Yes, they are.
Millions of people died as a result of the banning of DDT
Power plants in third-world countries have been blocked by environmentalists which would give the poor people a semblance of a standard of living. Now they're back to the mud huts.
Goodwill shipments of food to impoverished countries have been blocked because the foods were GMO. People starved.
Auto makers are forced to make cars lighter, thereby less safe, resulting in deaths for millions MORE people.
-----> DDT, in normal doses never killed anyone. It was banned because it supposedly softened the eggs of certain birds of prey (i.e. the birds are more important than the humans)
GMO foods have not been proven to be harmful either. It's not like they were poison. People eat them in the US. They're not poison.
Cars are safer NOW. The federal government has imposed stricter standards on fuel mileage, which will force the manufacturers to make them lighter. The NTSB has stated that these cars WILL result in more highway deaths.
"New Auto Fuel Economy Standards Will Regulate Us To Death"
"A 2003 NHTSA study estimated that every 100 pounds of weight taken off a car weighing more than 3,000 pounds increases the accident death rate slightly less than 5%"
See, if environmentalists actually had the guts to address the misery their movement has caused, I might consider getting on board.
Liberals such as yourself CLAIM to be the champions of poor people, yet continue to keep this HUGE blind spot on the suffering environmentalism has caused.
****Nothing? Really?
I was hoping you could tell me how I'm wrong. That dying of malaria, starving to death or dying in a car accident ARE NOT bad things.
It's okay, nobody has ever rationalized past this point. Except the one guy who sais he didn't care about all that and as far as he was concerned, the human race could go extinct. To be honest, I had nothing to say to that.