Do you believe that the captured ?
Very Wise Man
2009-04-19 22:54:37 UTC
To those who feel that using psychological interrogation techniques on captured Al Qaeda terrorists constitutes " torture " you believe that the captured Al Qaeda terrorists are really " sensitive ", " delicate " and " emotionally fragile " people who may be adversely psychologically " scarred " by being interrogated ?
Nineteen answers:
Adelaide B
2009-04-21 18:07:44 UTC
Instead of 'torturing' them we should shoot them with super soakers filled with pigs blood instead of water.

Once touched by pork they believe they will not be allowed into heaven and their 72 virgins will be awarded to somebody else.

Hows that for 'sensitivity'?
2009-04-20 06:12:35 UTC
The detainees were tortured--in violation of the law. What I find interesting is two things:

>The cons who are whining about this are the very same people who are always running around yapping about "law and order." Apparently they think the law doesn't apply to them. Well, it does.

>Second, these people's obvious lack of patriotism. The FBI and other intelligence agencies have--and repeatedly made this public--far more effective interrogation techniques that are humane and legal. A real patriot would want--would DEMAND (as liberals did) that these proven methods be used so that the safety and security of Americans wold be best protected. This isn't new--the law enforcement people pointed this out years ago and it was all over the news.

So the cons can't claim they don't know all this. Yet they persisted in clamoring for torture. Whatever you call someone who DOESN'T want the best means used to protect America, they sure aren't patriots.

"The object of torture is torture"--George Orwell
2009-04-20 06:17:36 UTC
Bash once again you are wrong. You talk of our constitutional protections but the people in question do not fall under those protections. They are not bound by the Constitution nor would they accept the terms in it if it was offered to them. They also do not fall under the Geneva Convention as that covers uniformed combatants and not civilian terrorist. The Geneva Convention also only applies to the countries who agreed to it and signed it. This would remove most of the prisoners from its protection.

The lines between torture and just tough interrogation practices is a bit blurred so the question is not easily answered. If good intell was obtained and it saved lives then the methods were good. The way I see it whatever spares the lives of the most innocent people is the best method. Terrorist do not deserve my sympathy.
Joseph L
2009-04-20 06:30:49 UTC
Many of the interrogation techniques are used in training for some members of the military.

I guess I was tortured, as some want to define it.

We were told that although they tried to give us the tools we may need to survive, there was no way to prepare us for the treatment we would probably face and that every man has a breaking point.
2009-04-20 06:13:11 UTC
In a word, yes. Remember a couple of things. First, these people have been held away from their families in difficult and morale busting conditions for 7 years. They are not machines, they are humans. Even the most hardened criminal might break down under the right circumstances eventually.

Remember these same tactics were used on American Servicemen in Vietnam. Yes, they work. Yes they're brutal. Yes there are lasting effects. As a country, we must decide if using these tactics is in our best interest.
2009-04-20 13:46:28 UTC
I doubt any psychological damage could be done to those murdering thugs. Their whole life is spent in killing others who do not agree with them and refuse to be controlled by them. All the Obama administration has done by banning these interrogation techniques and making them public is to prove to the world that the USA is now weak. He is just another jimmy carter. Bowing to kings and embracing the likes of Chavez is sending a message to our enemies that we are now a nation controlled by leftist morons with a weak, inexperienced leader.
2009-04-20 06:01:45 UTC
I don't. I think that if we were over there, they'd send our heads back in boxes after posting our beheadings on YouTube. I don't know what is wrong with the people in this country. Do they really believe these people deserve any mercy? While I agree that waterboarding is probably extremely unpleasant, I don't call it torture. Torture is breaking someone's legs to get information. Torture is jabbing someone with a hot poker to get information. Torture is stabbing them with 100 needles in places it won't kill you. Torture is twisting someone's genitals with pliars. And none of those things were done to them.

EDIT: "Maybe they wouldn't be so pissed at us if we weren't so imperialistic"? Do none of you know anything? They hate us because we are friends with Israel. That is it and that is ALL. Why do none of you seem to understand that? It isn't anything that we have actually DONE. These people are unreasonable fanatics that hate the Jews. They will not stop until the Jews and all their allies are dead.

EDIT 2: to one answerer - Torture does work. Just ask the Mafia. And to another, if you shoot them ALL on the field of battle, how are you supposed to get any information?
2009-04-20 06:20:03 UTC
I think we're spinning off into some twisted dimension of hell, so does it really make a difference? LOL. Seriously.

I think Former CIA director Michael Hayden answered it best in a recent press conference. Hell even Leon Panetta didn't agree with releasing the info.
2009-04-20 06:09:35 UTC
Actually No I do not believe that .But you know many innocent people were rounded up as well and I would say that torture created Even more enemies .

And torture seldom ever produces truth. Besides just being profane .
2009-04-20 06:04:18 UTC
We need to help them fill out the paperwork so they can get their economic stimulus check sooner

The easy answer is why were they not shot on the field of battle where they were terrorists and not solderers ?

Any name that is put on them is to good besides casualty of conflict , body count individual.

When someone fights for their country under a legitimate government they are patriots even if I think their cause is wrong. Anyone who belongs to a group opposing the governments of Sovereign states who wants to overthrow a government of which they are not even a citizen of is a terrorist!
2009-04-20 06:04:03 UTC
You seem to not understand our Constitution or our signed international treaties. We have a rule of law...we intend to follow it....finally.

FYI: A 'terrorist' is a terrorist when caught in the act of terrorism or when charged and found guilty of terrorism. Current Detainees have not been caught in the act of terrorism, nor have they been charged with any crime. If Iraqis held your son or daughter in prison for 7 years without charging her with any crime, I am certain that you wouldn't want her to be called a terrorist for simply being rounded up by people wanting to make a buck off the bounty on her head. $5,000 per person was given to Palestinians. I think that explains why they brought in a 13 year old boy who was peacefully praying in his mosque when arrested and sold to America. We tortured him, only after the Palestinians did so. He was released this year, because no evidence was ever found against him. He, along with thousands of others, was simply sold to the US so that Palestinians could collect money from the US.
2009-04-20 06:01:54 UTC
Maybe they wouldn't be so pissed at us if we weren't so imperialistic. Do you ever think of it that way, or does the United States have the moral authority to police the world? If so, why are we not in Darfur? Commerce with all, alliance with none. You need to go back and read the words of the founders.

Sin, I agree with you on the US supporting Isreal, which I consider a jewish theocracy. This isn't just about Isreal though. Go look up how many bases we have in the middle east now, and look at our embasy in Iraq. It's bigger than the vatican! Think about how we'd feel if China had 18 bases around the US.
2009-04-20 15:47:18 UTC
Great Question, these folks want us as in you and me dead !! We don't kill these people, we want answers !! to whom if you will Is your leader and why do you want us dead sort of thing, what the CIA and whomever really dose this, they rarely get killed being tortured from what I hear, but we need to know why they what to kill people, like they do what to know what makes them tick, it may be wrong by some people but, , it's not like WWII japan and german torture was much more sever, and usual ended up in the death of the prisoner. I don't known if I really answered your question but I am just waking up stay safe
2009-04-20 17:29:46 UTC
we do nothing to them for cutting the heads off of US citizens we aren't even supposed to speak out against the torture they heave upon our military and to top it off the liberals scream to the top of the world about how horrible we are for interrogating these low is almost imposable to believe that this is true but it is...

in there world decapitation is the most disgraceful way to die, we should return that same judgment to them...

always nosnod
2009-04-20 06:07:56 UTC
We should get the information and give them a bullet in the back of the head. Why not just tell the soldiers to shoot to kill? Why bother with the whole capturing in the first place?
2009-04-20 06:00:52 UTC
I don't think the definition of torture requires that the victims actually suffer damage, only that they could suffer damage, or believe they will suffer damage.

So it really doesn't matter if the terrorists were immune or not - it was still torture,
Μorenα Lαtinα
2009-04-20 06:02:42 UTC
It doesn't matter if they're delicate or emotionally fragile or not, torture will psychologically scar even the most hardened criminals

And torture does not work, they will just tell you what you want to hear so you can stop torturing them.
2009-04-20 06:00:02 UTC
The application of the law does not hinge on the qualities of those people subject to its effects.

In other words,what is punished is the acts, if enough evidence exists; not what a person may or may not be.
2009-04-20 06:09:05 UTC
Who ******* cares. If the captured an American they chopped their balls off and make them eat it. I say we should give those pieces of **** hell to and not care about their feelings.

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