Goodness gracious and mercy me!
Get any reaction to this question?
I thought blocking was a really bad idea every time I encountered it being suggested in the Forum.
To my mind, the worst thing about it is it undermines the whole Guidelines/Abuse Report system.
Of course, most participants on this site seem completely unaware of those items, as this system inexplicably hides them.
I didn't read all the answers posted before me, but, as with many other questions and answers about this site, I see that a LOT of people don't realize that insults, and not answering questions (as well as hate speech and spam and non-questions) all violate the Guidelines for using this site (link, bottom of page) and that the appropriate response to abuse is to use Report Abuse (not the thumbs, which do nothing).
Blocking interferes with this system in 2 ways: People block trolls, rather than reporting them, so the trolls, rather than being investigated and banned by Yahoo, flourish; trolls post a question, then block everyone who disagrees with them (as you point out in your question), hiding them from people who might otherwise report them, to better hide from staff.
Yahoo has said that they will investigate people that have been blocked by a lot of people (on the grounds that, if a lot of people block someone, that person may be a troll), but still, this can be counterproductive. If a lot of trolls block you (for instance), then Yahoo would waste time checking your Q&A.
There's also hiding one's Q&A from everyone except their "Network" (contacts and fans, in the site lingo), that puts one in a micro-world of agreers.
There's much that's silly about this site. By blocking reasonable people of opposing views, one can post a rant, and get nothing but "Well said!" in reply. Gee, don't you feel good about yourself to learn that people who agree with you, uh, agree with you?
But silliest of all is how Yahoo hides from users the basic rules of conduct (Guidelines), and refuses to tell violators what, exactly, they did wrong (so they can avoid doing it again).
Yes, between blocking and networking, Yahoo is making the site one where there are little communities, cut off from the rest of the site, where people can mindlessly agree with the like-minded, and they can all feel like geniuses together.
I've seen quite a few of your answers, and, as someone who's (usually) a stickler for the Guidelines, I've never seen you violate any of them.
Your being blocked by lots of users is completely absurd, and evidence that Yahoo has failed to convey to users what this site is FOR.
I mean, come ON, you have useful expertise in your area, and share it; you explain why you say what you say; you distinguish when you're answering from your expertise from when you're simply saying what you think.
You're one of the people this site NEEDS to be what it was intended.
Yet Yahoo is slowly turning what COULD be a valuable question & answer service into a chat site, socializing bunch of clubs, a non-helpful and less interesting place.
Tragic, isn't it?