO One remembers is that There Are already FEDERAL PROGRAMS that assist the elderly, infirm/disabled ,single moms,youth services , food stamps,..etc., ALL funded by TAXPAYER $$. Back door Congressional programs or "support" of agencies or organizations Or MORE RECENTLY unpublished and UNREAD Legislation providing Tax ## for various entities authored by a few members is recognized by many as CRIMINAL FRAUD.
This nation rejected RULE by arbitrary laws (king George) and emerged as a free(and successful) Nation where the Government is SUBJECT to the will of the people! Opportunity(later free education) penalties based on the crime Not social or economic class /standing and the individual's freedom to pursue and acquire that which he/she desired were the tools provided; Success was not guaranteed simply that citizens could CHOSE how to use the fruits of their labor to secure themselves, their family and any other cause they deemed as worthy of support/ assistance etc. >>What was guaranteed was that the PEOPLE were protected from undue GOV oppression!!
Congress and many Politicians have CHOSEN to serve themselves, and misuse their positions TO ENGINEER or COERECE "support" for THEIR ideology,social or political beliefs. MONEY GREED, an addition to POWER games have replaced their oath to serve!
>>>>THEFT regardless of the "rational" or status of the perpetrators has never been well tolerated by" the people". This outrage sparked and bought INDEPENDANCE by blood and tears.
>>>>One (in the USA) makes his/her bed because they CAN CHOSE--They also suffer or enjoy their bed they worked to CREATE ! They can also CHOSE to wallow in self pity or get started on a remake! No One on this PLANET is guaranteed a life without loss,hardship,potholes to navigate around or perfect health!! In the USA individuals have the ability/freedom to chose how or if they want to "change" their life! The government was never designed to be the mommy that fixed everything or the dad that bailed you out when things didnt "go well"/work out.
..What next federal $$(+ a house,food, fuel, etc ) for the poor folks who lost all their $$ at the casino?? or dropped out of school because life in a gang was more fun and lucrative/teacher was bossy/mean
Remember Governments exist on taxes and trade.! What happens when taxpayers dwindle (or as some have said revolt) and trade with deflated currency is insufficient????
Who will care for the victims?