I think people should be ashamed to support Trump. Why do some idiots openly say they are for Trump?
2016-11-03 18:19:52 UTC
Voting for Trump means you are stupid and racist!
271 answers:
2016-11-06 06:17:50 UTC
While I am no fan of Trump I understand his appeal. The bulk of Trump's support comes from white, uneducated voters. They are group that has been largely ignored over the past 30 or so years. All they see is the world around them and it doesn't look good. As an example the coal industry has been dying over the past 20 years because our government knows that it is not a sustainable resource. However, the guy who works hard at the mines and then loses his job doesn't care about the environment. He only cares about providing for his family the only way he knows. Over the years politicians both Ds and Rs have promised to save the, but have never come through. Regardless of the reasons why they feel screwed by established politicians. A vote for Trump is more of a f*** you to the establishment, both D and R. I'm not saying it is a good thing, but Trump being a candidate is more of a symptom of years of bad government. Check out "Hillbilly Elegy" by JD Vance. It really explains this well.
2016-11-05 18:42:10 UTC
I've been a life long democrat. I voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012 and this election I voted for Sanders in the primaries. When it was a choice between Trump or Clinton I chose Trump for the sole reason of Clinton being a crook. Clinton is a pathological liar, pure and simple. Trump is not perfect, but at least he is not a criminal. Anyone who can support Hillary has their head in the sand. Trump supporters are not racist, they just don't want to give the presidency to a career criminal.
2016-11-07 16:41:03 UTC
Trump Trump Trump
Big Lance!
2016-11-06 23:23:36 UTC
It's so predictable the media controlled by Democrats have programmed viewers to actually believe that Trump is racist and they don't question where these bogus claims come from truly amazing.. The DEMS designed their campaign to peg Trump as racist and if successful then the DEMS capture the minority vote but that's to complicated for today's simple minds to grasp. The amazing part is if anyone's even remotely tied to racism take a look at Hillarys signature on the predator bill which resulted in massive targeting and incarceration of young black males due to the nationwide targeting of inner cities by law enforcement who were pressured to lock up anybody in possession of guns etc. Ask minister Farrakhan about Hillary or blow hard al sharpton about Hillary supporting of the predator bill? Massive young blacks were incarcerated for mandatory long prison terms. Oh but Hillary has since apologized... Isn't it funny how at age 70 Trump was known as a real estate giant but now he's racist?
2016-11-06 08:37:57 UTC
I am a deplorable Trump supporter. Trump is a compassionate, caring human being whereas Hillary wants to kill, steal and destroy. Trump is stealing the minority vote as blacks realize Obama did nothing for them. And Hillary is an extension of what Obama did. Trump will put the unemployed miners and auto workers back to work. Trump will curtail the vast influx of illegal aliens who take American jobs. Hillary wants open borders and 10 fold increase on Syrian refugees who come to do violence (look at what's happening in Europe). Your Obamacare premiums are due to double in 2017. Hillary wants to put a band-aid on it (making it even more expensive) whereas Trump wants to throw out all 1,200 pages of law and start over with a new, simpler plan. Many of the providers are folding (because Obamacare sucks( and less competition means higher premiums and higher deductibles.
2016-11-07 05:09:52 UTC
What is so interesting about this presidential election is that the conservative Bushes are voting for Hillary Clinton and ultra-liberal Michael Moore has predicted that Donald Trump will win the presidential election. Michael Moore even hinted in that same speech that he endorsed Donald Trump's candidacy. Now I've heard everything! It seems like a lot of people are voting outside their regular party this year.
2016-11-05 13:56:28 UTC
What is so interesting about this presidential election is that the conservative Bushes are voting for Hillary Clinton and ultra-liberal Michael Moore has predicted that Donald Trump will win the presidential election. Michael Moore even hinted in that same speech that he endorsed Donald Trump's candidacy. Now I've heard everything! It seems like a lot of people are voting outside their regular party this year.
Indigo Love!
2016-11-06 13:19:02 UTC
Comparing Clinton to Trump is like Bananas to Apples. I may not agree or like Donald Trump but it would be a cold day in hell before a Clinton ever receives my vote. I come from a huge Military family. With Clinton she just can't relate to normal every day Americans. She doesn't support nor care for our military and is a power hungry pig
2016-11-04 20:57:59 UTC
I think Trump fans need to come to the grim reality that Clinton will be elected and in all cases they should stop whining when they know that not all reasonable Republicans support him and his plans including the idea of building a wall, him controlling the country's foreign policy, running and bankrupting the U.S. like his businesses, continuing to oppress minorites among many other things. Only the most outstanding racists like Steve King, Jeff Sessions, Joe Arpio, Jan Brewer and the leaders of the KKK support him. The GOP will still be obstructionists against Hillary and plans and her lies and also will still conduct useless investigations against her so what's there to worry for Republicans if she's elected when they have that game to play against her?
2016-11-04 22:00:10 UTC
At this point, there are no good candidates.

Both have scandals, lies, and flipflops on their hands. I still find it weird that Trump was a huge Clinton supporter before this year. He was one of her biggest backers and friends prior.

As for Hillary's emails, she messed up and is a liar, but she's not the first politician to lie like this and have this kind of blood on her hands. GWB was every bit as corrupt and scandalous and still got away with it. Given how close friends she is with GWB and how he and his father are already backing her, she'll probably get out of this.

It's just been brought to light a lot more prominently this election, but HRC is nothing out of the ordinary regarding American politicians. Lies, war crimes, it's happened a lot. Just ask GWB or Condi Rice.
2016-11-06 15:33:36 UTC
No, supporting Trump does not make someone dumb just how someone supporting Hillary doesn't make them a fool. they simply value different issues more. I don't like many things about each candidate but I will vote for Trump, not because he's the best, but I stand by some of his stances.
2016-11-05 10:44:18 UTC
Why would I be ashamed of supporting someone who DOESN'T want to start a war with Russia? Or who isn't a traitor to the country?

The actual original statement of the FBI (where they should've indicted her in the first place) even states that she had 52 chains of 110 emails where classified, top secret, and other important documents she SHOULDN'T HAVE HAD ACCESS TO IN THE FIRST PLACE were sent to an unknown location...and that was after they gave her time to have people comb through her emails and delete things that weren't "work related"

Yeah, let's vote for a slimy politician who is obviously a criminal and married to a man who is a known child rapist AND they're both friends with a man who is a known and charged sex offender. And you think people who support Trump are bad? HA!
2016-11-05 06:31:40 UTC
Yea but but Hillary Clinton is a criminal with criminal intentions. She wants war, she doesn't want peace. If you know the facts about Hillary Clinton then you must be a complete moron to vote for her, irregardless of whether or not Trump has a bad mouth and some bad tendancies.

Hillary Clinton is the greater of two evils, by a LONG shot, her supporters either don't know that, or they do know it and are just ******* idiots.
2016-11-04 14:51:22 UTC
Being ashamed? Irony knows no limits if you are a Clinton supporter. You must be on a rage after what's happening to her campaign right now. Start saying President Trump.
2016-11-05 06:26:36 UTC
Do you even know the definition of racism? If you're talking about the immigration bann or the wall for border security take a look it's in a book Trump isn't the first to bann immigrants and not the first to want a barrier between us and Mexico.

Prepare yourself though before you look at historical facts because they may make you feel ashamed to support Hillary.
2016-11-07 01:02:14 UTC
I believe people openly say they are for Trump because the media brainwashing has not effected them as badly as it has you. I would like to meet you because I have been around the world 7 times and have met only a handful of people from any race who are not racist. You are only chastising others because you want to elevate yourself and relieve your guilt.

Either way I am not eligible to vote because I live in Tijuana and am not eligible for FAB or expatriate act registration due to the fact I cross the border daily. If I was a liar I could lie about storage of possession or something but to me having virtue is more important than trying to feel less guilty about whatever.

FYI many people who are willing to lie (tens of thousands) who a few weeks ago were planning to vote for Hillary, are changing their mind to vote for Trump, because they might lack virtue and they may be racist, but they're not idiots.
2016-11-06 14:37:27 UTC
they are not the idiots but the more informed ones. I mean how difficult it is to hear that hillary got paid a million dollars by the arabs? You just have to open your ears, it is a common knowledge that is in the public domain. And those same arabs are the people who are paying for ISIS. Another public domain fact, you know Saudi Arabia and Omar, Quatar whatever the name is.

They paid HER money. A GIFT.

She isn't going to prison because Bush did not go to prison but one is a criminal and she's committed treason, these people are only free because there's too many people like you around, No offence meant. Being ignorant is a fact of life, we all ignore facts, the difference is you won't shut up and act all knowing. Just vote Trump before it is too late.
2016-11-05 15:53:48 UTC
I know right. Trump supporters are just racist and haters. There are many immigrant families that come to the US for a better life because I know all about this. In Mexico the houses are nowhere near the houses we have in the US. The floors are just dirt. And for children they use rocks as toy cars. There are so many bad things in the poor parts of Mexico. Trump and his supporters just don't understand.
2016-11-05 17:11:47 UTC
Trump isn't a racist. That's just what you were instructed to believe.

Doesn't it seem odd that every single time Democrats have a real opponent, racism, sexism, and all of the superficial nonsense is used.

I mean, maybe you think it's realistic to think that the entire other half of the nation is just full of a bunch of brainwashed ignorant bigots, but really, that sort of extreme thinking always so successfully programmed into you whenever Democrats need it to be kind of indicates that it's really you who's the brainwashed bigot.
2016-11-06 08:59:45 UTC
Voting for Trump does NOT make you racist. The only reason people call Donald Trump racist is because of what he said about Mexicans, which was NOT racist because he said, 'when mexicans come illegally, they BRING IN drug dealers and rapists, "MOST OF THEM ARE GOOD PEOPLE"' which is true. And you cannot deny it. I myself have a fully black mom and a fully mexican dad. I am both in this situation and I STILL support Trump because he knows what he wants and what America needs. Hilllary doesn't care about the "blacks" or "mexicans" all they do is give free handouts TO KEEP VOTERS. Hillary is the one taking pictures with KKK members and calling islamics "sand *******" (excuse my language) so Donald Trump is not nearly racist as Hillary. And she knew that Bill was raping and assaulting, and she THREATENED the girls that would try to file a report. She is NO FEMINIST. I am a feminist, but not a crazy one. DO NOT HE BRAINWASHED BY DEMONRATS- i mean democrats :)
2016-11-04 08:46:59 UTC
if you only know how many questions about trump/Hillary ive answered on here it almost makes me sick BUT hear I am again putting in my two cents worth. There are a couple of things that go on with people who want trump to be the next president. There's a lot of people who are sick and tired of the way things have been going in this country for a long time now and they vote for people who say there going to change this that and the other thing and they get in there and nothing they talked about changing gets changed. There sick and tired of our jobs going to other countries and tired that there aren't good paying jobs here. They are just tired. Trump comes along and tells people he's gonna change all this and he's gonna change lots of things including the way we've been dealing with other countries and even changing things about our government. I KNOW ALOT OF WHAT TRUMP IS SAYING NEEDS TO HAVE SOMETHING DONE HOWEVER the problem with Trump is and this is very important very...he has told us all he "hates" to loose he's told us out of his own mouth what kind of person he truly is and this is how he's going to handle EVERYTHING that he's going to deal with He is going to turn this country and other countries upside down to achieve what he wants to do AND he will not give a sh't about what its going to do to us in the process. WHY because he's got tunnel vision and can only see the carrot at the end of the stick. AND YEAH KNOW WHAT YOU CAN BRING UP ALL THIS BUT IT GOES RIGHT OVER THE HEADS OF THE TRUMP SUPPORTERS THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT TO THEM ALL THEY CAN SEE IS THE CARROT THAT HE DANGLED IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. WELL EVERYONE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN WHAT A PERSON SAYS ESPECIALLY A PERSON I DON'T EVEN KNOW PERSONALLY. AND IN REGARDS TO HILLARY...PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS HILLARY I BELIEVE WHO'S BEEN INVOLVED IN SOME KIND OF POLITICS FOR 30 years she's done whatever but we can see what it is she's done. I have to bet here that I don't think there's a person running for president in this country history has the amount of years that Hillary has in politics. ALSO Hillary's husband WAS the president of this country..and whether you liked him or not Bill Clinton did do a good job when he was president. He is also a very intelligent man. He is not going to sit idly by when his wife is elected he'll give her advice he will help her throught her time as president...he will. VOTING for Hillary actually gets you 2 presidents for the price of one and that's the best deal you can get in this election compared to the other option that we have which is a spoiled rotten 70 year old that can act like he's 5.
2016-11-04 22:03:01 UTC
Trump supporters have every right to show their support, just like Clinton supporters have every right to support Hillary. Bashing people for openly supporting Trump, is basically like bashing free speech. I mean, I wouldn't try to restrict a Clinton supporters from expressing their political views or support for their candidate.
2016-11-08 13:51:26 UTC
Hillary Clinton and ultra-liberal Michael Moore has predicted that Donald Trump will win the presidential election. Michael Moore even hinted in that same speech that he endorsed Donald Trump's candidacy.
2016-11-05 06:14:01 UTC
Let's turn this around. While in the State Dept. Hillary's Foundation received money from Saudi Arabia and a million dollars from Qatar. These are Islamic Muslim nations infiltrating the United States with their bribes.

Yes, this is bribe money. This is ugly money. A government employee receiving bribes. At least Trump has never been in government to be bribed. He tried hard to just use his money so no man could say they bought him. BIG DIFFERENCE HERE.
2016-11-08 03:40:10 UTC
We have all got to admit that trump has is strengths and weaknesses and Clinten had her strengths and weaknesses, none of them have only weaknesses because they have to have had something good to get this far. The thing is some people see let's say trumps strengths more powerfully than Clintons and trumps weaknesses less than Clintons. And vise versa. It depends on the point of veiw of the person.
2016-11-04 20:50:51 UTC
Really none of the 2 are good trump nor hillary however hillary Clinton is nothing but crook and a liar just like Obama was full of crap but people were stupid enough to vote for him and all he has done is screw America so if hillary gets elected then we will be in even more of a crap hole
2016-11-06 12:57:36 UTC
I'm independent, but, it's obvious that the establishment has failed terribly, and people are willing to try anything. Not to mention Hillary is one of the worst of the worst. Anyone can tell you until you fix the working middle class in this country nothing will change for the better. Without a healthy middle class whose going to pay for all those give aways?????? Haven't heard Hillary say anything positive about them!!!! At this point bringing in immigrants would be a major mistake, this country is bankrupt and education is awful, the health care system is broken, unless your rich. There's so much racial tension due to Obama and the liberals, LETS FIX AMERICA, BEFORE WE TRY TO MOVE FORWARD !!!!!!! Our government is broken down, lets start there.
Andy F
2016-11-06 13:53:13 UTC
If you think you're going to persuade Trump supporters to abandon him by calling them "stupid and racist," I think you don't understand the art of political propaganda very well. You may shame a few people who are undecided about Trump into abandoning him, but I think you'll convince more Trump loyalists to dig in their heels and support him all the more strongly.

If you want to stop the Donald and aren't actually a pro-Trump troll, I think you need a different approach.

-- democratic socialist for less mud-slinging and more logic in politics
2016-11-05 19:43:15 UTC
Some people aren't voting for Trump because they like him or approve of his message. Some figure that he's the only chance at not destroying the world in a nuclear holocaust with Russia.
2016-11-05 01:14:52 UTC
A vote for Trump is a vote against Evil Satanic Demons from Hell, Seriously Hillary and her cronies have been caught in a load of crap that they won't survive, from child trafficking to pedophilia, to endangering national security.

You can't make this stuff up!
2016-11-05 15:17:52 UTC
I am openly for trump and i am not ashamed because i would rather have someone who actually has a plan and just needs some guidance (which he will recieve when he is elected president) than a lying scamming woman who recieves the vote just for being a female. thats no gender equality, thats being sexist and giving her a vote for being female, our countries leader should not be decided on by gender.
2016-11-04 19:49:32 UTC
A vote for Hillary is a vote for a third term of Obama and for the destruction of the United States. Race has nothing to do with these candidates Hillary /Trump the race is about the future of America and the lives of the American People.
Your Mom
2016-11-06 06:39:43 UTC
that comment is INSANELY ignorant and shows a lot about the character of liberals. Just watch the liberal media, and then compare it to Fox News.... watch all the secrets and stories Clinton News Network decides not to show because it makes Trump look good. What ever made you think Trump is a racist? CNN? Wanting to deport illegal immigrants who didn't have the decency to come here the right way is not racist. Building a wall to secure our border and prevent illegal immigration is not racist. Wanting to ban travel and immigration temporarily from an area where there is a high threat of terrorism and someone can hop on a plane and bring Isis cells here very easily is not racist. What about him is stupid? The fact that he sometimes says something slightly insulting? Grow up in the real world not everything everyone says is perfectly nice. As for Hillary.....

How can you trust someone who wasn't even competent enough to be secretary of state to be PRESIDENT of this great country?

How can you support someone who wants to kill babies just HOURS before their birth?

How can you support someone that telegraphs her plans to stop Isis and puts them out for them to react easily to?

How can you support someone who wants to OPEN our borders even more after illegal immigration rates have been going up?

How can you support someone that constantly lies to the FBI, media, and the people?

How can you support someone that plays the game and constantly cheats when its clear as day shes lying?

How can you support someone from the most corrupt family in the world?

How can you support the person responsible for Benghazi?

How can you support someone who stands up for a rapist and laughs about it? (Side note: most of Trump's accusers were proven to be lying, many people who were on his reality shows or met him in person said he was such a gentleman and treated them very well. His conversation 11 years ago was a private conversation to his friend where he said that he likes pussy.....)

I could ramble on for days about this, but for the sake of this comment, I won't
2016-11-08 06:17:14 UTC
The same could be said about those who vote for Clinton. While trump has scandals in his personal life clintons are mostly in govt until wikileaks started leaking emails. Now there are things in her personal life which are coming out about her family friends and close campaign people. Are they true or false? Only God knows. But if they are true and she is President Boy are we in trouble. But the whole govt is corrupt so I guess our new role model is a criminal terrorists. Bye bye hope for a Great America.
2016-11-04 21:11:32 UTC
Alright so Trump is "bad" and Hillary is "good" lets see what bad things have they accomplished.

Hillary: Voted for NAFTA, attacked women Bill Clinton raped, Called african-americans super predetors, Voted for war in Iraq, Tried to rigged the 2008 primaries against Obama, Promised 300,000 new jobs as senetor of NY but lost 100,000 jobs and no jobs created either, Is controlled by Donors, Responsible for the death of 4 americans in bengahzi, Voted for war in Lybia, takes money for Saudia Arabia, China, and other countries, Rooted TPP, her & Obama basically created isis by not leaving any troops behind in iraq, Called millions of americans deplorables, Mexicans taco bowls, Minorites Basement dwellers, put our national security at risk, deleted 33,000 emails in a private server behind Obama's back, lied to FBI, underpayed women in Clinton Foundation

Trump: Went bankrupt 4 times, bragged about gropping women, & said mean things.

But Hillary is 100% the superior choice!
2016-11-06 11:21:11 UTC
I like how 90% of answers are bashing Hillary Clinton instead of answering the question and giving clear reasons why someone's voting for Trump.
2016-11-05 12:25:50 UTC
There is a very old saying: "Politics and religion should only be discussed in the company of people who share like minded views."

On the down side, it is a very true saying if all your only interest is avoiding conflict and all you want to hear are views that agree with yours.

But, on the up side, it was a good saying if in the interest of maintaining civility.

This election has been a reality TV show where civility got voted off the island first!
2016-11-04 21:09:00 UTC
voting for trump does not mean you are racist.... at all. Trump isn't a racist.. You need to understand something. Trump has a problem with people illegally entering this country and thinks they should go back to where they came from. There is a difference in an illegal and a Mexican, illegal is not a race it is a criminal designation and unlike our current president, Trump sees them for what they are..... criminals.

Trump has issues with allowing Muslims to come here as refugees. Muslim is not a race, Islam is not a country, its a religion. His concern with letting them in is that there is a chance that somebody planning a terrorist attack could easily enter with them. The Muslims that want to come here know that risk is there, but they don't care and they want to come here to protect their families. They are willing to risk the lives of the American people to protect their own... Not wanting to allow Muslims to come as refugees is no different. Yes their lives may be in danger but we are willing to risk their lives to protect our own..... sucks, but the vast majority of the people that commit terrorist attacks are muslims, so that's that's their problem not ours
2016-11-05 18:00:38 UTC
I have been democrat my whole life..Obama changed that...I am tired of giving my hard earn money to sustaining the lazy and ignorant! P.S. I would never be a republicon but I'm with Trump!..Make America GREAT again and bring back Law and Order!
2016-11-05 05:59:53 UTC
Because thats the candidate theyve chosen to vote for.

One thing is very clear which is the US political system is as corrupt as that of Zimbabwe. And a vote for Clinton is a vote to remain in that system.

Trump is not a diplomat, but then neither was some of the most successful leaders in history. China likes to dictate terms. They are a powerful country because they dictate terms.

One feels a 'Ted' quote is appropriate here...

"I tell you what I got....your wife's pussy on my breath."
2016-11-04 16:22:59 UTC
You are a brainwashed Moron. As for the racist part, Trump was NEVER in his life called racist by ANYONE until Clinton started running against him. So, shame on you for supporting a liar, murderer and a theif who loves ISIS and wants to bring them all here. So, that means you are just as big of a criminal as she is by supporting her. And you, obviously, have no morals, no ethics, no sense or care of right and wrong,...and that you also want to turn this country into a US Citizen against Radical Islam warzone too. You are a traitor just like her.
2016-11-04 04:57:31 UTC
I think people should be ashamed to support Trump. Why do some idiots openly say they are for Trump?

ROFL > cuz Hillary Minions are worse IDIOTS > dumber, despicable, deplorable.... & lying HATERS, LOL !
Usama :D
2016-11-04 17:41:21 UTC
Trump sucks
2016-11-05 03:16:15 UTC
I am a proud Redneck and I am supporting Trump! Hitlerly Clinton will be even worse than the POS Obama we have now! If anyone don't like it too bad!
2016-11-05 20:47:36 UTC
Nonsense. Hillary supporters are the REAL racists. In 2008 after Hillary lost to Obama, 50% of Hillary's supporters REFUSED to vote for Barack Obama...aka, a black guy. Many said they would vote for McCain instead. Now why is that? Why would democrats (specifically Hillary supporters) vote for an old white republican (McCain) over a democrat who's black? Why would they vote against their party instead of the black man who like them was and is a democrat. That's true RACISM. That's why you have people like KKK leader Will Quigg endorsing Hillary. Don't be fooled: there ARE racist democrats. The same people who support Hillary now rejected obama in 2008.
2016-11-06 11:07:20 UTC
Because Donald Trump makes racism normal this days
2016-11-05 07:09:51 UTC
Just because they are voting for trump doesn't mean they agree with 100% of His points to do but they do agree with some of them
2016-11-05 06:55:07 UTC
Clinton is a criminal who is probably pissing her pants because if she does lose the election I have no doubt they will try to put her away. I think it's hilarious that no one has anything to say about how Donald Trump would be as a president. All you focus on is stupid comments he made while being in the entertainment business for the past 30 years.
2016-11-06 11:06:45 UTC
I think anybody who openly states who I vote for is right and who they vote for are idiots and can't realise that all politicians care about is their political motivations not yours. The day politicians served the people died along time ago. They like you and say things that you want to get in power once that's attained they do what they want. Can't believe you can be such a fool.
2016-11-04 21:49:22 UTC
All these questions / answers are the same. Attempts to insult supporters of either. It's bizarre, it's isn't a popularity contest or an X-factor audition, hardly any focus on policies, arguments are childish and petty. Either one of them are going to sell you out, Americans should be campaigning for new electorates in protest

2016-11-05 04:45:59 UTC
Trumps gonna win
2016-11-05 11:45:01 UTC
I am a Hispanic woman in a swing state voting for Trump. You just called a Hispanic woman idiotic, stupid, and racist. You know what that makes you? A xenophobic misogynist. Have a nice day.
2016-11-05 16:04:47 UTC
Because it's their choice? I don't support either candidates but I would rather vote for Trump than Hillary. Everyone has different opinions and that's okay. You shouldn't shame someone because of who they support/vote for.
2016-11-05 13:24:50 UTC
I would be ashamed to vote for a satanic woman who is a congenital liar, egotistical hypocrite, and a psychopath, and a criminal. The fact that the corrupted mainstream media try to cover up her corruption and brainwash the people into electing her by refusing to report honestly and openly about all her criminality and depravity is deplorable. Either she reforms herself while she still has a bit of time left or she will be damned in hell for all eternity.
2016-11-03 18:21:48 UTC
Trumps way better than hillary will ever hope to be. Trump 2016
2016-11-04 17:26:18 UTC
I don't know if you can lump them all in the racist category, I will say that as I hear their posts on YAHOO, I agree to put a majority of them in the IDIOT category. Most of them can't defend or articulate any of his policies.

Obama Care has been a disaster they say, most cannot articulate his alternative view.

He calls for trade negotiations with countries but most of them cannot tell you how Trump will do it.
2016-11-06 15:59:30 UTC
I think people should be ashamed to support Hillary. Why do some idiots openly say they are for Hillary?
2016-11-04 14:52:50 UTC
If you don't like Trump you're male-a-phobic! Males are dying people. Do you not get that! If race relationships are bad under the current president, what will happen to gender relationships under a feminist president? Burkas for everyone!?
2016-11-03 18:21:08 UTC
Blacks are voting Trump. It's over for Hillary
2016-11-06 09:06:13 UTC
Why would anyone be ashamed to support Trump. I support him and i am in England.
2016-11-06 19:25:39 UTC
Stupid? my IQ is 97 which is the average normal IQ for a sensible person. Racist? I happen to have 2 hispanic friends at a class I'm taking away from school, not counting the countless other races of friends that I have. And I'll mention you calling us racist which is a form of prejudice or prejudicism whatever, you're the one to be talking calling us stupid and racist just for voting for somebody we support, if anything, you're just a hipocrite
2016-11-04 14:33:40 UTC
True enough Trump has a rough exterior, but hILLARY is rotten and corrupt to the core with only a thin layer of civility on top. It astounds me how so many people are so superficial that they accept that.
Darryl Bullock
2016-11-05 06:43:44 UTC
The only reason most individuals who are voting for Trump are actually doing so is because they ignorantly think that somehow he and his misguided,deluded political platform and presidency will magically transform certain self righteous white racist types back to some glorious day and time again for their kind. This much like the perpetually and equally delusional behavior displayed by some African Americans during Obama's initial campaign. It's actually not the political candidates that are the major problem in presidential politics /elections, because they've always been the same lying,types that all politicians are, it's the lowly educated misinformed voting electorate on both sides of the political spectrum that.are highly energized by the rhetoric that the political campaigns put forth,which creates the divisive frenzy of our citizens and our country in general. We need to be and act better as human beings period.
2016-11-05 00:58:39 UTC
lol what a f..cking mug you are. Hillary is more of the same, you must like getting a55 f..cked huh. Trump claims to be for change. Whether he is or not we will have to wait and see. But there is a tiny chance he is legit, it is better than the zero chance you get with Hillary.
2016-11-06 15:58:16 UTC
Go Trump!
2016-11-05 09:16:37 UTC
I am against the New World Order that Bill Clinton and Bush senior openly called for. The question is: How could you support the New World Order? You must be evil, ignorant, or insane.
2016-11-05 08:41:58 UTC
Clinton supporters are blind to the fact that the Clinton family are lying crooks. Who in their right, sane mind would vote for an elected official under Federal, criminal investigation? All you Clinton supporters are just as guilt as she is for supporting a known criminal. Trump that B...H and DRAIN THE SWAMP!
Smokies Hiker
2016-11-06 16:45:37 UTC
Get your head out of the sand and take a look at reality! Electing Clinton will be a continuation of the Obama presidency. This country will lie in ruins if this happens. Ever hear of the Roman Empire? It fell because of debt! Ever hear of the Russian Empire? It also fell due to over extended debt! How about the European Empire? It also fell because of massive debt! And then there is the USA! Are we next to experience the fall of our government?
2016-11-06 06:15:36 UTC
Those are the people that was laid off from jobs because of immigrants, and Trump is against illegal immigrants. So they support him. Honestly, why would we care about illegal immigrants as long as they can do better job and work harder, more effective than some Americans?
2016-11-05 12:58:12 UTC
Obviously you are a child with no idea of what you are talking about.. Not to mention how rude you are. Do you realize how stupid YOU sound. Which YOU should be ashamed of? People are allowed to choose who they vote for. To consider someone stupid and racist based on that is simply ignorant. Grow up, read and research for yourself, don't listen to some half wit celebrity, and learn.. Regardless of who anyone votes for, its THEIR choice! And that should be respected.
2016-11-07 04:09:16 UTC
It is simple. Many of them believe that Mr. Trump will definitely solve the problems of this country, and are proud to support him.

Freedom of speech is another factor.
2016-11-05 07:07:18 UTC
Just because we'd rather have trump in office doesn't mean we're stupid and racist at all. You need to re-educate yourself. Most of us voting for him just have a different opinion of which slice of moldy bread is less moldy.
2016-11-05 05:08:08 UTC
I disagree.

I'm sorry, but Hillary is a liar, among other unAmerican things.

I wasn't as disappointed with William Jefferson Clinton, but if you remember, he lied under oath about Monica Lewinsky, and it was proven. So they both have the same problem.
2016-11-05 09:32:44 UTC
You do know that the real idiot doesn't know he's an idiot? The intelligence necessary for him to know, isn't in him.

But anyone that's not an idiot can locate Hillary's private emails, read them and make up their own mind about her.. that is choose that she should be in prison, not President.
2016-11-06 09:10:58 UTC
look at who is calling the kettle black It is just like a Hillary supporter to insult others. So do you openly say you are for Hillary. I assume that is a yes and am I attacking you because of who you support?
2016-11-07 06:48:18 UTC
Voting for Hillary is openly saying: you are up for giving other countries very classified information, so way to go America!! Our government will collapse in no time at this rate... if she wins of course
2016-11-06 21:41:40 UTC
THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS. Everybody has different beleifs, and you need to respect that. I am NO fan of Trump nor Clinton, but we all believe in different things.
The Duke
2016-11-04 08:02:12 UTC
I think people should be ashamed to support hillary. why do some idiots openly say they are for hillary? voting for hillary means you are stupid and racist.

See that statement works both ways. both candidates are obscenely poor options for president.

2016-11-04 21:40:24 UTC
I think people should be ashamed to support Clinton. Why do some people openly say they are for Clinton when her crimes and lack of ethics are widely documented?
2016-11-04 22:37:10 UTC
I agree with you. But every one has a mind of own. If they feel Trump is proper candidate, they can speak in no other way.
2016-11-05 17:41:41 UTC
2016-11-04 11:48:14 UTC
They probably feel any change is a good change. But they are wrong. Trump is trying to take us back to 1950s for conservative white people who miss the days of legal lynching of people unlike themselves.
2016-11-05 07:22:32 UTC
Actually, some of the world's smartest people support Trump. Rush Limbaugh is an American hero, and he supports Trump.
2016-11-05 15:27:09 UTC
Where'd you hear that? From one of your friends? On the internet? It don't make you racist to want to lock down the borders. It keeps drugs out of the country and prevents illegal immigrants from coming, while not paying taxes. If they get hurt and need medical attention, that comes out of tax dollars. Why should an immigrant get to work tax free while uncle Sam is taxing the **** out of me? That's bbullshit. But you're too big of a ******* idiot to do your own thinking.
2016-11-05 08:34:37 UTC
Vote for trump is like admitting your dummer than Sarah palin
2016-11-05 11:30:14 UTC
you have your opinion and Trump supporters have theirs, according to Hillary those who support Trump are despicable, obviously you are of the same mind, and who is name calling now

but anyone who believes the lies she has told over the decades and can overlook her lack of power in the Bengazhi fiasco, should also be ashamed
Keep It Real
2016-11-04 15:28:52 UTC
Proudly voted for Trump! A vote for Hillary is a vote for corruption
2016-11-05 22:50:43 UTC
Just to get this straight, I dont like either canidate. However looking at knowledge of politics, its clear to say Clinton knows more. However, she is under investigation as a criminal. I dont think supporters of either canidate or geniuses, but I think im leaning towards Hillary.
2016-11-07 11:04:53 UTC
You should be ashamed for asking such a stupid question. People are entitled to support anyone they want. A compulsive liar with sociopathic tendacies or a rich business man.
2016-11-05 06:41:00 UTC
Worry not - Trump is not going to be President - here's the latest polls from USA Today

Good Luck
2016-11-03 18:23:32 UTC
Mike Judge was quite prophetic.

Americans no longer really care what the truth is. It's all cynically considered b.s. anyway.

And they scoff at the idea intelligence may be useful in giving us some basic standard of truth we could all agree on.

Fact is intelligence is not prized. B.s. can topple it. All you have to do is throw enough of it. (Case in point: Alex Jones).
2016-11-05 15:43:19 UTC
It's funny because I've heard the exact same thing said about Hillary Clinton, it's almost as if both sides are ultra butthurt fanboys.
2016-11-06 14:41:22 UTC
Posting this question goes to show you're not the sharpest tool in the shed either. From some of the things Hillary has said she's pretty damn racist. I betcha she practices a pat them on the head type racism.
2016-11-06 12:47:23 UTC
Because the uneducated white males shame diversity, just as Trump does.
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-11-04 22:09:40 UTC
I'm proud to vote Trump...I don't want any more of this backwards **** the democrats keep trying to shove down our throats
2016-11-05 14:50:08 UTC
No it doesn't I vote for trump because he better then Hillary
2016-11-05 04:46:43 UTC
We have to elect Donald Trump!
2016-11-05 01:34:30 UTC
You really dont have a choice this time around.. Hillary or Trump, will lead to destruction....
2016-11-04 16:58:00 UTC
Basically these are people who have no moral standard, no ethical standard, and no scruples.

And they have picked someone who is as low-life as they are.

these types of people think that EVERYONE is as dishonest and untrustworthy AS THEY ARE.

They don't believe that ethical & moral values even exist in ANYONE.

The problem with THAT belief is that if everyone were as much of a low life as THEY are

then our jails would be MUCH MUCH more crowded. But it's not.
2016-11-06 21:14:37 UTC
I support trump and am not ashamed.
2016-11-04 18:04:51 UTC
people who support trump do not realize that he is a bad person but they will blindly support him because he's a republican. every republican I know is blindly racist or homophobic. the problem is, they were born into such conservative families that they don't know racism and bigotry is wrong. being a republican is a sad life to live
2016-11-06 07:24:21 UTC
Trump is a savage
2016-11-03 18:20:51 UTC
I'm ready to vote for trump and force Mexicans to pay for the wall we will fortify and send hillery to prison for 600 years and watch her get gangråped by horatio, jose, and his gang in prison
2016-11-04 21:23:57 UTC
Because some people actually have the brains to put our nation's future and national security in the hands of somebody that isn't a soon to be indicted criminal and who also doesn't put our nation for sale to the highest bidder.
2016-11-05 11:31:26 UTC
Not voting for Trump means you vote due to media or other nonsense!
2016-11-05 06:26:50 UTC
Really? Voting for Trump means you're stupid?

Voting for a woman who has been breaking the law since the 70's means you're stupid.

Voting for a woman who willingly sacrificed people who serve this country means you're stupid

Voting for a woman who defended a child rapist - and then made fun of his victim - means you're REALLY F U C K I N G STUPID
2016-11-05 17:56:07 UTC
I openly and passionately support Donald Trump. Why? Oh, let me tell you.

You say we're just racist idiots? HA! Tell me now, does the term "super predator" ring a bell? The term YOUR candidate, HILLARY CLINTON used to categorize all young blacks, calling them a threat to society? And I imagine you want to throw in sexism too, because that's an issue, I say sarcastically! Hmm, A) WOMEN HAVE HAD EQUALITY, AS WELL AS BLACKS (MEANING EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN AMERICA) SINCE 1982!!! Aka, when REAGAN, TRUMP'S ROLE MODEL, WAS PRESIDENT. B) The stuff he said on the bus with Billy Bush is called "LOCKER ROOM TALK". See, guys just naturally brag about that. It's natural! Also, I'd like you to show me one example of his "racism".

Now, let's look at your claimed "idiocy" of him. See, Donald is a master of psychology. I'll include a link in the sources. He knows how to influence people. He hits policies hard where people feel passionate about. See, he targets minority groups and passionate members of his party, seen as an extremist Republican. So he targets illegal immigrants and radical Islams. And about his policies, he enforces the LAW on all of his policies, (except for abortion, but even that's debatable, depending on when you think life begins,) wants to depower large businesses to enforce smaller businesses to grow and create more competition, (CAPITALISM, by the way, which is a conservative view, small businesses, which is what the liberals want you to forget,) and will actually WORK. See, Mexico will pay for the wall because the new President wants strong borders and his citizens back, closed borders and tariffs will promote businesses to come back and stop the drug flow, and allying Russia and negotiating with North Korea takes care of two extremely large threats. He will destroy ISIS, which will practically end 90% of radical Islamic actions. He will depower China and reduce our trade deficit and debt significantly. Oh, but what about all that stuff about him being a racist braggadocios bigoted moron I hear all over the media? Well, exactly. You hear all that from the Democratically-biased, rigged, dishonest media. You can't argue it.

Hmm... Now what's that I hear you say? Hillary's still better? Oh my God don't make me laugh. Has she not proven herself time and time again? As I said before, she's racist. But she's also sexist against men, anti-Catholic, (more on that later,) unwell, untruthful and traitorous. She's proven incapable to be a leader. Look at when she was Senator in New York. Yeah, she was there in 9/11, but what did she do about it? Make a few speeches. That's it. She also lost thousands of jobs and indebted New York significantly. She also DID vote for the illegal invasion if Iraq. How about Secretary of State? Hmm... Thirty three THOUSAND emails Hillary HIDES from us, and from the about 4,000 we learned her plans for wishing to INFILTRATE the CATHOLIC CHURCH to make Catholics more liberal, her RIGGING the DNC against Bernie Sanders, and oh, THE EMAILS THEMSELVES. Also, check out everything she did in the Middle East? I'll add Chris Christie's speech at the RNC saying everything she did. Also, check out all of the debates. You could see she literally scripted each and every answer. Looking at the second debate she just copied everything Bill did in HIS town hall debate against George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot!

If I haven't proven my point, you're blind.
2016-11-05 19:44:50 UTC
Every civilization has its end, election of Trump is the beginning of the end of US civilization, either Clinton's election is bad but it is the only other choice
2016-11-05 12:44:29 UTC
Trump is the lesser evil, by far.

Trump is like influenza. Clinton is like HIV. You can survive the flu, but not if you have full blown AIDS.
2016-11-06 12:07:21 UTC
I think that users like you that call others idiots just because they don't agree with their opinion, and then have their profiles set to private ( like you do) are as idiotic as anyone you will ever see or meet
2016-11-05 12:08:42 UTC
well both are bad but most people I hear that support trump are the rich( my personal opinion) and are more on the republican side and I also s when he talked bad about diabled ON LIVE T.V and some people still support him ALSO he bad mouth WOMEN ON LIVE T.V but hey that's America for you
2016-11-04 23:18:41 UTC
If you knowingly vote for a Hillary crook

If you let OJ slide

You don't care
2016-11-05 20:01:40 UTC
Ashamed no a little worried yeah liberal pyschos who can't stand somewhat not agreeing with them and then doing physical emotional or commercial damage. Its widespread.
2016-11-06 12:11:11 UTC
I don't really understand either. Some people seem to support his ideas, and others dislike Hillary
2016-11-05 19:42:13 UTC
They don't know how ****** up this country will be if trump is president. I mean it's already ****** up but it's gonna be worst
2016-11-05 01:44:28 UTC
They might not want to support and vote for Hillary Clinton. This might be the reason, that they must be not ashamed.
Joseph hola
2016-11-04 16:15:35 UTC
He says he's going to bring change and people would rather have change than what we've been having for years. Also, Hillary is a criminal.
2016-11-04 22:40:55 UTC
I voted for Hillary. There are some things which you will simply never understand about why some people think the way they do. I gave up trying
2016-11-04 23:08:54 UTC
YOU are correct. HOW can anyone even try to argue with you? tRUMP is an evil, mean-sirited, cheat, swindler, crook and sexual predator. He's also ignorant.
2016-11-06 12:23:20 UTC
If you're supporting Hillary then you must be okay with Tim Kaine being president because she will be indicted
2016-11-06 18:22:02 UTC
Yeah it would be much better to have a president who sell governmental favors at the expense of American taxpayers and benefit recipients like Hillary does. Maybe you should lighten up on the pot.
2016-11-04 21:34:16 UTC
Ashamed to vote for someone who believes in rule of law and who promises to invest in inner-city? As opposed to voting for a woman who committed treason? You should be ashamed to be you.
2016-11-05 07:46:34 UTC
No no no its people who voted for Hillary that's ashamed Hillary has killed so many people even our embasitor and on Wiki Leaks confirmed it
2016-11-07 10:07:39 UTC
Only racist support trump
2016-11-05 09:22:32 UTC


2016-11-05 01:33:27 UTC
In elections for the presidency in this country there are two major candidates. You can vote for one or the other. Only a retarded liberal asshole would think that not voting for the candidate they like is shameful. That is one reason we won't vote for her. The mentality of her supporters reflects hers.
2016-11-03 19:40:21 UTC
Trump is a liar and a coward .
2016-11-05 06:19:55 UTC
I am a black woman married to a white man.Calling me "racist" proves how big of an idiot you are.

2016-11-05 14:08:26 UTC
I.m not going to let Hollywood, the Press and the Democratic Party define him or me for voting for him. You may have fallen for it and maybe his mouth did too, but unlike you I only view Government as a necessary evil.
2016-11-05 10:49:18 UTC
Most Americans are idiots
Trey H.
2016-11-05 21:19:21 UTC
Because they'd rather have a bold and take-charge President than a corrupt and criminal President.
2016-11-06 08:09:35 UTC
Shoudn't gossip
2016-11-05 08:04:01 UTC
It shocks me that people are actually being brain washed by the left.

Problem is that people aren't using logic or their brains...they just go by what the corrupt, lying, and cheating people are saying.

Mind blowing
2016-11-03 18:23:06 UTC
I would almost respect what you have to say on this subject if you were man enough to admit that supporting Hillary is shameful as well.
2016-11-05 12:24:02 UTC
Not voting for Trump means you're stupid and racist..
2016-11-06 22:21:25 UTC
Why do people vote for Clinton when she's a known liar?
2016-11-06 09:31:08 UTC
A vote for Skillery means the end of our Democracy and the continuation toward the establishment of a 3rd World Socialistic that what you want you dumb A** ?
2016-11-06 17:13:50 UTC
Because obviously he is the better choice! Why are you voting for a criminal involved every kind of corruption? Because you don't care about America!
2016-11-05 01:27:19 UTC
How convenient for you to call people demeaning names. Your candidate is up to her eyeballs in criminal activities but apparently this doesn't mean diddley to you guys. More's the pity.
2016-11-08 04:10:53 UTC
Stupid people do stupid things, voting for Donald Trump is a stupid thing. Lol
Ms Blue
2016-11-06 04:16:03 UTC
The truth about both candidates will emerge someday-for now we just have to make the best educated choice that we can-and neither one is shining as an obvious good choice.
2016-11-05 09:48:58 UTC
Because they're idiots.
2016-11-06 07:33:22 UTC
Because they're idiots
2016-11-05 10:14:28 UTC
I'm groping for a good time while I'm at the voting booth. Them I'll look for the kissing booth.
2016-11-05 01:46:36 UTC
HILLARY is a lying, thieving, murderous crook. A Hillary presidency WILL be a Billary presidency (don't kid yourselves liberal dope smoking, tree huggin hippies)!

2016-11-07 16:29:41 UTC

2016-11-06 10:32:32 UTC
I have to guess it is for the same reasons why people once supported the 3rdReich. It seemed like the right thing to do & it took years for people to realize the judgement error.
2016-11-07 23:11:39 UTC
Supporting hillary means that you support rape murder abuse and bascially telling the soldier that protect us **** you and leaving em for dead. Id rather be known for supporting a racist than a person that supports rape So f u c k you and have a nice day
2016-11-06 00:41:26 UTC
I'm black and you are calling me racist. Why would I vote for trump if I were racist?
sarita m
2016-11-04 20:35:32 UTC
Wow! You must enjoy corruption, organized crime, and pathological lying! Even Susan Sarandon said that the Democratic Party no longer exists, and has been replaced by corruption.
2016-11-05 16:58:20 UTC
Trump is better than someone who is a liar and a criminal...
2016-11-03 18:27:40 UTC
And voting for Hillary makes you a liar
2016-11-04 18:40:50 UTC
Why do libtards still support Hillary -- the Queen of LIES, Pay-to-Play, Taking Money from Foreign Governments and DNC Dirty Tricks ? ? ?
2016-11-03 19:14:57 UTC
how do any of you scum have the GALL to admit to be liberals? feminists? "anti racists"?

you are so far gone in your delusion that its everyone else that dares show any dissent to your brainwashing has a problem.

yet for some strange will NEVER YOUR LIFE meet one single liberal coward who doesnt have this magical ability to insist they have nothing to do with "those" kinds of liberals who "go too far". yet those scum are EXACTLY what you are all about...

so how are you sitting there opening your mouth about ANYONE...when its your own fellow liberals that cant even admit to what you all are? they have to PRETEND liberals are something else entirely?
2016-11-03 18:27:36 UTC
Lets see I believe it is a Bigot that calls other people names
2016-11-05 10:05:44 UTC
I find it laughable when people resort to calling others with differing ideological views as idiots. It is the "idiots" who force the "intelligent" people to open their minds through time. "Intelligent" people such as yourself would have us living under royalty or dictators instead of living free from oppression.
2017-03-17 09:15:32 UTC
do you even know the definition of racism? if you're talking about the immigration bann or the wall for border security take a look it's in a book trump isn't the first to bann immigrants and not the first to want a barrier between us and mexico...

prepare yourself though before you look at historical facts 'cause they may make you feel ashamed to support hillary...
2016-11-04 10:02:18 UTC
They should be ashamed. He's an awful human being.
2016-11-05 07:13:59 UTC
Well, put it this way, Trump isnt a,criminal
2016-11-05 11:01:11 UTC
i'm one of the many proud latinos for trump
2016-11-06 06:30:26 UTC
Podesta emails
2016-11-03 18:35:35 UTC
that tired old BS means absolutely nothing any more yet that's all you libtards have left. Clinton is losing Bigly
2016-11-06 11:45:10 UTC
Trump is an arrogant asshole
2016-11-05 07:54:25 UTC
What's the alternative? Horrifying, that's what.

You can either be an "idiot"

or support a life-threatening criminal.

Are you willing to have that on your conscience?
Yujin San
2016-11-06 14:13:19 UTC
Simple. They're like him. They agree with him
2016-11-06 12:27:09 UTC
Right on, brother! Anyone with enough sense in their brains should know not to vote for that bastardization.
2016-11-05 19:33:39 UTC
1. they hate hillary (even though there are third party options)

2. they were dropped on there head as a baby
2016-11-04 06:07:10 UTC
Partisan fanatics are always like that. Wait till the gun nuts start a civil war.
2016-11-04 15:44:30 UTC
Omg he's not racist! YOU'RE the stupid one. Why would people openly say they're for Hillary?? That's the real question.
My Baby!
2016-11-05 09:47:27 UTC
I see you are a newbie. Did you just decide to get up and create an account on Y/A to look stupid or what?
2016-11-03 19:37:18 UTC
Voting for Clinton means you are stupid and racist!

Edit: Believe you are Entitled to others' stuff.
2016-11-05 03:17:41 UTC
because there are some idiots who don respect others choice so we should vote someone who respects people n aint a ******* rude liar
2016-11-05 20:07:19 UTC
Even as an Australian I am at a loss to understand it. God help America.
2016-11-05 16:22:37 UTC
i think it is because of his income status. People have been brainwashed into thinking that he will pay for everything and not ask for the tax payers money. Which is wrong
2016-11-05 12:20:14 UTC
Neither candidate is worth a tin toot.
2016-11-05 13:16:53 UTC
trump is cool
2016-11-06 17:35:32 UTC
They aren't smart. Dumb people are intimidated by intelligence, therefore they're comforted by blind stupidity
2016-11-06 01:11:20 UTC
They should be ashamed, trump is a rasict jackass!
2016-11-05 15:33:10 UTC
You should respect other's opinion.
2016-11-06 14:56:31 UTC
Because we believe he is honest and hard working and has ideas on how to improve our economy and make our country safer .
2016-11-06 08:58:19 UTC
Hillary sucks and is a criminal. One has to really hate the country to vote for her
2016-11-05 06:38:22 UTC
Because we don't support Hillary

If you don't like trump supporters, sucks for you

It sucks for me that I hate Hillary supporters, but I'm not about to sling sh!t around on yahoo answers in the naive hope that I somehow make the problem go away

Hillary is a lying, corrupt, Marxist traitor to America

Treason- in all its forms- should be (and formally was in many places) punished by hanging

I think Hillary (and Obama) deserve the electric chair, but that won't ever happen, so oh well

Trump supporters are cowards and idiots you say?

Where are all the left wing recipients of medals of honor?

Where are all the liberals who get threatened with death by Muslims for simply disagreeing with them that their religion is not violent?

Where are all the democratic socialists who don't have to win elections by lying, cheating, intimidating supporters of the opposite party, and clamping down on free speech to achieve their goals?

And also...

Where are all the right-wing terrorists who are much more dangerous than Islamic terrorists?

Where are all the stupid, dumb Christians who have made no contributions to society since America's founding? (putting aside the fact christian societies have been the most technologically advanced and successful in world history)

Where are the conservatives worshiping ISIS and their "brave fight against American tyranny"- despite them having a very reliable record of committing some of the most savage, brutal, and appalling atrocities seen in modern times?
2016-11-04 04:23:18 UTC
Clinton put the country at risk that means your family and then lied to you about it.and that is who you want for Pres
2016-11-05 18:37:42 UTC
Yeah it's weird he's so racist and sexist and homophobic and islamophobic
2016-11-05 10:31:13 UTC
I don't know, ask them why they made that idiotic choice
2016-11-05 09:43:01 UTC
Calling someone stupid and racist for supporting Trump is simply stupid and racist.
♫ iᘔᘔY ツ
2016-11-05 17:13:28 UTC
I wouldn't vote for either of them if I was an American, lol. Crap choice.
2016-11-04 20:34:11 UTC
Anthony Wiener, get back in the bedroom and take some more pictures.
Polar Bear
2016-11-06 14:12:40 UTC
Hillary ain't no angel either.
2016-11-05 11:19:57 UTC
Voting for Hilary is even worse.
2016-11-05 15:41:42 UTC
The idiots are those that support Hillary.
2016-11-06 14:38:38 UTC
Prolly because we have dead *** fools like you who need attitude adjustments or maybe just ship your assessment out of AMERICA
Will Powers
2016-11-05 11:21:18 UTC
Your question alone means that you're about as sharp as a bowling ball.
2016-11-06 04:19:32 UTC
One should be embarrassed to support either candidates.
2016-11-05 14:23:02 UTC
Well because they're mentally disabled.
spot a
2016-11-06 04:11:58 UTC
Because they are idiots of course
2016-11-04 20:43:33 UTC
Republicans destroyed their own party
2016-11-06 08:28:51 UTC
I know right...NOT I am Donald wall you offensive little Hillary Clinton...
Vincent G
2016-11-03 18:21:13 UTC
I think you provided your own answer: some are simply idiots.
2016-11-08 09:15:38 UTC
They aren't ashamed because they are too damn stupid to be ashamed.
2016-11-06 07:32:00 UTC
Maybe they're not the ones who are idiots?
2016-11-06 15:31:44 UTC
Trump is stupid
2016-11-06 21:05:07 UTC
No, it means that we don't like Hilary and we have no other choice...
2016-11-05 02:17:51 UTC
If you had never asked this question people would not no your ignorant,racist and a fool.
2016-11-03 18:23:31 UTC
Very thoughtful and impressive reasoning.
2016-11-03 18:20:22 UTC
Hehehehe you're funny.
2016-11-04 15:13:34 UTC
Your country is voting criminals known from before.
2016-11-05 16:38:08 UTC
I hate politics and I hate both canidates
2016-11-06 09:17:00 UTC
2016-11-05 16:56:08 UTC
It doesn't matter - There will be no "election". Bill and HilLIARy are going to steal the "election".
2016-11-06 15:24:39 UTC
Like you said. They are idiots, stupid, and racist. That's why.
2016-11-05 20:47:39 UTC
Very true. very true.

good for you you you.

good for you

you know what Trump

is good good.
2016-11-05 14:07:57 UTC
Because he is by far the lesser of two evils by far silly
2016-11-06 09:24:50 UTC
2016-11-04 06:09:25 UTC
And your Voting for the cankles skank makes you a pathological Liar.

and Criminal wanna be.
2016-11-05 15:52:14 UTC
This is opinion and this question is obvious formed by a liberal
2016-11-05 16:34:28 UTC
THE PROBLEM IS THEY DO NOT SEE IT. And they think he'll stand up for their rights and cares WHEN HE LITERALLY SAYS STUFF THAT PROVE OTHERWISE I MEAN????? SERIOUSLY?????
2016-11-05 08:56:54 UTC
He is least of a criminal the Hillary and history tell us this is true
2016-11-06 05:01:03 UTC
You answered your own question. Now do something productive.
2016-11-05 15:04:09 UTC
Voting for Hillary means you are stupid, lazy, racist and anti American!
2016-11-08 01:02:34 UTC
I think you've answered the question better than me.
my view
2016-11-04 07:58:49 UTC
calling people stupid and or racist because of who they may vote for is showing that you are what you say they are
2016-11-07 12:17:15 UTC
If democrats had a brain they would be republicans
2016-11-04 23:21:09 UTC
there more white and it seems that way if cops arresting blacks for nothing and blacks killing blacks just add everyone in Jewish china Russian no passport
2016-11-04 19:25:39 UTC
In their gut's they know he's nut's.
2016-11-06 19:13:27 UTC
2016-11-05 09:49:40 UTC
Because rhey are afraid of "china"
2016-11-06 22:23:13 UTC
2016-11-05 07:34:18 UTC
2016-11-04 22:22:12 UTC
I wish I knew.
2016-11-04 10:51:19 UTC
Because they only look at issues like immigration, abortion, gays, and they believe all the lies and are gullible!!
2016-11-04 18:17:15 UTC
Both of the candidates are mentally retarded. Unfit & too old.
2016-11-05 15:45:53 UTC
Freedom of speech i guess.
2016-11-06 08:03:36 UTC
They either joke or joke.. ? Or he/she just is not sure that it does not make sense to vote ..
2016-11-05 04:17:52 UTC
I think he;s got the most sensible politics, and is way less corrupt......
2016-11-06 19:04:33 UTC
Wow, look at how right you are. Man, you should go to /r/politics.
2016-11-06 04:49:38 UTC
Pay my foundation, for the keys to the nation.
2016-11-05 12:07:41 UTC
Because these people are tremendously stupid and racist and many have severe RETARDATION
2016-11-05 04:36:44 UTC
Of coarse it does, says the black man
2016-11-05 07:04:14 UTC
because they dont support clinton
2016-11-05 02:33:51 UTC
Desperation. Hilda beast fans....

She will lose and she will be in prisoner very soon!
2016-11-05 17:46:28 UTC
SOMEBODY has OD'd on the coolaide.
2016-11-05 09:48:18 UTC
Because they're racist trash.
2016-11-06 04:22:51 UTC
You must be an illegal alien or a moron... One of the two!
2016-11-04 09:40:17 UTC
Because the U.S. Constitution gives us the right.
2016-11-06 08:03:19 UTC
2016-11-05 16:11:37 UTC
it's rigged.
2016-11-05 11:22:51 UTC
The asker of this question is a moron
2016-11-03 18:20:13 UTC
2016-11-06 14:14:12 UTC
2016-11-03 18:22:47 UTC
such insight... thought provoking words of wisdom.... you must be an edumicate one....
2016-11-05 19:23:07 UTC
2016-11-06 02:28:01 UTC
you are a niggger.

niggger like ****, niggger hate people.
Sir are you from Denver
2016-11-05 18:13:58 UTC
Says the Liberal gay asking the question
Liberal Fascist
2016-11-03 18:30:53 UTC
Hillary is dumb
2016-11-03 23:10:09 UTC
I am with your sentiment
2016-11-05 21:33:21 UTC
they simply do not know any better
2016-11-04 19:26:39 UTC
Hillary is a nasty ****.
2016-11-04 03:42:00 UTC
Think what U like... No matter how stupid .
2016-11-06 17:47:12 UTC
because hillary is worse than him...?
Laura Holland
2016-11-06 17:09:41 UTC
because their parents were shitty people and raised shitty people
Alfonso Gonzales
2016-11-04 01:05:20 UTC
because he is not evil
2016-11-07 04:32:38 UTC
Trump is the man!!!!!! Go Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111
2016-11-05 20:32:27 UTC
Lmao i guess im racist. *is mexican*
2016-11-04 09:18:22 UTC
**** you
2016-11-05 05:29:09 UTC
2016-11-06 07:15:07 UTC
Idk why are you openly not supporting Trump?
2016-11-05 01:27:35 UTC
money MONEY
2016-11-04 05:17:45 UTC
Well idk when becoming a paedophile has become so popular
2016-11-06 10:42:02 UTC
2016-11-05 04:53:00 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.