2012-06-03 23:32:29 UTC
Because they are already the 1% of the world?
I'm poor in America, but know that I have every opportunity to move up and be successful. However, there are millions in the world who can't even dream of living in a first world country. Those protesters are not:
1) Anonymously wasting away in the Yodok concentration camp of North Korea.
2) In Syria forced to keep their mouths shut for fear of death
3) Someone dying from an easily treatable illness, but no hospital in sight.
4) Or not even the countless others who almost kill themselves working all day only to come home and find out that their starving family will not be around much longer.
Nevertheless, I do know it may be an injustice that 1% of the population in America possesses most of the wealth, but is the 99% movement really justified? Should they be complaining about this when we have a democratic government, with an open market, and can live semi-decent lives with only a fraction of the effort most people in the world put forth? (Not to mention how many people already live off of wellfare...)
So what are your thoughts? There are alot of people supporting the 99% at my college and I just want to understand the issue more. Can you clear this up for me? Thanks.