Should I vote for Democrat because of Universal Health Care?
2008-03-01 20:29:58 UTC
While trying to keep up with the Obama campaign I have started playing a drinking game where I down a shot every time he says "hope" and "change".

I'm thinking that I will need a liver transplant by the time the general elections get here.

So, my question is, should I vote for the Democrat candidate in the General Elections so I can get a free liver transplant, or maybe a disability check for being an alcoholic?
26 answers:
Voice of Reason
2008-03-01 20:33:56 UTC
Too Funny! No. You don't have to vote democrat. You could just move to an impoverished socialist country that already has socialized medicine.

Universal Health care... I can see it now. All the compassion of the IRS combined with the efficiency of the pentagon.
2008-03-02 04:45:20 UTC
No, not necessarily....I truly believe that eventually, well, in the very near future, in fact, we will have free will be done with either a Republican or Democratic seems to be an issue of concern for the American people, and all of the candidates and lobbyists hear what they want and need, so yes, eventually, we will get a fair healthcare that will benefit both the American citizens and healthcare Professionals, alike.
2008-03-02 04:40:55 UTC
You still have to pay for your healthcare plan and pay taxes for the overall subsidies. Both their plans suck, but it's better than McCain not doing anything.

And for the 'well read' idiot that says 53% taxes and long lines, those taxes are for real universal healthcare plan, free college, unemployment, government babysitters, retirement in Denmark (the happiest people in the world, according to studies with one of the best rated healthcare and education in the world). And, no, I'm not advocating that system.

The current plans proposed by Obama and Clinton still use for-profit industries, there will be no longer lines than today, Doctors will be paid the same, you pick your doctor, nothing changes except for those that don't work for companies that provide it or they provide high premium, crappy plans, the government now will offer a good, cheap plan to everyone at a lower cost, the difference coming in the form of taxes.
2008-03-02 04:41:06 UTC
Unfortunately neither party has any health care plan except to turn the whole damned thing over to the insurance companies. The only guy who had a different plan was Kucinach. But we can't elect a guy like that because he's got half a brain.
a m
2008-03-02 04:52:59 UTC
Universal health care is the same thing as Socialized medicine.....which means that you no longer have the freedom to will be our first step to communism, and the democrats can sell it to the flower power liberals, who cannot think for themselves. So if you want you constitutional rights to be taken away and mean absolutely nothing, then elect a democrat.
Christopher S
2008-03-02 05:15:56 UTC
If you have actually read down this far and still believe universal health care is a good idea, then nothing I could say will change that.

go back to the top and start over. you must have missed something.
2008-03-02 04:36:34 UTC
very funny.

however if you vote democratic you think you're on a long list for a liver transplant now??? just wait until everyone is covered under their plan!!!

and by the way, good luck getting a good doctor to perform the surgery!!
2008-03-02 04:34:56 UTC
If you want to bankrupt the country, cause a rapid decline in physicians and other health care providers, if you want a govt employee deciding if you get health care, if you want the govt to tell who to see, if you want the govt mandating healthy habits, if you want to die on a waiting list, if you want to have to take an ambulance to a hospital just to see a doctor, then you should vote for Democrat and universal health care.

I think you know this already but some poor soul out there is taking you seriously
2008-03-02 04:34:31 UTC
If that is the only reason to vote democrat then don't. Listen to the debates and see what you stand for. If you just decide you may end up regretting it. Or just stop drinking so much.
2008-03-02 04:55:52 UTC
yes don't list to voice of liberty he must be rich and a bush fan. Do u want more bush bull is so vote MC cain. If you want to be treated fair vote Clinton.
2008-03-02 04:35:07 UTC
Do you want the government in control of every aspect of your life. One step at a time down that slippery slope. Keep in mind, with the government in control, they get to choose when you die. If the dems have there way, maybe it will be a good thing. I'll just quit working and live off the dole too. why not
2008-03-02 04:35:49 UTC
Two doctors and an Universal Health Care manager die and line up together at the Pearly Gates. One doctor steps forward and tells St. Peter, "As a pediatric surgeon, I saved hundreds of children." St. Peter lets him enter.

The next doctor says, "As a psychiatrist, I helped thousands of people live better lives." St. Peter tells him to go ahead.

The last man says, "I was an Universal Health Care manager. I got countless families cost-effective health care."

St. Peter replies, "You may enter. But," he adds, "you can only stay for three days. After that, you're out of here."
2008-03-02 04:34:37 UTC
Now that sounds like a drinking game! you're almost a Kennedy! No, here's a drinking game. Watch a Bush interview or speech. Every time he gets that look of amazement at saying something correctly, take a shot. You'll get the same results.
Knight squadron
2008-03-02 04:36:47 UTC
It's "free" because the middle class will be paying 53% Federal income tax just like in Denmark; look it up. Oh........and you have to wait for that "free" procedure for a very long time; see Canada. Here, you need your gall bladder taken out, you go straight to surgery, barring complications. In Canada, call an automated service to get on the'll get yours in about three months, unless you get this massive infection and then they may see you next week!
Stephanie M
2008-03-02 04:33:06 UTC
the person you vote for should be the one who you think will live up to your expectations as a good leader should....the candidate who values the same things you do....if that turns out to be a democrat...then vote that way
2008-03-02 04:35:46 UTC
Come to Canada. You can see what universal health care is like. It basically brings down the whole quality of health care for everyone. Let's also get universal car care. If you crash your car, everyone else will pay for it. Just like universal health care. If you "crash" your body, everyone else can pay for it.
2008-03-02 04:33:00 UTC
You should consider whether it can actually be implemented, funded, and if it will work.

WIKI it, it has some good stuff there.
Charlie Bravo
2008-03-02 04:38:00 UTC
perhaps you should take that money and get some professional psychiatric help for your mental woes----
2008-03-02 04:34:04 UTC
who said universal health care was free? the premiums will be garnished from your paycheck.
Travis S
2008-03-02 07:15:20 UTC
Only if you want it to suck
2008-03-02 04:37:48 UTC
Yes, but you will probably die waiting for your turn to get in for the surgery.
2008-03-02 04:32:48 UTC
That is a very good reason to vote Democratic!
2008-03-02 11:28:07 UTC
if you're not sure. vote mccain.
Voice of Liberty
2008-03-02 04:33:55 UTC
It IS NOT the government's job to provide healthcare. In fact do some research into Socialized Healthcare systems in Europe and Canada. Its free, but is it acceptable quality? Is it acceptable that people die waiting for government agencies to approve their applications to recieve life-saving procedures? Do you know what standing in the line at the DMV feels like? Well imagine that but your life depended on it and instead of being able to yell at the dumb woman behind the counter, you are on a 1-800 number at the mercy of a little automated lady-menu-thing. And tell me, when was the last time you heard of Austrailia or Canada or France making a ground-breaking medical discovery? Socialized medicine - like socialism - offers NO incentive for people to better themselves or produce anything extrodinary... which is why Socialize anything ALWAYS fails.

If you nationalize healthcare then taxes are going to rise substantially and insurance rates are going to go through the roof. Ulitmately NO ONE will have the option but to rely on government subsidized healthcare and people like me who were willing to sacrafice the few extra dollars a month for insurance so that I could choose my healthcare options are going to be forced to ride the same boat as everyone else.

Why not leave taxes where they are and perhaps even lower them so that people will have the extra money to take responsibility for themselves and put it toward healthcare. I guarantee you that these people who scream for the government to pay for their healthcare will just as soon turn around and buy a new X-Box or get their nails done. You can afford to do all that but you can't spend the money to take care of your health????

Look at France for example. In 2006, the average citizen payed between 41% and 46% of their income to the government. Compare this to 30 years ago when it was nearly half that rate. It is estimated that Socialized medicine is now costing each citizen upwards of 28% of their annual income.

So, lets say that I make $50,000 per year salary. $14,000, yes that's FOURTEEN THOUSAND of my dollars, which I earned are paying for healthcare. If I have to visit the emergency room twice in one year, that is the same as me having to pay $7,000 per visit.

Think this is Bullsh**? Just wait and see.

This is opposed to now, I pay only $200 per month for my health insurance.

My BIGGEST problem however are the HUGE misconceptions about the proposed National Healthcare. Some people are advertising it as "Free" Healthcare. Hillary Clinton claims that it would only cost about $800 per year per person to administer. This is IMPOSSIBLE.

Doctors will still need paid, medical facilities still need funds, and the program itself will cost billions to start, employ its administrators and to continue running.

All of this will be funded by tax dollars.

Also, look at the probems inherent with the proposed programs:

#1 The government, through this agency will essentially control your healthcare. This means that you will have to apply to the government for the healthcare that you need. Then if you need a procedure or treatment, you will have to get that approved as well. What other countries that have socialized healthcare have experienced is that the all-knowing, all-seeing government takes this one step further and actually places you in a wait status for the procedure based on the severity of your condition compared to other peoples'. So, lets say you are diagnosed with cancer, but the doctor does not feel that treatment for it is needed yet. Buddy the second I find out I have cancer, I'm doing eveything I can to get cured. Under National Healthcare however, you do not have that right. You have to wait in line as funding is allocate first to people with more severe cases than you. People say that then you can opt to pick up private health insurance, but in reality NO insurance company will provide coverage to ANYONE who has cancer as a pre-existing condition, so then you are at the mercy of politicians and the system.

#2 Under National Healthcare, you do not have the right to refuse treatment either. If you are prescribed a medication that is cheap, but that makes you go bald, and the only other medication for your condition is very expensive, the system is likely to provide you with only the cheapest medication. If you refuse it, the you are dropped from the National Healthcare plan because you would be considered a risk. Then, just like abovr, you are stuch with NOTHING as no insurance company will then pick you up with that pre-existing condition unless you are willing to pay HUGE premiums.

#3 Why should I, if I am willing to pay for insurance to avoid all that I have described above, have to have my taxes raised for others to have free, government-controlled healthcare that I will not benefit from??? Do you even realize how much your taxes will rise to be able to implement this???
2008-03-02 04:33:05 UTC
what universal health care??......yea like thats gonna happen.......
2008-03-02 04:32:14 UTC
vote McCain

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.