I openly and passionately support Donald Trump. Why? Oh, let me tell you.
You say we're just racist idiots? HA! Tell me now, does the term "super predator" ring a bell? The term YOUR candidate, HILLARY CLINTON used to categorize all young blacks, calling them a threat to society? And I imagine you want to throw in sexism too, because that's an issue, I say sarcastically! Hmm, A) WOMEN HAVE HAD EQUALITY, AS WELL AS BLACKS (MEANING EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN AMERICA) SINCE 1982!!! Aka, when REAGAN, TRUMP'S ROLE MODEL, WAS PRESIDENT. B) The stuff he said on the bus with Billy Bush is called "LOCKER ROOM TALK". See, guys just naturally brag about that. It's natural! Also, I'd like you to show me one example of his "racism".
Now, let's look at your claimed "idiocy" of him. See, Donald is a master of psychology. I'll include a link in the sources. He knows how to influence people. He hits policies hard where people feel passionate about. See, he targets minority groups and passionate members of his party, seen as an extremist Republican. So he targets illegal immigrants and radical Islams. And about his policies, he enforces the LAW on all of his policies, (except for abortion, but even that's debatable, depending on when you think life begins,) wants to depower large businesses to enforce smaller businesses to grow and create more competition, (CAPITALISM, by the way, which is a conservative view, small businesses, which is what the liberals want you to forget,) and will actually WORK. See, Mexico will pay for the wall because the new President wants strong borders and his citizens back, closed borders and tariffs will promote businesses to come back and stop the drug flow, and allying Russia and negotiating with North Korea takes care of two extremely large threats. He will destroy ISIS, which will practically end 90% of radical Islamic actions. He will depower China and reduce our trade deficit and debt significantly. Oh, but what about all that stuff about him being a racist braggadocios bigoted moron I hear all over the media? Well, exactly. You hear all that from the Democratically-biased, rigged, dishonest media. You can't argue it.
Hmm... Now what's that I hear you say? Hillary's still better? Oh my God don't make me laugh. Has she not proven herself time and time again? As I said before, she's racist. But she's also sexist against men, anti-Catholic, (more on that later,) unwell, untruthful and traitorous. She's proven incapable to be a leader. Look at when she was Senator in New York. Yeah, she was there in 9/11, but what did she do about it? Make a few speeches. That's it. She also lost thousands of jobs and indebted New York significantly. She also DID vote for the illegal invasion if Iraq. How about Secretary of State? Hmm... Thirty three THOUSAND emails Hillary HIDES from us, and from the about 4,000 we learned her plans for wishing to INFILTRATE the CATHOLIC CHURCH to make Catholics more liberal, her RIGGING the DNC against Bernie Sanders, and oh, THE EMAILS THEMSELVES. Also, check out everything she did in the Middle East? I'll add Chris Christie's speech at the RNC saying everything she did. Also, check out all of the debates. You could see she literally scripted each and every answer. Looking at the second debate she just copied everything Bill did in HIS town hall debate against George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot!
If I haven't proven my point, you're blind.