How many people favor the new Blocking rules?
2007-08-04 14:56:22 UTC
I keep seeing lots of posts from people (granted, many of whom are trolls) that keep asking questions I'd like to answer. Such as questions about why people are presenting a particular argument, or how people can justify a particular position.

But I'm blocked from doing so -- and probably so are lots of other people. Which means the questions are being asked, but nobody is allowed to answer who might disagree with the poster.

Doesn't this defeat the entire purpose of Yahoo! Answers, which is to get and share information? Isn't it counter-productive to allow people to post questions, but only allow the people who agree with them to answer?
62 answers:
2007-08-05 00:55:08 UTC
an·swered , an·swer·ing , an·swers



1. To speak, write, or act as a return, as to a question.

2. To be liable or accountable: You must answer for your actions.

3. To serve the purpose; suffice: "Often I do use three words where one would answer" (Mark Twain).

4. To correspond; match: I found a dog answering to that description.

okay, here goes! If we hold to #1 as the definition of the "purpose" of this forum, then the answer i am compelled to give would be "yes", counterproductive. IF one holds to the definition of #3 then the answer can be interpreted as "no". because when viewed from a broader perspective, ie; psychologically, then we can easily see the purpose of the forum as being a "validation" of a position one holds as in "See, I´m right! Look how many ppl agree with me!" Thus the blatant rejection of dispassionate discourse with its inherent feature of opposing viewpoints, would be considered

"counter productive" to the outcome they sought to achieve. If memory serves me, this falls under "phallacies of logic".But, alas, "Philosophy-101" was many years ago....Hope i didnt just embarass myself!!!
2007-08-05 18:14:37 UTC
I agree with your stand point. There are other sites that can be used for idle minded, bubble gum chewers. Is this fair? No. Blocking Rules originally are for those who are abusive to others, whereas, the receiver feels threatened either by physical and/or mental harm.

However, in Yahoo's Disclaimer, it states...

"By submitting a question to Yahoo! Answers, you acknowledge that Yahoo! is not responsible for any response you receive or do not receive, and you agree to hold Yahoo! harmless from any loss, harm, injury or damage resulting from or arising out of your submission of the question or your use of or reliance on any response thereto".

On a personal level...I feel your frustration as I am frustrated as well. Maybe, "People in numbers" will gain the attention to this matter, I would not like to see a "Blocking War" start. The problems I see with this -

1. People seeking answers to particular questions, (Whatever they may be) are cheated by an open forum of life's experiences and/or testimonies.

2. If this is solely done to promote self gain for "Points".

Which if the later is the reason, then a serious inquiry should be implemented.

To those who block - Narcissism is not a good thing.
2007-08-04 21:04:37 UTC
OK,here is my opinion. And I suppose everyone has an opinion. I don't see any use of blocking no one unless they get nasty.

If I ask a question I don't care who all answer my question. It doesn't matter if they agree or disagree with me. At least I got some answers to look at maybe it would help me make a decision.

I love to answer questions, If I know any thing about what they are asking.

And I see no reason to block some one that doesn't like Bush, Just say what you want to say and go on,

Any way I haven't been on here long, and don't know much about blocking people. I just don't pay no attention to people trying to cause trouble, and try to stay away from them.

You cant make someone like you, I like you if you like me. If you don't like me I don't bother you no more, I put distance between me and you. That solves a lot of problems .

Don't mean to scratch any one dandruff.

Sorry I got off the problem running my mouth.

But I see no need to block people.

Queen Bee
Valac Gypsy
2007-08-04 17:06:05 UTC
The reality is that so many people are getting invalid violations, & one can always tell by an answer if a troll is following you. I would block that person. Also, those with a pattern of insulting, obscene postings. People who don't ike being suspended don't feel that way just for losing points; it's the trolls who don't care about losing points, & when deleted just come back again & again. I would NEVER block someone simply because they disagree with me, & I don't use thumbs down. I use the flag to report only valid, blatant violations. Nothing is perfect, & while this feature may be abused--I really don't know--I think it's the best Y/A could do to partially solve increasing trolls. Unfortunate that we need to "protect" ourselves, but that's the way it seems to be. I have no desire to go into hiding, & while some users have similar contacts, this doesn't mean they've chosen only those who agree with them. I have contacts whose views are totally different than mine, & don't even go to the same categories, but there are times when I'm interested in what they have to say, because I have found them intelligent, & civil. In a perfect world, everyone would be.
2007-08-05 19:15:51 UTC
I have not seen any blocked but your question surprised me. If anything like this is happening it is definitely bad feature and it would degrade the whole system for sure.

I prefer to see a separated category for such people to go there and ask question as much as they want and not allow some to answer. If it would be separated then that's OK and for example i would know this gategory and I just disregard them.
2007-08-05 15:58:35 UTC
It is frustrating to find a really juicy question you'd like to sink your teeth into, only to find yourself blocked from doing so. However, the folks who block anyone with dissenting opinions weren't likely to pay any attention to your well thought-out response anyway. I do find it ironic, that the trolls seem to make the heaviest use of the anti-troll system.

It's also cut way back on the troll droppings I get in my inbox, where I just get insults and threats hurled at me. All in all, I like the blocking system. If someone doesn't want to hear what I've got to say, then I don't especially want to talk to them.
John Doe 1st
2007-08-04 17:25:32 UTC
Your question is, of course, valid; whether the blocking feature inhibits free and open discourse on this forum; however, consider the reason why Yahoo installed this function in the first place: to help inhibit the malicious reporting and responses of recurrent trolls. Their motive was surely just as valid.

No matter what Yahoo does, the two most representative political philosophies will continue to "preach to their own choir" and give each other high-fives.

This forum never was - and never will be - a viable resource for the expression of civil discourse.

For most, it's all about the slur, the insult, etc.

I wish it was otherwise...but it's not.
2007-08-04 16:12:20 UTC
I could not agree with you more.

I think what has happened is there have been a lot of trolls reporting and getting accounts suspended.

But what I don't understand is why that matters. So you get suspended. Big deal. Are the imaginary points and levels how they determine their worth? I have been suspended

more times that I can remember. So have the people that I enjoy the most here.

But you're right. Isn't the whole purpose of this site to let a free flow of ideas and personalities mix? Not just a small group of friends high fiving each other.They might as will go back to junior high school.

There are cliques that develop here. Ok. let them isolate themselves.

Me? I would rather take the hits from the trolls than settle into a nice and safe little place where everybody agrees with me.
2007-08-06 23:55:57 UTC
To answer your question of how many people favor the blocking rules I would estimate it to be approximately 30%. That figure is in line with the Bush approval ratings. Probably 30% of the population is in favor of blocking democracy as well.

It's frightening that the figures go that high.
2007-08-06 10:22:54 UTC
Goodness gracious and mercy me!

Get any reaction to this question?

I thought blocking was a really bad idea every time I encountered it being suggested in the Forum.

To my mind, the worst thing about it is it undermines the whole Guidelines/Abuse Report system.

Of course, most participants on this site seem completely unaware of those items, as this system inexplicably hides them.

I didn't read all the answers posted before me, but, as with many other questions and answers about this site, I see that a LOT of people don't realize that insults, and not answering questions (as well as hate speech and spam and non-questions) all violate the Guidelines for using this site (link, bottom of page) and that the appropriate response to abuse is to use Report Abuse (not the thumbs, which do nothing).

Blocking interferes with this system in 2 ways: People block trolls, rather than reporting them, so the trolls, rather than being investigated and banned by Yahoo, flourish; trolls post a question, then block everyone who disagrees with them (as you point out in your question), hiding them from people who might otherwise report them, to better hide from staff.

Yahoo has said that they will investigate people that have been blocked by a lot of people (on the grounds that, if a lot of people block someone, that person may be a troll), but still, this can be counterproductive. If a lot of trolls block you (for instance), then Yahoo would waste time checking your Q&A.

There's also hiding one's Q&A from everyone except their "Network" (contacts and fans, in the site lingo), that puts one in a micro-world of agreers.

There's much that's silly about this site. By blocking reasonable people of opposing views, one can post a rant, and get nothing but "Well said!" in reply. Gee, don't you feel good about yourself to learn that people who agree with you, uh, agree with you?

But silliest of all is how Yahoo hides from users the basic rules of conduct (Guidelines), and refuses to tell violators what, exactly, they did wrong (so they can avoid doing it again).

Yes, between blocking and networking, Yahoo is making the site one where there are little communities, cut off from the rest of the site, where people can mindlessly agree with the like-minded, and they can all feel like geniuses together.

I've seen quite a few of your answers, and, as someone who's (usually) a stickler for the Guidelines, I've never seen you violate any of them.

Your being blocked by lots of users is completely absurd, and evidence that Yahoo has failed to convey to users what this site is FOR.

I mean, come ON, you have useful expertise in your area, and share it; you explain why you say what you say; you distinguish when you're answering from your expertise from when you're simply saying what you think.

You're one of the people this site NEEDS to be what it was intended.

Yet Yahoo is slowly turning what COULD be a valuable question & answer service into a chat site, socializing bunch of clubs, a non-helpful and less interesting place.

Tragic, isn't it?
2007-08-04 17:33:10 UTC
I am sorry to hear you are having difficulty with this feature. As a rule, I don't block people, although there is one on my list. A clone/troll, which is what the function of blocking is for.

I have always found your answers to be well thought out and informed. You are, in my opinion, fair. (I generally agree with you, though, so I don't know if my opinion counts. ;-)

In a forum such as this, there will always be those who abuse the system. Unfortunately, I don't see a way of ridding ourselves of the trolls, clones, gamers, and closed minds. After awhile, I learn who the trolls are that like to post incendiary questions. The few times I was reported, I deserved it for being insulting to the questioner. One time I was entrapped, fell right into it, and since then I try to remember to be civil. Your answers are always civil. It is too bad that there are people out there who aren't willing to listen to opposing views, intelligently written and to the point. It is their loss, even though I know it is exasperating for you.
Native American Girl
2007-08-04 18:14:52 UTC
Well I'm ok with the blocking rule. I've encountered some really horrible contacts who get a little out of hand and over the top. Even borderline harassing. I was very happy that I was able to block them. On a normal exchange in yahoo questions and answers I have no issue or problem and I actually enjoy it.
2007-08-04 22:33:46 UTC
I probably shouldn't say this, but I haven't been blocked, or blocked anyone. I think there should probably be some kind of restriction on blocking. It doesn't seem fair that we are only reading half the answers. Maybe we should be able to block questions?
♥ ♥Be Happi♥ ♥
2007-08-04 19:06:24 UTC
Yes, I agree, it does defeat the purpose, but then there are a lot of individuals on here who ask questions, but truly don't want to hear your answer, or a "great" answer to their question.

Some seem to ask a great question, but know that they may get shot down, so they block you, that doesn't seem fair. I would think they could only block you if you had been reported for something, but then this is Yahoo.

Good Luck
2007-08-07 12:15:36 UTC
I have not noticed that (I guess I'm not being blocked much, or being blocked by people whose questions I don't bother looking at), but 'blocking' does seem perfectly reasonable to me. There are a lot of trollish folks out there who give very argumentative, insulting, and un-helpful answers.
Nancy P
2007-08-04 15:30:54 UTC
Where have I been?!>? I wasn't even aware of this - probably cuz I don't spend a lot of time in the political thread.

Simple thought: if I ask a question I sincerely want all sides of the answer. IMHO - that's why I'm asking the question. Apparently these people just want to preach, or want to hear only like-minded people bolster what they already believe.

One reading of the responses to your question and it sounds like the people who actually care about what you think, ARE LISTENING.

2007-08-04 16:21:11 UTC
I agree that some people abuse the block system and refuse to hear other points-of views other than an echo of their own. However, there are also people who abuse the reporting system and will report someone because they don't like their point of view rather than them actually violating the community guidelines. Yahoo Answers needs to filter the reported violations and consider that people report people out of spite and not for valid reasons. That would solve the problem but I don't thinbk they have enough people on staff to takew the time and do that. Someone reported me one time just because I disagreed on their stance on abortion. I never violated the community guidelines but I blocked that person because they obviously are too passionate about that subject and using the reporting button as a malicious threat to tell me to stay off their stomping grounds. Other than instances like that, I think it's silly to block someone.
2007-08-06 03:19:24 UTC
Trolls whose agenda is to plaster their political view all over the board and the searchable database, welcome the new blocking rules. In fact, they may have had input into designing this neat new feature. Stated another way, this is a part of the blogosphere that the right wing conservative intend to control, and the blocking rules are a handy tool.
2007-08-04 19:18:40 UTC
I was tempted to disagree with you to see if I was blocked but that's not truly how I feel. I agree with what you stated. It is counter-productive to only allow those that agree with the question to answer. I am curious as to why this is this way.
2007-08-05 05:50:26 UTC
I've been harassed by a troll or two, so I don't mind the ability to block them from viewing my questions or answers.
2007-08-04 16:50:35 UTC
it is counter-productive to block opposing viewpoints if you truly are interested in a free exchange of ideas.

the people who wish to isolate themselves in their ivory towers looking at their mirrors all day ("am i not beautiful? i am beautiful. am i not wise? i am wise") don't like to have opposing views and opinions suggested to them. perhaps they are afraid their way of thinking might be swayed, or they may have to look away from the mirror for a split second to address another's ideas.

politicos do this all the time on television - they'll have five of the six guests be "yes-men" for their cause, and a buffoon for the "opposition". small wonder there's no real exchange of ideas in these circles.

i am sorry that people on YA feel the need to isolate themselves from different ways of thinking. the fact that the site allows blocking may speak more to the complaints they've received about violations and instigating than about trying to stifle free speech. and before you run and check, yes I'VE blocked three users too, but more for personal reasons than for ideological ones. it's a fact that sometimes personalities and egos get in the way of ideas, and perhaps at times for civility, there must be a gateway present.

the law of unintended consequences strikes again...
2007-08-07 06:10:44 UTC
I personally think that some people use this as a forum for their own beliefs and that is why they block.This type of person is not interested in growth or answers.Some people live in ignorance because they chose to.Take care.
Rada S
2007-08-05 07:09:34 UTC
I agree with you. Why ask a question if all you want is an ego stroking from people who share your view.....

...It hasn't happened to me yet so I was unaware of this new blocking...maybe I havenot be controversal enough lately?
2007-08-07 14:10:40 UTC
the ones who block are the trolls. It is going to happen...unless there are some changes.... that is up to the yahoo answers committee......they will find ways to make make it better and it will eventually. hope there are lots of other replies and maybe even with helping some ways to change it.
2007-08-04 20:58:55 UTC
that has happened to me, but i guess i didn't know what it was all about.

well, it probably saved me time, because now that i think about it, the questions were self -directed, almost rhetorical.

my answers are amusing to me only, a lot of the time. but there are some that set me off.

what comes around goes around, and maybe you layed them out in a previous answer. score one for the good guys. your answers are so even tempered, that i consider it an honor when you respond to one of mine.
2007-08-04 18:40:56 UTC
I do not block any one out.But if I know the answer I'll answer it the best way that I can.By the way the question I asked you last week was riht.I tried to give you a rating of five but it did not go through.Thanks Man.

Reva R.
2007-08-04 17:24:40 UTC
True, some person blocked me because I didn't agree with him. And he must have been "treated" by my answer. But I only block racists; the ones who say really racist things about others just to be racist.
Girl Machine
2007-08-04 16:45:38 UTC
We don't block people because we don't want to hear their opinions, but because we are sick of being reported and suspended for harmless questions like "Do you want to hold my hand?" or "Is it possible for us all to form a human pyramid?"

After a while, you get suspicious when you add a new contact/fan, and the next day you have 12 violation notices from old resolved questions in your inbox.

If there was no report button, blocking would be minimal.

(Apart from that, the only people I've blocked are point-gamers, people who are consistently rude, and people who send repeated unwanted perverted e-mails, even after being told nicely they are not appreciated).
2007-08-04 16:03:43 UTC
You beat me to the punch. I was going ask this same question. I can understand blocking emails, but blocking answers to publicly posted questions is a complete waste of time. But then again there are people here who have never understood the concept of asking a question. There are countless examples of people posting a diatribe about one issue or another and then simply sticking a question mark at the end.
2007-08-04 15:20:26 UTC
I favor them, I agree it is counter productive, but twice someone went through ALL of my question and answers and reported every single one of them.(some were a year old and were about my moms illness and death) My blocking is not to prevent hearing from people that don't agree with me.. I get that via email. My blocking is done so that I can contribute with having to worry about malicious reporting. Sad isn't it?
Jerry D
2007-08-04 15:48:14 UTC
I am not aware of the blocking rule. I am not a regular on this site but only come here once in a blue moon. Sounds like Bush politics, only certain people are allowed to answer.
2007-08-04 15:17:28 UTC
I don't favor them at all. But I have people blocked who blocked me first. There would be no reason for them to think twice about blocking otherwise. But, I don't initiate blocking.

I find blocking to be cowardly and disingenuous with only the very odd exception. (A S & J's example, below, would be a good example of such an exception... and only because Yahoo won't or can't manage such a situation properly)

And the fact that you're being blocked is proof of how abused that feature is. You're about as civil a voice as any on YA... and yet you're being blocked. The only reason for that is that someone just doesn't like your point of view. And that would reflect their intolerance and general lack of character.
2007-08-04 16:50:29 UTC
I block people who are high-risk flaggers. I have been deleted numerous times just because one out of 30 or 40 people doesn't have a sense of humor or doesn't like my question... If I suspected you of being one of those folks, I would block you.
2007-08-04 15:26:15 UTC
I don't like it. Why do people bother to ask a question when they have a closed mind? I have been blocked by three people whom I have not been rude to, just disagreed with them. Sometimes I learn something from someone that disputes what I have asked. So, I can't see the purpose of blocking someone who just disagrees.
2007-08-04 20:36:08 UTC
i believe our greatest freedom is that of free speech. I think that people that block are probably not too rational and they need other opinions more than most, but try to convince them of that. And they are probably vegetarians...well they can have all my brussel sprouts.
2007-08-04 16:35:29 UTC
Coragryph, I would be glad to assist you if I can. If you like and I am around, you can star the question, then notify me of your answer. I could answer it saying "Coragryph says......" or "According to Coragryph...." I think it's unfair to use blocking as a tool to suppress rational discussion.

Personally I have blocked a few people I think might be lunatics, though I am open to reevaluating them, if I see they are acting rationally.
2007-08-04 16:17:26 UTC
I think they should spend more time developing a program where publically-known moderators are accountable for all their actions, including bogus "violations" and suspensions. Worry about stuff like that first.
2007-08-04 15:19:10 UTC
I know of two people blocking me, and I don't feel the poorer for it. But you're suggesting that because these two engage in blocking behavior, they essentially receive answers that merely reinforce their views with nary a challenge for them to consider.

Sounds like the George Bush White House, which is known for sycophantic decision processes.

For my part, I have a couple of people on my contacts list whom I routinely disagree with - one even makes me grit my teeth at times - but who are intelligent people with considerable debating and communications skills. I respect them for posting.

Having said that, I do like the blocking tool. My account was suspended a while ago when someone decided to comb the history of my answers and submit some 50 abuse reports. (The majority of these reports concerned not politics but my propensity to tell kids to do their own homework.) When I set up a new account, I blocked 3 people whom I thought were the culprits - I would rather not have done so, but since Y!A arbiters don't engage in critical thought or employ any truly sensible content guidelines when they receive abuse reports, I had no choice but to protect myself.

I guess I'm saying that there must be a better way.

And I agree with Lamplighter. There are certain people whom sensible people would never block, you being one of them. Indeed an indication of abuse of the tool, and of the number of heads in the sand (and matching @sses in the air).
gary L
2007-08-04 15:25:10 UTC
Personally, I would not worry about it. Another leader tried to stop free expression. He is no longer with us.

"I don’t see much future for the Americans.... Everything about the behavior of American society reveals that it’s half Judaized, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?" Adolf Hitler (1889–1945), German dictator. Hitler’s Table Talk, pt. 2 (1953).;_ylt=Am_D.xsKWH4Ml_B.VHIyZfBYCc0F
2007-08-04 15:09:10 UTC
i haven't used it. it may be good in some cases,but there is too much potential for abuse. this has become yahoo opinions,more than answers. people point gaming with their friends and multiple accounts, trolling, then you have those that are unable or unwilling to answer the question.

added. someone brought up thumbs down,that is a waste of time. it only hides the answer,it don't affect the points if someone gets best answer.
2007-08-04 15:03:52 UTC
Freedom of Speech so if you do not like an answer then let it be.

Also there are a lot of questions that are insults and are not questions.

Originally this forum was for serious questions and answers so if yahoo wants quality then they can write a program that automatically deletes questions and answers that do not make sense, but a lot of people will go away.

Sometimes people to not want to answer tough questions.
Granny Gruntz
2007-08-04 16:18:46 UTC
I am neither for it nor against it. It is just another silly part of the game. This website is kind of a joke, really. I just wish I weren't so addicted to it. It would be nice to be able to debate openly without worry of "breaking the rules".
2007-08-04 15:34:22 UTC
It cuts down on being reported. You know they can block you but they can still answer your questions?
2007-08-04 15:15:04 UTC
well... I think some like to use this site as a pulpit for their propaganda and if a poster bans everyone that can dispute their propaganda... then they are probably hoping people will believe what they say, since it could appear that no one could argue with it.... since those who would are banned

it's your basic "silencing the opposition" tactics.... that's not what the rule was intended to be, but that seems to be how it turned out.... as happens often when you start making rules about banning any speech in any way...

and yes... it does defeat the pupose of the site... even though few on this section seem to be actuallying using it for it's intended purpose anyway...
2007-08-04 23:18:50 UTC
I completely agree with everyone here.
2007-08-04 15:24:51 UTC
I favor the blocking option.I don't want to read answers from people who only want to insult me or tell me I shouldn't even be here.My time here is limited and I want to enjoy it.

When I am blocked by someone I appreciate that they don't make me waste my time on an answer they won't even read.I try to give thoughtful answers mostly and I'd rather get blocked than work hard on an answer only to have it ignored.

It doesn't defeat the whole purpose of answers cos that purpose is to share knowledge.If people don't want my knowledge or yours,there's little to share
2007-08-04 15:08:53 UTC
I find it hard to believe that you are blocked by so many people! you seem to be a middle of the road magnanimous person. you get a little pissy about Bush and constitutional subjects. I get a lot more personally offensive with people and have only been blocked twice and one has since removed the block.

only little people with closed minds block people indefinitely. I wouldn't let it bother me, I see plenty of your answers.
2007-08-04 15:07:11 UTC
Well, if the trolls want to just talk to each other, that's ok with me. I'm blocking people to keep spammers and reportitrolls away from my questions, so I'm willing to give the new rules the benefit of the doubt until we've had more experience with how they work.

After I posted my answer, it occurred to me that there is nothing to stop us from sending mesages among ourselves requesting that those questions be posted independently, so that we can answer them.
2007-08-04 15:04:53 UTC
At first I wasn't in favor of it. Then I got blocked by a few Cons so I blocked them back.

I don't block people because they think differently. But I do block people who won't keep it civil,and the ones that attach dirty insults to their useless answers. There are some with whom I always disagree yet I have not blocked them.
2007-08-04 15:51:50 UTC
I am completely out of the loop on this one, but consider yourself blocked if you don't agree with me. Who wants to hear from people who think you might be wrong? I don't, and either does President Bush. I like being in a bubble. As for the new blocking rules, I am in favor of them as long as they cut down on injuries. Blocking at the knees should be of course ruled out.
2007-08-04 15:03:08 UTC
yeah, it's wrong and unfair. i know of a director on youtube who's far right and he goes to liberal conventions and finds the least intelligent liberals he can find. then he tapes them and starts asking them all these questions and they answer badly. when other, halfway intelligent liberals try to stick up for what they believe in, the director deletes the messages they type. you'd think if he was showed such a convincing portrayal of liberal stupidity, he wouldn't need to delete their messages.

but anyway, when you consider the entire concept of YA (to give people factual information on various topics), the whole political section is a joke. no one gives factual information, they just talk about what they believe in.
2007-08-04 15:02:44 UTC
I'm surprise you are are one of the more rational people on here. me..I'm an azz sometimes so I get blocked by people, but usually deserve it because I lost my temper...I have never blocked anyone...just think it is stupid...half the fun is arguing back and would get boring if I just blocked everyone who disagreed with me
2007-08-04 19:59:42 UTC
I'm relieved to have it as an option.
2007-08-04 16:38:54 UTC
You make a valid point, Sir.
2007-08-04 15:01:56 UTC
I get a lot of that on the immigration know how people keep posting these "facts" but when you try to question the authenticity or ask for sources boom your blocked.
Liberal City
2007-08-04 15:01:36 UTC
Only thing I can say is, people have every right to block whom ever they want. I think it's childish to block people from answering your questions because they disagree with you. For me personally, I don't block or give thumbs down to anyone anymore (unless they are insulting and/or harassing me).
2007-08-04 17:50:07 UTC
It is not an issue for me.
2007-08-04 15:00:58 UTC
Imagine it as a big fluffy pillow that protects your head from the proverbial brick wall . . .
Donna Le Oiseau de Feu
2007-08-04 15:24:32 UTC
i agree with you entirely although i haven't had this problem... i'm all for free exspression.
2007-08-04 15:08:35 UTC
Yes I agree, but what to do?? Ignore I suppose and hope they will spontaneously combust
2007-08-04 15:13:12 UTC
HOLY CRAP....Coragryph asked a question :P

I don't care one way or the other. Block me fine...don't...that's fine too.
2007-08-04 15:25:24 UTC
i don't block

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.