According to Joe Biden, why does Obama keep nominating such unpatriotic people for his Cabinet ?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
According to Joe Biden, why does Obama keep nominating such unpatriotic people for his Cabinet ?
25 answers:
2009-02-03 18:07:55 UTC
Paying taxes is for the little people.
2009-02-03 18:09:38 UTC
He will probably blame it on either Bush or Joe the Plumber.
2009-02-03 18:08:41 UTC
You are referencing his remark that it is patriotic to pay taxes. I pay mine not out of patriotism but fear of jail. I know how to spend my money better than the government.
2009-02-03 18:14:58 UTC
It helps further a long-term goal of the international left: to demoralize the American public.
2009-02-03 18:11:29 UTC
This is how they get into office: Stay with me.

Before you were born, Christianity was the norm and the masses were strongly righteous and moral.

With such a clean-cut society, prostitution, gambling, alcohol and drugs wasn't as profitable as the "mobsters" wanted it to be. So the mafia began to form "Unions" and used the enticement of a "job" in exchange for political activism. The Crime lords biggest opponents were the Churches. But now they had a "Union Congregation" to battle the Churches and loosen the morals of the public by any means they could. They worked to ban censorship (ACLU was founded by a Roger Baldwin, a Communist) and loosen the FCC Regulations so they could promote erotica, obscenity, violence and glorified drug/alcohol abuse (and at that time "smoking" was "marketed" in all the movies and on television)- this is called "product placement or hyper-commercialism" and it WORKS because you have a captive audience that idolizes the actors.

Before there was television, it was the radio broadcasting that captured America. The mobsters organized musicians unions and got bands and singers records played on air with their "Play for Pay" schemes with local D.J.'s and radio stations. The Songwriters Union wrote songs of rebellion, sexual permissiveness, obscenity and vulgarities. An example of "idol worship", Britney Spears, who is drug addicted, lost her children and can't keep her pants on, that's what young girls have to look up to? There is a website that lists dead recording artists who died early tragic deaths from drug or alcohol abuse and suicide.

Soon AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists and SAG (Screen Actor Guild) unions fought the Churches by making movies ridiculing religion and making sexually risque' films so they could tempt more viewers and make MONEY from legal films, product "brand" placement and illegal prostitution, drugs, and at one time alcohol and tobacco.

Knowing that Republicans took the high moral ground, the unions became politically active as well, therefore the "Unions" or "Democrats" fought the Republican high moral ground by using influential Actors and popular Musicians, songs, TV and Hollywood Unions (Including the NWU National Writers Unions which controlled newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, textbooks, screenplays, comedians, media of all types, even news media lost it's objectivity.

Today the Pay for Play was recently the cause of Blagojevich (Chicago Governor) being prosecuted by the FBI. He's one of the few that got caught. Judges, Politicans, City Councils etc. are all financed by this massive network of unions that are used to control the money being fed to the mafia. Congress feeds them through earmarks (pork barrel). Judges feed them with their decisions (Roe Vs. Wade), (Eminent Domain) and City Councils the their Gov't projects (Casinos, horse racing, Contractors, Public Works & Transportation, Public Service Announcements (our tax $ given to TV/Hollywood & Actors).

Now, through the teachers unions they (Union Godfathers) have control over our tax dollars and our children. The textbooks they read are hand picked by the Unions, many of which are pro communist atheists that have been the cause of student rebellion & protests and degeneracy of morals.

Tenured bigots:

FROM "45 Goals of Communists in America" 1963 (Library of Congress)


5. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Gain control of all student newspapers.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

As you can see - they have accomplished their goals. "None are more enslaved than those that hopelessly believe we are free" - Johann Wolfga
2009-02-03 18:10:15 UTC
It's time Joe Bide pulls his head out of his *** and admit to his mistakes as Obama did. I am very worried for this country. The decisions made are not encouraging and I fear we have only seen the beginning.
2009-02-03 21:26:22 UTC
For the same reason Obama doesn't wear the sweater he told us to wear because we weren't supposed to have our thermostats turned up above 70*...those rules are for the masses...not the oligarchists.;_ylt=A0oGki7rJYlJ_aAAndlXNyoA?fr2=sg-gac&sado=1&p=obama%20thermostat%20quote&fr=sfp&rd=pref&pqstr=obama%20thermo

Here is the link someone asked for...lots of them here;_ylt=A0oGkijdJYlJpC4AyISl87UF?fr2=sg-gac&sado=1&p=biden%20taxes%20patriotic&fr=sfp
2009-02-03 18:09:22 UTC
Its a reflection of the company he has always associated with.
2009-02-03 18:08:53 UTC
Apparently being patriotic is no longer the "in" thing to do.
2009-02-03 18:12:19 UTC
only peons pay taxes according to Obama
Mr. Obvious
2009-02-03 18:19:53 UTC
Can you believe one of these liberals asked for the link? Hard to believe there are that many uninformed voters out there who didn't hear Biden say it was patriotic to pay taxes. That's what you voted for Obama supporters, your new Dear Leader.

You can pick out the liberals on board because they think rich people are evil. I'm middle class but I really have no problem with people being rich. That's what America is all about. If you want everyone to make the same amount of money, leave the US and find a country that's not free.

Biden's a hyppocrite just like his boss. Liberals need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Awesome Bill
2009-02-03 18:21:07 UTC
The new administration will cement the memory of President Bush in a kind light.

With a militant Liberal running the White House there will be warring over policy not amongst the Republicans and Democrats but between Liberals and militant Liberals.

As far as the patriotism is concerned, well, thats the V.P.'s way of putting it. What the "Agents Of Change" will find is that nothing has changed at all. The worst part of Obama's election is that it was won by a majority of voters who merely wanted a Liberal in office and worse, because some wanted a change of skin color in office.

I hope Obama manages to achieve what he has promised, and that he doesn't experience all the controversy of the last Democratic administration. Bush wasn't an angel, but at least he went about the business of protecting us from further attacks and removed a dictator from power, while exercising enough respect not to commit sex acts in the White House.

I, too, pray for our country.
Warren D
2009-02-03 23:17:44 UTC
As I have noted in another answer to another of your questions, I am taking the high road for now--unlike many who never gave Bush a chance during the eight years he spent in the Oval Office.

Obama's appointments of people who have had tax problems are not as much an indication of lack of patriotism as they are an indictment of a tax system which is so inefficient, and impossible to understand that even lawmakers have trouble with it. If he has one tenth of the wisdom the fawning media have credited him with this should be one of the first issues he takes on.

He's a Democrat. He was elected in part with union support. Don't expect him to resolve the problems the unions cause. Only the free market and an informed public can do that. The difference between the unions and the Mafia is that the Mafia does follow a code of ethics.
2009-02-03 18:46:12 UTC
Joe Biden's a big blowhard. He's always putting his foot his mouth.

To the no name who said republicans are rich and seems the rich democrats on the hill are so greedy they won’t even pay their taxes!

deepeace: Apparently you are not familiar with searching the web. I found Biden's unpatriotic statement using a 3 word search…biden, patriotic, taxes.
wider scope
2009-02-03 23:03:56 UTC
Perhaps, good ol' Joe feels a twinge of guilt, shame and embarrassment over the appointments his boss has made and made a Freudian slip.

He probably feels Obama is kind of, well, unpatriotic.
2009-02-03 18:23:28 UTC
I don't believe Biden has a theory regarding this.

What you meant to ask, but were apparently unable to, was "Why does Obama keep nominating for his Cabinet people who, by Joe Biden's standards, are unpatriotic?"
2009-02-03 18:15:40 UTC
Geithner was needed to implement the plan. The other two where mistakes. Besides there is no law that says you have to pay income taxes..... Us citizens are just to week and scared to fight it.
2009-02-03 18:15:31 UTC
It is the wimp factor...For the same reasons he accepts the Bush selected Generals who are footdragging on getting troops out of Iraq. So when he asks his nominees, Are you squeeky clean? and when they say,As the newly fallen snow! he accepts their answer on face value. Got to wise up, Obama baby, honeymoon is over and you have just started to get sc-wed!
Smug Liberal
2009-02-03 18:09:34 UTC
He's not. He's nominating people who want to serve the public. Biden was talking about the rich, greedy, Republicans who only think of themselves.
2009-02-03 18:21:52 UTC
I think Biden said his boss is a fu©king idiot.
2009-02-03 18:10:38 UTC
Maybe Biden should be the one to step we all don't have to suffer.
2009-02-03 18:11:55 UTC
I believe he said he screwed up, even though it was his Chief of Staff that screwed up.
2009-02-03 18:08:42 UTC
I want to see the link to this Hearsay.....I do not believe that BIDEN would say anything to discredit the PRESIDENT.........At least not PUBLICLY....SHOW ME THE LINK........
2009-02-03 18:22:17 UTC
I think that's what he is saying in this video
2009-02-03 18:11:40 UTC
could it be that *birds of a feather* F***k together?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.