How does the Tea Party view racism?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How does the Tea Party view racism?
41 answers:
2010-10-07 06:54:54 UTC
First off, the Hitler mustached Obama pictures have no different connotation than the Hitler mustached Bush pictures did for the previous 8 years. Equating that with racism is ridiculous and is a prime example of throwing the race card into a place it doesn't belong, a very common tactic these days.

The Confederate Flags are displayed in some cases by people who are proud of their heritage. At other times, it is by idiots. Every party has them, unfortunately. That goes in the same vein as La Raza displaying Mexican flags or any other dubious organization displaying their flags. Singling out Tea Party members would actually indicate a prejudice in this case.

Myself, I view racism as an unfortunate truth. It exists and will always exist. The best we can do is try to educate the more intelligent among us, promote a sense of fairness among ALL races, and stop acting like every criticism of a minority is based on a racist outlook. All the latter does is foment more racism, not help eliminate it.

You do realize that ALL importation and conduct of the slave trade in the United States was done under the Stars and Stripes, don't you?
2016-04-20 23:17:05 UTC
The poll itself seems kind of racist to me. I don't see how you can give a blanket response about individual characteristics when applied to an entire race. Some black people are frighteningly intelligent. Some are dumber than fence posts. Some work their fingers to the bone, some are lazy as old hound dogs. If somebody gave me this poll I honestly wouldn't be able to answer most of the questions, as I refuse to make blanket generalizations, whether positive or negative. I think anyone who can do so has some preconceived racial notions, and that includes both the Tea Party supporters in this article as well as the anti-Tea Party folks.
2010-10-08 16:01:41 UTC
I don't think you did see those flags you say you did's not even about party it's about saving the country as it slides into a socialist state..Jobs are leaving the country for India and China ,this will not effect me since I will not be around myself.Even jobs at Mcdonald's will be hard to get...Doctors and teachers from other lands will work cheaper here so your student loan can not be paid back...The rich are moving their money out of here and have plans to survive what is coming now..
Mr. Potato Dick
2010-10-07 07:02:46 UTC
I assume when you say, "learning about", that you actually mean "reading left wing propaganda".

The left has been calling everyone who disagrees with Obama "racists" for the last 2 years. The Tea Party started during the Bush administration, but no one called them racists or even cared what they had to say, until Obama was elected. Now they are called racists and the media won't shut up about them.
2010-10-07 08:03:26 UTC
Didn't we see all those flags, hitler mustaches, and Bush being portrayed as a monkey? I have been to the rallies and the only racists were the liberal plants.

the rallies had nothing to do with racism. It is about the direction this country is going.
2010-10-07 06:59:18 UTC
As a Tea Party member, I am here to tell you that we look out for ALL Americans. Where is the racism in defending the Constitution, promoting free markets, and advocating limited government and fiscal responsibility?

If you look back into history, it has been the right who has condemned racism and the left who has continued the insanity of it all.

Those who have infiltrated the tea party are shills for the left that are trying any means to diminish our efforts to make America a strong nation once again. Just another practice out of their Saul Alinsky handbook, "Rules for Radicals!"

2010-10-07 06:50:51 UTC
I'm sure there are a few members of the tea party that are racist, just like there are racist members of the democratic party and more than a few racist members of the black panthers... If you do a little digging you'll find that those Hitler signs were held up by people HIRED to "crash" the tea party rallies and make them look like lunatics on TV. You can't trust anything you see or read in the news anymore...
Carmen Avena
2010-10-07 07:41:35 UTC
I am a latina and part of the tea party movement. There are many of us, and many blacks represented by the tea party and what it stands for. Racism is not on the agenda.

2010-10-07 06:48:27 UTC
Was this racist?

A Trip Down Memory Lane

A Short Walk Down Memory Hole Lane
2010-10-07 06:52:39 UTC
Because you liberals cannot find any other way to fight the Tea Party Movement, you have turned back to your old worn out "race card". The thing is, many conservatives were once shocked by being accused of being a racist. But because your kind have repeatedly, and falsely, accused everyone you don't agree with, or does not agree with you, as a racist, that charge has lost it's shock value. Now conservatives understand your side is weak and impotent, and when you start throwing up the "racist" accusations, it is a clear sign you are "on the ropes" and on the verge of collapse.
2010-10-07 06:48:05 UTC
The only people carrying those signs are left-wing radical posers pretending to be Tea Party members.
2010-10-07 06:47:44 UTC
The only racists I have ever encountered have been Democrats.
2010-10-07 06:49:17 UTC
Every single time the Tea Party has had a rally and some fool had a racist sign, the Tea Party has denounced that type of behavior. You can not stop some people for being foolish and stupid and hateful. The fact that the Tea Party has denounced them ever single time tells me they are NOT racist at all.
2010-10-07 06:49:41 UTC
As wrong.

The same can't be said for liberal groups like NAACP or the Democrat party.. who actively push racism as a means of gaining personal political power.
2010-10-07 06:49:02 UTC
The tea party has but two issues: fiscal responsibility and lower taxes.

These tea partiers have addressed the race issue best:
Right vs Left IS Right vs Wrong
2010-10-07 06:50:15 UTC
I think you're wrong. What party is it that brings up RACE on every damn political issue we have? Yes, Democrat.

So what race baiting speech is Barack Obama going to give today? You don't support're racist. You don't support're racist. That's all you liberal jackasses talk about.

That is what you see. German shepherds and swastikas...because the liberal media has told you to see that. You're a drone, congratulations.

You have to demonize the tea party, because you know deep down that it has the support of the majority of Americans. You know that people are sick of these damn radical liberals in Washington saddling our children and grandchildren with debt.

You are scared and you know your beloved radical liberals are going to be thrown the hell out of office. That includes Republicans that pander to the far left too.
2010-10-07 06:48:49 UTC
i have never seen any of those at our rallies.we have people from all ethnic backgrounds.we are inclusive in our attack on government.
Bob G...The return of
2010-10-07 06:49:50 UTC
The tea party does not support or condone racism in any form. It's that simple.

Now that you have had lots of answers, go meet some tea party people or visit one of their gatherings and make up your mind for yourself. I believe you'll find the left is telling a lot of lies, here and elsewhere, about the tea party. Get the information first hand.

@ If you believe what you just wrote about the confederate flag, then you know nothing about what it means.
2010-10-07 06:51:04 UTC
The confederates were democrats not republicans, Abraham Lincoln was a republican. The Hitler mustached Obamas are a little extreme, but it is to show his near socialism, not his racism.
2010-10-07 08:32:39 UTC
Oh Good another racist axeing a question.
2010-10-07 07:12:01 UTC
The government is against the human race.
2010-10-07 06:50:23 UTC
Tea Parties are about ECONOMY. Not about social ills and virtues.

Though Illiberals try to smear Tea Partiers with "racism" -- as they are wont to do with all opponents -- there is nothing particularly racist about Tea Parties...
2010-10-07 06:56:13 UTC
The TEA party demands equality. That goes for whites too.
2010-10-07 06:48:25 UTC
They fear and see racism against white people everywhere. Racism against everybody that is not white is so much a part of their culture they do not even know it when they are being racist.

Tea Party Rally Speaker Quote talking about Democrats. "They are pulling the race card. They are pulling the black card. They are pulling the Mexican Card. What about the American Card?" I heard the Rally on Sirius.

When I put this quote on here and ask them they do not know that saying Blacks and Mexicans are not Americans is racist.
2010-10-07 06:50:18 UTC
well, the Tea Party itself has nothing to do with racism

sadly, I would argue that a good number of people who joined the Tea Party are racist

doesn't mean the Party is racist
2010-10-07 06:48:54 UTC
As long as you view the symbolism through the prism of racism, you're never going to get it any way. You'll be a fine democrat!
2010-10-07 06:49:34 UTC
you do realize that comparing (racist) hitler to someone you don't support is an anti-racist thing to do, right?
2010-10-07 06:49:14 UTC
The Tea Party believes that the most downtrodden group in America right now is the white middle-class. I've heard them spouting this several times and I simply do not understand it. I believe that it's really just part of their entire inferiority complex - it's easier to feel good about yourself and your cause if you believe that you're being persecuted - but I daresay that it's not helping their message at all, which has been strictly "low taxes, small government" and nothing else.
2010-10-07 06:49:02 UTC
Like these lovely images?
2010-10-07 06:50:17 UTC
obama is a racist
2010-10-07 06:47:51 UTC
Here's a couple of polls about the Tea Party:


Excerpts from the Christian Science Monitor article / Gallop poll on Whites & Tea Party followers:

“In general, the concerns of people who describe themselves as tea party followers are not much different from those who identify themselves as Republicans, notes Gallup.

This survey found that only 35 percent of tea party adherents rated African-Americans as “hard-working.” Among whites who disapprove of the tea party, the comparable figure was 55 percent.

Some 45 percent of tea partiers judged African-Americans “intelligent,” according to the University of Washington poll. By comparison, 59 percent of anti-tea party whites viewed African-Americans as intelligent.” -

Sixty-three percent say they get the majority of their political and current events news on television from the Fox News Channel, compared to 23 percent of Americans overall.

Thirty percent of Tea Party supporters believe Mr. Obama was born in another country, despite ample evidence to the contrary. Another 29 percent say they don't know. Twenty percent of Americans overall, one in five believes the president was not born in the United States.

Eighty-eight percent disapprove of President Obama's performance on the job, compared to 40 percent of Americans overall. Asked to volunteer what they don't like about Mr. Obama, the top answer, offered by 19 percent of Tea Party supporters, was that they just don't like him.
2010-10-07 06:47:50 UTC
i dont give even it a second thought

racism, lol. that was a long time ago. we have important issues to worry about, not historical irrelevancies
2010-10-07 06:48:57 UTC
@dstr - You took the words right out of my mouth
2010-10-07 06:58:45 UTC
They're totally against 'racism' against white people, and they see it everywhere.

Real racism? They don't give a damn.
2010-10-07 06:52:47 UTC
They don't care why you hate Obama, just so long as you hate Obama.
Angry Big Brother!
2010-10-07 06:49:25 UTC
the teaparty is a bunch of pissed off old white people, mad because there is a black dude in office.

GW Bush screwed this country without KY, and those same teapartiers were cheering him on...
2010-10-07 06:48:00 UTC
Tea Party members = nut jobs. Seriously.
2010-10-07 06:52:19 UTC
As long as you treat everyone like crap, its all good...
2010-10-07 06:47:28 UTC
I don't think most of them are maliciously racist, but it is very possible to be ignorantly racist.
2010-10-07 06:47:44 UTC
They embrace it - it's part of their platform. Have you not seen the placards and signs and posters at their rallies?
2010-10-07 06:47:20 UTC
With open arms.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.